Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Whiter Than Light ❯ Ignorance ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Full Metal Alchemist or any of it's respective characters.
Note: Full Metal Alchemist was one of those animes I've always been able to really get into. I mean really I am the biggest FMA Otaku, it's horrible sometimes haha. Vic Mignogna is my hero P: I'm a nerd. I swear I used to be in love with Edward … yeah so unhealthy. XD This story will probably be way more angst centered than Magicians and Dragons (my Yu-Gi-Oh story) but really as comedic as FMA can be it is a very depressing anime :/ anyway enjoy!
Chapter One: Ignorance
When we lose someone very dear to us, often the grief overwhelms all of our other senses. It's human nature. When I lost my parents it took all of Uncle's control to keep me from bringing them back. You see … it's impossible to bring people back from the dead. In fact it's an alchemic taboo. Not allowed. Some people have attempted, however, in ignorance. Often it destroys them, takes a piece of them away and creates this … monster. A homunculi … a sin. I thought I should never attempt the ultimate taboo only as an ignorant child. But upon my beloved younger brother's death … I only proved to myself that age has nothing to do with ignorance.
Roy Mustang, General of Central Command's Military better known as The Flame Alchemist, pinched the bridge of his nose again, brows furrowed, sigh making his chest heave at the two boys in his office. These boys were special, the young brothers of the military. One, the elder brother surprisingly, was about five foot four and freshly fifteen. His shoulder length blonde hair was always in a neat braid, his mis-matched arms crossed over his chest. One arm, completely metal (just as the opposite leg was) shone in the flourescent light. His usual red trench coat was wrapped around his waist and his face was despondant and pouty.
The other, younger brother, looked anything but human, really. Because of a haphazard mistake these brothers made he lost his body and his, quick thinking, older brother sealed his soul in beautiful, six foot, armor. He was always sweet and careful thinking and now about fourteen.
Edward and Alphonse Elric.
Edward was known as The Full Metal Alchemist all around, though often people thought the giant suit of armor was Full Metal they were very surprised to find the short stack hot tempered older brother was he.
On this day in particular, Roy was once again having to lecture the young alchemist about his problem with destroying everything in sight when angered.
“Ed you can't just go crazy when someone calls you short.” Edward twitched, but the heavy gauntlent hand on his shoulder kept him pouting at the wall. You see, Edward had a very large complex with his height, and everyone knew it.
“We were having practice anyway. Stuff was gonna get destroyed.”
“Yes, but you also took down an inn, a diner and one of the pillars out front … again. Not to mention the inn keeper, and two civilians.” Edward's face brightened to a cherry red. Lt. Havoc, actually a friend of Edward's, was practicing with him and had made the mistake of letting Edward hear him call him a shortstack. Roy was about to continue his lecture when his phone rang, sighing again, he reached through the immense heaps of unfinished paperwork to grab the reciever. “General Mustang.”
Edward was planning his escape, but for some reason the General's expressions caught his attention. At first he looked professional, then happy but that was quickly deflated and he looked so many emotions, not one of them was good.
“Yes. Thank you, I'll head over right now …” he laid the phone back in its cradle and Edward stepped forward timidly.
“General? Something wrong?”
“Full Metal, would you mind coming with me?” Edward looked surprised,
“Um … not at all, sir.”
Roy was quiet the whole car ride and had Ed apprehensive. Who had called with what news to make the great Roy Mustang look this way? They had been in the car for about forty-five minutes now and Ed grew more and more curious with each passing second. Soon they rolled up to the hospital and he grew slightly fearful. They checked in at the front desk and all the General said was;
“Mustang.” And the nurse gave him a room number and pointed down the hall. As Ed passed her she gave him a sad look. They came to a door marked 417 B and all Roy could do was stare at it, Ed grew impatient, but dared not say a word. After about five minutes he grabbed the handle and quietly opened the white door and stepped inside the room. Ed walked in and closed the door, looking around the white-walled, asylum-like room. Beeps and blips filled his ears and finally his eyes rested on the bed, which Roy would go nowhere near.
A girl was in the bed, possibly about the same age as Ed. She had a long mane of raven black hair that looked like it hadn't been brushed in a couple days. She had an oxygen mask on and her eyes were closed, she looked anything but peaceful. One wrist was strapped to the bed railing.
Only one because the other was missing.
Ed looked to Roy whom he had only see cry once. He wasn't crying now, but he looked about to. Who was this girl?
Roy stepped forward and kneeled beside the bed, placing a shaky hand on the girl's pale forehead.
“Oh, God … why, October?” his voice was quiet, but Ed still caught the name. October? “This is my niece …” Ed's eyes opened wide.
“Niece? I didn't even know you had siblings!” his back was to him, but Ed knew he probably had a look of total despair. That's why this girl meant so much. She was family. And it looked like she had been especially important for some reason.
“I had a brother … He and his wife died when October was about nine … she was already very skilled in alchemy and wanted to …” he grew silent. Ed knew exactly what he was talking about. Human transmutation was the ultimate taboo among alchemists. “I kept her from doing it … she found new life in her baby brother, my nephew … he was only two … he died last year of luekemia.” The tension in the room thickened and Ed found it hard to breathe. The reason this girl's arm was gone was because she had attempted to bring her younger brother back from the dead. But of course … you can't do that. But why was Ed there? “I brought you here because she's going to be living with me and take the state alchemy exam … and be getting some automail … I want you to help her adjust, Full Metal.”
Since Ed was friends with a great automail mechanic, he had Winry Rockbell come out to Central and fit October while Roy was at work. October had been awake for about three days and was growing on Ed quickly. The first thing she did when she woke up was ask who the shorty was. Which irked Ed, but it had made Roy laugh, so he just fumed in the corner while her uncle explained and couldn't stop hugging her. It was strange, she looked like a young, female, Roy. His raven hair (which Winry had cut a few inches and styled to perfectly match the girl) his opal eyes and fair snowy skin. She looked more like his daughter than his niece … Ed banished the thought and smiled at October who excitedly moved and stretched her new arm.
“Do you really have to go home so soon, Winry?” Ed asked, standing with his blonde childhood friend outside October's door. She smiled happily,
“You know if you miss me so much you could come home more often.” He scoffed, but was smiling too.
“You know I'm busy.” She laughed and ruffled his hair.
“Yeah, I know.” She hugged him and he waved to her until she walked through the doors at the end of the hallway. Sighing through his smile he walked back into the hospital room to find October out of her bed.
“Gah! October, what are you doing?” he rushed to her side by the window, discovering now she was about a centimeter taller than him. Before she could explain he easily gathered her into his arms princess style and laid her back in bed. “You can't be out of bed just yet … Don't do stuff like that or else the General will worry.” She laughed,
“I'm sorry, Edward, I just really wanted to see the sky. And not from a bed.” He smiled tiredly at her. “Hey, Edward … you have automail too, right?” her normal flesh and blood hand lightly touched the still unfamiliar cold metal that made up her right arm. He nodded, “Can I see it?” he blushed a little, not knowing why.
“Sure you can.” He pulled off his red trench and black mini coat and gloves, laying them on the chair he usually sat in. “See? Winry made mine too, but mine's better for fighting.” She sat up on her knees and grabbed his automail arm lightly, surprised at the clink of metal against metal.
“So … what did you do to lose your arm and leg? Uncle told me I lost mine cause the house caught on fire and caved …” that always made Ed so sad … October didn't remember trying to transmute her brother. She didn't even remember him dying so he had stood outside while Roy told her. Even through the door he could hear her painful wail.
“Um … I was in an accident … like you were.” He lied. She frowned, suddenly looking very sad. She laid her cheek on his metal arm, surprising him a bit.
“I'm sorry, Edward …” he rubbed the top of her head.
“Yeah … me too.”
Chapter One End
Note: Ehhh … it kinda fails, but at the same time I really like it. I guess I should kinda explain the fluff … it's not really romantic fluff so much as Ed kinda sees himself in her pain, you know? I still don't really know where this is coming from, but I still likes it. It's also four in the morning so I'll write more later. Ta-ta for now!