Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed ❯ Chapter 2 -- Enter the Thief ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfic With Lemon

by Sailor Mac


The two sets of brothers stood in the street, heads lowered over the map in AlÕs hands.

ÒKestrel is basically bisected by two roads -- *here* and *here* -- that meet at a roundabout in the center of town,Ó Al said.

ÒPerfect,Ó Ed said. ÒTwo of us patrol half the town, the other two patrol the other half. Al, you and I will take the southern area.Ó

ÒIÕll go to the north alone,Ó Russell said. ÒFletcher, you go back to the inn.Ó

ÒBrother, IÕll be fine,Ó Fletcher said, looking up from the map. ÒWeÕre together, arenÕt we?Ó

ÒHe has a point, Russell,Ó Al said, looking up from the map. ÒHeÕs actually safer if heÕs out where you can see him rather than . . .Ó

A huge explosion nearby cut him short and threw all four boys to the ground. Ed flung his arms up as a cloud of debris blew in their direction. ÒWhat the hell was that?Ó he shouted.

ÒIt sounds like it came from . . . over there.Ó Al pointed across the street.

Ed scrambled to his feet, hearing the others get up after him, and ran in the direction where his brother was pointing, eyes scanning through the haze, seeing nothing at first . . .

And then, he saw the dust and debris congealing around a certain building. It was a general store, a bit on the small side , and its front window seemed strangely undisturbed.

Its side wall was another matter. A fairly good-sized hole was blown in it.

ÒWhat the hell?Ó Ed said as the group rushed toward it.

ÒThereÕs something *stuck* in the wood,Ó Al said.

ÒSome kind of array card?Ó Russell said as they approached and peered in.

Ed reached up, found the card, plucked it out of the wood -- and thought his jaw would drop to his feet.

HeÕd only seen something like this a seeming eon ago, during the stopover he and Al had made on the way back from Liore, after defeating Cornello. Only one alchemist heÕd ever seen used seemingly ordinary playing cards, and that alchemist was as tricky and devious as she was dangerous . . .

ÒPsiren,Ó Russell said.

Ed jerked his head toward his lover so fast he thought it would snap off his neck. ÒYou *know* her?Ó he said.

ÒI chased her out of MugearÕs mansion once,Ó Russell said. ÒShe broke in while I was working late one night. Used the water I was soaking my plants in to flood the place. I managed to tie her up with vines eventually, but she got out of them and got away.Ó

*Well, now I know how she knew someone was working on a PhilosopherÕs Stone in Xenotime,* Ed thought.

Al was looking at the card, frowning . . . straining to recover any memory of their encounter with Psiren, Ed knew. He hoped his brother *wouldnÕt* remember -- heÕd had a huge crush on the thief, even after she proved herself to be a liar again and again.

ÒGuess that answers the question of whoÕs been breaking into the houses here, doesnÕt it?Ó Ed said.

And then, a feminine voice from within the building said, ÒSo, what are nice boys like you doing in a place like this?Ó There was a thump above them, a whooshing sound -- and then someone landed right in back of the group, making them all turn around with yelps.

There stood a familiar figure, at least to Ed and Russell, a tall, blond woman clad in a skintight black jumpsuit, a white mask obscuring her features. ÒMy, I didnÕt think that boys who looked like you would be *that* desperate for female company as to go out prowling at night,Ó she said.

ÒPsiren!Ó Ed pointed at her. ÒI thought they hauled you off to jail years ago!Ó

ÒYou think a puny little police car could hold me?Ó She walked over to Ed, sliding her fingers under his chin and tipping his face upward. ÒHey, youÕve grown since the last time I saw you. Guess youÕre *really* a big man now.Ó

Ed smacked her hand away. ÒWhat the hell are you doing in this town?Ó he said.

ÒWhoÕs this you have with you?Ó she said. ÒI know *this* one.Ó She reached out and grabbed one of RussellÕs suspenders, running her fingers up and down it. ÒThis is the boy who likes to tie ladies up. Really, you should *ask* if she likes something like that first.Ó

ÒGET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM!Ó Ed leaped toward Psiren, but Al held him back.

ÒBrother,Ó he said . . .

ÒLet me at her, Al!Ó Ed struggled, but Al held him fast. ÒSheÕs a liar and a thief! She swindled the people in Aquroya over and over and . . .Ó

ÒWell, *those* days are over,Ó Psiren said, casually, letting go of Russell and strolling back toward the Elrics. ÒMost of the place is flooded out now. ItÕs sad, really. ThereÕs still a few people living in the highlands, but . . . most of itÕs gone.Ó

ÒSo you came other places to steal?Ó Ed said, still struggling against Al.

Fletcher leaned over toward Russell. ÒBrother,Ó he whispered, Òwho *is* this woman? Were you . . . involved?Ó

ÒWHAT?Ó Russell leapt back, a look of horror on his face.

ÒI should be so lucky,Ó Psiren said, leaning over and putting a hand on FletcherÕs back. ÒNo, I just paid your brother a little call in Xenotime one night, so to speak. Shortly before I met your friends there.Ó She pointed toward Ed and Al. ÒYou *are* the little brother who used to wear the armor, arenÕt you?Ó

ÒYou never answered my question,Ó Ed said, breaking away from Al at last. ÒWhat are you doing in this town?Ó

ÒYou guessed correctly that I came here seeking . . . opportunities,Ó Psiren said. ÒAfter all, this place is supposed to be a vacation hideaway for some very rich people. HavenÕt had much luck, though. One place I was checking out actually turned out to be an alchemy lab.Ó

ÒWait a minute.Ó Ed put a hand up to stop her. ÒAlchemy lab?Ó

ÒPlace out by the mountains,Ó she said. ÒLooked pretty extensive, too.Ó

ÒDid you get a good look at what they were making there?Ó Al said, leaning in closer.

The thief shook her head. ÒSoon as I saw what it was, I left. The only thing I noticed that was unusual was that there were plants growing everywhere.Ó

Ed and Russell exchanged looks. They knew all too well that the gang they were seeking made plant-based explosives.

ÒSo . . . it looks like you cut my evening short,Ó she said, waving a hand and turning to go. ÒPity, I was looking forward to finding something nice.Ó She looked back toward the boys. ÒWell, I *did* . . . but I canÕt sell *you*.Ó

ÒWait a minute!Ó Al rushed after her, grabbing onto her arm. ÒThat lab . . . if we asked you, would you take us there?Ó

Psiren narrowed her eyes beneath her mask. ÒWhy do you want to see it? You must have seen plenty of alchemy labs.Ó

ÒWe . . . just need to see *this* one, okay?Ó Al said. ÒPlease, itÕs important . . .Ó

She leaned in toward him, making Al lean back, nervously. ÒAnd how do I know itÕs not some kind of a trap, hmm? YouÕre looking for an excuse to lead the authorities to me?Ó

ÒOh, come on!Ó Ed snapped. ÒIf I was gonna do that, IÕd be more creative than *that*!Ó

ÒItÕs a case weÕre working on,Ó Al said. ÒWeÕve been following dead ends for a long time, and you . . . just gave us a lead. A real one. Please . . .Ó

The thief leaned back, folding her arms across her ample bosom. ÒI donÕt know,Ó she said. ÒLet me give it some thought.Ó

Ed stormed over to her. ÒLook. You help us out, we make it worth your while.Ó

ÒOh?Ó She ran a finger across his collar. ÒAnd how do you plan to do that?Ó

ÒWeÕll clam up if the authorities ask us any questions about you.Ó

She frowned. ÒDoesnÕt seem like much.Ó

ÒWell, itÕs *gonna* be much!Ó Ed retorted. ÒThey may not have any police worth a damn in this town now, but once we put a dent in this case, Kestrel is going to be *swarming* with military people, and you think they arenÕt going to catch wind of all the unsolved burglaries that are going on around here?Ó

The two of them glared at each other for a long moment, like gladiators about to face each other in deadly combat.

Finally, she waved a hand dismissively. ÒFine, fine, IÕll take you there. But . . . no funny stuff. If I find out you tipped *anyone* off, youÕll regret it.Ó

ÒAnd that goes for you, too.Ó Ed began to make a pile of sticks and rocks by where Psiren had blasted the hole in the wall. ÒBut first, IÕm gonna repair this damage you did.Ó

ÒA shame. I was very proud of my handiwork,Ó Psiren said, pretending to study her nails -- despite the fact that she was wearing gloves.

As Ed clapped and transmuted the material into a patch for the wall, Fletcher leaned over and whispered to Russell, Ò*Who* did you say she was, again?Ó

ÒJust a thief who broke into MugearÕs mansion,Ó Russell whispered back.

And then, he remembered something Ed had told him awhile ago -- that heÕd been acting on a tip from Psiren when heÕd come to Xenotime that first time.

*If it wasnÕt for her,* he thought, *he and I probably wouldnÕt be together.*

* * *

After what felt like a seeming eternity of walking (well, the boys walked, at least -- Psiren spent a lot of the trip leaping from rooftop to rooftop, making the brothers lose sight of her several times), they arrived at a square, gray stone building set in a clearing off the main road. It looked, Russell thought, rather like an inverted packing crate covered with paint.

ÒThis is it,Ó the thief said, pointing to the doorway.

ÒLooks deserted enough,Ó Ed said, walking toward the door and clapping his hands. He touched them to the knob, there was a flash of purplish blue and the door sprang open.

Al walked up beside his brother and peeked in. ÒSee anything?Ó he said.

ÒItÕs dark as hell in there,Ó Ed replied, looking around. ÒThose windows donÕt do very much good.Ó

Fletcher quickly gathered up a bundle of twigs, tied them together with a piece of string he also found on the ground, pulled the chalk out of his pocket and sketched a quick array on the biggest one. He touched them, concentrating, and the tip of the bundle flared green, then burst into flame.

ÒMaybe this will help?Ó he said, holding it out toward Ed.

ÒFletcher, you donÕt want to take it *in* there,Ó Russell said. ÒIf thereÕs explosive chemicals inside . . .Ó

ÒI think I have enough light with him standing right there,Ó Ed said. He walked into the building, peering around . . .

It was completely empty.

Ed moved from one part of the room to the other, squinting in the dim light, brushing gloved hands over the floor. He didnÕt see a single thing. Not one trace of chemicals, not one leaf from the plants.

He whirled around to face Psiren, gold eyes glaring. ÒYou sure this is the right place?Ó he said.

ÒPositive,Ó she said, walking in after him. ÒI was here last night.Ó

ÒYeah, well, they sure cleared the place out fast, didnÕt they?Ó Ed said, leaning over to examine the floor again. Here and there were marks which indicated that *something* had been placed there, but if nobody had told him the building had once housed a lab, he would never have guessed.

Russell walked in holding a few large, broad leaves. He scratched an array on the back of one and laid it on the floor, watching as parts of it glowed with a faint, pink light, then faded.

ÒTheyÕre soaking up traces of whatÕs on the floor,Ó he said. ÒFrom the looks of it, there definitely *were* chemicals in use here.Ó He began to scratch an array on a second leaf.

ÒSee?Ó Psiren leaned against the doorway, arms folded over her considerable bosom. ÒWould I lie to you?Ó

ÒIÕm not gonna answer that!Ó Ed snapped as he stormed over toward Russell, intending to examine the leaves. Maybe if they showed something useful, the night wouldnÕt be a *total* loss . . .

ÒBrother,Ó Al said from across the room, where he was kneeling on the floor, ÒI think IÕve found something.Ó He stood up, with something in his hand.

Ed rushed over and took the object. ÒA matchbook?Ó he said.

ÒUm, I think my light is burning down to the bottom,Ó FletcherÕs voice came from outside.

ÒWeÕre coming,Ó Ed replied, walking toward the door, the matchbook in hand. Once he was out in the moonlight, he examined it closer.

ÒStagÕs Leap Tavern,Ó he read from the cover.

Russell peered over his shoulder. ÒThatÕs the one near our hotel, isnÕt it?Ó

ÒRight across the street,Ó Ed said. ÒAnd we were planning to check it out anyway. We know we were on the right track.Ó

Fletcher snuffed what remained of the torch in a nearby pool of water. ÒAnd when we get back to the hotel, we can analyze those leaves.Ó

ÒItÕll be late by the time we get back,Ó Ed said. ÒWhy donÕt you and Al analyze the leaves in the morning? Russell and I will go to the tavern.Ó

Psiren suddenly stepped in front of him. ÒHey. ArenÕt you going to thank me for helping out?Ó She tossed her hair back with one hand and gave Ed a flirtatious wink.

Ed nearly snarled. ÒIf you think IÕm gonna . . .Ó

ÒBrother, she *did* give us our first real lead,Ó Al said, putting a hand on EdÕs shoulder. ÒI think she genuinely *wanted* to help us.Ó

Ed whirled to face his brother. ÒDonÕt you go falling in love with her again!Ó

Al stepped back, his face turning crimson. ÒWhat . . . what do you mean?Ó

ÒLooks like you boys are busy, so IÕll say good night for now.Ó Psiren blew a kiss to the brothers and before they could blink, she was gone into the night.

The four of them just stood there, staring after her, for a long moment.

Then Al said, quietly, ÒBrother . . . what do you mean about me *being in love with her*?Ó

ÒJust something that happened Back Then,Ó Ed murmured as they began the walk back to town.

ÒAre you sure *you* werenÕt in love with her?Ó Russell said, a bit of an icy tone creeping into his voice.

ÒWhat the hell do you mean by *that*?Ó Ed whirled toward his lover so abruptly that his ponytail almost stood straight out from his head. ÒYou of all people should know that IÕm not into girls!Ó

ÒPeople *do* go both ways, you know,Ó Russell said, folding his arms over his chest.

ÒYeah, well, *I* donÕt!Ó Ed said. ÒAnd even if I *did* have a thing for her, it wouldnÕt matter now, would it?Ó

ÒSo maybe you did,Ó Russell said, striding ahead of Ed.

ÒYou have *better* be kidding me,Ó Ed said, rushing after him, Òor so help me, I will make you sleep on the couch and transmute a *brick wall* over the bedroom door . . .Ó

Meanwhile, Fletcher leaned over and whispered to Al, ÒJust another night, right?Ó

Al sighed. ÒWeÕre used to this by now, arenÕt we?Ó

ÒItÕs all right,Ó Fletcher said. ÒThey *do* sound like an old married couple, donÕt they?Ó

ÒIf they sound like this now,Ó Al whispered, Òwhat are they going to sound like when theyÕre *really* old?Ó

Fletcher gave him a gentle smile. ÒWell, then theyÕll just be quietly in love, wonÕt they?Ó

Across the way, Ed was nearly yelling, ÒOh, yeah? Well, if you break down my brick wall, IÕll just transmute the brick shards into little knives and cut up your super-plant *so fast* . . .Ó

* * *

When they got back to the rooms, the two sets of brothers just said goodbye quietly at the door. Ed and Russell entered their room, and Ed yanked off jacket and shirt, throwing both over the chair. Russell headed straight for the bathroom.

Ed stripped down to his underwear and sat on the edge of the bed, looking out the window as he pulled out his ponytail holder. At least theyÕd landed in a pretty nice place. The mountains rose up against the sky, their silhouettes faintly glowing in the light of the moon and stars.

He and Al had seen so many places in the last decade or so that they all seemed to melt into each other.

Russell came out of the bathroom, and Ed silently followed him in. When he came out, his lover was already under the covers, lying on his side with one hand tucked under the pillow -- his customary sleeping position.

Ed turned out the light and crawled in beside him. Russell said, in a sleepy voice, ÒDo you think we need to set the alarm?Ó

ÒNah, AlÕs usually up with the crack of dawn. HeÕll wake us up.Ó Ed rolled on his back and folded his hands beneath his head.

ÒOkay,Ó Russell yawned. He leaned over to give Ed a goodnight kiss, and for a long moment, all was quiet.

Then, Russell said, ÒEd?Ó


ÒDid you mean what you said earlier? About never being attracted to girls?Ó

ÒDonÕt have any reason to lie, do I?Ó Ed rolled over toward Russell. ÒNever thought much about girls. Or guys. I didnÕt have time to. I had more to think about.Ó

ÒNot even Winry?Ó Russell said.

ÒWinry?Ó Ed shook his head. ÒAre you kidding? SheÕs *violent*. Besides . . . sheÕs like my *sister*. I couldnÕt think of her in *that way*. It would be like thinking of Al like that.Ó He propped himself up on an elbow. ÒSo . . . what about *you* and girls? Or other guys?Ó

ÒI didnÕt think much about them, either,Ó Russell replied, sitting up against the headboard. ÒMy one concern in life was Fletcher. Making sure he was okay . . . thatÕs all that mattered. Fletcher says that there were a couple of girls in town who liked me, but I never really noticed. Although . . . there was somebody, once . . .Ó

Ed frowned. ÒMale or female?Ó

ÒA guy.Ó Russell looked toward Ed. ÒI knew him when I was 11, 12 -- not long before my father left. He lived a few houses away from us. He was a really talented alchemist, he was going to take the State exam. I tried to hang around him as much as I could . . . well, at the time I told myself it was just hero-worship, that I wanted to learn everything he knew about alchemy, but . . . yeah, I guess I had a crush.Ó

ÒYeah?Ó Ed said. ÒHe anybody I might know?Ó

ÒProbably not,Ó Russell said. ÒAfter he got certified, they sent him to an outpost way out near the Drachma border, they had some kind of lab there.Ó

ÒSo, you had a crush on a State Alchemist?Ó Ed said, slyly. ÒYou have a fetish? Maybe thatÕs why you pretended to *be* one?Ó

ÒWhat makes you think I have a fetish?Ó Russell said.

ÒYou *do* seem to like State Alchemists.Ó

ÒNope, sorry to disappoint you,Ó Russell said, lying back down. ÒI *do* have a fetish for you in that leather corset, though.Ó

Ed nearly leapt off the bed. ÒThat goddamn thing!Ó he said. ÒI looked like a moron!Ó

ÒI donÕt know why you hated that thing so much,Ó Russell said in a teasing tone. ÒIt actually made you look *taller.*Ó

EdÕs response was to grab his pillow and swing it at RussellÕs head. Russell anticipated the move, grabbed the pillow away and tossed it straight up in the air.

ÒHey!Ó Ed shouted as the pillow landed on the bed with a *whumph* and he scrambled after it.

ÒBut youÕre right,Ó Russell said. ÒYou look much hotter now than you did in the corset. Wearing . . . just about nothing . . .Ó He came up behind Ed, wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled his back. ÒJust . . . bare skin . . .Ó

ÒYouÕd better watch it, Russell,Ó Ed said -- but there was a bit of a tremble in his voice. ÒI could transmute this pillow into a muzzle.Ó

ÒMmm, that would be a shame,Ó Russell said, moving up EdÕs body so his mouth was even with his neck. ÒBecause then, I wouldnÕt be able to do *this* . . .Ó

His lips fastened on EdÕs neck, right at a spot near the bottom where he *knew* his lover was sensitive, and he began to suck, hard, nipping at the skin a little, tonguing it, then sucking again.

Ed let out a loud moan, his body feeling absolutely boneless, even his automail seeming to go limp. ÒStop that,Ó he said in a husky whisper.

ÒWould you rather I do this instead?Ó Russell said, his hands coming around EdÕs body to find and caress his nipples, brushing his fingers around and around the buds until they hardened under his touch.

Ed just put his head down on his arms, surrendering to his loverÕs touch, feeling hot sensations run from where Russell was stroking and tickling and squeezing ever-so-gently down to his groin, where they burned like a house on fire.

ÒThat feels good, doesnÕt it?Ó Russell whispered as he leaned forward so Ed could feel his erection pressing against the cleft in his bottom.

ÒYes, damn you,Ó Ed replied, his hips moving back and forth, up and down, trying to press Russell into him, to feel him more intensely.

*IÕll show him,* he thought. *IÕll give back as good as I got.*

When Russell let up, just a bit, Ed quickly flipped over, grabbing RussellÕs shoulders and rolling him onto his back, leaning over to kiss the other boy hard, his tongue almost immediately pushing into his mouth. He heard RussellÕs whimper of need, and it just made the fires within him burn all the hotter.

He swept his tongue down RussellÕs neck, to his chest, brushing over one nipple on his way down over his stomach, tangling his fingers in his underwear and yanking them down. As soon as RussellÕs erection was freed, he wrapped his mouth around it, moving down rapidly, sucking hard and fast.

Russell let out a cry, which grew louder when Ed slipped him out of his mouth and leaned over, sweeping his long hair up and down the hot, wet flesh, taking one lock and tickling the head, then brushing the whole thing top to bottom again.

HeÕd done this one of the first times theyÕd made love. Russell hadnÕt gotten tired of it since.

Ed swept up with his hair, then kissed the tip of his loverÕs erection, tonguing it lightly, before brushing the golden strands back down again. His reward was the sound of ragged panting, the feel of a body writhing beneath him.

He eased away and reached for the bedside table, for the jar of lubricant they had placed there earlier. He placed it in RussellÕs hand. ÒGet me ready,Ó he said. ÒI want to ride you.Ó

Russell sat up, and Ed knelt on the bed, leaning over so his head was on his folded arms. He drew in a long breath as the first finger pushed into him, sending small shivers of pleasure all over his body. As Russell pushed it in and out, Ed moved back against him, wriggling his hips just a bit, trying to get him to brush his prostate.

When the second finger pushed in, it hit the goal, and Ed arched, groaning, thinking he was going to come then and there. Russell knew it, and he started moving his fingers back and forth so they *barely* brushed that spot, again and again, just enough to tease him, to make him grip the bedding and pant and cry RussellÕs name out.

The fingers were gone, and Russell lay back down, reaching for a tissue to wipe off the lube. Ed snatched at the jar as if it were the last morsel of food on a desert island, slicked his own fingers and grasped his loverÕs erection, anointing it from base to tip.

ÒOoohh, that feels good,Ó Russell moaned as EdÕs fingers swept over the head, then teased the sensitive spots right under it.

ÒYou think it feels good *now*?Ó Ed swung a leg over RussellÕs body, positioning himself with a wriggle of his haunches, finding the right angle, reaching back with his hand to grasp the boyÕs hardness.

Then, he pushed downward, bit by bit, stopping when he felt pain, then pausing, breathing deeply, until he relaxed. He opened his eyes and looked down, seeing RussellÕs face, his eyes closed tightly, a light sweat breaking out over his skin, his lips parted as he let out a sound between a growl and a purr.

Oh, yeah, *that* was hot.

Ed started to thrust, very gently and slowly, relishing the hot hardness of Russell inside him, the sense that he was in complete control of the act, that he was giving the other boy such enormous pleasure . . . as he moved faster, he watched Russell start to writhe, head tossing back and forth, his blond hair brushing over the pillow, breath starting to come in pants.

He leaned over and started to caress RussellÕs nipples with his flesh hand just as RussellÕs hand wrapped around his cock, starting a rapid stroke. EdÕs hips were moving faster, pushing down on Russell hard, moving a bit to the left and right, wanting that contact with his prostate again . . .

It happened on a downward thrust, and Ed stiffened, gasping, rubbing over that spot with quick, hard pumping motions, each one sending another burst of hot, fiery pleasure rushing through him, bringing him closer to the breaking point.

He felt RussellÕs fingers tease the opening at the tip of his cock, sending a streak of lightning running through his nervous system, and that did it. He yelled, his whole body shaking and trembling with ecstasy as his seed poured from him, over RussellÕs fingers and onto his body.

Russell gripped EdÕs hips and thrust upward, hard and deep, and then he let out a loud shout, his whole body arching off the bed as Ed felt a warm wetness fill him.

He pulled himself off Russell and lay beside him, kissing him softly, brushing the taller boyÕs hair out of his eyes -- only to have it flop right back in.

ÒDamn,Ó Russell said, nuzzling against Ed.

ÒSame here,Ó Ed said, before giving RussellÕs sweaty forehead a kiss. He knew he couldnÕt get *too* comfortable, at least not yet . . . they needed to get cleaned up. He went into the bathroom, took care of himself and came back with a rag, gently wiping lube and sweat from Russell's body.

ÒIÕm going to sleep well tonight,Ó Russell said. ÒYou completely drained me, babe.Ó

ÒDonÕt call me babe,Ó Ed said, getting up to return the rag to the bathroom -- and yawning. Russell had drained him, too. TheyÕd both come hard. Hell, theyÕd both needed it.

ÒHow about if I call you hot?Ó Russell said as Ed crawled back into bed.

ÒThat, I *may* let you do,Ó Ed yawned, leaning over to kiss Russell. ÒLove you.Ó

ÒLove you, too,Ó Russell said.

Ed curled against him and drifted off to sleep, thinking that this more than made up for his day so far.


Fullmetal Alchemist is property of Hiromu Arakawa, Square Enix and Studio BONES. No profit is being made from this fanfic.