Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The Truth Behind Melancholy ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Authors Blog: Ok Next Chapter…I got 2 reviews…Happyness… I am going to be posting some Fan-Art soon too that goes with the story… so look foreward to some links soon…
“MUSTANG THAT'S NOT FUNNY! YOU ALMOST GOT ME!” Amelia shouted out as the smoke cleared. She had jumped out of the way of the Flame Alchemists flames.
“Then don't say things like that!” Roy glared at her.
Amelia finally started laughing along with everyone else who had gathered around.
“Anyway that's enough laughing and bruises for one day. Excuse me while I go shower.” Amelia left with a twirl of her hips and a swish of her hair. Once she reached the crowd that had gathered they parted like water, and she continued past them. Ed shook his head before running off in the opposite direction seeing Al and Winry walking towards the main building.
Hawkeye was tired. She had spent a whole afternoon of trying to get the Fhurer to do his paperwork, but he was still flustered with the memory of Amelia beating him when they were younger, and about how the whole military now knew about it.
He was almost seething while doing the paperwork, so Hawkeye just sat behind her desk. She tried talking to the Fhurer, even flirting, trying to get him to cheer up a bit, but nothing seemed to work.
He was ticked and that's how he was going to stay.
Mustang was being so irresponsible right now that she almost, almost, needed to get her gun out and point it at his head while he was signing his name.