Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Suprise! ❯ "I feel like an idiot..." ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


"Edw ard...Hey..."

Edward's eyes opened slowly. It hurt to open them. She sat up and rubbed her face, then stretched, cracking her back. She looked over to find Al next to her. Wait, hadnt Roy been there before?

She looked around. Hell, they werent even on the train anymore. When did they get off? Now they were in a park, her and Al sitting on a bench. Al noticed her confused looks and answered the questions lingering in the back of her mind.

"We got off the train about 30 minutes ago..."He started."You were so out of it we couldnt wake you up. Roy and Winry are off somewhere grabbing drinks."

Edward stayed silent for a moment, her still half-asleep brain processing the recently given information. She finally nodded then layed her head back in Al's lap. Her stomach was still killing her. She curled up, trying to rid herself of the pain but it only seemed to make it worse. Edward cringed. Why couldnt the pain go away? And what the hell was it anyway?

Al pet her head, causing a low growl to escape from the pain ridden blonde in his lap."Are you okay? You're still hurting, arent you?"

Edward only nodded the best she could. From her current position, it wasnt too easy."I dont even know what it is..."

Al began to worry.What if his sister was injured? Or maybe Envy had hurt her while she was away? Many thoughts and ideas raced through Al's mind until he heard voices from a distance. When he looked up from gazing at his sister, Winry and Roy approached with drinks for all of them.

"Is she awake?" Roy asked, pointing a cup towards the sleeping girl in Alphonse's lap. No response came from Edward, so Alphonse poked her. Nothing.

"I guess she passed out again... She was up a few minutes ago..."Al said taking his cup from Winry. Lemonade. He smiled, he had always loved lemonade, even though Edward had preferred pink lemonade.He would always tease her when she was still male and say it was because it was pink that he liked it so much. After about thirty seconds of that, he would be punched in the arm. Once trapped in the armor, he could tease her at free will without the worry of being beaten.

Roy sat in the bench across from the other and set Edward's cup down on the ground next to it. Winry sat with him, seeing the rest of the bench on the other side was full. It was silent, everyone just enjoying the breeze on their warm faces and ice cold lemonade in hand. Bees buzzed around Alphonse and the others, trying to catch a taste of their drinks. The only bad thing about being outside. Bees. Al was terrified of bees. Once one landed on his nose thats when he really lost it. He jumped, a slight scream escaping him. Edward rolled off his lap and onto the ground with a loud thud. The lemonade Al had once been drinking was now dumped on her head.

Winry gasped and covered her mouth. Roy set his drink down quickly before standing to check on Edward. He knealed next to her."Are you okay?"

Edward held her head, nodding slowly. Not really...Great. Not only did her stomach hurt, but now she had a pounding headache that rang in her ears.

Roy helped her up then sat her on the bench."Maybe we should get back to the house..?"

Again Edward nodded.Anything to lie down, I just want to lie down...

Roy noticed the pain laced across her features. Obviously she was still hurting, and now the fall had made it worse.

"I'm so sorry!!" Al said, holding his sisters shoulders. Edward looked at him and gave him the best smile she could manage.

"It's alright." I need a smoke..."You didnt mean to.."Let's just get home...

So far nothing had been going right for Edward. Ever since she got back everything had been a living hell. First the incident with Winry, then the sudden pains...She just wanted it all to end. She just wanted everything to go back to the way it was. She thought back on her stay with Envy and Dante. It was an even more painful hell there. She wished that Envy hadnt hurt her the way he had, and most of all she wished that she could stop lying to herself about it. Edward knew that if Roy ever found out, he would be devistated, and would likely have the urge to cut Envy's balls off.

Finally they were home. Edward left to take a shower while the other's were left to entertain themselves. They sat silently, trying to think.


Edward turned the faucet and let the water run while she undressed herself. She felt relieved to have her pants off and her shirt as well, the pants were making the pain all the worse. She stared in the mirror for a few moments, observing what she saw. She hadnt really gotten the chance to just look at herself in the mirror and see the changes she had gone through. Her face was thin, as was her neck. Her hair seemed longer, but maybe that was due to the fact that she basically refused to cut it.Her eyelashed were long, her eyes big. Finally she noticed the mirror fogging up and stepped in the shower, letting the warm water run over her.

It felt good to a point, but it didnt serve to help the pain. She leaned against the wall and held her stomach. She was determined to figure out what the pain was. Maybe she would have Al take her a doctor the next morning, or even today. She sighed and looked down, only to have her eyes widen in shock.


She began to shake. Where the hell had that come from? Edward's eyes folowed the line of blood up her left leg, leading to between her thighs. Why was she bleeding?

She quickly washed her hair and body and stepped out. She wrapped the towel around her torso, opened the door then called for Winry. Winry was the one who knew more about medical problems than anyone. Was this a medical problem? Maybe it had something to do with her being a girl now. She hoped thats what it meant.

"What do you need?" Winry asked approaching the door. Edward puuled her into the bathroom and closed the door. Blushing furiously, she explained her problem.

Winry blushed as well as soon as Edward was done."Edward, it's okay...it's normal.."

Edward sighed in relief."I feel like an idiot..."

Winry laughed, earning a glare from the distressed blonde."Dont worry. You werent a girl at first, you wouldnt have known, and second your mother probably hadnt had the time to explain to you about these things..."

With every word Winry spoke, Edward felt even more embarrassed. She felt like an idiot. But at the same time, it was compforting to know that she wasnt injured."So...What do I do about it?"

Winry again began explaining things. How she should care for herself and things like that. Once she was done she finally left Edward to go change and relax."Just take some pain killers and you should be fine"

Edward nodded and Winry left, leaving Edward to dry off and change.

"What was wrong?" Al asked, setting a book down. He always seemed to be reading, but then again, if his sister wasnt busy that would be the first thing she would do."She didnt sound good..."

"It's nothing Alphonse.."Winry smiled sitting down.She didnt want to tell Al then have Edward embarrassed about it."She just wanted to ask me something."

"What was that?"Hell, Alphonse was determined to get some answers out of her.

"It's personal, dont bother with it." Winry said staring towards the hallway.

Al just sighed in irritation and returned to his book. People were so secretive lately, but if it was that personal that his sister didnt want anyone else to know, then no one else would know. Finally Edward came back from her room, hair wet. She dark blue military issued shorts, which she had borrowed from Hawkeye as well(as well as plenty of other things. Hawkeye was the first to know of Edward's change.) along with a light blue spaghetti strap tank top, a thin line of her tan stomach showed.

Roy smiled, appoached her, and held her hips, pulling her close."Are you feeling any better..?"

Edward lloked at him, then diverted her attention nervously."Yeah, I took some pain killers, I'm okay now..."

"I thought you said you took some earlier?"

"I lied."


Roy sighed, then smiled at her sweetly."Going to bed so early? It's 5 o'clock, dont you want to eat?"

Edward shook her head, looking over slightly."I'm fine..."

Roy began to worry about his beloved blonde again. Obviously she wasnt okay, why wasnt she saying anything? Of course, she wouldnt want anyone to worry, she had always been like that. Roy moved his hands up body to her shoulders, grabbing then lightly.

"If something is wrong, you need to tell me..."

Edward shook her head then pulled away. Roy frowned. Was it something he did?"I...I'm okay...really...I'm going to take a nap...maybe I'll eat later.."

With that she walked away, back to her room. Roy stood there, staring in the direction she had disappeared to, then walked slowly back to his seat on the couch and plopped down. He slumped, laying his head back.

"Is she mad at me?" Roy asked."Did I do anything wrong...? Whatever it its, I dont know.."

Al shook his head."You havnt done anything. Broth-...Edward is just having a hard time adjusting to things, and she isnt feeling well."Hell I'm obviously not adjusted yet..."She'll be okay, you both will be okay, dont worry."Al finished off his reassuring lecture with a smile.

Roy looked to him, smiled, then stood up."Maybe I'll nap with her..."

"You should leave her alone for now..."Winry warned."A girl on her period is nothing to mess with."

Roy and Al stood silent.

"She can actually do that?" They asked simutaneously.

Winry nodded and looked away, ashamed that she had told them."Just leave her alone for now. Go get something for dinner!!" She beamed.

"I dont want to eat until Edward wakes up..."Al said, his attention diverting to the hallway.

"But I'm hungryyyyy"Winry whined holding her stomach."Please...?"

Al sighed and looked to Roy, who nodded back in response."Alright, you go tell Edward we'll be back in a while..."

Winry nodded and bounced up stairs. She felt bad about leaving Edward alone, but mostly likely she would want to be a one right now, and she would be sleeping anyway, right?

She knocked on the slightly cracked door, then entered."Edward, we're gonna go out to eat...Are you sure you dont want to come?"

Edward removed the blanket from over her head and nodded. Winry gave her a sympathetic look. She looked so miserable.

"Do you want me to stay...?"

Edward shook her head. Winry only nodded back and closed the door after saying her goodbye. Hopefully Edward would be better soon. Then she smiled slightly. It actually had gone back to normal, even after the incident. In fact, they were a bit closer. Maybe it was because Edward need help learning about how to really be a girl, or maybe it was the fact that Edward was now a girl altogether. Winry bounced back downstairs and left with Roy and Al.