Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Unleashed ❯ Chapter 7 -- After the Fire, the Fire Still Burns ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A Fullmetal Alchemist Fanfic With Lemon

by Sailor Mac


ÒSo that bastard told me that Mike came into headquarters,Ó Ed said as he sat back further in his chair. ÒHe asked if I worked for them, and he said heÕd been talking to me about a mission, and something about a guy named Harker and featherleaf ferns and the inn. Mustang figured I was close to bagging the gang, so he decided to bring a crew down. They went to the inn first, and the innkeeper told them Fletcher had yelled something about their brothers walking into a trap at the paper mill, so . . . they found us.Ó

ÒI would have been there sooner,Ó Clara said, stretching one arm upward as she lay on the bed, Òbut I had a little problem.Ó

ÒYouÕre just lucky she didnÕt do something worse to you,Ó said Al, who was perched at the foot.

ÒI donÕt think she liked killing,Ó Russell said, coming into the room with a cup of hot liquid, which he handed to Clara.

ÒWhat the hell, Russ?Ó Ed said. ÒShe blew people up all over Amestris!Ó

ÒI think he means she didnÕt want to kill outside her bombing missions,Ó Al said, thoughtfully. ÒTo her way of thinking, those were justified, because they helped accomplish her cause.Ó

ÒShe had one hell of a sense of justice,Ó Ed replied.

ÒWell, she genuinely did want to reform the government,Ó Clara said, draining the cup and handing it back to Russell. ÒShe just got a little . . . extreme.Ó

ÒA little extreme?Ó Ed said. ÒThatÕs like saying ArmstrongÕs a *little* weird.Ó

Clara flopped down on the bed. ÒAm I cured yet?Ó she said to Russell. ÒCan I go?Ó

ÒYou really should rest another day or two, Clara,Ó Fletcher said as he came into the room.

ÒIÕm not used to resting,Ó she said, toying with the bedspread.

ÒWhat are you going to do now, Clara?Ó Al said.

ÒOh, I have some ideas,Ó she said, continuing to pick at the fabric.

ÒDo they involve defrauding innocent people?Ó Ed said.

ÒBrother!Ó Al said, his head swinging toward the older boy.

ÒI told you that was getting old, didnÕt I?Ó she said. ÒNo, IÕm moving on to something different. CanÕt keep chasing cheap thrills the rest of my life, can I?Ó

ÒBy the way, I talked to Mrs. Miles,Ó Fletcher said, perching on the bed next to Al. ÒShe said Clara can stay here another day or so after we leave.Ó

ÒYouÕre leaving me?Ó she said, raising her head. ÒPity. I was getting *so* used to having all this male company.Ó

ÒDonÕt you start!Ó Ed said, jumping to his feet.

ÒStart what?Ó Clara said. ÒCanÕt a lady appreciate being around boys?Ó

ÒYeah, but *you* arenÕt a *lady*,Ó Ed said.

ÒOh?Ó Clara said. ÒWhat am I?Ó

ÒI think we need to start getting ready to go,Ó Russell said, stepping between Ed and Clara, quickly.

ÒBrotherÕs right,Ó Fletcher said. ÒYouÕre due back in Central in the morning, Ed.Ó

ÒFine.Ó Ed waved his hand dismissively. ÒIÕll be right there.Ó

When the others had filed out of the room, he turned to Clara and said, ÒLook . . . I need to tell you something.Ó

ÒOh?Ó Clara sat up. ÒAnd what might that be?Ó

ÒThanks,Ó Ed said. ÒYou really helped us out. If it wasnÕt for you . . . we couldnÕt have bagged these people.Ó

ÒWell, I *do* owe you something for helping me get away from the cops back in Aquroya,Ó she said.

ÒI thought you were stealing stuff to help people!Ó Ed said. ÒYou turned around and bilked money out of them!Ó

ÒSure it wasnÕt because you found me attractive?Ó she said, leaning toward him.

Ed leapt away like a mouse escaping from a snake. ÒHey!Ó he said. ÒIÕm taken!Ó

ÒWell, then, you must be *very* glad I sent you to Xenotime, then, arenÕt you?Ó she said, settling back on the bed.

ÒDonÕt give yourself credit for being a matchmaker!Ó Ed nearly stammered.

ÒWhy?Ó she said. ÒIÕm rather proud of that. I consider it one of my greatest accomplishments.Ó

ÒLook, canÕt you just accept that IÕm grateful?Ó Ed said, turning red.

Clara smiled, lying back on the pillows. ÒIÕll accept it, Ed,Ó she said. ÒAnd IÕm grateful to you, too.Ó

ÒYeah?Ó he said. ÒWhat for?Ó

ÒJust . . . for giving me an idea,Ó she said, gazing up at the ceiling.

ÒWhat idea?Ó He frowned, wondering what the hell she was up to *this* time.

ÒNot important,Ó she said. ÒYouÕd better catch up with the others.Ó

She watched as he left the room, stretching out on on the bed and letting out a deep sigh. Well, maybe staying put a day or two wouldnÕt be all *that* a bad thing. It would give her more time to plan her next move.

Edward Elric would be surprised when he found out what she was planning. Yes, he would be surprised indeed.

* * *

A few days later, Al came to the door of the bedroom his brother shared with Russell and knocked on the door. ÒBrother? You have a phone call.Ó

Ed burrowed deeper under the blankets. ÒTell Ôem IÕll call Ôem back,Ó he mumbled.

ÒBut Brother . . . itÕs Brigadier General Mustang.Ó

ÒWHAT?Ó Ed suddenly sprang from the bed, naked as the day he was born, hair sticking out in all directions. ÒWhat the hell does that bastard want? IÕm not his dog anymore! I told him that when we got those guys, that was *it*, I was *out of there*!Ó

ÒEd,Ó Russell mumbled, sitting up blinking sleep out of his eyes, his hair even more in his face than usual, Òmaybe *thatÕs* what he wants to talk to you about.Ó

ÒWhat, trying to get me to stay?Ó Ed grabbed a pair of boxers from his drawer and yanked them on.

ÒGiving you your formal release,Ó Russell said.

ÒThat had *better* be it!Ó Ed said as he stormed out of the room, still clad only in his underwear.

Russell sank back into the bed. The last couple of days had been unusually quiet, for them -- everyone had mostly lounged around after their return from Kestrel, recovering from the mission.

Ed hadnÕt said one word about his future plans. Russell wished he had. In the back of his mind was a fear that he and Al would pack up and become roaming alchemists-for-hire, or go back to Riesemboul . . .

He punched his pillow. That was just ridiculous. Besides, he himself was going back to Xenotime, wasnÕt he? Finding a cure for the red water was his lifeÕs work.

Ed stormed back into the room, straight toward the closet. ÒBastard wants me to come in,Ó he said, yanking a shirt from its hanger. ÒWonÕt tell me what it is over the phone.Ó

ÒAre you sure itÕs not to give you release papers?Ó Russell said.

ÒIf it was that, I donÕt think heÕd be so damn secretive,Ó Ed said, yanking on socks, then pants. ÒHeÕd better remember our agreement. I did what he wanted. Now he keeps his end of the bargain.Ó He picked up a ponytail holder from the bureau and shoved it into his hair, combing his fingers through the front so it looked at least a bit less chaotic.

ÒI imagine you wonÕt let him forget it,Ó Russell said, dryly, getting out of the bed.

ÒYouÕre damn right!Ó Ed yanked on his gloves, grabbed his watch and jammed it into his pocket -- the very ferocity of the gesture seemed to say, ÒIÕm gonna shove this up that bastardÕs butt!Ó -- and headed for the door. ÒThis isnÕt gonna take long,Ó he said.

Russell watched him go, then reached into the drawer, pulling out his underwear. *So, this is it,* he thought. *He goes wherever heÕs going, I go back to Xenotime. Hey, we knew this was coming, right? No big deal.*

He swallowed hard, as if he had a lump in his throat. Which he definitely did not have. No, not at all.

Then, there was another knock at the door. ÒRussell,Ó said Al, ÒthereÕs a phone call for you now . . .Ó

* * *

EdÕs second surprise of the day came when he started up the steps to Central headquarters and nearly crashed into a familiar, very tall figure casually strolling down the steps.

ÒWell,Ó she said. ÒAmazing who you run into around here, isnÕt it? And I thought the scenery around here was going to be dull.Ó

ÒYOU!Ó Ed pointed a finger at Clara like a witness pointing to a murderer at the climax of a crime drama, his eyes sweeping from the top of her to the bottom, taking in the no-nonsense outfit -- steel-gray business suit, white ruffled blouse with a little black bow tied around the collar, hair pulled back . . . in fact, she looked not unlike Gretchen Heiss.

ÒIs that any way to greet an old friend?Ó she said, regarding him with a look of bemusement. ÒHonestly, Edward, itÕs unbecoming for a boy as good-looking as you.Ó

ÒWhat the HELL are you doing here?Ó Ed said, not dropping the finger.

ÒIf I did as good on my test as I think I did, IÕm going to be working here,Ó she said, casually.

ÒWHAT?Ó Ed nearly spluttered.

ÒOr be based here, at least,Ó she said. ÒI imagine that as a secret service agent, IÕll be on missions most of the time.Ó

ÒYou . . . applied for the SECRET SERVICE?Ó Ed said, his hands now clenched at his sides as fists.

ÒWell, I got a taste of the life working with you and decided that I liked it,Ó she said. ÒIt gives me a chance to use my talents . . . disguise, play-acting, the like . . . and I donÕt have to worry about being *caught*!Ó

ÒTheyÕll never take you,Ó Ed hissed, leaning over toward her. ÒNot with your record!Ó

ÒI was never formally arrested,Ó Clara whispered back, winking. ÒThey never got me all the way to the police station, so nobody found out my true identity. And even if they *did* . . . AquroyaÕs records were almost all lost when the city went under, so theyÕd never find out anyway. Besides . . . I have a State Alchemist whoÕll vouch for me, right?Ó

ÒYou want me to . . .Ó

ÒRemember, I *did* help you round that gang up,Ó she said.

Ed was going to retort . . . but then he remembered Clara taking them to the hideout, going undercover in the bar, finding out the key piece of information that led to their missionÕs success . . .

He could almost hear AlÕs voice saying, ÒSheÕs turned over a new leaf, Brother. SheÕs *really* reformed this time. DonÕt you think we should be happy for her?Ó

ÒOkay,Ó he grumbled. ÒIÕll do it.Ó

ÒI knew you would,Ó she said. ÒWell, I need to see a man about an apartment -- Ôbye!Ó She blew him a kiss and started down the stairs.

Ed watched her go for a moment, then shouted, ÒHey!Ó

Clara turned back toward him. ÒYes?Ó she said.

There was a pause, then Ed extended his flesh hand toward her. ÒGood luck,Ó he said.

ÒThanks,Ó she replied, smiling brightly and shaking it. ÒAnd say hello to the Brigadier General for me. HeÕs a real hottie.Ó She waved, then headed down the stairs again.

ÒWHAT?Ó Ed shouted. ÒYou and that . . . that . . .Ó

As he made his way toward MustangÕs office, he grumbled to himself, ÒWould serve them right . . . her and that bastard . . . they deserve each other . . .Ó

ÒWhat are you saying, Edward?Ó Riza Hawkeye looked up from her desk as Ed entered the outer office.

ÒJust saw someone IÕd rather not see,Ó Ed said.

ÒSomebody from a mission?Ó Riza said, getting up from her desk.

ÒYou might say that,Ó Ed said, rubbing the back of his head.

ÒSomebody from Madame MarieÕs?Ó said a voice behind Riza -- and Ed bristled at the very sight of Mustang, standing there looking as smug as ever, that damn eyepatch just seeming to add to his air of arrogance.

ÒLike youÕd want to know what happened there!Ó Ed snapped back.

ÒI can imagine,Ó he said. ÒI heard that most of the ladies working there are real lookers.Ó

ÒWell, then, why didnÕt *you* take the mission?Ó Ed nearly growled.

ÒSomebody had to stay here,Ó Roy said in a casual tone. ÒCome in, Fullmetal.Ó

Ed stormed into the office after him, nearly slammed the door and threw himself into the chair where heÕd sat way too many times since his return from Munich. *Discharge papers,* he thought. *Any second now, heÕs going to be handing me the discharge papers . . .*

Instead, Roy settled himself behind the desk and said, ÒFullmetal, I have a new assignment for you.Ó

ÒWhat the HELL?Ó Ed stood up, slamming his hands on the desk. ÒYou said that when we caught these guys, Al and I would both be able to leave the military!Ó

ÒLosing your temper already?Ó Roy said. ÒYou havenÕt heard me out yet.Ó

ÒYouÕre damn right IÕm losing my temper!Ó Ed yelled. ÒI quit being a dog of the military before I left Amestris! The only reason I came back was because of Al! And I cut a *bargain* with you! And now youÕre going to welsh out on it, after we nearly killed ourselves . .Ó

ÒDid I say that?Ó Roy said. ÒReally, Fullmetal, jumping to conclusions like that, after I pulled strings to get this for you . . .Ó

ÒGet *what?* Ed flopped back into the chair. ÒAnother order to chase down people who like to blow things up?Ó

Roy picked up a folder. ÒThe government has decided to set up an alchemical university,Ó he said. ÒSimilar to the one they have in Drachma, but more extensive.Ó

ÒAlchemical university?Ó This suddenly snapped EdÕs anger and gained his interest. This was a complete change from the countryÕs usual policy -- alchemists were usually educated under the apprenticeship system.

ÒIt will teach a complete course, from novice level to advanced,Ó Roy said, opening the folder. ÒAnd, of course, theyÕre going to need instructors for it.Ó

There was a pause . . . and then, Ed started laughing, a few chuckles at first, then full-blown, roaring laughter.

ÒIÕm completely serious,Ó Roy said, calmly.

ÒMe? You think *I* can teach in a university?Ó Ed laughed. ÒWhat am I going to teach, human transmutation?Ó

ÒAlchemical investigation,Ó Roy said. ÒYou were the best person we ever had at that. Theory of transmutation. ThereÕs plenty youÕre qualified to teach.Ó

Gradually, EdÕs laughter ebbed off. ÒYouÕre not joking?Ó he said. ÒYouÕre *really* serious about this?Ó

ÒHave I ever used you as the butt of a joke, Fullmetal?Ó Roy said, putting the folder down.

ÒOther than dressing me in a leather corset and . . .Ó

ÒThat doesnÕt count.Ó Roy waved his hand dismissively. ÒFullmetal . . . I *am* serious about this. I want to make sure you and your brother have a stable life after the military.Ó

ÒSo this is a handout?Ó Ed said. ÒThanks, but no thanks. Al and I have plans.Ó

ÒAnd just what might those plans be?Ó Roy said, leaning over the desk.

ÒNone of your business!Ó Ed snapped.

ÒThink it over, and let me know,Ó Roy said. ÒAnd, in the meantime . . .Ó He handed the folder to Ed.

ÒI didnÕt say I was going to accept,Ó Ed said.

ÒThose are your discharge papers,Ó Roy said. ÒFor both yourself and Al. I *do* keep my bargains, you know.Ó

Ed took the folder and flipped through it -- Roy wasnÕt lying. And, of course, the information about the Alchemical University of Amestris was in there as well.

ÒThis is what I came for,Ó he said. ÒThanks.Ó

ÒThatÕs all?Ó Roy said, sounding bemused. ÒThanks?Ó

ÒIÕm not about to give you a kiss, you know!Ó Ed snapped.

ÒTake the information home,Ó Roy said. ÒThink it over. Then get back to me.Ó

ÒYeah, yeah.Ó Ed waved his hand dismissively, and headed for the door. He stopped, then turned back.

ÒYou owe me a rematch,Ó he said.

Roy looked confused. ÒExcuse me?Ó

ÒA rematch,Ó Ed said, folding his arms. ÒOf our fight. My first evaluation, remember? The Fuhrer stopped us just when I was about to win . . .Ó

ÒI had already won that fight,Ó Roy said, cooly.

ÒThe hell you had!Ó Ed barked.

ÒIt was only an . . . interruption that broke my concentration,Ó Roy said.

ÒI would have filleted you!Ó Ed said. ÒAnd I want another shot at it, dammit!Ó

Roy walked over and patted him on the shoulder. ÒAny time,Ó he said.

ÒWatch the hands!Ó Ed said . . . but he had a smile on his face. He waved, and walked out of RoyÕs office as a State Alchemist for the last time, the folder clutched tightly in his hand.

* * *

Al and Fletcher were outside the house when Ed came up the walk, Fletcher kneeling next to a bed of plants, Al writing in an open notebook. Both looked up when they saw him.

ÒWhat happened, Brother?Ó Al said.

Ed reached into the folder, pulled out AlÕs discharge papers and handed them to him. ÒWeÕre free,Ó he said.

Al reached over and hugged him. ÒIÕm so glad,Ó he said.

ÒYeah,Ó Ed said. ÒSo am I. Feels good to be off the leash, doesnÕt it?Ó

Al drew back, frowning. ÒBrother . . . somethingÕs wrong, isnÕt it? Did Brigadier General Mustang say anything else to you?Ó

ÒNah,Ó Ed said. ÒNothing important. IÕm gonna go put this stuff inside.Ó He turned and headed up the walk.

When he entered the living room, he saw Russell sitting on the couch, leaning over so he could study the rather large book open on the table in front of him. Slowly, his eyes came up to meet EdÕs. ÒYouÕve been cut loose?Ó

ÒYouÕd better believe it,Ó Ed said, flinging himself down next to his lover. ÒThatÕs the last time I have to look at his smug face. He just had to get in another dig when he did it, too. Thinks *he* could beat *me* in a fight.Ó He tossed the folder down on the table.

Russell closed the book and turned to face him. ÒSo . . . what are you going to do now? The . . . traveling alchemist thing?Ó

ÒDunno,Ó Ed said. ÒQuite frankly, Al and I . . . we never talked much about it. Before, all we could think about was getting our bodies back . . . we didnÕt think much beyond that point. Guess youÕre going back to Xenotime now, arenÕt you?Ó

He was met only with silence.

ÒHey,Ó Ed said, turning toward Russell. ÒItÕs what you wanted to do, right? Find a cure for the red water?

ÒYou know thatÕs what I always wanted,Ó Russell replied, his eyes not meeting EdÕs.

ÒWell, then, no question, right?Ó Ed said.

ÒI didnÕt say I was going back to Xenotime,Ó Russell said.

ÒI didnÕt say you *had* to!Ó Ed said, bristling.

ÒWeÕve never told each other what we *had* to do, anyway!Ó Russell snapped, looking away from Ed.

ÒI wasnÕt doing that!Ó Ed said, leaping to his feet.

ÒWell, you seem to have *my* life planned out for me, donÕt you?Ó Russell retorted, head snapping back toward Ed.

ÒDammit, Russell!Ó Ed shouted, sweeping his arm for emphasis -- and knocking into the folder, sending it falling to the floor with a large *plop*, papers flying everywhere.

ÒIÕve got that!Ó Ed said, diving for the white sheets, which seemed to have scattered halfway across the floor -- but it was too late. Russell already had the one paper Ed most didnÕt want him to see in his hand.

ÒSo he *did* offer it to you,Ó Russell said, softly.

ÒGive me that!Ó Ed said, snatching it out of RussellÕs hand. ÒHow would you know about that?Ó

ÒI got a phone call from Mustang right after you left,Ó Russell said. ÒHe told me what he was going to tell you.Ó

ÒGreat,Ó Ed said. ÒWonder how many other people he told? IÕll bet he got on the phone with Winry right afterward . . .Ó

ÒWhat did you tell him?Ó

ÒNone of your business!Ó Ed started stuffing the papers back in the folder.

ÒDammit, Ed, it *is* my business!Ó Russell grabbed EdÕs hand and held it in place, papers paused in midair like snowflakes arrested in their flight. ÒThis affects *both* our futures!Ó

ÒLet go,Ó Ed nearly growled.

ÒIÕm *not* letting go!Ó Russell said. ÒNot until youÕre willing to *talk* about this!Ó

ÒI *am* talking,Ó Ed said, Òand IÕm telling you it doesnÕt affect *both* of our futures!Ó

ÒWhy?Ó Russell tightened his grip, causing Ed to try to pull away from him again. He struggled a bit, then looked away.

ÒLook,Ó Ed said. ÒYou want to go back to Xenotime, find the red water cure, do your fatherÕs work. And . . . IÕm not gonna stand in the way of that.Ó

Russell dropped his arm. ÒThatÕs what this is about?Ó he said. ÒThatÕs why you told Mustang you werenÕt going to take the teaching job?Ó

ÒI didnÕt tell him I wasnÕt going to take it!Ó Ed said, going back to stuffing papers in the folder. ÒI told him IÕd think about it!Ó

ÒYou donÕt want to be kept in Central, do you?Ó Russell said. ÒYou and Al want to go off and be wandering alchemists . . .Ó

ÒDammit, thatÕs NOT IT!Ó Ed slammed the folder to the floor. ÒItÕs because if I stayed in Central . . . oh, hell.Ó He raked his flesh hand through the front of his hair and looked away.

ÒIf you stayed in Central,Ó Russell said, quietly, ÒI wouldnÕt go back to Xenotime and finish my own research. Is that what you wanted to say, Ed?Ó

Stony silence was his only answer.

ÒIÕll take that as a yes,Ó Russell said.

ÒWatch what you assume, smug bastard,Ó Ed grumbled, putting the folder back on the table -- only to find Russell grabbing his wrist again.

ÒEd,Ó Russell said, Òwhat if I told you that Mustang had arranged for me to get a government grant to do my research in the labs *here*, on the military base -- still as a civilian? That the military would *pay* to bring in heaps of the soil from Xenotime, because theyÕre interested in the results, too?Ó

ÒIÕd say you were full of shit,Ó Ed retorted.

ÒThen why donÕt you call him?Ó Russell said. ÒHeÕll back me up.Ó

ÒYeah, right,Ó Ed said.

Russell got up, walked across the room, and snatched up the phone receiver. ÒFine. IÕll call him and put you on, and youÕll see . . .Ó

But EdÕs expression was starting to change, and soften. ÒYou mean . . . that bastard *really* did that?Ó

ÒIÕm not lying,Ó Russell said, hanging up the phone. ÒBelieve me, if I were lying, it would be more creative than that.Ó

ÒHe did that . . . because of us?Ó Ed said. ÒI donÕt believe it. Did Mustang hit his head or something?Ó

ÒTake it as you will,Ó Russell said, sitting next to Ed again, a hand on his back. ÒLook . . . if you and Al *really* want to go off roaming . . . IÕm not going to stop you. But if you decide to stay here, and teach at the school . . . IÕll take Mustang up on his offer, and . . .Ó

He never finished what he was saying, because he was cut off by EdÕs lips, pressing against his, the other boyÕs tongue snaking into his mouth. His arms wrapped around him, pulling their bodies together, and Russell made a small groan in his throat.

ÒYou think IÕd go running off if youÕre gonna stay here?Ó Ed said, his voice a bit husky, when they broke apart.

RussellÕs mouth turned up in a hint of a sly grin. ÒDoes this mean weÕre both living here permanently?Ó he said.

ÒWhere else are we gonna live?Ó Ed said, flesh fingers trailing along RussellÕs arm. ÒThereÕs room enough here for all four of us, right?Ó

ÒThatÕs because you donÕt take up much room,Ó Russell said, expecting a punch, a retort of ÒCut *that* out if you donÕt want to be sleeping on the couch every night.Ó

But, instead, Ed just said, calmly, ÒCute, Russ,Ó while continuing to caress him.

ÒNot getting upset?Ó Russell said.

ÒNot gonna get a rise out of me like that anymore,Ó Ed said, shifting so he was moving closer to Russell. ÒYouÕre going to have to try harder.Ó

ÒIÕll have to try something else, then,Ó Russell said, lips teasing EdÕs ear.

ÒThatÕs a different kind of rise,Ó Ed murmured, moving closer to him.

ÒWell, weÕre going to have to go in the bedroom for that,Ó RussellÕs hair brushed along EdÕs neck as he nuzzled him. ÒWe donÕt want our brothers walking in and getting an eyeful, do we?Ó

ÒHell, no,Ó Ed said, as they both stood up. ÒAl wouldnÕt stop blushing for a year.Ó

ÒNeither would Fletcher,Ó Russell said, as he wrapped an arm around Ed.

They covered the distance to the bedroom in rapid steps, neither wanting to seem *too* eager, but wanting very, very badly to be on that bed and naked. When the door closed behind them, all pretense of restraint was gone. Russell shoved Ed against the wall, mouth claiming his fiercely, tongue probing as he pushed the coat off the older boyÕs shoulders, letting it fall to the floor with a soft *whumph*.

Ed tipped his head back, panting loudly as RussellÕs tongue slid up and down his neck, teeth lightly scraping at the flesh. ÒOh, yeah,Ó he groaned.

ÒLike that?Ó Russell repeated the teeth-scraping, drawing a moan from Ed.

ÒWhat does it sound like?Ó Ed nearly growled, reaching down to unbutton and unzip RussellÕs pants, plunging a hand inside, feeling for his manhood . . . it was definitely hardening, and grew even harder as Ed started to stroke it through the younger boyÕs boxers.

ÒUmmm,Ó Russell said, letting his head drop onto EdÕs shoulders, the pleasure stealing through him like a hot, sweet liquid.

ÒYou feel *damn* good,Ó Ed said, finding the opening in the front of his shorts so he could push his fingers in, touching flesh directly, making RussellÕs whole body stiffen in pleasure.

ÒKeep that up, and IÕm not going to last,Ó Russell groaned.

Ed slid his hand away . . . only to move it to the back of RussellÕs pants and plunge it in again, grabbing his bottom, squeezing the firm curve. ÒThat better?Ó he said.

ÒArrgh,Ó Russell said, ÒyouÕre a tease, you know that?Ó

ÒOh, yeah?Ó Ed pulled away, pulling his hand out, stripping off his shirt and dropping it on the floor. ÒMaybe youÕd like it better if I didnÕt touch you,Ó he added, pushing down his pants and underwear. ÒI could always do . . . this . . .Ó

And he grasped his own erection, starting to stroke it rapidly with his flesh hand.

RussellÕs eyes widened. The sight of Ed in pleasure, hand moving, eyes closed, lips parted, breath coming rapidly . . .

He felt a thrill running through his body, as if Ed were touching him. His eyes went from the fingers that were moving back and forth over the shaft, caressing the head before sweeping up and down his length, to the automail hand that was starting to pinch EdÕs nipple, to the face that was breaking out in a sheen of sweat, the hair hanging over his face as he moaned in pleasure.

RussellÕs hands came up, yanking down his suspenders, stripping off his shirt, pushing pants and underwear down and away. He watched Ed again, and saw the eyelids come up just a bit, just enough to tell him that Ed was watching him, that he was enjoying the effect his show was having on Russell.

*IÕll give it right back to him,* Russell thought.

He began to mimic EdÕs actions, reaching down to grasp his own erection, stroking it hard and fast, as his other hand moved across his chest, the fingers brushing a nipple. He touched himself just the way he liked it, rubbing back and forth over the head a little, then tickling just underneath, followed by grasping the shaft and pumping rapidly.

A loud moan escaped him at the same moment an answering moan came from Ed, who was watching him intently now, his hand stroking in the same rhythm as RussellÕs, his fingers squeezing his nipple when Russell squeezed his, caressing when he caressed.

Russell stroked a finger over the tip, wet with precome, and a deep shudder passed through him, and he shuddered again as he saw Ed do the same thing, his fingers moving rapidly over the head.

ÒOh, yeah,Ó Russell groaned, stroking faster, pinching his nipple as hard as he could stand it, his head tipping back in ecstasy, the pleasure too intense to be keeping his eyes on Ed.

So he didnÕt notice it when his lover *flung* himself at him, knocking into him, making him fall to the mattress. EdÕs lips *crushed* against his, tongue pushing into his mouth as he pushed his hips toward RussellÕs, their erections coming together, pressing against each other in a way that sent electric sparks flying through them both.

Russell started to pump his hips, wanting more contact, more pleasure, and Ed mirrored him, their mouths crushing against each other again as hardness slid against hardness, their arms clutching at each other, the coolness of EdÕs automail feeling so, so good against RussellÕs hot, sweaty skin.

They moved faster, groaning as the pleasure built within them, growing hotter and more intense, RussellÕs whole body writhing as Ed buried his face in the juncture between his neck and shoulder.

ÒAaaahhh,Ó Russell panted, his hips moving faster still, a thrill of heat pulsing through him with every brush of his cock against EdÕs. ÒSo close . . . Ed . . . I . . .Ó

He suddenly cried out, his body arching upward as fire shot through every part of his being, the pleasure seeming to go on and on and on . . .

He sagged to the bed, trembling, feeling Ed continuing to rub himself against his skin faster and faster, his breathing getting more and more ragged. He heard Ed shout his name, felt the hot wetness pour onto his skin.

Ed sagged on top of him, and they kissed, softly.

They just lay quietly for a long moment, listening to each otherÕs breathing as it slowed back to normal, feeling the warmth and the closeness.

ÒYou *are* a tease,* Russell said, his voice a warm purr.

ÒYouÕre a worse one,Ó Ed murmured.

ÒJust you wait,Ó Russell said, nuzzling his cheek on EdÕs hair. ÒIÕll show you how much of a tease I can be.Ó

ÒNot if I show you first,Ó Ed replied.

There was a long pause, during which the boys just lay still, cuddling. It was broken by Russell saying, ÒSo . . . what do we do now?Ó

ÒFirst thing . . . I gotta talk to Al,Ó Ed said. ÒIÕm sure heÕs gonna have no problem with me taking the teaching position. Then . . .Ó He nuzzled closer to Russell. ÒWe probably should go back to Riesemboul for a week or two, let Winry know whatÕs going on . . . we havenÕt seen her in too long.Ó

ÒJust you and Al?Ó Russell said.

Ò*All* of us, Russell,Ó Ed said. ÒWeÕre a *family*, arenÕt we?Ó

Russell kissed the top of his head. ÒWe are now,Ó he said, quietly.

Ed looked at the ceiling. ÒLiving together like this . . . weÕre *married* now, arenÕt we?Ó

ÒI guess so,Ó Russell said. ÒIf you want to see it like that.Ó

ÒThought I was going to be married to the military for the rest of my life,Ó Ed said. ÒNever thought I was gonna see the day when theyÕd let me go.Ó

ÒWell, I sure hope IÕm going to be more pleasant to be married to than the military,Ó Russell said, teasingly, stroking EdÕs hair.

ÒHey, youÕre not going to send me off on dumbass missions, or make smug remarks at me all the time, or sparkle and brag on and on and on about your family . . .Ó

ÒIf it makes you feel more at home . . .Ó Russell said with a sly smile.

ÒThe hell you will,Ó Ed said. ÒYou do *any* of that, IÕm kicking you out of this bedroom.Ó

ÒDonÕt want to so that, then. I like sleeping with you. A lot.Ó Russell stroked EdÕs hair. ÒSo after we go to Risemboul . . . what do you want to do?Ó

ÒThen we can go back to Xenotime for awhile, and by then . . . itÕll be time for me to start meeting with the people setting up this school,Ó Ed said, fingers idly tracing patterns on RussellÕs chest.

ÒCanÕt wait to see you in the classroom,Ó Russell said. ÒYouÕre going to look cute in a suit and tie, with glasses on your nose . . .Ó

ÒIÕm not wearing that crap!Ó Ed raised his head. ÒThey wanted me to teach, they get *me*, and that means I dress like I want.Ó

ÒToo bad,Ó Russell said.

Ed yawned, resting his head on RussellÕs chest. ÒYou love me like I am, and you know it,Ó he said.

Russell stroked EdÕs hair. ÒWell, yes, I do. You might snore a lot, and leave wet towels on the floor, but . . .Ó

ÒDonÕt push it, Russ,Ó Ed mumbled, sleepily.

He knew he had to go talk to Al about the new development . . . but he was just going to savor this feeling a few moments more.

Finally, he was unleashed, no longer a dog of the military. And on the same day, heÕd found himself locked into *another* bond, an entirely different one that required just as much commitment . . .

But this one, he didnÕt mind. Not at all.

For the first time since he was ten years old, since his mother passed away, Edward Elric was truly *home*.




And Ed and RussellÕs journey comes to a happy ending. These boys have given me a hell of a ride in the past year or so that IÕve been writing them, and IÕd like to thank everyone who came along for it -- Steve Savage and Aishuu, who served as betas for this story, and my continual dear friends and sounding boards, Mistr3ss Quickly and Sonya. Thanks also to LJÕs RussellXEd community and to everyone whoÕs read and commented on my FMA fics!

I decided to show Psiren some love in this fic because she got totally short-changed by canon -- her single episode made it look like she was going to be a major player in the drama, and then she was *never* seen or heard from again . . . plus, I figured I had to answer the nagging question of just *how* she knew somebody was working on a PhilosopherÕs Stone in Xenotime.

Fullmetal Alchemist is property of Hiromu Arakawa, Square Enix and Studio BONES. These characters ainÕt mine, IÕm just borrowing them for a little while.