Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ union of two elements ❯ Return ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This is chapter one of union of two elements. I hope you like it enough to comment.
Roy sat in the tavern. His hand wrapped around a glass of warm, brown liquor. His mind wrapped around a certain blonde alchemist.
It had been five years since Ed had disappeared. Ever since then, Roy felt miserable. He figured it was the sympathy for the younger brother that made him feel so awful, but he had come to terms a long time ago that without the fiery blonde's constant rants about his height and the loud arguments between them, Roy felt, depressed. Even the ever coming promotions or countless dates with beautiful women, could never replace the feelings he had come to despise.
When Ed was around, he had always felt giddy. He just figured it was the joy of pressing the blonde's buttons and watching him over react. But after a while he realized he was always happy when he was with him, not just when he pissed the little guy off.
A figured entered the tavern and walked over to the empty barstool near the counter. The hood he wore covered his face. Roy barely gave him a second glance when the man sat next to him. His torn long, brown jacket that reached down to his feet, there was really nothing to look at, and that jacket seemed to conceal whoever was beneath it.
`Probably some poor traveler' Roy thought dismissively.
He finished off his whiskey and got up to leave, when suddenly a voice came from behind him.
“Hello colonel bastard. Long time, no see.”
Roy looked at the man sitting on the barstool behind him, his face no longer hidden in the concealing shadows of the coat. His hair was a honey kissed blond that shone dully underneath the dim lights of the bar. His eyes were the same color as the drink he held, only filled with more sorrow than that of any other person in the pub.
“ How did you know I was here?” Roy asked
“This is where you and Hughes always came. You're always here.” Ed answered quietly
A small smile crept onto Roy's face. The boy had grown, he would admit that, but his face had not changed within the span of five years.
“ What? No hello. Welcome back Ed.” Edward said in an annoyed but slightly amused tone.
“I see you've gotten taller,” Roy said ignoring the last comment.
A small smile lit up Edward's face. He was proud that he no longer had to deal with the `short' comments.
The two men stood quietly, as though there was nothing more to say.
Roy had invited Ed over, knowing that the boy had nowhere to go, and even if he did, it was to late in the evening to go there. Ed accepted his offer to spend the night at the former colonel's house.
“ If you're no longer a bastard colonel. Then what are you?” Ed asked curiously while they drove.
“I'm a bastard general now” Roy said, a smile on his face.
Ed giggled at the comment, a small almost childish giggle. That made him seem younger than what he was.
Ed watched Roy, there was a relaxed look upon Roy's face while he drove.
When the arrived at the general's house, Ed automatically dropped his tattered old jacket and suitcase. Ed looked around the house, it was pretty neat with the exception of a few books here and there. Ed liked it, it felt nice being somewhere other than a dorm or a roadside inn.
“why don't you go take a bath? I find something for you to eat” Roy said kindly.
Ed was slightly surprised at how kind Roy was being, it was almost as though Roy missed him while he was gone. Ed didn't care at the moment.