Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Newbies ❯ First Newbie: Unpatriotism ( Chapter 1 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
She woke up on what she thought was her own driveway.
She was lying on cement and she could feel the smooth, powdery trails of chalk that she thought were left by her huge drawing of a Yorkshire Terrier.
Opening her eyes, she realized that she was someplace different entirely.
She was bound spread-eagled to the floor of some basement. Her clothes were gone.
It was a terrifying thought to wonder what was written in the chalk underneath her.
Slowly, she turned her head and gasped.
Her arm and hand weren't the same. She wondered what had happened until she realized: She was seeing this with her other eyes.
For a minute or so after she woke up, or when something was stressing her out, she saw things anime-style.
But there was more to take her breath away...
Underneath her was no drawing.
It was a huge transmutation circle.
The bonds, even though they were chains, broke easily.
She sat as close to the circle as she dared, tugging and picking for over an hour, but the bands on her wrists, ankles, and neck were stronger than the chains.
Exhausted and frightened, she saw a bed in the corner and crawled underneath it.
There were spider webs and dust jackrabbits, but it was a solid, somewhat sturdy shelter.
She realized fully that she was in the Fullmetal Alchemist realm just before she couldn't hold it back any longer and fell asleep.