Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ With A Look ❯ With A Look ( One-Shot )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A FullMetal Alchemist Fanfic

By Miyu, Vampire Princess

Author's Note: All right! After some revamping, a little more time AND a weekend surrounded by FMA merchandise I have completed this story. If you've read the original hour selection, I have marked the end of the hour so you may begin there. I have made a few minor changes to the initial work, but nothing that changes the course of the story. Ed x Winry pairing. Lemon content. Standard Disclaimer follows.

I really wish she wouldn't look at me that way.

"Ed, will you please hold still?"

"I told you it was fine. Why are you messing around with--?"

"It's a new piece I managed to put together. I figured you could--!"

"Try it out?"

I feel like a child's toy.

"No, silly! I thought you could benefit from it. The metal is more dense, see?"

"And what benefit would that be?"

"What benefit? Have you lost your marbles? Did you get hit over the head with something?"


"Ed, look at you! After that last fight, you're practically falling apart. You're arm and leg need fixed."

Like a doll for her amusement.

"I told you I was fine before you started...messing around."

"Ed, if you didn't come here to get fixed up, then why did you come here?"


"Exactly! Look, I've finished the repairs I promised Al. I figured you could use a little something."

"A little something?"


"Like a whole in the head?"

"Now that wasn't very nice! Edward Alric, you're lucky to have someone like me around when you get into these messes! Why, if I wasn't so good with automail, you'd be--!"

"Winry...just stop!"

And she does, much to my surprise. I have to blink twice to make sure I didn't use alchemy by accident. Nope, no large piece of metal anywhere, no strange abominations or spikes coming out of my arm.

So why does she look like I've just slapped her?

Well, perhaps I did...a little. Not physically but with words. I'm pretty good at that. I can feel my face burning. I'm upset, but not really angry. I can't express myself other than with words or with alchemy. If this were an all out fight, I'd win hands down. But I don't want to fight with her. I know she's only trying to help.

I just wish she wouldn't look at me like a toy!

I'm not a toy. I'm human.

Well, not completely. But I will be someday!

I try to cover up the hurt I've put into words. "Winry...?"

"I think...I'll go start dinner now." And with that she takes off. Spinning on her heel, she drops her tools carelessly to the ground. I don't think I've seen her move so fast before. As I look up, I only catch a glimpse of her ponytail whipping around the corner.

Damn, I think I might have done it.

This thought is only reinforced by the dead silence looming over the dinner table. I'm not ungrateful for her help. Really I'm not. It's just that every time she has an idea, it's 'Ed, let me try this,' or 'Maybe this will work better.' I feel like a freakin' experiment! It's bad enough I lost my arm and leg to a stupid mistake...not to mention my little brother's entire body! I look at the scars everyday and wish it were different. I don't like being...an abomination. I'm a person dammit!

Why can't she see how much pain I truly feel?

Why can't I express it better?

"Brother, are you not hungry?"

I'm not sure how long I've been at the table, but I know I haven't touched the food. Great. Now she'll think I'm REALLY mad at her. Eagerly I attack the food on the plate, eating every last bite almost too quickly. I dare a glance at her while I'm finishing up.

But she's not even looking at me.

I'm usually the one giving the silent treatment.

Does it really make others feel as badly as I feel right now?

She clears the table without uttering a word. Not even a mention of seconds. Geez, I didn't realize I was that hungry. I watch as she picks up my plate, again without looking at me, before going into the kitchen.

Is it my imagination, or did she look like she'd been crying?

I may hate the feeling that I'm being used, but I don't like it when Winry and I don't get along. Sure I like getting my automail fixed for free, but she's also the closest thing Al and I have to family. We may get on each other's nerves, but when there's tension like this...it just doesn't feel right. And...I don't like to see Winry cry.

Excusing myself, I leave the table. Al is probably wondering why I'm in a mood. As if our last battle wasn't enough to put me out of sorts! But he doesn't say anything to stop me as I walk out of the house and into the countryside.

It isn't until sundown that I return to the house. I wish I'd had an epiphany or whatever the hell it's called while I'd been away. But no such luck. Although, I don't feel so upset. This place is ever so calming, despite what's happened here.

There are no lights on, save for the shed where Winry has her workshop. Out of curiosity, I walk towards the light. Then it dawns on me that I should apologize. I suppose I should. I don't want her to be angry at me anymore than I want to pair for my next repairs. Sucking in a deep breath, I step into the doorway.


No answer.

"Winry, I--"

That's where I have to pause. Nothing changed as far as the shop. No. Everything looks like it did earlier that day. Even my seat still looked sat in.

It's the person inside it.

Winry is crying.

I feel myself grimace both physically and mentally. Oh shit! I really did do it.

I don't think as I approach her, kneeling beside her. She's curled into a ball, her arms hugging her legs. I want to touch her, reaching out with my metal arm before I stop myself. What if she doesn't want to be touched? What if she doesn't want to be comforted? What do I do?

Think fast, Elric!

"Winry, can you...finish repairing my arm?"

She glances up at me with those blue eyes and huffs, "Why?"

"Because I want you to."

"Really now?"

Oh please don't look at me like that.


Wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, she glares off into the distance. "You really are a jerk, you know."

"I know."

"And when are you--! Wait, did you just admit that you're a jerk."

I nod, asking myself the same question.

"Are you feeling all right, Ed? Did you eat too fast at dinner?"

I wave a hand at her. "I'm fine. I just..." Swallow that pride, Elric! This is going to hurt. "I want you to finish my arm, with that upgrade you were telling me about."

She blushes through the still falling tears. "Well, it's not really an UPGRADE, but--"

"Will you do it? Please?"

Sighing she shifts to her knees so that she's sitting in front of me. "I really wish I knew how you think, Ed."


Grabbing a few supplies nearby, she moves closer, sitting cross-legged on the floor next to me. She removes my jacket and I don't bother to help. Just watch. Her eyes are so focused. I never noticed that before. Then my shirt is pulled over my head, and I don't argue. Suddenly the only thing I can focus on is her. The careful way she moves. The gentle way she handles my arm. The way her eyes narrow when she's thinking.

There's something...I don't know, just something about the way things are going. Like I can no longer control it. And when she glances up at me while she's working, my heart skips a beat.

And since when did she look at me like THAT!

There was nothing careful or focused about that glance. It was...playful. Dare I say sinful? Almost like the usual look, but not quite.

I kind of like this new look.

Now I just wish my heart would stop skipping around! OUCH!

She blushes ducking her head as she mutters, "I'm sorry. About earlier."

I shrug, but only one shoulder moves. "I'm sorry, too."

"I know I get all excited about automail and stuff," she says with honesty. Her fingers gingerly hold my arm as she tacks a new piece into place. "But, I'm not trying to use you. I just...want to make sure you've got the best, you know."

I should be surprised, but I'm not. By her apology that is. "I'm not ungrateful, Winry. It's just...I feel like I'm being used. I don't like that feeling. And...well...I don't want to be upset with you."

"Well I don't want to be upset with you either," she replies with a small smile. "But I...that is I guess it's...oh never mind. Let's just not fight anymore, all right?"

I can't help but smile at her flustered state. But she's refocused quickly, and I can feel the electricity from the welder as she sets back to work.



"Can I...I mean...." Geez, why did THAT question have to pop into my head at a time like this?! What the hell am I thinking?!



Now I am surprised! Caught off guard, Winry moves closer to me, her lips pressing against mine. My brain is shouting 'get away' while the rest of me is pushing closer to her. I think she read my mind.

'Can I kiss you?'

Well I guess that answers THAT question!


I'm struck motionless as the tip of her tongue brushes against my lower lip, the edge of her breast caressing my metal arm. The combination sends shivers up my spine. I push closer still, pressing my lips as hard as I can against hers. A moan escapes from her throat and I catch it in my mouth, opening it just slightly so my tongue can explore her lips as well. A groan escapes me as her tongue brushes against mine. They dance as if that's what they were meant to do.

My god! What am I doing?

The question is left unanswered, even as my body ignores my brain in favor of what it thinks will be a good time.

I'm struck again as I realize that I'm moving - more specifically my hands - and touching her more intimately. She's not arguing. Oh no, far from it. She practically screams into our kiss as my metal thumb grazes against a hardened nipple. I'm surprised I've done such a thing. But when I realize it's my metal hand, I pull away, unsure of how to continue. I've always felt like half a man with my metal parts, even though I don't complain. How can I do things, like this, and not feel...ashamed? Hurt? Half-assed?

The kiss breaks as Winry pulls away. "Ed?" When I don't respond, she grabs my metal hand, holding it up to her breast. I can feel her heart beat, feel my heart tuning into that same rhythm. I blush, but still say nothing. "It's all right. You don't have to be afraid."

"But, what if I...what if...I hurt you?"

The sad smile on her face only accentuates the love in her eyes. Funny, I never saw that before either. Damn, I'm blind. "You won't hurt me, Ed. I know you won't."

"I'm not--" Not entirely comfortable touching you with my inhuman hand? Not comfortable being this close to you? Not entirely sure what I'm doing?! The last one sounds more right, even though the other two are pretty good, too. Still, the words don't come out right! "Are you sure?"

Her smile becomes less sad and my heart flutters up into my throat. "Yes, Ed. I'm sure."

She moves closer, my hand still on her breast. I can't pull away, but I have to do something! Stall for time. Stall for time! "I mean...this whole situation. With...us...doing something like this?"

"Edward Elric, if you don't kiss me again, I will never fix your automail again."

Can't argue with that!

Grasping her upper arm with my other hand I pull her as close as I can. Our lips meet in a ferocious kiss that takes us both by surprise. I move my metal hand away from her breast and she groans into the kiss. My tongue darts out, sweeping across her bottom lip in apology. She may be okay with it, but I'm not yet. But we'll work on it. Honest.

Of course, I have no problem touching other places on her body with my estranged hand. The metal leaves a cool trail as I trace a line down her back. She shivers into our embrace and I feel slightly more empowered. Lowering my hand I cup one of her butt cheeks in my palm. Even give it a light squeeze to hear her moan again.

It's a sound I may never tire of.

But she's quick to get into it too. Her hands mimic mine, moving over my chest and back. One hand struggles with the buttons of my shirt while the other pulls on my butt, moving us closer still. We grind against each other, lost in a kiss run largely on instinct. She moans and I moan in response.

Then she pulls away.

I open my mouth to object, but one finger over my lips silences me. She leans back, moving only a little ways away. First, she undoes her headband and throws it aside. Then the ponytail comes out. Her golden hair flutters downward, caressing her shoulders and back. Then, with a look of complete deviance, she does what I have only secretly dreamed about in the past.

"Ed, if you keep gawking, I'm going to put my shirt back on." She moves closer again, but I keep her at a distance. The smile on my face is stupid, I'm sure, but I just can't look enough. "Ed?"

"Sorry, Winry, but...I...wow. You're beautiful."

Her cheeks infuse with heat and she attempts to duck her head. Her arms instinctively move to cover what she's just uncovered, but I stop her. Her eyes dare a look at me, and I while I'm still smiling, it's more for her comfort than my silly little wet dreams.

"Don't," I tell her, leaning forward to place a light kiss to her lips. "Don't cover yourself."

Her face is the brightest red I've ever seen. Almost as red as my coat! But she tries to smile, relaxing as best as she can. "Aren't you a little overdressed now?"

"Wha--?" With her slight change in attitude - more like the Winry I know and...yes, love - I quickly divest myself of my smaller jacket and shirt. I'm not sure where it lands when I toss it aside, all I want to focus on is her. "How's that?"

She smiles and replies, "Better."

Then we're back to kissing again.

It doesn't take long to get rid of the rest of the clothing, but this time I get to undress her. She watched me through half opened eyes as I pulled her pants down to her knees. The light pink panties she wore were in contrast to what I had pictured in the past, but carefully I removed them as well. She fidgeted to get them off and away from her until she was kneeling, completely naked in front of me.

Again, all I could do was gawk.

And the look she was giving me...could've melted the automail right off my body.

I want her to look at me that way forever.

"I guess I'm still overdressed," I say before she can comment.

She nods, smiling wickedly as she reaches for my pants. But I move away, just out of her reach and undo my pants myself. I return her wicked smile as I force her to watch as my pants slide down my thighs to my knees. Her eyes widen as I - for whatever insane reason - pull down my boxers next. My need for her is clearly evident, but I'm still afraid of what she'll think of me. I refuse to look at her, holding my breath while I'm completely naked to her eyes.

"Oh my god, Ed!"

Worried, I quickly look at her. "What? Is something wrong?" Am I horribly disfigured worse than I knew?! WHAT!

I know I'm short, but dammit I'm not THAT short!

It's her turn to comfort me, leaning forward to kiss my cheek before pulling away. "You're beautiful, Ed," she says, blushing again. "It's just that...you're bigger than I imagined."

"Than you imagined?" I don't mean to say it out loud, but that's how it goes. Stupid, idiotic brain/mouth coordination.

Her blush becomes even more furious as she nods.

So I wasn't the only one? Damn I'm astounded.

But only until I feel her fingers brush against my erection for the first time. The contact is electrifying, sending shockwaves through my body and forces a moan out of my throat. Her touch is tentative at first, becoming bolder as she begins to explore. My own hands reach between her legs, wanting to explore on their own. She grips my erection tightly as one of my metal fingers slides inside her core. It's a brief touch, but the emotion, the heat, is intense.

"Winry?" I really have no idea what the question is for because I really can't think straight, but she seems to know what to do. Her lips caress my temple, her body moving closer to mine. There's no hesitation as her thighs caress mine and she sits in my lap. My arms instinctively wrap around her, my hands supporting and massaging her rear.

She smiles at me as she pulls away from another brief kiss. My eyes open as I feel no other movement from her. I open my mouth to question her again, this time with clear intent. Again, she silences me with a finger.

"I know you're nervous about your leg, too," she says. "So I think this is the best way."

"Winry...ah!" I can't think of anything coherent as she lowers herself onto my erection. I feel nothing but heat as that first sweet touch of her wet centers engulfs my tip. She wants to close her eyes, so do I, but we maintain eye contact with each other. It's a connection deeper than any I've ever know. In her eyes I see love, and caring. In her eyes I see the man I want to be. The man I will be again someday.

But for now, it's okay that I'm half-assed.

My eyes close, my head lulling backwards as she sinks down as far as she can go. Her forehead is resting against my shoulder, and something wet keeps hitting my skin. I envelope her in my arms, knowing that she has giving up something for me. For this. For us. I only hope that I will be able to return something to her in equivalent exchange.

"Are you...all right?" I mutter as I hug her tighter.

She nods against my shoulder. "Just a moment more," she whispers as she inhales deeply.

My body shudders at the thought and electricity shoots through my veins. I want to move. I want her to move. But just a moment more? I'm not sure I can make it!

When I feel as if my body is going to explode from the inside out, I feel a slight movement from Winry. My eyes open only a little, but I can see her eyes, still wet with tears, focused on my face. Of their own accord, my hands grasp the sides of her face and I pull her towards me. First I kiss away the tears, then I place another light kiss on her lips.

The kiss becomes more intimate as her movements above me increase. Then the kiss breaks and we're gasping for air. She's moving over me at a decent speed and I cen feel her inner walls working around me. Closing and squeezing.

Her increased breathing becomes apparent and her movements are slightly more erratic. I have to use my hands to guide her, to keep the rhythm we're sharing constant. But suddenly I no longer wish to keep to speed, my hips thrusting upward for every downward motion she makes.

I'm not even sure how fast we're moving, not do I care. All I care about is reaching for this bright light. I'm not sure why I know it's right, I just do. Winry bucks and moans above me, only adding to the fire consuming my body. Has my automail melted off yet?!

Winry buries her head in my shoulder, her arms wrapping around me tightly. Her teeth sink into my flesh, a near scream trying to come out. But it's I who cry out, in surprise and in ecstasy. As her walls clamp down, I tag the bright light. My body goes numb, then weightless before collapsing back to earth.

My vision is hazy when I finally open my eyes. My arms are wrapped around Winry, her body shaking in my lap as she comes down from her own orgasm. Damn that was better than I ever dreamed it would be.



"Can your arm wait until tomorrow morning?"

I shrug. "Sure. Why?"

She raises her head from my shoulder, another complete look of deviance on her face. I'm surprised, even as my own body responds to that look. "Because I think I'm going to be busy doing other things tonight."

Damn my body.

And damn that look too!

But who am I to complain?


Disclaimer: I do not own FullMetal Alchemist or the characters contained in this story. That honor goes to Hiromu Arakawa. You rock! I'm merely borrowing the characters for my ebil, hentai purposes. Since I'm not making any money from this, you will not get any if you sue. I'm only having some fun. Truly I am! ^_^