Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ The WhiteFire Alchemist ❯ Colonel Mustard ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the FMA characters, though I do have quite a few of the books. However, I do own Amber Hart.
Author Note: This is not my first fan-fic, but the others I have written I have temporarily abandoned, until I can fix them, because I don't find the plot going anywhere. If you have read any of thee, feel free to also give me criticism, and/or helpful tips for them.
Also, many of these characters are not part of the Fullmetal Series, and they belong to my friends. Soon I will have a character summary for each of them, when I find the time. Also, if you are a Fullmetal fan-fic like me, please have a look at my website: www.Mattetringham.proboards85.com.
Thank you! If I keep writing, this author note will be longer than the fan-fic itself! All right, here I go.
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Chapter 1 Colonel Mustard
“C'mon, c'mon! All most there!”
A girl pushed her way through a growing crowd, towards the train that would take her to central.
“Oh please!” The girl groaned, as a rather…um… `large' lady tried to fit her way through the train doors, only to get herself stuck. She looked around wildly, her `large' bottom wedged in the doors, preventing her from getting on the train.
The girl rolled her eyes, shifting from foot to foot, impatiently. To a passing person, it might look like the girl was either very nervous, late for a very important meeting, or just really had to pee. In a sense, she was, sort of, late for a meeting.
Finally, some government official managed to get her unstuck, though not onto the train. She came out of the doors with a pop, landing, sprawled, on the platform. The crowd surged forward, the girl following eagerly with them, onto the train.
The girl sighed, and sat down in an empty seat. She was actually very attractive, with stomach-length, wavy, silky golden hair. She had light freckles scattered across her face, and amber eyes that shone like the stone itself.
She was of average height, attractively tall and slim. She wore a light pink cami, with a short, jean mini-skirt. She wore a small, slim choker, with a silver band, around her neck, with a tiny, jeweled heart hanging from it.
She tapped her foot impatiently, tossing her head, annoyed. She glanced around at her fellow passengers, and noticed a boy, about her height, with blonde hair, and overalls.
She looked over at him, and he blushed, turning away. She raised her eyebrows and decided to ignore him.
Boy is she hot! Russel thought. Hehehe, wonder if she's single….
When the train stopped she stood up, looking over at the boy, catching him staring at her like a lost puppy. She smiled at him and stepped lightly off the train.
Russel just stared at her receding back, his love-struck eyes seeing angel wings, halos, and other angels singing hallelujah….
“Ha! You're joking right?”
Ed tossed his head, laughing. “There's no way Mustang'll pull this one off!”
Roy Mustang just happened to be passing by within earshot as Ed said this. He crept up silently behind Ed. Roy leaned down to Ed's ear.
“What was that?” He breathed into Ed's ear. Ed jumped, whipping around, and rubbing his ear.
Al put his hand over Ed's mouth. “My brother was just telling me how…umm…how…how great you are with…umm…. getting paperwork done!”
Ed snorted violently, the noise muffled by Al's metal hand. Al sighed with relief, all though the Colonel glared at Ed suspiciously. “You boys better watch it!” He said, turning to walk down the hall. “Yes sir!” The Elric brothers said in unison.
“…Colonel Mustard…. nah, Colonel Bastard…” Ed muttered slyly. Roy spun around. “What was that Fullmetal?”
“Oh, nothing Colonel! …Bastard.”
“All right, that's it, your dead Fullmetal!” Roy pulled on his gloves and Ed tore down the hallway, accidentally running into Riza.
“Uh…. sorry!” Ed apologized hurriedly. “Did umm…I ever tell you how pretty your eyes are?” Ed asked, hiding behind her.
“Fullmetal…?” Riza began but Roy came tearing down the hall, trying to skid to a stop before crashing into Riza. “Coward!” He yelled at Ed, still hiding behind Riza.
“Colonel!” Riza exclaimed. Ed grinned over Hawkeye's shoulder. “Yes Colonel Bastard? Oops…I mean Mustard. Oops, silly me! I mean Mustang of course.”
Ed smiled a na-na-na-na-boo-boo-you-can't-catch-me smile at Roy. Hawkeye frowned at Mustang. “Sir! You should know better! Pick on someone your own size!” She said.
“Yeah!” Said Ed. “Wait a sec…” He said angrily.
Hawkeye cut him off. “Scheska just set a pile of paperwork on your desk, and guess what I found when I opened your closet?”
Riza said in a dangerously calm voice.
“Umm…well…” Mustang stuttered sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “Umm…”
“A pile of paperwork HIGHER THEN MY HEAD!” Riza yelled. “STUFFED INTO THE CLOSET!”
“Awwww…someone's in trouble!” Ed said in a singsong tattle voice.
Riza turned to glare at Ed. “Hehehe, I'll be going now!” He said. “You look very nice today Riza!” Ed said in a smugly `polite' voice.
“Thank you Fullmetal,” Riza replied still glaring at Mustang. Ed smiled, sticking his tongue out at Mustang behind her back.
Mustang shook his head warningly, glaring at Ed. If looks could kill…Ed would be dead. But they can't. So…back to the story! Ed left smiling, walking smugly down the hall, leaving a yelling Riza and a thoroughly degraded Mustang.