Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Were ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: Were
Author: Krystal Gryphon
Fandom: FMA/Anita Blake
Summary: Ed ended up in the Anita-verse at the end of the series, where he was made a Wereleopard by Gabriel… He didn't stick around however, and went off to wander the world to try and find a way back to Amestris…. He eventually found a way that involved using raw Necromancy to open the gate and send him back through. The only problem is that Anita Blake is the only mostly untrained Necromancer in the world, which means he has to go back to St. Louis…. Fortunately, Asher vouches for him and Anita agrees to help send him home… This fic starts about a year after he made it home, though he has yet to announce his return to any but a few select people… Four years post series….
A large snow leopard slunk through the streets of Central. How dare those bastards try to set him up like that!! All he wants is to make things better! Ed snarled in his mind. It looked like he and the Pard would have to head out soon, if what he'd heard that evening was correct.
Since his return to Amestris from the Other World, as Ed put it, he had only revealed his presence to four people: Psiren, Russell and Fletcher Tringham, and Clause, the girl he and Al had met once so long ago. All four were now Wereleopards like him, having chosen to be infected and help Colonel Roy Mustang from behind the scenes, though the man was now a General.
Now though, his former superior was in danger. Some higher-ups had decided to send him and his staff off to singlehandedly stop- or try to- a large group of bandits that Ed knew was both larger than intelligence stated, (hell, it was more an army of mercenaries) and in control of several chimeras.
Oh yes, Ed was pissed. In fact he was furious. He was rather fond of Roy Mustang, and very possessive of those he considered his…. Which was basically his Pard and Roy and the rest, and his brother and the Rockbells. The leopard padded up the stairs to the steeple of the abandoned church that was the Pard's home and shifted back to human in a rush of fluid. “Get ready.” He growled to the lounging group. “We're going hunting.”
Author's notes: Ed is (obviously) a snow leopard. Psiren/Clara is a black leopard. Russell and Fletcher are regularly colored, and Clause is another black, just for the record. I have yet to decide what type any others who get infected will be, except Roy… if he gets infected, he will also be a snow leopard.