Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves of Fire, Eagles of Ice ❯ The abduction ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I do not own FMA
Chapter 2: The abduction
As colonel Mustang ordered them, Edward and Alphonse left Central city for a mission in a small village deep in the east. As soon as they arrived at their destination, it was clear that the mission was only an excuse to keep them away from Central, and from the Flame Alchemist in particular. On the train back to central, after a week of dust and sand, Edward was eager to confront again the infamous Colonel, and this time he would get what he wonted, or he could not be called again the Fullmetal Alchemist.
“Brother look! It's snowing!”
Edward lazily looked out of the window to see the houses slowly getting white. Before his mother died he and his brother were always looking forward for the snow. For them, at that time, it meant fun, snow ball fights, snow man, but most of all innocence. Now it was only a nuisance, something that would hold them down from their mission. Sure it was refreshing after the devil hot weather in the east desert, but non the less he was annoyed by the white soft flakes that were quietly taking home on the roofs of Central city.
“Have you noticed something out of place, Al?”
“Something out of place? What do you mean?”
“Usually the Central city is so packed with people at this time of day, that you can barely move. Why today there are so little? Not only, but there is more police and military personnel than usual.”
Edward was right. The city was almost deserted by civilian, most of the people were wearing blue or black uniforms.
“You must come from really far away, young boy.” An old woman seated not far away from the two brothers said. She was dressed in an elegant yet simple and functional dress made from a creamy silk. A large hut adorned with the most colourful feather that both boys have never seen framed a thin face. She looked old, yet her eyes had the sparkle of youth. “Few days ago, a State Alchemist was kidnapped from the headquarters here in Central. Since then, the military is keeping a tight control on whoever arrive of leave Central.”
“A State Alchemist? Do you know who is it?”
“I'm sorry boy, I have no idea. The military already took hard the leaking of the news about the kidnapping. Poor reporter, I think that they are still questioning him. I do hope that they find that Alchemist soon, we can't go on like this! My poor shop is running low in goods, and I had to go there personally to be able to have them shipped to Central. Oh my, oh my.”
“So that is what is going on. Thank you very much for the informations Madam, I hope the best for your shop.”
“Thank you, my dear. My shop is right at the Main Plaza, its called “The dreaming hut”. Come to visit me, some time, I'm pretty sure that you will find some nice gift for your father and mother too. Oh my, how rude of me! My name is Isabella Alata Stanford. Don't ask me what Alata stand for, my dear. My parents never told me, it comes from some exotic language form some far away country that they travelled through when they were young. Oh my, Oh my. It was so much time ago! Oh my, oh my.”
“Mice to meet you Mrs Isabella. My name is Edward Elric, and this is my young brother, Alfonse.”
Isabella looked very surprised at the two brothers. “I can't believe myself. You are really the famous Fullmetal alchemist?! You look so young, and you brother there, in that armour, oh my, oh my, your life must be so tough.”
“Final destination Central! All passengers get ready to leave the train in 5 minutes! Final destination Central in 5 minutes!”
The big suit of armor started to move around to gather all their belongings; when he noticed that his brother was not moving at all he tried to catch his attentions.
“Brother, we are in Central, it's time to go.”
“I'm coming Al. Mrs Isabella, thank you very much for the nice conversation. We will pass by as soon as we can.”
“My dear, I will be delighted to have the two of you for a cup of good tee. Be careful my young friend. Your job is so dangerous. Oh my, oh my. It's time for me to go. Good luck and see you soon, my dears.”
Edward looked at the old woman leaving the train. He liked her immediately, she felt like the old grandmother that he always wanted to have. Warm and comfortable.
At the train station they found Havoc, who was waiting for them with a stern look. Without a word, he took them to the car, started the engine, and drove through the streets of central. The ride was quite, the car shared without exchanging a single look or a single word: the usual cheerful lieutenant was grim and serious, but most of all he was not smoking. Edward looked outside the window pane, towards the people who displayed a mood that matches the one of their car driver. Even the city itself looked darker that usual. Military personnel was present at every corner, looking at each civilian passing by as if they were criminal; the people were looking at the blue clothed men with a mixture of fear and hate. The city was clearly under martial law. Also Alfonse noticed the uneasy atmosphere the surrounded them, so he gathered some courage and asked Havoc what happened. As only answer he got a hard look trough the back mirror. Both brother never tried again to talk or even look at the lieutenant.
After a long series of military block posts, they were finally able to reach the headquarters. They headed immediately to the office of Colonel Mustang. As soon as they entered it they were assaulted by a strong smell of blood mixed with burned wood.
The office was the portrait of pure chaos.
The first thing that they noticed was the blood, everywhere, floor, walls, ceiling, windows, and furniture. The few spaces free form the red fluid where badly burned in a pattern that was familiar to both alchemists. It was Mustang signature. Once white, all the documents lied scattered on the floor, tainted by the angry colour. The desk was in a corner, cramped on itself like a wounded animal. Edward attention was drowned toward a picture left forgotten on the floor. It was an unusual sight. It portrait himself, his brother and the Colonel in a very rare moment of relax, when all of them were out for a picnic together with Hawkeye, Breda, Falman, Fury, Havoc, and all the Hughes family. Soon after lunch a very playful Colonel took Alfonse head and started to run away from them. The chase didn't last long, and the two brothers decided to have a little revenge for themselves: they tickled the older man till he bagged them to stop. The pictures was takes soon after by Maes, almost shocked by what just happened. And he was not the only one. The stunned expression on his friend faces was priceless. In that moment, for the first and only time, Edward had been able to look at the other State alchemist not as Dog of the Military, but as a person, a friend, and maybe, even a father. He had kept in his heart that day, together with all the other memories of his mother. Looking at that pictures he just realized that maybe that moment was precious not only for him. Looking up to his younger brother, a sense of understanding passed between the two. They both new what had happened there.
The Colonel had been kidnapped.