Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Where It Counts ❯ Where It Counts ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Where It Counts
Ed frowned at the pluming of the urinal while thinking about what had just happened in Colonel Mustang's office. Why did everyone think it was so funny to tease him about his size? There wasn't anything funny about it. Being sixteen and being smaller than some twelve year olds wasn't exactly his idea of something to laugh about.
The door to the men's room opened to admit Colonel Asshole Extraordinaire. When the man saw Ed he smirked; probably still thinking about the last rounds of jokes made at the younger alchemist's expense. The dark haired man stepped to the urinal beside him, and grinned at the wall while undoing his pants.
Growling, Ed slammed down the metal handle and began doing up his pants when a thought came to him. Curiously, he leaned over toward the Colonel and looked past the divider at the other man's anatomy.
“What do you think you're doing Fullmetal?” Mustang asked in surprised irritation. That just wasn't something one did…
Smirking, Ed walked to the sink to wash his hands, ignoring the other man's question. After throwing the paper towel away, the teenager grabbed the door handle to leave when Mustang said, “Don't ignore me, small fry. I don't appreciate…”
“Colonel.” Ed said, smugly interrupting the man. “I may be shorter than you in height, but at least I'm bigger where it counts.”
Wow… I don't think I've ever written anything that short before, but I got the idea for this last night and it wouldn't leave me alone, so here it is. Comments are nice if you have a moment to leave one. Thanks for reading.