Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The LightMetal Alchemist ❯ The Rude Awakening ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The LightMetal Alchemist
Chapter 1: The Rude Awakening
Wagh?!”Hikari screechs to a rude awakening of 2 people coming through the front door and throwing open the curtains. Ed and Al come down stairs at the sound of Hikari's voice.
“Good Morning Hikari Hinashi, FullMetal,Al.”The voice says.
“Who are you?”Hikari asks.
“Good morning Mustang”Ed says.
Hikari stares at Ed.
“Ed…Who is this guy?”She whispers in Ed's ears.
“This is my commanding officer Lt. Colonel Mustang.”Ed whispers back.
“Ooh.”She says.
“Wow these guys are interesting um… I wonder who the girl is.”Hikari thinks.
Hikari walks into her kitchen and starts the coffee.
“Would anybody like any coffee?”Hikari asks.
“Yes please.”Risa says.
“Me too “Mustang says Hawkeye elbows mustand in the ribs,”Please” Mustang adds.
Hikari smiles, “You want anything Ed?”
“Food.”Ed says flatly
“I should have guessesd,”You think.
Hikari throws some bread in the toaster for Ed and wait for the coffee to be ready.when the coffee is ready, I poor it into to the mugs and grabs Ed's toast and heads into the living room where she folds up the blanket and makesroom for Mustang and Hawkeye to sit down then takes a seat on the floor between the 2 chairs that Ed and Al are sitting in. Al offers you his chair, but you say that you are more comfortalbe sitting on the floor.
“So may I ask what buisness you have here?”Hikari asks.
“Well, we needed you to come to Central to take the Alchemy exam because you have more power than your parents put together and since your parents aren't with us anymore we think that we need your help in the military. You will be the youngest State Alchemist besides Mr. Elric here who got his when he was ((I think))12.”Mustang explains.
“Oh well I was gnna try out anyways you say.”Hikari says,”the only disappointing thing is that I won't have any family to be proud of me if I do become one.”
“That is where you are wrong,”Mustang says,”I am you cousin.”
“Say what?!?!?!?!”Ed, Al, and Hikari shout.
“Yes you 3 that's right Hikari here is my cousin. We've never met before but I was told about you a long time ago.”Mustang says
“Wow…”Hikari say,”I would have never guessed.”
“Me neither”Ed says.
“Well Hawkeeye and I must go or we shall miss our train. Your train leaves in 2 hours. The 3 of you will be staying at Major Hughes. He will meet you at the train station, and then you will unpack and come to Central. You will have access to military books because of your friend Ed here, pluss you'll have Hughes's books. Good day and I will see you 3 later.”Mustang says. And with that he and Hawkeye leave.
~*~ 2 hours Later~*~
Hikari walks down stairs with her duffle bag. Ed and Al are waiting for her. The 3 of them leave for the train station.
“Come on Ed we gotta run or we'll miss the train,”Hikari yells.
The 3 of them are running after the train. Hikari reaches for the rail, and pulls herself aboard, then helps Ed and Al on. The 2 of them walk into the cabin and take a seat.