Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ What The Hell! ❯ I ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

What The Hell!
Author: Yami No Kaeko
I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist…
Warnings: bad language and some sexual content and some mentioning of F/M/M.
Theme Song: Coming Undone (Korn: again not mine I just like the song)
A young woman sat on her bed reading her favorite Manga. It was Fullmetal Alchemist and she knew everything about it. Her sister Kathy would often make fun of her for being so childish. She would often stick her tongue out at her to show how childish she could be. She giggled at a certain part then heard a knock on her door. She jumped out of bed and slipped on her pajama bottoms and answered it.
“Dinner's ready Candy.” It was her sister Kathy. Even though they sometimes fought like cats and dogs, Candy and Kathy were the best of friends even though Kathy was almost two years older than she. Candy smiled and followed her sister down the stairs.
“Nice to see that you'd join us for dinner.” It was Candy and Kathy's mother. She was a short woman with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes. Kathy looked just like her mother, and well Candy looked like her father. He had short black hair and violet eyes. A strange combination for any one person let alone two people. Candy was her father's child and a daddy's girl, but as fait would have it Candy's father died of a brain tumor the year Candy graduated from high school. It was October 3. She was 18 then and now she stayed home with mom so she wouldn't be lonely. Kathy would occasionally come home from college where she was studying to be a Crime Scene Investigator. Their father's name was Mike Waters.
“Well yeah you know how I get when I start reading, I can't put them down.” Candy smiled as she scratched the back of her head.
“You and Kathy can wash the dishes tonight.” Their mother told them.
“Yes Mary.” Kathy said and Candy elbowed her.
“Yes, MOM.” Candy corrected. Kathy smiled and elbowed her back.
“I can't believe your graduating this year. Are you going straight into field work?” Mary asked.
“Yeah.” Kathy answered then looked over at her sister.
“I'm going to start by finding where you hide your Yaoi mangas and burning them.” Kathy told Candy. Candy paled.
“W-what are you talking about; I don't own any Yaoi…” Candy tried to lie.
“Yes you do, it's…..” Kathy started to say then whispered the rest in her ear. “You know that gay stuff with that Mustang guy and Elric guy?” Kathy said as she elbowed her younger sister in the ribs.
“Kathy!” Candy shouted. She played with her fork then looked over to the empty chair.
“That day is coming up you know.” Kathy told her seriously.
“Yeah, in a few days…” Candy said as she put her fork down and rushed back upstairs.
“Why must you bring that day up, you know how much it hurts your sister.” Kathy looked down at her food. Her guilt was now building up and she soon excused herself. Mary looked at the stairs and sighed.
“Mike...” She said as she loaded the sink with the dishes and washed them in silence.
Candy sat on her bed. Her face was solemn because she was good at hiding her feelings. Last year when she told her boyfriend about the incident, he dumped her flat. She fought through almost crying for a few days. She promised that she would never cry more tears than she did at her father's funeral, and that had been few. She looked up at her life-size poster of Roy Mustang that she had stuck on her ceiling.
“I bet you never had to go through this, women are just attracted to you…” she smiled and fell asleep holding Mike's favorite shirt.
Wake up please…
Miss? Are you alright? A deep voice asked. She new that voice she had heard it somewhere before but she couldn't place it.
“Miss, could you tell me what you're doing in my house?” The voice asked and Candy bolt out of her sleep. She looked at who had spoken to her and she almost paled.
“Roy?” She asked seeing a puzzled look on his face.
“How do you know my name?” Roy asked. She shot up on her feet and looked around.
“How did I get here?” She asked. She felt something in her hand and looked down to see her father's shirt.
“That's what I would like to know, the doors and windows are locked…” Roy told her.
“I'm sorry Roy; I guess that was a lucky guess at your name.” She lied.
“As for how I got in here I must have thought this was my house and unlocked your door.” She said holding up her hand. Sure enough as she had said there was a key in her hand.
“That doesn't explain how you got a key to my house.” Roy was getting upset. He could tell that she wasn't telling him the whole truth.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I just was kind of drunk last night and I don't remember much of what happened. I know however that I always keep a key under the plant on the porch so I must have thought it was my house and passed out.” She told him she didn't smile but looked into his eyes pleadingly.
“Alright,” He said then looked her up and down.
“You might want to get some clothes on before you go out…” He told her. She looked down and her face turned bright red. The only thing she was wearing was short shorts and a tube top. She quickly slid on her father's shirt which barely fit her it was so small. It hugged her C size boobs very well.
“Um, that's the problem…I don't have a home, I was so drunk last night I thought that I still lived with my family.” She lied again. She wasn't about to tell Roy Mustang that she had come from another dimension. He would think she was nuts.
“Well surely you have a place to stay, miss…” Roy stopped waiting for her to introduce herself.
“Oh, I'm sorry; my name is Candy Waters, nice to meet you Mr. Roy.” She stuck out her hand to shake his.
“But unfortunately I don't know anyone here in Central,” She said as she looked to the ground.
“All alone are we?” Roy asked now he was starting to feel bad for her.
“Yeah, October 3rd would make six years.” She told him and his eyebrows rose.
“October 3rd?” Roy asked. He had heard that date from somewhere before, it wasn't a happy memory either.
“Yeah, my father and mother died in a car accident.” She lied. It wouldn't be a good idea to tell him too much about where she was from, it might bring out some of her lies and she was good at keeping them straight.
“Oh, I remember now, October 3rd is when Fullmetal burned his house and came to Central to become a State Alchemist.” Roy said to himself.
“Edward?” She asked. He was catching onto her now, he glared at her and she paled.
“Shit…” was all she could get out before he grabbed her by the arm and sat her down on his couch.
“Spill.” He said as he glared at her.
“I'm sorry I can't tell you how I know his name, you would think I was crazy.” Candy told him. He started to pull out his gloves and she physically flinched.
“Okay, I'll tell you.” She said wide eyed and hands out.
“I'm from a different dimension, where this world is a comic book.” She told him. He wasn't convinced so he put his gloves on.
“HEY, I'm telling you the TRUTH,” She shouted.
“Prove it, and you have ten seconds to convince me.” He said as he started to count backwards.
“Maes Hughes was you best friend and he was murdered by a homunculus named Envy.” She shouted with her eyes closed. She heard him reach 4.
“You want to become furor so you don't have to take stupid orders ever again…” 3.
“Ok, um, you almost killed yourself back during the Ishvallin war because you had to kill two doctors named Rockbell.” Roy paled. Nobody knew that. He stopped counting and almost fell backwards. Candy opened her eyes and she looked at him with sorrow.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that it just came out, I would have rather been roasted than to have to make you relive your sins…” She said looking to the floor. One solitary tear leaked out of her eyes.
“H-how, no…” He said as he straightened himself.
“You can't be serious right? Ok answer this question.” He said as he crossed his arms and smirked.
“What is Ed's worst fear?” Roy asked. Oh he knew that question, and if she is who she said she is she would know. She looked up at him with a look of pure sorrow.
“That he would lose his brother before he can get his body back, and that he would be all alone…” The last part she looked to the ground. She had hit the nail on the head and Roy was shocked.
“Where are you from?” He asked.
“America.” She told him. He frowned and tried to take in all the information that he could.
“Can you use alchemy?” He asked. She looked up at him and smiled. For the first time in a long time someone had made her smile.
“I think I can, I haven't tired yet though. I was interested in learning it, but they never went into enough detail for me to get a good grip on it, though I know how to draw a beginners array.” She told him.
“Do you want me to take the exams?” she asked.
“I think you would make a good partner for Fullmetal,” He told her. She stood up and he quickly realized that she was a good four inches shorter than him. She looked up into his eyes and smiled.
“You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that.” She told him.
“Until you take the exams, you can use my library and stay here; however, you will be cooking and cleaning in exchange for rent. Does sound fair?” He asked. She nodded her head and clapped her hands together.
“When do I start?” She asked excitedly.
“Well I have the day off tomorrow so I can show you the ropes of my house. Until then you can stay in the guest room upstairs.” He told her as he led her to the guest room.
“Now, you mind telling me the truth? Are your parents really dead?” He asked her. She looked down at the floor in sorrow.
“My mom is alive but my father died like I said he did.” She answered as Roy opened the door.
“I know what it feels like to lose a father...” He said as he walked down the hallway into his bedroom and closed the door.
“That's right, tomorrow is October 3rd, I miss you daddy, I can't believe I'm 25 already, I'm not your little girl anymore am I?” She said to herself as she closed the door and got into bed.
The next few weeks were the same. Candy was always reading a book and Roy would often come in and check on her. He watched her flip the pages of the book subconsciously repeating the words that were on the page. One day Roy was watching her and she stopped reading for a minute.
“I wonder,” She said to herself. She took out a piece of paper and drew an array on it. Concentrating she made the air around the paper cold and frigid and snow fell onto it. She smiled.
“The two strongest elements together… Fire and Ice.” She giggled to herself. Roy was amazed at how well she could control the Alchemy. She turned around and shrieked dropping the paper.
“H-how long where you standing there?” She asked as she blushed madly.
“Long enough to see your talents Candy, you are pretty good with elemental Alchemy.” He told her. She flashed him a sheepish smile.
“The exams are coming up in March; I think you are ready for them now however.” He told her as he winked then walked out of the room. He didn't stay long enough to see that she was blushing from head to toe.
“H-he heard me…” She covered her mouth with her hand and went back to reading. She was trying her hardest not to burst out into laughter.
Roy stood outside the door. She had feelings for him and he knew it. He didn't know how he felt about the strange girl from another dimension, but whenever he saw her read, cook, clean, or just look at him, his stomach felt like it was doing back flips. Then what he heard next surprised him.
“Damn it I never told him that my birthday is March 22…I'm going to be 26…” He heard her sigh. He smiled.
“A 26 year old virgin…” That last statement made him grin. He knew what to give her for her birthday now. Something she wanted and needed, and now that he knew how he felt, something he wanted and needed also. The next few months were going to be fun. Candy came out of the library with book in her hand. She looked in the living room for Roy then in the kitchen. She scratched her head and went to her bedroom. She pulled out her journal and began to write in her code. Her code consisted of all of her favorite things. She sat it down after an hour and turned off her lamp.
Candy wake up…
“Candy! Get up, breakfast's ready!” Candy sat bolt upright in her bed. She was home.
“Was it all a dream?” She asked as she looked up and saw her life-size poster of Roy.
“Must have been…” She yawned and walked down the stairs.
“We're having Biscuits and gravy.” Mary told her. She smiled and sat down at the table.
“Well somebody's happy,” Mary said as she handed Candy a plate.
“I had the coolest dream ever last night,” Candy told her. Mary smiled and sat down in front of her daughter.
“So, where's Kathy?” Candy asked. She took a bite of her food.
“She went back to college, she still has a few more months to go and in March she'll be out.” Her mother answered her. Candy dropped her fork.
“Mom, are you alright? You're kind of pale.” She asked her.
“Yeah, just got a little cold that's all.” She said then coughed. When Mary looked at her hand she paled even worse that she already was. She quickly hid her hand.
“Mom, don't lie to me…” Candy said as tears started to well up in her eyes.
“I'm not lying to you dear,” she smiled at Candy. Candy got up and rushed up the stairs. She couldn't take it. Her mother was showing the same symptoms that her father did a week before he died. Mary frowned and picked up the empty plates and sat them in the sink. Candy collapsed on her bed and fell asleep.
Baby please wake up…
“Candy, hey, you going to get up or am I going to have to drag you out of bed?” It was Roy.
“Yeah, give me a minute.” She said as she got out of bed and slipped on her clothes. When she walked down the stairs Roy was cooking and the coffee was already made. Candy poured herself a cup of coffee stirring in four spoons of sugar and some cream.
“I don't know what's going on but last night I went back home for a few hours.” Candy told him. He looked at her surprised.
“That's strange then.” He said as he placed the plates down on the table and poured himself a cup of coffee.
“Are you ready? I talked them into letting you take the exams; you'll be taking it at 2pm tomorrow.” Candy paled.
“S-so soon!” She sputtered. He smiled. There was a stray hair in her eyes and he tucked it behind her ear. She blushed but didn't say or do anything.
“Also, Fullmetal has made it back from his mission so I invited him over so you can meet him.” Roy told her. She smiled and looked down at breakfast. Eggs and toast. She cringed.
“Um, Roy, did I tell that I hate eggs?” She looked at him. He frowned.
“No, you forgot to mention that, what other kinds of food don't you like?” Roy asked her.
“Peppers, oatmeal, fish, celery, and milk.” She told him and he laughed.
“Edward hates milk too.” He told her.
“Yeah I know.” She looked down at the eggs and felt bad. So she took a bite of them and swallowed fast.
“You don't have to eat them; I'll make you some bacon if you want it instead.” Candy shook her head.
“There is no way I'm not going to, you made it for me and well, I would feel bad if I didn't.” She finished off the eggs and took a big drink of her coffee. She grabbed her throat. Roy was laughing the whole time.
“Shut up it's not funny; I won't be able to taste anything for weeks now…” She said as she tried to fan her tongue. Roy started to take her plate and she stopped him with her hand.
“I'm sorry, I really am.” She apologized. He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, why?” He asked her.
“For doing this…” She said as she shot up and kissed him. His face went from stoic to surprise. She started to run off up the stairs but he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into a kiss. He gazed into her eyes and started to drown in those amethyst pools. When they separated, He kept his eyes locked onto hers.
“There is no need to apologize for that,” He smiled and cupped her face. Her eyes glazed over with lust. He bent down and kissed her again. As he did he picked her up bridal style and carried her to his bedroom. He sat her down and crawled on top of her.
“Wait,” She said as she placed her hands on his chest. “I-I've never…” She stared but he silenced her with a finger to her lips.
“I know, it's alright.” He said as he removed his finger and kissed her again. He started to move his hands down her sides and she was lost in his touch.
Please wake up…
A few hours later Candy woke up to something warm over her stomach. She looked down and saw Roy's arm. She smiled. Then she got an idea. She took a strand of her hair and tickled Roy's nose with it. His face scrunched up and he moaned but he didn't wake up. So she did it again. This time he batted it away and cracked open one eye to see what was tickling his nose. What he saw was amethyst eyes and a grin.
“Good morning sunshine.” Candy laughed out as he grabbed her by the arms and sat on top of her.
“Yes it was until someone woke me up.” He said seriously then pinned her arms above her head. He ran the other hand down her sides until he came to her stomach then started to tickle her. She started to laugh uncontrollably and Roy's smile widened.
“How do you like being tickled, hum?” He asked as he kissed feather light kisses down her torso.
“Quit teasing Roy!” Candy half shouted half laughed. So he did as he was asked and took her again.
The Clock in the dining room chimed 1pm. Candy bolt upright in her bed.
“Roy, I need to take a shower, what time is Edward coming over?” Candy asked.
“One…why?” Roy asked sleepily.
“Shit Roy, it's One now!” She sprang out of bed and grabbed her clothes. Just as that news entered Roy's brain, he too shot out of bed. When the doorbell rang, they froze. They quickly got their clothes on and rushed down stairs. Candy was the first to the door so she answered it.
“You must be Candy Waters, I'm…” the blond at the door said.
“Second Lieutenant Jean Havoc, nice to meet you.” Candy said as she retch out her hand to shake his. He shook it and pulled the cigarette out of his mouth.
“Hey boss, Fullmetal said that he wouldn't come to your house if you paid him a million Cens.” Havoc told Roy as he finally made it down the stairs.
“Oh Really. Well tell him that if he were a report, he would be a very short one.” Roy told Havoc.
“WHO YOU CALLIN SO SHORT THAT THEY CAN'T SEE OVER A SHEET OF PAPER!?!” Edward shouted from the backseat of Jean's car.
“I thought you said you weren't going to come?” Roy asked amused at how quickly he could get a rise out of Edward. Edward opened the car door and slammed it shut causing Jean to flinch.
“Watch it there chief, that's my car you're abusing there.” Jean told him. Edward just huffed and walked up to Roy. He looked up at him because he was still short, but now he was about 5'6” so Roy couldn't say too much. Candy just covered her mouth as she silenced a laugh.
“That'll be all Havoc, I'll see you tomorrow.” Roy dismissed him. Jean got in his car and left. Weird, Jean had not been smoking…
“Hey! Who you laughin at?” Edward shifted his attention to her.
“Fullmetal, that's not the way to talk to your partner.” Roy said with emphasis on the `partner'.
“WHAT!!! I don't need a partner, I have Al…” Edward told him. He was clearly about to blow his top.
“Calm down Edward, what would your brother say?” Candy asked him. Edward just looked at her with a thoughtful look on his face.
“Who are you!?!” Edward shouted.
“I'm sorry, my name is Candy Waters. As the Colonel has said, tomorrow I take the State Exams and become your partner; I can work with you and Alphonse right?” Candy asked with puppy-dog eyes. Edward did three things that surprised Roy. He blushed, looked away and nodded his head. What Edward didn't expect next was the tight hug that Candy gave him.
“Thank you Edward, you don't know how much this means to me.” Roy smirked when he saw how red Edward had turned from the hug. He turned to the side and scratched the back of his head. Edward then realized something. He turned to face Roy and sure enough, there was a bite mark on his neck. Edward death glared Roy.
“Something wrong Edward?” Roy asked as he fixed his collar.
“Yes, you wanna tell me how you got that, cuz I'm sure I haven't been here long enough to give you that…” Edward pointed at Roy's bite mark. Candy paled.
“What!” She shouted, and then grinned. “Oh,” Candy said evilly.
“Oh, that's my handiwork. Why Ed, Jealous? Want one too?” Candy said as she advanced the shocked Alchemist. He paled and the fight left him. She trailed her fingers up his left arm and leaned over to whisper in his ear.
“We can share him, what do you think?” She asked him. She looked up to Roy who had a shocked look on his face. Then she looked at Edward.
“I-I…” Edward was at a loss of words. Roy couldn't believe it. She had the poor boy wrapped around her little finger, judging by the bulge in his pants.
“I think that's a good idea Candy, what do you think Edward?” Roy asked. Edward looked to Roy with a shocked expression mixed in with embarrassment.
“I-I…” he couldn't say anything else when Candy stripped him of his red coat. She started nibbling his neck and he lost it. He melted in her touch and she looked into Roy's eyes asking for permission. She found it quickly because she was acting too sexy to say no. She moved him into the house and Roy was behind her. She unzipped Edward's over shirt and laid it on the couch. His boots went next all this while she was pushing him up the stairs.
Wake up…
The next morning Candy woke up to find herself in her room again. She could still taste Edward's and Roy's kisses. She sat up and noticed that there were voices downstairs. She got up and walked down the stairs and saw two figures. One of them a tall blond woman with violet eyes. The other was a little shorter than her and he had long green hair that flowed out of his headband.
“ENVY!” Candy shouted. Envy grinned.
“Hey there, the new Lust.” Envy told the tall blond standing next to him. When Candy took a longer look at the woman she looked somewhat like her mother.
“Mom?” She asked.
“I was, but now I am Sloth, and you are the new Lust.” She pointed to the red tattoo on my chest. A snake eating its own tail. That's when she noticed that she was wearing a lusty black dress that her boobs where almost popping out of. She looked at the other homunculi.
“How did this happen?” Candy said as she fought the `Lust' within her.
“You and your sister tired to bring you mother back from the dead and you got sucked in the gate. But when you sister died they spat you back out.” Envy told her.
“This has to be a bad dream…” Candy shouted.
“Candy wake up!” Candy shot straight up in bed. Edward and Roy had been trying to wake her.
“I went back home, it was all a dream, I never was there was I?” She started to cry.
“Mom's dead, and it's my fault.” Candy told them. Edward paled. He noticed that she had a red mark under her hair. He moved her hair aside to see the tattoo that she had seen in her dream.
“Why do you have this tattoo?” Edward asked. Candy looked down at her torso and saw that the tattoo.
“All the better to kill you with my dear…” She said as her normal violet eyes turned into homunculi eyes. She pierced Edward through the heart with a finger then turned to Roy and cut his head off.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Candy shouted inside Lust's head.
`Look what you did to your friends candy, shame shame shame,' Lust told her. Lust started to laugh uncontrollably as Envy walked in the room.
“Looks like you did a good job of killing that bastard's son,” He said as he advanced Lust.
“Where's that reward you promised me, Envy…” Lust said as she ran her hand up Envy's side.
NO!!! STOP PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!! Candy shouted. She couldn't take it anymore. Any more of this and her soul would break. If it already hadn't, it soon will.
Candy wake up…Candy looked around but all she saw was darkness.
Candy wake up baby…
That voice…I've heard it somewhere before…
Wake up please, I need you…
Roy? Is that you?
Can you hear me baby, wake up…
I can hear you but I can't see you…I can't see anything…
Baby ifyou can hear me say something
You can't hear me, Roy, I-I…
Candy bolt straight up in bed. She looked around to see where she was and got an almost crushing hug from someone.
“Why am I in the hospital?” Candy asked as she looked at who was hugging her. It was Roy.
“You've been in a coma for four months, you got hit by a car and almost died,” Roy said with a tear in his eye.
“I had the strangest dream I've ever had.” She said as she looked Roy in the eyes. She looked down at her hands. One of them, her right arm from the elbow, was made of metal. Automail.
“How did I get this?” She said as she flexed her arm.
“Don't you remember the surgery two years ago? You were having trouble with it and that's why you got in an accident.” Roy told her. Her eyes brightened with remembrance. It had been a rainy day, the day she transferred to Central to be with Roy. The train ride was normal as ever until a man with a gun started shooting everyone. Candy ducked just in time to miss the bullets but they shattered the glass and she was thrown into it. It shredded her right forearm and she couldn't move her fingers. She took out her gloves from her pocket and slipped it on her left hand with her teeth. She raised it and snapped. The man caught on fire and dropped to the ground.
“Yes how could I forget, your gloves saved my life…” She said as she kissed him. She got a weird look on her face and pulled away.
“You haven't had sex with Edward have you?” She asked him and his face drained of all color.
“What?” Roy asked surprised she would even ask a stupid question like that.
“I said you haven't had sex with Edward…” She started to say but Roy cut her off.
“Why would I want Edward when I have you?” Roy asked.
“What brought that up?”
“Oh nothing,” She smiled and kissed him again.
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