Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Four United ❯ The End ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Four United
Chapter Five The End
Al went to his brother's room and grabbed some clothes before going to the bathroom
and getting out of the armor he had been trapped in for so long. He was now eighteen and
ha short light brown hair and honey eyes. He was not tan for lack of a body for so long,
but he was as tall as his brother, (who had grown to his full height of six feet since the
transformation). He turned on the shower and cleaned himself. When he got out and
dressed he looked at his reflection in the mirror. How could any woman deny that face?
But what if she does?Then you suck it up and keep trying or move on. There's no way
that I can just give up on my love for her. Then keep trying. She hasn't said no yet so
stop worrying. My hand hurts. I should think so! Did you see the force of that
lightning?! It's a wonder you're still alive! There's a mark where it entered. Stop
dawdling! The more time you waste, the more time she has to come back to herself and
be afraid of you! So AL ran back to the study. The cloud was still in one far corner and
Roy sat in chains of ice in another corner while Ed and Gabby cuddled on a couch. *Al
clears his throat and Gabby looks up*whistle* “Go get her.” Al nods and walks over to
the cloud. “It's me, AL.” A path appears and Al follows it to Succori who opened her
eyes as he sat down. “Are you okay?” “I'm fine; how is your body? Other than extra sex I
mean.” “It's fine. Thank you for all of your help.” “What? No hug, kiss? Anything? I
thought you said you liked me?” “Of course I like you; I love you! I just didn't want to
make you uncomfortable.” “I'm okay AL.” “Do you remember?” “Yes.” “Then how are
you okay?!” “Calm down. I'm fine because I chose to accept what happened and move
on. I am at peace with my past and therefore am prepared for the future.” “And what do
you see in the future?” “For starters, I see you kissing me and asking, no begging, me to
be your girlfriend.” “Well I wouldn't want to disappoint you.” Al wrapped his arms
around Succori's waist and kissed her passionately. She deepened the kiss and snaked her
arms around is neck and slid her tongue into his mouth. AL responded by moving his
tongue into her mouth and wrapping his arms around her waist. Anyway, after a couple
minutes they came up for air and AL looked into Succori's beautiful blue eyes, “Will you
please be my girlfriend? I am prepared to wait for you or whatever you need. I'm here for
you.” “Yes I'll be your girlfriend, AL. now let's get out of this cloud.” “You are so hot
when you take control.” “Not too bad yourself.” With one last kiss the cloud disappeared
and the couple was standing there kissing; soon Ed and Gabby did the same, leaving Roy
to watch gloomily and coldly from the sidelines. Succori looked around her,
The four united
The four unstopped.
The End