Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Newbies ❯ Chapter 3
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Slowly, unpatriotism got up and surveyed the room.
She was pretty sure nobody would come in there, so she didn't worry about walking around trying to find her clothes. The only thing she could find was a dress. A sleeveless, black cotton dress that only came down to just above her knees.
She put it on anyway, piqued that there was nothing underneath, but maybe nobody would notice.
She slipped out of the room and down a long hallway.
Up some stairs.
And out of the library basement into the warehouse district.
She shivered; this was where the series had ended...and she had a feeling that one particular building was where she needed to go, no matter how much she didn't want to.
As she slipped carefully into the last warehouse, she could still smell something acrid, chemical. Something that reminded her of all the gadgets on the barren side.
She knew it was ethanol, but she forced the thought to float around;
maybe, if it wasn't a conscious thought, if the constantly talking voice in her head didn't actually say “The smell is ethanol,” it wouldn't creep her out so much.
Somebody—something, had died here.
Not something.
Somebody, in some strange, intricate, twisted way, very deeply loved.
By only one person.
But numbers didn't matter.
And that someone
was here.