Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ When Doves Cry ❯ One ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Summery: Ed asks Roy about sex and we get a rare glimpse into the Flame Alchemist’s past. EdxRoy, OCxRoy, angst, yaoi, slight non-con. Please R&R!

Disclaimer: Nope, I don’t own Fullmetal Alchemist and they don’t pay me.

Pairings: EdxRoy, OCxRoy

Warning: strong yaoi situations, some lemon I guess although it is angsty lemon.

A/N: I wrote this to explain why Roy is such a man whore. I have some other ideas so I might continue it if you guys like it. Please let me know!

When Doves Cry

It was ridiculous, and Roy knew it. Only he thought scenes like that were supposed to play out on a rainy night. There was no rain in sight, though, and it was midday. He sighed and turned to the youth on his couch.

“What?” he asked, because he was sure he had misheard the first time.

“Sex,” Ed repeated and looked straight at him. Roy was a bit surprised the fifteen year old wasn’t blushing. “How do you know so much about it?”

Roy had to fight the urge to smile and the equally strong urge to look at the bulge between Edward’s spread legs. Leather really was a miracle fabric, in so many ways.
“Practice,” he answered without elaboration. “What has that got to do with your report?”

“Plenty,” Edward said and leaned back on the couch. “But how do you know who you want to have sex with?”

Roy frowned because he knew ‘everything with two legs’ wasn’t a good enough answer. He decided to try a different approach. “Do you have a crush on someone, Fullmetal?”

Edward shrugged. “I just want to know how you know who you like,” he said and lowered his voice slightly, “you know, boys or girls.”

Now Roy really had to try not to smile. “Who do you like, Fullmetal?” he asked and couldn’t keep the amusement out of his voice.

“That’s none of your damn business!” Edward yelled and looked away. “I just wanted to know how to tell is all.”

“Mmm,” Roy said and allowed himself a small smile. “I suppose whoever you think about in the shower.”

That, he noticed, elicited a blush and Edward quickly got up. “I’ll give you the rest of my report later.”

Roy shook his head. “I don’t have all day, Fullmetal. I need to turn that report in.”

Edward stopped by the door and turned back. “I’ll give it to you tonight,” he said and left. Roy wasn’t sure if he had taken the last statement right or not, but he shook it off. Edward was just a boy, after all.

That evening there was a knock at Roy’s door. It still wasn’t raining, he noted and let Edward in. The boy walked past him, and took a seat on the couch without a word.

“Ahh, I didn’t think I’d have the pleasure to entertain you tonight, Fullmetal,” Roy said and shut the door after him.

“Cut the shit, Colonel, I’m here to give you my report,” he said and threw a file on the coffee table.

Roy nodded, picked up the file with his glass of red wine and took a seat in an armchair. “I’m all ears.”

Roy listened intently as Edward spoke, and it was much the same as always. However, the boy seemed a bit different. He wasn’t as rude as usual and he appeared almost eager. When he was finished Roy nodded.

“Do you have a date?” Roy asked.

“No,” Edward said and squirmed on the couch. “Why the hell would you think that?”

Roy just shrugged and smiled pleasantly.

“Actually,” Edward said and looked at him with bright amber eyes through golden bangs.

“Yes?” Roy asked and took a slow sip of his wine. He thought about offering Edward some but knew what kind of trouble that could lead to.

“I’m just a bit confused is all,” Edward said slowly and somewhat painfully. Roy had a feeling it was hard for him to admit such a weakness.

“Which you like?” Roy offered.

Edward nodded slowly and glanced at the book shelf in the corner.

“Well,” Roy said and leaned forward to pour himself another glass of wine. “You should experiment a bit and see which you like more.” It was risky advice, and he knew it. But he also knew what it was like to be a fifteen year old boy with almost permanent hard on.

“That’s the thing,” Edward said and glanced back at him. “I already have, and I still don’t know.”

Roy was taken aback by that and took an extra long sip of wine to hide his surprise. “Have you? With both?”

Ed nodded and gave a smirk. “I guess I learned well.”

Roy smirked back and pretended that didn’t hurt. “How far have you gone?” he asked and hated himself for sounding like a teenage girl.

“How far? Well, I’ve fucked both if that’s what you mean,” he said.

Roy nodded and took a deep breath. He wondered, a bit belatedly, why Fullmetal had chosen him of all people to have this conversation with. “What do you want me to do?” and even as he asked it Roy feared the answer.

At first Edward just shrugged. “I just thought I’d ask since you know so much.”

Roy shook his head. “What do you want to know?” he asked, in an attempt to play along. He told himself he would stop before things went too far and put down the glass of wine.

Edward shrugged again and pulled off his jacket. He only had on a black sleeveless shirt underneath, and Roy couldn’t help a fleeting glance at Edward’s taut arms. “What can you teach me?” he asked and once again gave Roy a look that he was all too familiar with, only coming from anyone but Fullmetal.

Roy realized it was going too far. He was going to stand up and tell Edward to leave but somehow he didn’t. He found himself frowning at the fifteen year old instead. “If this is your idea of seduction it is a really lame attempt.”

Edward’s eyes turned into daggers. “You think I would try to seduce a bastard like you?”

Roy felt a headache coming on and finally stood up. “I think you should leave,” he said firmly.

Edward made no move to do so. He simply stood and stared at Roy, his large amber eyes were bright and wild and almost hurt. Instead of moving toward the door he began to unbuckle his pants.

Roy gritted his teeth. “What are you doing, Fullmetal?” he asked angrily but made no move to stop him. He watched as the young man threw off his shirt and pushed the leather pants down his slender hips before bending over to take off his boots. Roy saw the small patch of golden brown hair that nestled the teenagers limp penis and quickly looked away.

“Fullmetal,” he said, with somewhat less ferocity this time and much more annoyance. “What are you doing?”

“I just want to try something,” he said and Roy heard him walk over and felt a calloused hand grab his arm and turn him around.

Edward then began to unbutton Roy’s shirt. Roy wanted to protest. He wanted to push Edward away. He wanted to tell him to go home to his brother. But he didn’t. He stood and watched slender and delicate fingers unbutton his shirt and work their way around his torso. He let Edward lean in and kiss him squarely on the chest and lean up to lick his nipples as the hands wandered down to his pants. He let the fifteen year old suck him off until he was so hard it hurt.

Then Edward stopped and looked up at him.

Roy felt sick and somewhat out of control, a feeling he didn’t like at all, and he was all too aware that he was frowning. “This isn’t a good idea,” he said, and although he’d meant to sound harsh it came out as little more than a whisper.

Edward said nothing. He simply leaned up and kissed Roy on the lips. It was clumsy and too hard and too wet, but Roy let him in. He let their tongues mingle for a moment and he let Edward take his large hand and wrap it around the boy’s eager erection.

As Roy moved his hand slowly up and down he heard Edward almost moan and almost squeak into his mouth as they kissed. Suddenly, the boy pulled away, panting slightly.

“Now what?” he asked and Roy was a bit surprised.

“What are you asking that for, Fullmetal? You started this whole thing!”

Edward shrugged and moved toward the couch. “Do you wanna be top or bottom?” he asked without turning around. Roy took one longing glance at Edward’s small, perfect ass and knew his answer but didn’t say.

He didn’t know how Edward took it, only that he bent over and let Roy in. He screamed a bit and gasped, and Roy wasn’t sure if it was in pleasure or pain. But the boy under him, the fifteen year old, almost sounded like he was crying and Roy was too far along to stop. He kept telling himself that, until he exploded and gripping onto Edward’s tight flat stomach, he felt the boy do the same.

Roy really wasn’t sure how long they stayed there. He knew he was sticky and stiff and that he desperately wanted a shower. He could wash off the come, but the sin he’d just committed went deeper and made him feel even dirtier than he had before.

Finally Edward got up. His eyes were no longer as bright and they were slightly red. As he dressed Roy noticed a few spots of red on his limp penis and the couch. He frowned and glanced at the boy.

“How are you Fullmetal?” he asked and stood up to find his boxers.

“Why can’t you just call me Ed?” he asked and Roy saw a glimmer of wetness in those eyes.

He didn’t know what to say and still didn’t even after Edward was gone.

* * *

It had been raining that night, and every now and then a flash of lightening would brighten the sky. The thunder was so close Roy could feel it in his bones. He couldn’t sleep. It’d been a long hard day of studying and his head swam with arrays and alchemy terms and everything else he knew he needed to pass the exams. And he would pass the exams. He would be the youngest state alchemist in history. He knew that, and it made him smile.

Since sleep seemed to be eluding him, Roy got out of bed. It was a small twin and he had his own room in the attic. His mentor, Lucius Bryant, had kindly taken him in and Roy felt much better now than he had when he’d first stepped off the train in Central and was instantly lost and scared and only a boy, after all.

Roy quickly lit a candle with a match and burned his fingers. “Ow,” he whispered into the quite room and another flash of lightening followed. Then he quietly opened the door and crept down the narrow stairs. There was nothing quite like a night of studying and maybe some left over chocolate cake, Roy decided, and went into the kitchen.

Once he had his cake, a large glass of milk and candle all in hand he went to the library. Lucius, or the Light Alchemist as he was known by the state because of his research with alchemically modified electrical lights, had a small but suitable library. The only reason Roy thought it was small was because he had seen the National Library in Central and knew that what Lucius had paled in comparison.

When he got into the library he noticed a light in the corner table and his mentor bent over a pile of papers and squinting through his reading glasses.

“Oh,” he said when he noticed Roy, and he smiled a pleasant and handsome smile that made the corner of his eyes crinkle. “What are you doing up so late? Storm keeping you awake?”

“I guess,” Roy said and sat his load down on the table next to the older man.

“There is nothing like a late night of studying, oh and chocolate cake,” Lucius said and smiled. Roy smiled back.

Lucius was older, Roy wasn’t sure how old, he only knew the man had a few choice wrinkles that gave his handsome face character and his light brown hair was beginning to show signs of gray. Roy, of course, pretended not to notice any of that, but he did and he wasn’t sure why.

As Roy began to quickly eat the cake and drink the milk he had the distinct feeling Lucius was watching him. He pretended not to notice that either and self consciously wiped his mouth once he was through.

“Roy,” Lucius said and gave him a warm smile, “can I ask you something?”

“Mmm,” Roy said and nodded. His feet were cold and he’d wished he’d put on some socks before walking around on the bear wooden floors.

“You don’t have a girlfriend do you?”

“No,” Roy said and felt himself go slightly red.

“Do you know why? I mean, you are a very handsome young man,” Lucius said and continued to smile.

Roy felt his face grow hotter and he hoped the candle light was dim enough that the older man didn’t notice. He had a feeling why he didn’t have a girlfriend. He’d never met a girl he liked in that way. Sure they were nice and pretty, but they were too soft and round. He never really thought of them. However, he thought of other things, muscular arms and legs and chests and sweat, and then he had to stop himself because it wasn’t a good idea to get turned on in front of his mentor.

“I don’t,” Roy lied and his mouth felt like sand paper and he wasn’t sure what to do.

Lucius only nodded and continued to smile. “You look cold. Come, I’ll get you an extra blanket for your room.”

Roy, more relieved then he let on, stood up and followed Lucius. Years later he realized this was the point he should have done something different, but he was young and didn’t.

The man’s room was on the second floor and Roy hoped up the stairs with the ease of youth. Lucius smiled at him and opened the door into his bedroom. Roy had often wondered why such a nice and handsome man was a bachelor, but he’d never had the courage to ask.

Once they were both in the room Lucius shut the door and put down his candle. He then pulled a blanket out of a closet and set it down on his bed.

“Come here, Roy, let’s wrap you up,” he said and patted the bed.

Roy went, slowly, because he didn’t know what else to do and sat on the bed. He heard Lucius behind him, unfolding the blanket. Then he felt cold hands run down his chest. The older man had his body pressed up against Roy and he was frozen in place, even more unsure of what to do. Slowly, the older man reached his hand into Roy’s loose bed pants and began to stroke his penis. Roy chocked out something between a gasp and a sob.

“Do you like that, Roy?” Lucius whispered in his ear and Roy felt hot breathe on his neck followed by dry lips kissing him.

Roy opened his mouth as the man jerked him off and let himself be kissed. Then Lucius took Roy’s hand and wrapped it around his own erection. Roy, uncertain, hard and scared began to jack him off. He let himself continue to be kissed and felt and used.

He was fifteen at the time.