Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Where You Go I Will Follow ❯ Prolog ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own
My family lived in a small prosperous mining town called Youswell it was along the eastern border; some called it the “wild frontier”. Our family was very happy living where we were, my mother, Akane, was a state alchemist, a lieutenant to be exact, and she was I suppose you could say the overseer of the town. She was kind and a very lovely woman, she had copper colored hair and hazel green eyes that seemed to have a dull look about them which made it hard to read her emotions. She treated all of the people in the town with respect, and would occasionally help out, though she was usually piled under her paper work or out with her family. My father, Emiko, was a large burly man with rich brown hair that always seemed messy even when he brushed it. His eyes in slight contrast to my mothers were a very lively and vivid green that seemed to dance with amusement, especially when my very small and petite mother was scolding him. He was an auto-mail mechanic, and before my mother came along it had been the love of his life, and he hoped to pass his secrets down to his children. And then there was my older brother, Aritomo, who was older then I by nine years, he was an exact image of my father. As for his personality he was very over protective and very much of prankster. I my self was a very nice mix of both of my parents, with my chocolate brown hair with a copper tint, slightly wavy. Dull hazel green eyes, framed by long think lashes. Pale skin in contrast with my dark hair. Fairly skinny though not skinny enough to be called disgusting, it was just the way I had always been, my stomach was like a bottomless pit.
My brother wasn't into learning alchemy, he was fine with auto-mail, though he would rather pull a prank than sit and work. On the other hand as soon as I could read I had my head buried in books on alchemy, and sometimes auto-mail books. Though that's not to say that I didn't like to pull a few pranks after all I was the brains of the operation, while my brother was the brawn. Even as I child I showed great potential, the Führer had once even told me that I was a very extraordinary child, when he came on a personal check up. My parents liked to call me their little Hoshi, which was part of my name, and it meant star. My full name being Akihoshi Sakura Fujikage. My life seemed perfect, almost like the Garden of Eden, though all good things must come to an end…
At the young age of eight I had my mother and older brother taken from me, they had died of a very rare disease. The mines had been taken over by a horrid man named Yoki who taxed the people left and right. Though the person who took it the worst was my father. After their deaths nothing was the same, he became depressed and began to dabble in alchemy, he would spend many nights locked up in the attic doing god knows what. Though I soon found out what he was doing…I had been making dinner, something I had taken it upon myself after my mother had died, I called my father for dinner but received no answer, trying yet again I ended up with the same result. I wasn't to worried, seeing as he often fell asleep in the attic. Even now as I share my story with you I can remember how I suddenly realized that the stairs were unbearably noisy, each one creaked under my weight. And each step seemed like an eternity until finally I reached the very top of the stairs, with a trembling hand I reached to open the door, though I really didn't expect for it to open. Nor did I expect what happened next… I can't quiet recall what happened next though I will try to explain as best that I can… my father was bent over a transmutation circle and had just place his hands on it. A light flashed and I was momentarily blinded, but instantly forgot about my sight as I felt a searing pain in my leg, I can't remember if I yelled or not though I'm pretty sure I did. After that everything went dark, I can slightly remember standing in front of a gate and having strange images pass before my eyes, though I couldn't make sense of any of them for they were moving to fast.
I felt muddled when I woke up, only to have my memories rush back to me. Looking down, I realized that I was virtually swimming in a puddle of my own blood that seemed to gush like a river from my left leg, or where it should have been. It was strange I felt no pain no nothing… just numb, though I didn't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I was also surprisingly calm, for someone who had just lost a limb. Searching with my eyes they landed on a form in the center of the room, it was horribly mangled, limbs hanging out at odd angles, its head thrown backwards eyes open and quick shallow breaths were rasped out. It chest heaved causing one of the arms to move every time it did so. And those eyes… so much like my own dull hazel green… they stared right at me, almost asking me… no begging… for me to end its pitiful existence. My eyes widened and my breaths quickened to match the pace of my heart. That thing had been my mother, I now realized why my father stayed locked up in the attic, he had been preparing, to do the most forbidden taboo in alchemy, he had been preparing to bring my mother back.
Using my arms I did an army crawl over to the thing that was suppose to have been my mother. My eyes had now filled with tears, for not only was my father now gone, but I would have to destroy my mother. My mother had taught me some alchemy, on top of what I read my self, being that she had been a state alchemist. Looking as the strange arrangement of limbs I gave an apologetic look toward her. Though I may have imagined it I could have sworn that she gave me a small smile, so just in case I returned the gesture. Using my own blood I created a transmutation circle over her heart. Clapping my hands I gave her one last sad look before pressing my hands against the array. She died instantly, the array had shifted her own skin into a spear that pierced her heart or where it was suppose to be, though to be sure that she was dead I drew another transmutation circle on her stomach as set her on fire. By this time I was feeling dizzy from the loss of blood so I didn't take to much notice as the fire I had set on my mother began to slither its way around me. After inhaling the fumes for a few minutes I was once again rendered unconscious.
I let out a groan as I awoke in a very bland white room. Every inch of my body felt like one big bruise, though if this was one bruise I bet I would have felt a lot better than I did right then. I watched as the room got blurry again, as my eyes filled with tears and cascaded down my face as the events that I had recently seen came swarming back to me. I could vaguely hear as the door opened and closed, and a blond women with light honey brown eyes stood over me with a sympathetic look. After several minute of crying I finally spoke my voice was harsh and haggard, withered from the days I spent asleep, and from all the smoke I inhaled. “…T-they're d-dead… aren't t-they? It wasn't a d-dream?” My question came out in a stutter, which angered me slightly, after all stuttering showed weakness and I didn't want to seem weak in front of this women I didn't know. She looked away and gave a small nod.
“Ms. Fujikage, I need to know what happened, why was there so much blood, certainly it couldn't have been all yours.” I had just woken up and she wanted me to spill my guts out to her, I thought as I felt my temper begin to rise. She seemed to have noticed my anger and began speaking again. “I apologize I know that this must be very hard for you… but please we must know what happened… “
I took a moment to gather my jumbled thoughts that flowed like the raging river, quickly and swiftly. “… A-about six months ago… my mother and b-brother died… m-my father was saddened… and began t-to read up on al-alchemy… and he tr-tried a…” By this point I felt like crying again, willing myself to calm down I took a deep breath and continued.”…Human Transmutation… I guess I-I got caught on the rebound… and lost my leg… while my father lost his…life…” By now I had lost all control and finally just let the tears fall. “…My mother wa-was br-brought b-back in a horrible mangle of limbs… barely alive… so I-I killed her.” As I said those words full realization hit me, I was alone, there was know one at home waiting for me, in fact there probably wasn't even a home now, after all I had set my house ablaze.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw her shift slightly uncomfortably while gazing down on a piece of paper. “In you parents will says that if both of them are to die then you are to live with the Rockbell's” Well she doesn't beat around the bush does she, I thought bitterly. I had met the Rockbells a few times, well the two that were left anyway, Winry and Pinako, Winry was my age and in love with auto-mail more so than I was, Pinako was Winry's grandmother and also an auto-mail mechanic. Pinako and my father use to be in business with each other, until he married my mother. “We've already informed them of the death of your father.” Her voice no longer seemed to waver as she spoke instead it sounded strong, just how I wanted to be, though I wasn't liking how blunt she was being, it made me want to yell.
But before I had the chance to throttle her, the door was thrown open, revealing a short gray haired old women with a pipe in her mouth, behind her was a young blonde girl who looked on timidly at everything. Pinako, the old women, gave a hard look to the other women until she left. Turning back to me her face seemed to soften into a look of pity. “ I'm sorry little Hoshi-” As a younger child I would tell people to call me Hoshi instead of my real name Akihoshi.
“Please just Aki… I-I no longer wish to be called Hoshi.” She nodded her head in understanding. It was originally my parents that had started calling me this. Slowly I began putting a barrier around my heart, trying to push away anything that reminded me of my family… yet at the same time I clung to those few fleeting memories. “Don't apologize… please I wish not for your pity.” She nodded again and then there was an uncomfortable silence that was broken by me yawning. I barely heard as Pinako told me to sleep seeing as I was already complying.
It wasn't all to long before I was able to leave the hospital, nor was it to long before I decided that I wanted auto-mail in fact it had only taken me a week to come to that decision. I told Pinako my reason for wanting auto-mail was so that I could be at least somewhat normal and go out and play with the other kids. She still seemed reluctant to go through with the surgery so with some persuasion on my part as well as a few wistful looks out side, accompanied by a few sighs she finally saw things my way. In reality I only wanted the auto-mail so that I would be able to leave, it wasn't that I was ungrateful for the things the Rockbells were doing for me, no I was in fact very grateful… I just wanted to get away from anything that reminded me of my family. Though I suppose with auto-mail I would truly never forget anything…
Even after seven years since these happenings I still have not decided which I found to be worse losing my leg or connecting nerves to a mechanic one. I'm leaning more toward the mechanical limb seeing as that must constantly be repaired and adjusted to my height.
My plan for leaving was postponed until about a year later when I was nine, it had taken me a full year to relearn how to walk. Not that I minded that much seeing as the Elrics as well as Winry were there to help me the entire time. It was around this time that I found I started having a small liking toward Edward, the elder of the two Elric brothers. Though I never acted upon it seeing as I was only nine-years-old. That and because both Alphonse and Edward had crushes on Winry and were always arguing over her, only to be bopped on the head with her fist. These times amused me, but I had made up my mind I was leaving… and I did so about two months before my birthday. The air that night was cool and crisp, still chill with early spring, yet warmed by the transition to summer. On my back was a backpack fill with some of my most precious items that I had collected over the last year. Though most of the things in there where alchemy books. In a small sack I had about three hundred dollars of pity money from to parents friends and the military. In a locked case was a pin number that would give me access to the money left by my parents, as well as a burnt picture of my family. I looked back once only to take in the image of my home… my other family… I wondered briefly if I would ever see my second family again… then shook my head, of course I would I told myself… and set off my way…
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