Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Eigth Sin ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
chapter three

Broda got out of the car, followed by Edward, Ellen, Fury and Alphonse. The five of them gathered at the mouth of the town, observing the eerie silence that surrounded them like hungry wolves.
"Let's get this over with fast, boys. I don't like the way this place feels," Broda growled before walking off into the landmark's ruin.
"Looks like Kira had a ton of fun with this place. I can't even tell if this person was a man or a woman. Damn."Edward muttered as he examined a completely mutilated body.
"I don't think it's just that person in particular, Ed." Ellen told him as she put a hand on his shoulder.
Edward made a noise of non-understanding as he stood up next to her. His pupils contracted in shock and horror as he gazed out over the sea of totally unrecognizable bodies and blood-stained soil. The smell of iron irritated his nose, and he had to cover his mouth. He had to look away for a moment.
"I have to catch Kira. I won't let him continue to do this. These people all had family that were probably killed before their eyes, and I will avenge them." Edward vowed seriously as he walked over bloodied cadavers to investigate further.
"Brother, why would someone ever think of doing something like this?" Alphonse asked his robotic sibling.
"Because there's just something wrong with this world that we live in. Always has been, always will be. I think that only people like us could really change it, but we're just two men out of trillions. Who'd listen?" Edward asnered, turning a body over.
Edward gasped and turned to call out to Broda.
"Hey, Broda! This body's got a camera! Do you think he could've gotten some pictures of Kira?" Edward yelled to the heavy-set man.
"Go ahead! We need any kind of possible lead we can get!" Broda called back to his yellow-braided counterpart.
Edward nodded in confirmation as he took the camera from the body's frozen fingers. He turned it over in his hands and opened the compartment with the film in it. He held the roll up to the sky, though there was no sun. It was gray and cloudy, but he had to try to make out some pictures.
He could see some pictures of a woman had been taken. He saw some pictures of flowers, animals, families. But then, he saw one picture that was very blurry, as though the person had been running while he was taking it. There was a blurred shape, mainly with the colours red, blue, white and then something metal looking in it. It seemed the subject of that photo was attacking with a very large weapon.
"Ellen! Com'mere! What does this look like to you?" Edward called to his brunette counterpart.
Ellen ran over and looked at the negative strip.
"For one thing, it looks like the person was or the subject could have been moving really fast while having this taken. And that right there look something like a weapon..." Ellen told him as she traced her finger over the piece of film.
Edward processed that. He put the filmstrip into a bag so that it could be developed back at HQ.
"Edward! Ellen! Fury! We've got a live one!" Broda's voice informed excitedly from far-off.
The three of them ran towards him inside of some kind of abandoned building project. In between the iron stilts sat Broda. He was squatted down in front of someone, and Alphonse was standing to the side of them.
"Out of the way! Let me see!" Edward commanded. He pushed Broda aside so that he could witness the survivor.
Sitting on the ground before him was a young girl, about the age of fifteen. She adorned long, blood red hair that pooled around her. She had pale, ghostly and nearly luminecent skin, and eyes that remained half closed but were the colour of the sky. Her blue eyes eemed distant, but they were alert.
Her white dress was oddly spotless for someone to have survived the massacre. Not even a spatter of mud stained her clothing.
She had one strand of hair that went down the midle of her forehead, somewhat like Edward's antannae, only it did not stick up.
"Hey, you. Are you the only one left?" Edward asked her.
The strange girl only pulled her knees to her chest without an answer.
"She might be going through trauma, Ed. Best we take her back to HQ so we can clean her up a little, eh?" Broda suggested.
"Yeah... Sure." Edward agreed uneasily. It bothered him that this girl had survived without a scratch on her. He was wondering if maybe she had connection with Kira so as not to be hurt.
Back at HQ, Ellen had taken the girl to go and shower. She had told Edward and the others that she would be willing to after touching all of those bodies.
Ellen had returned with the girl in a new white dress that reached to her kneecaps, but nothing else on.
"She never said anything, but she was very easy to handle. She seemed to know how to wash herself, which is a good thing. That means she has all of her memories and didn't suffer from extreme trauma after all." Ellen informed them.
The girl had taken a seat in the conference room that eveyone had met up in. She had been very good and quiet, but she had laid her head down on the desk after a few moments.
"Poor girl. She's probably beat," Alphonse said as he watched her.
"Yeah. Ya can't blame her. After surviving Kira, she must've used all of her energy to..." Edward began, but snapped to attention as the door to the room opened.
Roy stepped in, looking serious. He sat down at the table, at the head of the table, of course, and placed a large manilla folder out before him.
"I recieved the negatives from the investiagtion. As soon as our evidence squad moved to develope them, they seemed to self-destruct almost. However, I was informed that Edward was the one that found them. If I may suggest, Edward, you should have Ellen download the images you viewed that are stored in your FMF." Roy told Edward as though he was more commanding it than suggesting it.
Edward nodded and he walked out with Ellen to get on it.
"As for you, Broda, I am very pleased that you found a survivor. I see also that she is in no critical condition?" Roy asked his underling.
"No, sir. She's just exhausted." Broda responded, looking at the resting girl at the other end of the table.
"Roy, I think you should know that I'm getting some bad feelings from this girl," came Alphonse's echoing vioce.
"What are you talking about, Al?" Roy watched the suit of armor with narrowed eyes. He knew that sometimes Al's seal on the inside of the armor acted up and could sense strange waves of kinetic energy that eminated from certain subjects.
"She may seem tired, but I feel a range of power coming off of her. When Broda and I found her in the ruins, we thought it was strange that though she was a survivor, she didn't have a scratch on her. Brother noticed it, too. I feel that she might be a little more than just human." Al told Roy. His tone seemed grave.
Roy gazed at the sleeping girl. He bit his finger and narrowed his eyes. He would have her tested and have samples of her DNA taken to their labs. He would also have professionals ask her questions and search her for hidden weapons.

Roy stood outside of the door. He peered through the translucent glass, watching the girl as she sat there in the single chair in the room, not answering any questions that were thrown at her.
An hour later, one of the investigators emerged to report to Roy, telling him that the girl had said a few words that could give them a lead.
"All we got out of her were four words," the officer told him, handing him a clipboard.
Roy grazed over it, eyeing the words that were written in red pen.

"Blood, screams, Kira, here."

Roy made a noise of confirmation and walked away to ponder what this could mean. He had Havoc, Fury, and Hawkeye [who was actually there that day] meet him in the conference room.
"She could mean that she heard screams, saw blood, and that she saw Kira there, or here, in Resembool," Fury offered.
"But that makes no sense. If Kira was here, we would have heard something by now," Roy moaned.
"She could have meant that she saw Kira here, in the building." Havoc tried.
"If Kira was in the building, I'd be hearing screams and seeing blood. I don't see those, do I? Idea omitted." Roy told him, sighing.
"I don't think she was communicating anything that any of you could possibly be thinking," Riza told them in a harsh tone. She stood and walked to the door. "I believe she was admitting something." With that, Riza walked out.
Roy looked at Fury and Havoc with a sweatdrop.
"So, this kid in that room was admitting something? What, was she admitting that she was Kira after all?" Roy asked his peers.
"That's exactly it," Riza said, her head popping back into the doorway. She presented to Roy some pictures. "Ellen and Edward developed these from his FMF. You should look at them."
Roy took them, his eyes widening with adrenaline. He could see clearly, thanks to Edward and Ellen's photo fixing skills, who was moving in that one picture that they looked at.
It was a girl with blood red hair and ghostly skin with a white dress. The only thing that was different was that her eyes were red with snake-like slits for pupils. She seemed estranged for something, and she held in her hand some kind of oversized scythe.
"We've got him..." Roy whispered. He suddenly jumped up and released a sound of triumph. "We have Kira!!" he yelled, "Only, all this time, Kira was a woman!"
Havoc looked at Fury, who cocked his head to the side towards Hawkeye, who blinked and backed out of the room without a sound.
There would be a large celebration in the office that night with every single one of the employees having a wonderful time. All would be there except for Ellen. She would be looking into the room where Kira sat quietly, looking forlorn.
Ellen would be remembering something that she wouldn't have thought about for several years, about a long time friend of hers who died at a young age, and when she had heard about the Kira cases while in the future. She would touch the glass and look at Kira, whispering a name that no one could hear.