Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Life of Death Freeze ❯ The Last Standing ( Chapter 4 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The Last Standing
Rose heard footsteps "Rose, are you here? Roses? It me Marcho." a man said.
Rose stood "Yes, I am here." she said sadly.
"Whats the matter?" he asked her seeing her tone of voice and dull eyes.
"The military killed my only friends. Well my only Ishbalin friends." she showed him the jade necklace. "I have nothing left to live for, so today, I'm fighting to the death." she said. "But first, I will visit some friends of mine." she said.
"Before you go...Do I get to hear your last name?" Marcho asked.
Rose nodded "You have proven yourself a trustwothy person, but speek the name to no one you hear!" she turned to him "My full name is Afilia Rose Mustang."
Marcho opened his mouth in shock, the name seemed to boom in his ears and in the quiet room.
Rose turned "It was nice meeting you." she said. She walked up the steps and left.
"M-Mustang." Marcho said "I have to warn- I promissed though...Damn...He needs to know somehow!" he said.
Rose walked to the Rockbells, it seemed quiet.
"Hello Rose." Doc.Rockbell said.
"Good afternoon Rose." said Mr.Rockbell.
"Why is it so empty?" Rose asked sitting at her spot by the picture of Wirny.
"The people are getting killed more than injured now so, there isn't much we can do for them." Doc. Rockbell said to Rose sitting down. "I can't wait to see Winry again."
Rose smiled "I want to meet her." Rose said "We could be good friends."
"That you could, Wirny could use a friend as tough as herself." Mr.Rockbell said.
Rose smiled and heard footsteps "Whatw as that."
"Its the military!" Doc.Rockbell said grabbing Rose. "Hide in here!" she said shoving Rose in to a cabbinet. Rose could just barely make out the figure of the men.
The Rockbells just stood there, the man they called Iron blood raised a hand...And killed the two Rockbells.
Rose kept herself from jumping out and attacking themselves. Thats when Rose notice it was Roy who had killed them. She growled 'You will die in my hands Flame Alchemist." she said so only she could hear, then she heard Marcho say, "The were just doctors! Helping out!" she could hear them argue and leave. But Roy stayed. She had never seen him so devistated in her life. He was getting wasted again, thats when he pulled a gun to himself.
Rose's eyes grew wide, the she heard Marcho. "Don't you do that to yourself! I could run away and this could all end! If you promiss me two things." he said.
Roy just nodded at him.
Marcho began "Keep my secret safe forever. Also promiss me you will never try and kill Death Freeze, it will haunt your every step if you do. Her death is something you will regret. She is closer to you than any of us here. You must promiss me that, I have gotten to know her for the past months, I know who she is and why she is here. So just listen to what I say. Followed what I say. Good bye Roy." He said turning with the case of stones and leaving.
Rose was confused, lost and mindless. She steped out of the closet.
Roy turned his gun to her "Death Freeze." he said and lowered his gun,"Who are you really?" he asked
"I'm not telling you!" Rose said, in a for sure voice the a pair of arms grabbed her from behind as she saw Roy soloot.
"Well, well! If it isn't the little worrior. Now we have you to take to Iron Blood." Armstong said. He smiled, "Nice job Roy you got her good." he smiled and walked awya with Roy behind him.
"I'm sorry Marcho." Roy mummbled.
Rose looked back at Roy "Now don't beat yourself up." she said "Yeah, I heard everything, its true he has been holding out on you, but. There are somethings about me that no one was suppose to know. That I told to Marcho. Its not your falt, its mine." she turned away from him.
Roy finaly for once notice how young she was. She couldn't be too old. He couldn't imagine that this little girl did so much damage!
They took her to Iron Blood, "Well done!" He said 'Well done we finaly got her, and what a shrimp she is!" he laughed
"Watch what you say chunky." Rose growled.
"Fine we'll kill her right here, brutally. Gage? Would you take the first hit?"
A man steped up and punched Rose making her crash into Roy.
But Roy did nothing, just looked at her. Roy winked at her to. He pretended to give a fake punch letting Rose run as she made it passed the guards she waved "So long suckers! And Roy!" she yelled
Iron growled "AFTER HER!" he got up himself.
Rose ran back home to grab her book. Also and over coat. She ran as far away as she could. She had fanished. But this is the last entry she made.
Dear Diary,
Today was my last stand. I saw the Iron Blood and got to live. Rockbells are gone now, I must find that little girl and apologize. I will be gone for a while, not making any entrys anymore. Why didn't Roy hit me when he had the chance. Who was he really, and what did Marhco mean? What is this and why? I will find out, for that was my Last Stand.
Love Forever,
Afilia Rose Mustang