Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed ❯ Chapter 4 -- Blast from the Past ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfic With Lemon

by Sailor Mac


When Ed dialed the number of Madame MarieÕs, a voice he didnÕt recognize picked up the phone. ÒGood morning, Madame MarieÕs,Ó she said. ÒHow may I help you?Ó

ÒIs Madame Marie available?Ó Ed said, shifting a bit on the bed he was sitting on.

ÒWhoÕs calling?Ó the voice asked.

ÒEdward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist. But she knew me mainly as . . .Ó He cringed before saying the name. ÒThomas Sutton.Ó

ÒIÕll see if I can get her,Ó the woman on the other end said. There was a clunk as the phone was put down, some muffled voices on the other end, and then it was picked up again.

ÒHello?Ó said a woman in a refined tone of voice.

ÒMadame Marie, itÕs Edward Elric . . . Thomas Sutton. I have a matter you could help me with.Ó

ÒThomas!Ó Madame Marie said. ÒYes, I remember you. So do our customers. ThereÕs a number of men you met at that party who have been asking me where you got to.Ó

Ed shuddered. ÒI hope you told them far away,Ó he said. ÒLook, the reason IÕm calling is . . . itÕs about Maggie. Did she ever have a customer by the name of Randall Harker?Ó

ÒOh, yes, the name sounds quite familiar,Ó Madame Marie said. ÒI believe he had exclusives on her a couple of times . . . let me check that out.Ó The phone was put down again, and Ed listened to more scuffling and muffled voices. When it was picked up, Madame Marie said, ÒYes, Mr. Harker was a steady customer of MaggieÕs twice within the last year. He gave his address as being in Kestrel . . .Ó

ÒIÕm in Kestrel right now,Ó Ed said.

ÒInvestigating a case regarding Mr. Harker?Ó the madame said.


ÒAs it turns out, one of my workers is headed out to Kestrel today on a personal matter,Ó Madame Marie said. ÒSomebody who knew Maggie rather well, and might know something about her association with Harker.Ó

ÒHey, thanks,Ó Ed said. ÒLet me give you the number of the place IÕm staying, have the person get in touch with me.Ó

Once he finished, she said, ÒItÕs my pleasure to help, after what you did for me. Oh, and Mr. Elric? If you ever get tired of being a State Alchemist, and want to switch careers . . . thereÕs always a place here for you.Ó

Russell saw Ed turn a purplish-red, snatched the phone away before Ed could scream in her ear, said, ÒThank you very muchÓ into the receiver, and hung up.

ÒLike HELL thereÕs a place for me there!Ó Ed yelled, the color of his face getting even deeper.

ÒMadame Marie making a pitch again?Ó Russell said, looking amused.

ÒShe can *pitch* all the wants!Ó Ed said, his face nearly red with rage.

ÒArenÕt you flattered that so many people want to sleep with you?Ó Russell said, teasingly, wrapping his arms around his lover.

ÒWhat, you *like* the idea?Ó Ed fumed -- but he didnÕt pull away.

ÒYou donÕt?Ó Russell nuzzled EdÕs ear.

ÒHell, no!Ó

ÒWell, itÕs okay,Ó Russell said, easing away from Ed. ÒI have no intentions of sharing you.Ó

ÒYou better not!Ó Ed said, jumping to his feet and grabbing for his coat. ÒIÕm not sharing you, either!Ó

ÒGood,Ó Russell said, Òbecause youÕre enough for me -- even though there isnÕt much of you.Ó

ÒWatch it, Tringham,Ó Ed grumbled as he nearly stomped toward the door.

* * *

The tavern started buzzing around 11:30, when the first lunch breakers were coming in. Clara was used to moving quickly -- you *had* to, in her profession -- so handling large crowds wasnÕt a problem for her.

She was also used to keeping her ears open and to the ground, so she easily picked up snatches of conversation from around her.

Most of what the people had to talk about wasnÕt interesting at all. How their business was going, how their kids were, who was seen running around with who else . . .

*If they were looking for a dull place to set up shop,* she thought as she filled beer glasses, *they couldnÕt have picked a better one.*

She put the glasses on a tray and carried them to the far end of the bar, where a group of people dressed in business clothes that suggested they were comfortably well-off was sitting. The man in the center, rotund, crinkly-faced and nearly bald, was smoking a cigar that looked, Clara thought, like a small tree trunk.

ÒYou know we donÕt need to put out that much money,Ó he was saying to his companions.

ÒWe are talking about the *police*, Mr. Mayor,Ó said the woman on his left, who was smartly dressed in a tan jacket and black ruffled blouse, her black hair pulled back severely in a bun.

ÒTheyÕre doing just fine as they are, arenÕt they?Ó the mayor said, taking the mug Clara handed him with a ÒThank you, darlinÕ.Ó

ÒIn case you havenÕt noticed,Ó the woman said, Òwe still have a string of *unsolved burglaries*.Ó

ÒTheyÕve stopped for the last couple of nights, havenÕt they?Ó said the much younger, tall, skinny man on the other side of the mayor.

ÒWhether theyÕve stopped or not is *not the issue*,Ó the woman said, squeezing her own glass with a meticulously manicured hand. ÒThe police were unable to intercept the perpetrator at *any* of the sites, and perhaps if theyÕd been able to get there *faster* . . .Ó

ÒGretchen, Gretchen,Ó the mayor said, putting a hand on the womanÕs shoulder. ÒYou know this is a fairly small town. Faster vehicles really wouldnÕt make that much of a difference.Ó

ÒIf youÕre not going to put out for faster vehicles, maybe you should hire more police!Ó Gretchen said through clenched teeth.

Clara smiled to herself as she headed back to the other end of the bar. She knew damn well that faster cars *or* more police would make no difference when it came to catching her. SheÕd outsmarted plenty of small-town police departments -- none of which knew a damn thing about alchemy.

*And theyÕre never smart enough to call in the State Alchemists, either,* she thought, pouring vodka into a cocktail shaker in answer to a yelled request for a martini. *Not that I had any problem with the only State Alchemist IÕd faced, either. Well . . . not *much* of a problem.*

As she added a splash of vermouth and started to shake the concoction, she thought that sheÕd been pleasantly surprised to see Edward Elric again. She had a grudging respect for the little squirt -- he was the only person whoÕd ever bested her in an alchemy fight, after all.

That was one reason sheÕd agreed to help him out -- the other being what sheÕd told the boys before, that being a phantom thief was getting old. And yet, she knew she could never work a *straight* job -- other than the ones sheÕd had as part of her cover.

She needed *excitement*. And being a government spy was providing just that.

The martini delivered, she moved around the area, checking on the state of peopleÕs drinks, listening to them talk. Still nothing interesting. SheÕd hoped someone else would talk about Harker, but . . . nothing since the information sheÕd gleaned the first day.

ÒWhereÕd you come from, hon?Ó said a young guy with an explosion of bushy, toast-colored hair on his head and a riot of freckles on his nose as she served him a beer. ÒNever seen you round these parts before.Ó

ÒIÕve been all over,Ó she said, coyly, as she took his money and made change.

ÒIÕll bet you have,Ó the man said, taking a big swallow of his drink. ÒFace ÔnÕ body like that . . .Ó

ÒNow, just what kind of woman do you think I am, sir?Ó she said, leaning over the counter.

ÒMine,Ó he said, leaning toward her, his eyes raking over her breasts. She felt a sense of amusement in the fact that if she really wanted to, she could rip open her blouse and flatten him with the array on the very parts he was ogling.

ÒSorry,Ó she said, walking away with a wave of her hand. ÒIÕm not on the market right now.Ó

She headed back toward the mayorÕs group. The mayor and the other man were gone. Gretchen was still there, getting toward the bottom of her glass.

ÒWant another?Ó Clara said.

ÒNormally I would say no,Ó the woman replied, Òbut that man has got me so annoyed . . .Ó

ÒThe mayor?Ó Clara said, taking the glass and bringing it to the taps to refill it.

ÒHe just will *not* listen to reason,Ó the woman sighed. ÒIÕve been trying to tell him about the police department so many times . . . We have *problems* in this town, and he doesnÕt want to see them.Ó

ÒAre you one of his assistants?Ó Clara said.

ÒIÕm the deputy mayor.Ó The woman held out her hand for a shake. ÒGretchen Heiss.Ó

ÒClara Black.Ó It wasnÕt her real last name. It was one of many aliases sheÕd used over the years. By this time, her real name almost didnÕt matter anymore.

ÒNice to meet you,Ó the deputy mayor said. ÒYou must be new.Ó

ÒStarted here a couple of days ago,Ó Clara said. ÒI just moved to this town.Ó

ÒYouÕll find itÕs a pleasant enough place . . . at least on the surface,Ó Gretchen said, before taking a big drink of her beer.

ÒYou said thereÕs problems here,Ó Clara said, taking a quick glance down the bar. Fortunately, nobody seemed to need her services, which was a good thing. This conversation had more potential for information than anything sheÕd heard all day.

ÒThe burglaries are only the beginning,Ó Gretchen said, looking down into her drink. ÒThereÕs been some people going in and out of this town that I think are up to no good.Ó

ÒWhat makes you say that?Ó Clara lowered her voice and leaned in toward the other woman conspiratorially.

ÒI see people *scurrying* around late at night,Ó she said. ÒLights and noises in closed-down businesses that shouldnÕt be open late at night. People appearing in town -- and in a town like this, just about everyone knows everyone else -- and, just as quickly, disappearing.Ó

ÒWhere have you seen these things?Ó Clara said.

Gretchen looked around her. ÒI donÕt feel comfortable discussing this in public,Ó she whispered.

ÒCan I meet up with you later on?Ó Clara whispered. ÒIf IÕm going to live in this town, I *really* want to know what IÕm in for here.Ó

She wrote a phone number down on a piece of paper and handed it to the bartender. ÒCall me when you get off work. IÕll tell you where I live, and we can meet up there.Ó

Clara smiled and took the paper. ÒIt will be a pleasure,Ó she said.

Gretchen finished her drink and got up. ÒAnd now, I must go,Ó she said. ÒIt was very nice meeting you.Ó

ÒNice meeting you, too,Ó Clara said, watching her go.

She patted the pocket where the number was. Her new career as a secret agent was off to a very good start.

* * *

ÒSo . . . whatÕs the agenda?Ó Russell said as they headed down the street.

ÒHarker, check in with Clara, then check here to see if the woman from Madame MarieÕs has arrived yet,Ó Ed said. ÒProbably Susan or Kate, they were in the same group as Maggie.Ó

They passed the library and headed for the building behind it. HarkerÕs place took on a distinctly different air during the day. With people going in and out of the door, and the sounds of activity inside, it seemed far less barren.

As they walked into the door, they saw people at all the tables, hard at work, threading laces into shoes, packing them into boxes. One of the workers, a squat woman with beady eyes and a head covered with wooly steel-colored hair that seemed to sit directly on top of her shoulders, noticed the boys and walked up to them.

ÒCan I help you?Ó she said in a raspy voice that was so deep she could easily have been mistaken for a man.

ÒWe want to see Mr. Harker,Ó Ed said, pulling out his State Alchemist watch.

The woman eyed them with suspicion. ÒDonÕt got nothinÕ goinÕ on here the state would want any business with,Ó she said.

ÒWe just need to talk to him for a few minutes,Ó Russell said.

ÒState your business.Ó The woman folded her arms and fixed them with a glare.

ÒLook, we just need to talk to Harker about a case!Ó Ed said, clearly becoming annoyed.

ÒWe donÕt let just anyone back there.Ó The woman advanced toward them a step.

Ed looked like he was going to reply -- then just waved his hand and said, ÒFine, fine. WeÕll be on our way, then.Ó He headed for the door, Russell following him.

ÒWhat was that about?Ó Russell said.

ÒSimple, Russ.Ó Ed was heading toward the side of the building. ÒHarkerÕs people have been trained not to let anyone in his inner sanctum, no matter what. Which only makes him more suspicious. So if we canÕt get in the front door . . Ò

He paused at a spot near where he remembered HarkerÕs office was, picked up a couple of tin cans and leaned them against the wall, and clapped. There was a huge flash of light, and suddenly, there was a door before them, complete with an elaborately carved metal knob.

ÒWeÕll go in the back,Ó he said.

ÒImpressive,Ó Russell said. ÒI could have gotten us in faster if there were plants around, though.Ó

ÒWhat were you going to do, make the leaves smack the windows until someone got annoyed enough to open them?Ó Ed opened the door, and they went in -- almost running into a tall man with the broad build of an athlete topped by a square, crewcut head.

ÒAnd what is this?Ó the man said, pointing to the door.

ÒAlchemy,Ó Ed said, calmly. ÒYou should be well familiar with it, Mr. Harker.Ó

ÒIÕm a businessman, not an alchemist,Ó the man barked. ÒAnd just *what* are you doing breaking into my business?Ó

Ed held up his watch. ÒHow about you tell *me* what your relationship with Maggie McNeill is?Ó

Harker bristled. ÒThat is my private life, and none of your business!Ó He tried to walk away, but both boys stepped in front of him.

ÒYou were seen meeting with her in public,Ó Russell said. ÒNot exactly standard conduct when a man hires a prostitute.Ó

ÒHas it ever occurred to you that Miss McNeill might have friends outside of her profession?Ó Harker said, trying to get around them again.

ÒYes, like the one she met with shortly before she was arrested?Ó Ed said. ÒWhy donÕt you invite us into your office, Mr. Harker? ItÕs awkward having this conversation in the hall.Ó

ÒYouÕre not getting in my office!Ó the man said, his eyes starting to take on a panicked look. Ed and Russell exchanged glances. He didnÕt want them in his office because they knew theyÕd see the drawing of MaggieÕs tattoo on his desk.

ÒFine,Ó Ed said. ÒSo why donÕt you tell us about the meeting with Maggie McNeill, then?Ó

ÒI met with her several times,Ó Harker said, reaching up with one hand to rub the side of his head, the sleeve riding up a muscular arm. ÒWe discussed what was going on in our lives, things like that.Ó

ÒDid she ever mention her activities *other* than her work?Ó Russell said.

ÒJust a lot of complaining about Madame MarieÕs Ôpets,Õ the man said. ÒAnd talk about some of the people she knew, and what she wanted to do once she didnÕt have to work there anymore.Ó

ÒOh?Ó Ed said. ÒAnd what was that?Ó

ÒShe wanted to open a business, maybe go into business with me.Ó Harker said. ÒWhy are you asking all these questions?Ó

ÒJust investigating the background of a suspect,Ó Ed said, smoothly.

ÒWell, I have nothing else to share about Miss McNeill, so I suggest you leave,Ó Harker said. ÒNow.Ó

ÒFine,Ó Ed said, reaching for the doorknob. ÒEnjoy your new door!Ó

ÒOh, one more thing, Mr. Harker,Ó Russell said over his shoulder as they started to go out. ÒI couldnÕt help but notice the array you have tattooed on your forearm. You said youÕre not an alchemist. Why do you have it?Ó

ÒNone of your business!Ó Harker snapped.

ÒDid Maggie McNeill design it?Ó Russell said.

ÒI said, GET OUT!Ó Harker said, moving toward the door.

The two boys left quickly and started walking away from the building. ÒWell, he was just as pleasant as I thought heÕd be,Ó Ed said.

ÒDid you see the array?Ó Russell said.

ÒYep. Looked like a variation on MaggieÕs,Ó Ed replied. ÒEither heÕs a full-blown alchemist, or she taught him very basic alchemy as self-defense.Ó

ÒGuess our guest will be able to shed more light on that,Ó Russell said.

ÒI know one thing,Ó Ed said. ÒWe should come back again at night. I think if we hit it at the right time, weÕll see a *lot* more than we did last night.Ó

ÒMaybe bring Clara with us?Ó Russell said. ÒWe could use the backup.Ó

ÒWe donÕt need backup that badly,Ó Ed said sharply as they turned onto the road.

ÒWhy donÕt you want her help?Ó Russell said, quickly shifting out of the path of a kid who was riding his bicycle right at them, pulling Ed along with him.

ÒSheÕs just going to get in the way,Ó Ed said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

ÒShe helped us find that shack,Ó Russell said, Òand she *did* give us the lead about Harker.Ó

ÒJust lucky,Ó Ed said, walking faster.

ÒEd, what *does* bother you about her?Ó Russell said. ÒAnything happen in Aquroya that I didnÕt know about?Ó

Ed stopped short and whirled toward him. ÒIf youÕre asking if I had a thing going with her, the answer is a hundred percent NO.Ó

ÒNot what I was asking,Ó Russell said, waving his hand dismissively. ÒAlthough you wouldnÕt make a very good couple. The woman shouldnÕt be that much . . .Ó

ÒThat much *what?Ó Ed said, holding his hands as if he were preparing to clap.

Ò*Older* than the man,Ó Russell said, smoothly.

ÒNice save,Ó Ed said as they turned back toward the inn. ÒItÕs just that . . . she bamboozled everyone who met her. Including Al. He doesn't remember it, but . . .Ó

ÒAl had a thing for her?Ó Russell said.

ÒInstant crush,Ó Ed said. ÒNever seen anything like that before.Ó

They were approaching the tavern. ÒSo, Al fell in love with someone you donÕt approve of, and you donÕt like it,Ó Russell said.

ÒNot the way IÕd put it,Ó Ed said as they went up the walk. He turned around when Russell started to chuckle. ÒWhat?Ó

ÒJust that I feel sorry for AlÕs future significant other,Ó Russell said. ÒHope you like the person unconditionally, or else theyÕre probably going to end up in a lot of pain.Ó

ÒWait until Fletcher falls in love,Ó Ed retorted. ÒWeÕll see what happens *then*.Ó

ÒI intend to be very calm about it,Ó Russell said, walking up to the door of the tavern and holding it open for Ed.

Ed gave a snort. ÒSure,Ó he said. ÒWeÕll see about that.Ó

* * *

Their guest wasnÕt waiting for them when they got back to the inn after their brief meeting with Clara. ÒMaybe sheÕs not coming?Ó Russell said.

ÒWouldnÕt surprise me,Ó Ed said, sitting down in one of the parlor chairs. ÒWeÕll give her an hour or two, and then weÕll just go to the library and see how Al and Fletcher are doing.Ó

ÒWonder what that thing Clara was talking about was?Ó Russell said, sitting opposite him. ÒSome kind of meeting with one of the politicians?Ó

ÒWouldnÕt be at all surprised to hear that Harker was lining the pockets of the bigwigs in this town,Ó Ed said, leaning back with his hands folded behind his head. ÒHeÕs probably single-handedly responsible for the crappy condition of the police cars.Ó

ÒProbably what the meeting is about,Ó Russell said. ÒWonder if thereÕs a way we could listen in?Ó

ÒChances are Harker or whoever heÕs paying off will have the place under surveillance,Ó Ed said. ÒProbably be a good idea if we . . .Ó

ÒHey, never thought IÕd see *you* again,Ó a male voice said from the doorway. Ed and RussellÕs heads both turned toward it -- and Ed froze.

ÒThey sent YOU?Ó he said, jumping to his feet.

ÒWho else?Ó said the young man in the doorway, a couple of years older than Ed and Russell, with curly, dark hair, black eyes and a muscular build.

ÒNice to see you finally made it to the status of *pet*,Ó Ed said, sarcastically, folding his arms over his chest.

ÒAt least I know how to work customers,Ó the other boy said in a frosty tone of voice. ÒIf youÕd been a *real* working boy, you wouldnÕt have been able to attract dust mites.Ó

Russell looked baffled. ÒWho is this, Ed?Ó he said.

ÒSomeone I met when I was at Madame MarieÕs,Ó Ed said. ÒAlthough I canÕt say that it was one of the highlights of the experience.Ó

ÒMy name is Mike,Ó the other boy said. ÒHey, werenÕt you the rich guy who was paying a ton of money to boff him?Ó

ÒI was undercover,Ó Russell said.

ÒGood thing,Ó Mike said. ÒYou wouldnÕt have gotten your moneyÕs worth.Ó

ÒHow the hell do you know that?Ó Ed snapped. ÒWere you spying on us through the mirrors?Ó

ÒDidnÕt want to be bored,Ó Mike said, waving a hand dismissively.

ÒBORED?Ó Ed said. ÒWell, we watched *you* at work with a customer, and it didnÕt exactly send us running back to the bedroom!Ó

ÒAt least I can *reach* all the vital parts of a manÕs body,Ó Mike said, folding his arms and regarding Ed through half-lidded eyes.

Russell, knowing all too well what was coming next (since heÕd provoked it so often himself), clapped a hand over EdÕs mouth and said, quickly, ÒWe need to talk to you about Maggie McNeill.Ó

Mike scratched the back of his head. ÒOh, yeah, Maggie was kinda weird,Ó he said. ÒDid her job and all that, but she didnÕt come hang out with us in the lounge all that often. Too bad, because I liked her. She could see through bullshit like nobody else I ever knew. She thought the whole ÔpetsÕ thing was a crock. Said something I thought was strange at the time, that if she was the madame of this place, sheÕd be collecting more than money from those bigwigs.Ó

ÒOf course, sheÕd want to pump them for info,Ó Russell said. ÒWhat we *thought* Madame Marie was doing.Ó

ÒShe used to go out all the time when she didnÕt have a customer,Ó Mike said, flinging himself into the seat next to Ed, leaning over with his fingertips tapping against each other. ÒMeeting up with some guy . . . Hartwick, Harper, something like that.Ó

ÒHarker?Ó Ed said.

ÒYeah, could have been that,Ó Mike said. ÒWas a customer of hers before she started seeing him on the outside. Figured she had some under-the-table freelance gig she didnÕt want Madame Marie to know about, and I sure as hell wasnÕt going to fault her for that. Said the guy was a businessman from Kestrel and that she might go see him there from time to time.Ó

ÒDid you notice anything unusual when she went to see him?Ó Russell said.

ÒHmm.Ó Mike scratched his chin thoughtfully for a moment. ÒOther than the fact that she was a damn sight better at what she does than *Thomas* here?Ó

ÒWatch it,Ó Ed growled.

ÒNah, nothing unusual Ôcept the fact that she carried a notebook with her whenever she went to see the guy,Ó Mike said. ÒAnd she gave him plants as a present once or twice.Ó

Ed and Russell exchanged looks. ÒPlants?Ó Ed said.

ÒYeah, kinda like that one over there.Ó Mike pointed to the plant in the lobby that Mrs. Miles had said was given to her by a guest.

ÒWhen was that?Ó Ed said.

ÒBout two weeks before you arrived. Not that your arrival was any big, earthshaking event . . .Ó

ÒYou think I *wanted* to be a whore?Ó Ed snapped, jumping to his feet. ÒAt least I have the self-respect to not *really* sell my body for a living!Ó

ÒYeah, you *really* had self-respect when you were wearing those work clothes of yours,Ó Mike said.

ÒI DIDNÕT WANT TO WEAR THEM!Ó EdÕs face was turning beet-red now.

ÒI sure as hell wouldnÕt want to wear them, either,Ó Mike said. ÒWhat kind of sicko picked that out?Ó

ÒA complete bastard, but thatÕs beside the point.Ó

Mike regarded him with a sly smile. ÒYour *bastard* must have liked the idea of you in that outfit.Ó

ÒThatÕs IT!Ó Ed said, starting to bring his hands together -- causing Russell to intervene again, grabbing his wrists and holding them back.

ÒDid you see her with any other plants?Ó Russell said, quickly.

ÒWell, she seemed really interested in the plants Madame Marie had in her parlor, sheÕd examine them all the time -- but other than that, nothing.Ó

ÒWhat kind of plants?Ó Russell said, gradually loosening his hold on Ed, who at least seemed to be calming down and settling back into his seat.

ÒHow should I know?Ó Mike said, leaning back in his seat and folding his arms behind his head. ÒI donÕt know nothinÕ about plants. Big ferns, thatÕs what they looked like.Ó

Russell and Ed exchanged looks again. Featherleaf ferns, a breed peculiar to Amestris, had been one of the components in the megaweapon.

ÒAnyway, I gotta go, my train leaves in half an hour.Ó Mike got up from his seat. ÒNice to see youÕre better at being a State Alchemist than you were at working at Madame MarieÕs, shrimp. Later.Ó Mike headed out the door.

Ed just stood there, watching him leave with his hands clenched at his sides. ÒWhat a bastard,Ó he growled.

ÒI fully agree,Ó Russell said calmly.

ÒYeah?Ó Ed turned to him with burning eyes. ÒWhy?Ó

ÒBecause calling you ÔshrimpÕ is *my* job.Ó And Russell charged off down the hall, fully expecting Ed to follow him.

Once he was back in the room, he hid in the closet, listening for EdÕs footsteps -- and sure enough, he heard them.

ÒI know youÕre in here, Tringham!Ó a voice shouted.

Russell just stayed quiet, surprising the urge to laugh.

ÒIÕll find you,Ó Ed said, heading for the bathroom first . . . then coming to the closet and yanking open the door. Russell, deciding to defuse this particular bomb as best he could, grabbed the other boy, pulled him close and kissed him.

Ed started to pull away, then relaxed, letting RussellÕs lips caress his own. He eased away and said, in a low growl, ÒYouÕre not gonna get off that easy.Ó

ÒI prefer to have you *get me off* in ways that are less *easy* than that,Ó Russell said.

ÒYou sound like that crude bastard Mike,Ó Ed said.

Russell frowned. ÒHe liked you, didnÕt he?Ó

ÒWhat?Ó Ed pulled away from him. ÒWhat the hell is that supposed to mean?Ó

ÒThe way he needles you all the time . . . itÕs like he was flirting with you,Ó Russell said.

ÒOh, come on, Russell!Ó Ed stepped back from the closet and plopped down on the bed. ÒJust because thatÕs *your* style of *flirting* doesnÕt mean *everyone* does that.Ó

ÒI donÕt just mean the way he was talking,Ó Russell said. ÒIt was . . . the way he was *looking* at you . . .Ó

ÒWell, *I* didnÕt notice anything unusual.Ó Ed regarded his lover from half-lidded eyes. ÒRussell, are you telling me that youÕre *jealous*?Ó

ÒHow am I *supposed* to react when I see someone looking at my boyfriend like that?Ó Russell said, flopping down next to Ed and kicking the door shut.

ÒLike I would *return* any feelings a guy like *that* would have? Yeah, *right*.Ó He folded his arms over his chest and lay back, looking up at the ceiling.

ÒIt . . . just bugs me,Ó Russell said, quietly.

Ed sat up. ÒYou think IÕd *cheat*?Ó

ÒI didnÕt say that!Ó Russell turned toward him abruptly.

ÒWell, youÕre *jealous*,Ó Ed said. ÒYou admitted it.Ó

ÒThat doesnÕt mean IÕm accusing you of cheating!Ó Russell ran a hand over his hair, pushing the bangs back. Within seconds, they had flopped back into place. ÒIt means . . .Ó He let out a deep sigh. ÒNever mind.Ó

Ed frowned. ÒWhat is it, Russell?Ó he said.

ÒNothing.Ó Russell looked away, turning red.

ÒDammit, what *is* it?Ó Ed said, reaching over and grabbing him by the shoulder.

ÒI just donÕt like the idea of other people ogling whatÕs *mine*, okay?Ó Russell said, turning toward him so quickly it knocked the hand off.

Ed pulled away and sat in silence, which lasted long enough for Russell to start getting worried.

Then, he said, ÒHey, IÕm not too nuts about the idea of people giving *you* the eye, either.Ó

ÒNobodyÕs given me the eye,Ó Russell said.

ÒOh, yeah?Ó Ed said, leaning back against his elbows. ÒWhat about that ticket seller at the Xenotime train station? Every time she sees you, her eyes light up like firecrackers.Ó

ÒSheÕs like that with everyone!Ó Russell said.

ÒShe doesnÕt pull her *blouse* down to expose her cleavage with everyone,Ó Ed countered.

RussellÕs head whipped toward him. ÒShe does *not*!Ó he said.

ÒIÕve seen it!Ó Ed said. ÒYou think I wouldnÕt notice a thing like that? I wanted to transmute her damn push-up bra into lead!Ó

Russell folded his arms over his chest and said, smugly, Ò*Now* whoÕs jealous?Ó

ÒIÕm not jealous!Ó Ed said, folding his arms over his chest as well. ÒI just donÕt like women shoving their body parts in your face!Ó

ÒYou didnÕt say anything about men,Ó Russell said, teasingly.

ÒMen, too!Ó Ed said. ÒDammit, Russell, I donÕt want *anybody* shoving *anything* theyÕve got at *any* part of you!Ó

ÒIÕm not going to *let* her do it!Ó Russell said.

ÒYouÕd better not!Ó Ed said. ÒOr IÕll . . .Ó

Russell leaned over, grabbed him by the shoulders and claimed the smaller boyÕs lips with his again, pushing his tongue into his mouth. EdÕs grunt of protest quickly became a moan.

ÒYou were saying?Ó he said when they broke apart.

ÒShut up and do that again,Ó Ed said, breathlessly.

Russell kissed Ed again, harder, one hand slipping beneath his shirt to caress the skin, fondling a nipple as his tongue stroked the older boyÕs over and over. The long, low sounds of pleasure Ed was making in his throat sent an answering shudder through RussellÕs own body, and he started to stroke faster, drawing an even louder moan from his lover.

When their mouths broke apart, Ed panted, ÒYou do that too damn well, Russell.Ó

ÒMmmm.Ó Russell started to pull EdÕs shirt up. ÒIÕm glad to hear that.Ó

ÒDonÕt get smug.Ó Ed yanked his own shirt off, following it with his pants -- hell, he might as well get rid of them, they werenÕt going to be staying on anyway -- and gave Russell a questioning look. ÒWell?Ó

ÒWell, what?Ó Russell said.

ÒYou just going to stand there, or . . .Ó

ÒOr . . . what?Ó Russell was already pulling off his suspenders, sliding them down his arms slowly.

ÒOh, hell, IÕll do it!Ó Ed reached over and yanked at the buttons of RussellÕs shirt, pulling them so hard he nearly ripped them off, pushing the fabric aside and diving right for a nipple, drawing it into his mouth and starting to suck hard.

He heard RussellÕs intake of breath, followed by a moan as he fluttered his tongue over the bud, sucking again as his hand fumbled with the button and zipper below.

RussellÕs nipples were sexy . . . oh, were they ever sexy, getting harder and harder still as Ed licked first one, then the other, pulling the right one in and sucking hard as the younger boy groaned ÒOh, oh, oh . . .Ó

But there was something *else* he wanted his mouth on right now.

As soon as heÕd rid Russell of his pants and underwear, he opened his mouth and slid it straight down on his erection, going down as far as he could before sucking, stroking it with his tongue as he started to work it in and out.

Then, Russell said, ÒEd . . . can we both do that at the same time?Ó

Ed pulled away (and damn him for making him talk! CouldnÕt Russell see he was getting into it?) and said, ÒAre you kidding? That wonÕt work!Ó

ÒWhy not?Ó Russell said, kneeling next to the other boy.

Ed pointed at him. ÒBecause youÕre too damn tall, thatÕs why!Ó

ÒAm I?Ó Russell said, with bemusement, restraining himself from making the usual short joke -- he knew if he did, he could kiss the very idea of them making love goodbye.

ÒIt would take a lot of bending and twisting and . . .Ó

ÒCanÕt we just *try* it?Ó Russell said.

ÒHow the hell are we supposed to do that?Ó Ed just wanted to get his mouth around RussellÕs cock, dammit, he didnÕt have time for an experiment.

ÒYou lie on the bed,Ó Russell said. ÒIÕll kneel over you and lean over.Ó

Ed jumped up on the bed and lay on his back. ÒOkay, this had better work,Ó he said.

Russell straddled his loverÕs shoulders, moving his hips a few inches back . . . yes, this would line him up with EdÕs mouth quite nicely. He bent over . . . he was going to have to arch his spine a bit, and he hoped that wouldnÕt get uncomfortable, but . . .

ÒHey!Ó Ed shouted. ÒI canÕt reach!Ó

Russell pushed his hips downward. ÒIs this better?Ó he said.

Ed raised his head . . . damn, he was going to have to stretch his neck, he hoped that wasnÕt going to hurt as they went on . . . and was able to get RussellÕs erection into his mouth. It was a funny angle, though, and he couldnÕt get it in too deep, and . . .

Then, Russell leaned over to take Ed into his mouth, and his hips moved *up*, and Ed was stretching his neck more and more, and suddenly this felt less like *sex* and more like when Ed bobbled for apples at WinryÕs birthday party years and years ago.

ÒLook, letÕs try it the other way,Ó he said.

Russell raised his head. ÒYou mean, turn around?Ó

ÒTurn *over*. Me on top.Ó

Russell rolled off Ed. ÒYou think thatÕs going to work?Ó

ÒWell, *this* isnÕt, is it?Ó Ed said.

ÒMaybe if you put a couple of pillows under your head?Ó Russell said, sitting up.

ÒMaybe that would work if your cock wasnÕt *two train stations away,*Ó Ed retorted. He pushed Russell down on his back, straddled the older boyÕs shoulders as Russell had done to him, leaned over, and . . .

He couldnÕt *quite* reach. He leaned over more, and then he could get his mouth around it, and this was a *good* angle, he could take him in *deep*, slide way down on him, take him almost into his *throat* . . .

He felt nothing in response -- except for Russell shifting and bending under him.

Ed had to pull away *again* and turn around. ÒWhat happened?Ó

ÒCanÕt reach,Ó Russell said. ÒTrying to find an angle . . .Ó

ÒI *told* you this wonÕt work!Ó Ed said, sitting up and turning around.

ÒWait . . . let me move around some more.Ó Russell arched his back, almost curling up into a C shape.

Ed put a hand on his chest. ÒRuss . . . you know and I know that youÕre just going to make yourself sore doing that.Ó

ÒWill you just give me a *chance*?Ó Russell said.

ÒFace it, Russell, it is *not* going to work,Ó Ed said. ÒLook . . . I like the idea too, itÕs just . . . hell, it doesnÕt work for *us*.Ó

Russell finally stopped struggling and lay flat on the bed, defeated. ÒGreat,Ó he said. ÒSo much for that.Ó

ÒLook, itÕs like alchemy,Ó Ed said. ÒYou donÕt know if a transmutation is going to work until you try it, right? And if it doesnÕt work, you try something else.Ó

ÒAnd what do have in mind for *something else*?Ó Russell said, raising his hand.

Ed thought for a minute. Whatever *something else* was, he wanted it to involve him going down on Russell, and in the position he was just in. He didnÕt think heÕd *ever* had such a good angle for that before.

Then, it occurred to him. He reached into the night table drawer and pulled out their toy and lube, handing them to Russell. ÒThink you can reach me with your hands while I do you with my mouth?Ó

Russell moved up so his head and shoulders were propped against the headboard. He took the items from Ed. ÒNow, I can,Ó he said.

ÒNow, weÕre talking!Ó Ed turned around, kissing RussellÕs lips again, rapidly thrusting his tongue in and out of the other boyÕs mouth. RussellÕs arms came around him, holding him tight, rubbing his back in lazy, sensual circles.

Ed eased away and turned back around, opening his mouth and leaning over, sliding RussellÕs cock in, teasing it with his tongue as he moved down, and down, and further still . . .

Russell sucked in his breath -- just how deep was Ed going? He thought the other boy was going to swallow him whole, that hot, wet heat enveloping more and more of him, sending hot, electric tingles running through his whole body.

He quickly coated his fingers with lube and reached for EdÕs bottom -- oh, yes, *that* was easily accessible to him, and it was a gorgeous sight, firm and curved just perfectly, pointed straight at him in open invitation.

Russell parted the two cheeks and slid a finger in, pressing gently against the entrance, massaging it a bit, starting to get Ed ready for the toy . . . and then he let out a cry as EdÕs mouth started to move up and down, rapidly, and his tongue was fluttering along him as he went, sweeping from side to side.

He knew he had to pleasure Ed quickly -- he wasnÕt going to last long.

The finger pushed gradually into the older boyÕs body, feeling the tight heat clench around him, then relax. Russell began to thrust, very slowly, then picking up more speed as EdÕs mouth pulled away from his erection entirely, only to be replaced by his tongue, sliding up and down and all around, teasing the very tip of him, then the sensitive spot under the crown, making Russell arch his hips and breathe in deeply, slowly. He didnÕt want to come. Not yet . . .

He slid a second finger into Ed, beginning to thrust faster, more urgently, when Ed started to suck him again, just the head at first, flicking his tongue over it a bit, then moving down little by little . . . suck rapidly, then slide down, suck, then slide . . .

Russell was moaning loudly, the suction from EdÕs mouth driving him slowly mad, every pull of those luscious lips sending another wave of shuddery pleasure through the younger boy, tingling to the tips of his toes, pooling in his belly, making his nipples stand out so big and hard Russell thought theyÕd turned to stone.

He thrust his fingers faster, curving them a bit, stroking here and there, feeling for EdÕs sweet spot, knowing heÕd hit it when the other boy stiffened and shuddered. He knew where to aim with the toy.

Pulling his fingers out, he wiped them on a tissue, then had to breathe deeply to stop himself from coming again, because Ed had him in *deep* and was sucking him in strong, hard pulses that made him feel like his head was going to pop off his shoulders.

As fast as he could, he coated the toy with lube, bringing it to EdÕs entrance, pushing it in slowly, hearing his loverÕs groan of pleasure deep in his throat, which was accompanied by Ed sucking faster, moving Russell in and out more rapidly.

Russell knew he wasnÕt going to be able to hold on much longer . . . the pleasure was overwhelming him, his heart pounding, his breath coming in rapid pants, his skin flushed and sweaty. He began to move the toy faster, feeling EdÕs body adjust to it, knowing when he could thrust it deeper, harder . . .

He aimed straight for the spot heÕd found with his fingers before and started a rapid pumping, reaching around EdÕs body with his other hand to grasp his erection, stroking it in time to the thrusting.

And Ed was doing crazy things with his tongue again, sliding it up and down and all around as he sucked, moving in and out . . .

A flick of the tongue *right* under the head broke RussellÕs control, and he arched upward, yelling out loudly as one hot shudder after another ran through him, feeling like every ounce of him was pouring into EdÕs mouth.

He sagged back to the bed, panting, more determined than ever to bring Ed the same ecstasy. He felt the boyÕs mouth slide out from around him, and at that moment, he thrust faster, harder, sliding his fingers up and down around the shaft, teasing the same spot Ed had caressed with his tongue.

Russell knew that would bring a loud moan, and he wasnÕt disappointed. Ed was panting loudly, moaning, ÒFuck, Russ, thatÕs good . . .Ó

ÒIt feels good?Ó Russell said, pulling the toy almost all the way out, then thrusting it back in, deep and hard, making Ed give another loud cry.

ÒAlmost,Ó Ed panted. ÒAlmost there . . . gonna . . .Ó

Russell knew just how to help him out. He brought his palm up to the head, twisting over it, rubbing back and forth, as he moved the dildo as fast as he could, hitting the spot again and again.

Ed arched, letting out a yell, and Russell felt hot wetness run over his fingers and down onto his own belly, watched Ed tremble with pleasure, gasping, groaning . . . and then collapsing, turning so he landed next to Russell.

ÒMmmm,Ó he said. ÒDamn . . .Ó

Russell kissed him. Ò*That* was good,Ó he said. ÒWhere the hell did you learn to do that?Ó

ÒJust figured it out,Ó Ed yawned. ÒOnce I knew I could take you in deep . . .Ó

ÒDeep? Russell reached for tissues, wiping off his fingers. ÒI thought you were going to eat me alive!Ó

ÒAnd you would have loved it,Ó Ed said, a sly look coming into his sleepy eyes.

ÒI *did* love it,Ó Russell said. ÒI think that worked out better than what I wanted to do.Ó

ÒGuess that means I have the best ideas for sex, then,Ó Ed said, teasingly.

ÒYou think IÕm going to let you get away with saying that? IÕll just have to come up with something to match it,Ó Russell said, kissing him, then getting off the bed and heading for the bathroom.

ÒLike to see you try,Ó Ed said. And he meant it.

It was one of the times he was *very* glad their relationship still had a current of competition.


Fullmetal Alchemist is property of Hiromu Arakawa, Square Enix and Studio BONES. No profit is being made from this fanfic.