Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper in the Wind 2 ❯ Off to Liore ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Kate mailed the letter in the mailbox and smiled as she slid it in the slot. She turned her head and walked back home.


Once Edward had finished eating and emtied his tray, he went to his dorm room, a small space with a bunk bed and a desk. It was now late and he was tired. He sat on the bottom bunk and sighed. He missed Kate more than anything, and that's all who he could think of. He laid back on his pillow with his arms behind his head. He had to go to Liore tomorrow and he needed plenty of rest. Alphonse had already fallen asleep, and Edward figured he needed sleep, too. He softly closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Wake up, it's Wednesday."

Edward slowly opened his eyes to find Roy Mustang standing at his bedside. "WHA?! How'd you get in here?"

"The door was unlocked, so I decided to wake you up. The train to Liore's leaving in about an hour. Be sure to pack your things."

"Yeah, yeah, now get out so I can change."

Mustang left the small room shutting the door behind him, walking back to the main office.

Edward took off his white tanktop and slipped his black shirt over his shoulders. He put on his black pants, boots, and jacket, slipping his blood red coat, covering his auto-mail, over all the black clothing. As he walked out into the hall, a woman stopped him handidg him an envolope. "Mail for Mr. Elric." she nodded and went on walking. Edward opened the envolope with a letter that read,

Dear Ed,

How are you? I'm fine accept you're not here. I wanted to write you this letter to tell you how much I miss and love you. I miss you a lot. Things are so boring without you here. I had a dream you were here last night. I actually thought it was true, and woke up smiling. Your pocket watch is safe in my dresser on the very top shelf. I'm wearing the pendant you gave me, and I promise I'll keep it forever. I hope you'll come back to me soon. I really can't wait to see you again. Take care and be careful. I love you.

Forever yours,
Kateland Brezanne Rockwell

P.S: You have a lot of homework so far. I love you and miss you.

Edward smiled and folded the letter carefully, kissing it and putting it into his pocket.

"And what was that?" Mustang stood in front of Edward with a smirky grin, laughing at him for kissing the letter.

"Hey, it's not funny." Edward blushed angerly, making Mustang laugh even harder. "Hey, you were supposed to be leaving back to your office, Colonel."

Mustang wiped his eye and finished his laughing. "I came back to ask you why you were smiling while you were sleeping. Thinking of someone? Kate perhaps?"

Edward blushed even harder, making him crack his knuckles. "No, no you don't know ANYTHING about mine and Kate's relationship."

"Or maybe I do. I heard you say her name a few times last night. Dreaming of her? Or maybe you just hate her..."


"Ah, so you do love her, then. Well Ed, I'm impressed."

Edward walked angerly passed Mustang. He walked a little ways down the hall, but paused in front of Mustang's office. Smirking, he walked inside and grabbed some blank paper off Mustang's desk and a little blue pen. "Wonder if he'll notice." Sneakily, he slid the paper and the pen under his coat, and left into the hallway. "C'mon, Al. Get moving."

Alphonse woke up, yawning and getting out of bed. "What time is it, brother?"

"Ten. Train leaves in a half hour."


After Alphonse was up and packed, both him and Edward left to go catch their train.

"Great... another train ride."

"Stop complaining, brother. It's only a few days."

"Exactly, Al. A few days. You know, twenty-four hours. An hour is long... twenty-four of them... long..."

Alphonse just sighed and stepped onto the train. When they sat in their seat in the far back, and as the train started to move forward, Edward pulled out a blank sheet of paper and Mustang's blue pen.

"Funny... I don't remember you having a pen like that."

"Suprise, suprise."

Mustang was kicked back in his seat with his feet on the desk. He was begining to fall asleep, when he noticed something different. "Hey... where'd my favorite little blue pen go?"

"Okay, let's see..." Edward was trying to think of a letter for Kate. "Crap..."

"What's wrong, brother?"

"I can't think of anything to write Kate." Edward sighed and thought for a minute, and wrote,

Dear Kate,

I'm doing fine. I miss you a lot, too. Thanks for the letter you wrote me. It really means a lot. It's a pleasure you're keeping my watch. I really needed it hid. I love you, Kate. I'm sorry you never hear that enough. Hey, but when I come back to Resembool, believe me, that's all you'll hear. I'll keep writing to you anytime I get the chance. I love you, I love, you, I love you. You still never hear that enough. I love you dearly, and I promise I'll come home to you soon. I can't wait to see you smile again.

Forever loved by,
Edward Elric

P.S: A lot of homework, huh? That's okay. You'll help me, right?

Edward held the letter close to him and addressed it and put Kate Rockwell on the envolope. "I guess I can mail it in the next town we stop at."

"Really? Can I read the one Kate wrote you?"

"No, Al! It's something private!" Edward yanked the letter that Kate wrote him back and held it close to his chest. "Get away! It's my note!"

"C'mon, Ed! It's just a letter!"

"It's MY letter!"

"Brother!" Alphonse fought with Edward for the letter. There was kicking and screaming and punching and slapping, until Alphonse finally managed to grab the letter out of Edward's hand. "Got it!"

"Al, NOOO!" Edward screamed and tried to get the note back, but he fell out of his seat. "Ah, crud..."

"Let's see here." Alphonse spoke with a sarcastic voice. Edward knew if he was in his former body, he would have had a smirk on his face. Alphonse opened the letter and began to read it. Once he finished, he carfully folded the letter back. "I can't believe you! You didn't even bother to tell me! Why didn't you tell me you loved Kate?!"

Edward got up out of the floor and brushed himself off. "Cause we were TRYING to keep it a SECRET! Secrets aren't meant to be TOLD!"

"And what'd you write? I love you, too?"

"Ah, shut up."


Kate had gone off to school. She was sitting in class staring out the window. She still missed Edward, not even bothering to do her school work. She hadn't noticed she was waisting class time looking out the window until Mr. Dickinson, Kate and Edward's teacher, slapped a ruler on her desk. "Miss Rockwell. Am I going to have to move you away from that window?"

"No sir..."

"Then I suggest you pay attention."

"Sorry sir, I'll stop."

Mr. Dickinson was a strict teacher. As he continued his lesson, Kate was trying to get caught up on the work she missed. When class was over, she asked him for a copy of the lesson they did today for Edward's absense. She met up with Kirsten, Meg, and Anne, her friends, in the hall by her locker.

"So, did you get Ed's homework?" Kirsten caught up with Kate after she switched books.

"Yeah. He has a lot so far, I can tell you that."

"You know, ever since Ed's been gone, there's not really any real guys around. But then, you think about Luke, he's a slim one." Meg thought for a second.

"Well, at least we still have a couple cute guys around." Anne finally ran up to the three girls. Anne, Meg, and Kirsten stoped and smiled as they sighed dreamily, but Kate just kept walking.

Meg looked concerned. "What's wrong with Kate?"

Anne stopped to think. "Think she misses somebody?"

"It's Ed! I knew it!"

The remaining two girls looked at Kirsten with a wierd expression. "What?"

"Well haven't you seen her? Collecting all his work? She was even daydreaming in class, and she didn't fall asleep this time!"

"That's true..." Anne looked at Meg. "Think she does?"

"It's hard to say... then again once you look back at all the times they hung out together and walked home from school..."

"It has to be Ed! There's no one else for her to miss!"

"Her whole family is dead, though." Meg stopped Kirsten. "Maybe she misses them."

The three girls looked at each other for a minute, shrugging, then walking on to class, dropping the whole thing.