Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction ❯ Workin Hard ❯ Workin hard or hardly workin? ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

This is strictly for entertainment purposes only. I do not claim to own Fullmetal Alchemist or any of its characters. Positive reviews are appreciated! Enjoy
Working hard or hardly working?
`One hour is all they should need right? Is one hour too much to ask to get delivery?'
Apparently yes because here he was two hours later with no pizza. He had been working almost nonstop for the last 16 hours going over research and case files so of course he was going to be starving by the time he tore himself away from his work.
Deciding enough is enough, he picked up the phone and harshly punched in the phone number to the pizza place waiting for the ring and glancing over to the clock one more time.
`God, it's already 9pm? Where the hell did the day go?'
Edward Elric had become sort of a workaholic, but his passion was what made him the best. This particular case was something of a challenge for him. But, challenge or not, he was only human and damn it, if he didn't get his pizza soon, someone was going to have a worse night than him.
Phone still ringing, he looked around his large apartment, once again recalling the conversation he had with his little brother.
`Dummy, if I got another place, where are you going to sleep when you come back from school? The couch?'
The younger boy just laughed, `Brother, this is just so big for you! Maybe you could get a roommate for the time being? You could use the company.'
Ed had just scoffed at him saying he would just keep the apartment and expected Al to stay with him during any breaks now that he was going to university. He didn't need any roommate getting in his way.
On the other end of the phone, someone had finally answered in an all too cheery tone.
“How can I help you?” said the happy voice over the loud sounds of cooking going on in the background.
“This is Edward Elric, I'm calling about my order from over two hours ago! How long does it take to deliver a fucking pizza?!” Ed roared, just as a knock at the door came.
“W-well Mr. Elric, the order was quite large so-”
“Never mind, they just got here.” he made his way to the entryway and unlocked the door.
“Sir?” the pizza guy's reply was hesitant. “We haven't sent the order out yet.”
Ed's confusion from the phone call turned into surprise when he opened the door to see a pair of bright blue eyes looking up to him that stopped him dead in his tracks. He quickly appraised his guest in milliseconds, though it felt like he had stared for hours. No matter how many times he was in her presence, her long blond hair, full lips that framed a gorgeous smile and graceful face was enough to render his mind completely blank.
“Sir?” The hesitant voice from the other side of the phone call. “Did you still want us to send out your order?”
Ed Blinked and composed himself, stepping aside to motion the waiting blonde inside.
“Yeah, yeah send it out still.” Was Ed's reply to the Pizza man as she quietly stepped through the entryway and into the apartment. Ed couldn't help but watch the way her dress moved against her body as she past him and entered the living room. Closing the door, Ed snuck another look at his waiting guest and noticed the amount of leg and cleavage her dress showed, practically making his mouth water.
“Alright Mr. Elric, your order should be there shortly. Hope you're Hungry!” the again cheery voice said.
“You have no idea.” Ed murmured, hanging the phone up to properly greet his guest.
“Miss Rockbell, you surprised me with your late visit. What can I do for you?” not only was she his client, but her case was his most recent challenge.
“I've told you a million times Ed, just Winry will do ok?” she looked to him with amusement.
Winry tried thinking again why in the hell she came to his apartment at this time at night. She had been stressed, lonely, and uncomfortable in her little apartment. She felt a longing and emptiness inside since she moved to the city to find out what happened in her parents disappearance. She needed to see a certain amber eyed detective, her only friend and safety she could think of.
“Nice place,” she said taking in her surroundings. She assumed his apartment would be an average bachelor pad, but there was warmth there, that a family home would have. There were pictures, fine rugs and welcoming couches that didn't look cheap. From the entry way, off to the right was the living room, which curved around to the dining area and kitchen. To the left she assumed were the bedrooms.
“Thank you. I like it too. My little brother said it's too big for me but I think I'd feel cramped in a one bedroom place.” He said following her to the living room.
He watched her as she looked at various pictures of him and his brother and some of their travels. He supposed he should be a good host. “Winry, um- can I get you something to drink?” With a small nod to his offer, Ed made his way to the kitchen to get her some water. Soft footsteps behind him signaled him she had followed him in the kitchen. He had been hoping for a private moment to collect his thoughts about the blond girl.
Her eyes were focused on his back. The golden hair that hung loose down his neck, the movement of muscle on his broad shoulders and back under the thin black tee shirt he wore. She had never seen him dressed so casual, so normal. She was sick she was sure. She barely knew him, yet she felt comfortable enough to come over unannounced late at night. She wasn't sure what she was hoping for. What the reason was to come and see him. Just to talk to him. Just to be in the same room as him. She wasn't stupid, she knew he was attracted to her. She could always read those eyes of his like a book and they usually held warmth when he looked at her. She wondered if it was just appreciation or if it could turn into lust. Her mind immediately went to thoughts about the detective that made her cheeks warm.
When he stopped at the cupboard she didn't realize how close she was, running into him. She ricocheted off his hard form.
“You ok Winry?” he asked with mild humor.
“S-sorry, I'm just a little distracted I guess.” She said as she took a few steps back, tucking a stray hair behind her ear, looking down away from him.
Ed stood there looking at her for a second seeing how she fidgeted and played with the hem of her dress trying to hide her embarrassment. It was obvious she was holding something back.
“What's wrong Winry?” he saw the nervous and hesitant look in her eyes and voice.
“Nothing. I just thought I'd stop by.” She looked at him through her bangs.
Ed moved away from her and opened the cupboard, taking a glass out to fill it with water, speaking as he moved.
“Well, I think I've made real progress with your case. I've found some leads that I hope will give me some answers to filling in the blanks with what happened to your parents. I'm actually taking a trip in a few days to the east to speak with a guy that was treated by them. If he knows where they were last, I can go from there.” He finished, handing her the glass.
She took it and gave a quick smile, thanking him for the water. “That's good news. Seems things are coming along well. It's what I hoped for.” She turned and made her way back toward the living room, she didn't notice the office that was located off the living area. There were papers and maps and diagrams everywhere. She stepped into the room and noticed clippings of newspaper and pictures all pertaining to her missing family. She almost started to tear up when she came across a picture of her parents and her at her high school graduation.
Edward followed her in a minute later, looking over her shoulder at what she found on his desk. She was holding a picture, her hand trembling a little. The Winry in the picture looked so happy and excited, her blue eyes sparkling. He really wished she would get that sparkle back in her eyes. Maybe if he solved this case, it would give her that peace of mind and she could be happy again.
“I really like that picture of you.”
He was way to quiet for his own good and his deep voice right behind her made her shriek and jump, causing some of the water to spill out of her glass onto his desk.
“Damn it Ed! Why did you sneak up on me!” she hurriedly set the glass down and started to move papers so they didn't sit in the water long using her skirt to wipe some of the water away.
“I didn't sneak up on you! It's not my fault you weren't observant.” He ran to the kitchen to get a towel. When he got back he started to dab the papers and folders on his desk. She had moved things away quickly and was dabbing papers with her skirt on the other end of the desk. Nothing was too messed up thankfully.
“Leave it to a woman to mess things up.” He said to taunt her. Glancing over at her, he watched as her eyes filled with fire.
“Excuse me,” she said slapping the papers down putting a hand on her hip. “Who was the one who scared me when he crept into the room?”
Liking the spirited attitude he didn't usually see he proceeded to push her buttons. “What am I supposed to do? Announce myself when I enter my own office?” he said draping the damp towel over his shoulder.
Seeing her seethe as a rush of angry, frustrated emotions flew across her features made him want to try and comfort her in one second, but humor won and he just stood there and watched with a smirk.
The smirk did weird things to Winry's insides. The first was to make her even angrier that he was enjoying making fun of her; the second was to cause butterflies in her stomach and make her knees weak. She broke the eye contact afraid she was going to give her emotions away and turned to walk out of the office when her foot collided with the corner of the desk making her let out a painful cry.
“Ouch ouch ouch!” She grabbed her foot and started hopping up and down.
Ed's first reaction was to see if she was ok, but as soon as she started to hop on one foot his laughter came out instead.
Still holding her foot she stopped hopping and looked at him incredulously. He was holding his stomach laughing at her. Hearing his laugh made her forget about her pain for a second, but then she became angry that he would chose to laugh at her. Wanting him to stop his hysterics, she grabbed the glass of water and threw the contents at him.
Now it was her turn to laugh.
Edward now had an annoyed look on his face with water dripping off his nose and his gold hair now a light brown color sticking to his face and neck, the damp towel on his shoulder even wetter. The water made his shirt stick to his chest and drops started to run down his arms off the tips of his fingers.
Winry's laugh was almost musical to him, having never really heard the lighter side of her. However, it didn't change the fact that she threw water at him.
Winry stopped laughing when he got a mischievous glint in his eye and stepped toward her with his arms stretched out like he was going to hug her.
“Edward, no!” she pointed at him with eyebrows raised in a `you better not' way. She tried to run to the other side of the desk but with her injury she hobbled and he was too fast. She twisted to put her hands out on his chest to keep him away but he quickly pulled her to him. She shrieked at the damp coldness of his skin and shirt and arched away from him. But he shook out his hair sending a spray of cold water in her face and neck making her scream and giggle at him again.
“Ed! Stop it you jerk!” she shrieked, not being able to keep the smile off her face and out of her voice.
Ed stopped shaking his hair only to smile at her. “I'm the jerk? You threw water at me!” realizing just how close he was holding her to him.
“You were laughing at me when I was in pain!” she retorted, the butterflies returning. With the feel of his arms around her and hands at her waist she could feel the blush creeping up her throat and over her cheeks.
His eyes softened at the coloring on her face as she subconsciously bit her lip trying to hold the angry look on her face. “Yeah, well if you weren't so cu-klutzy then I wouldn't have laughed at you.” He said with a smirk. He was about to say `weren't so cute' but caught himself before he said something dumb. He also didn't mean for his voice to sound so husky.
But she was looking at him with all the emotions written plainly on her face, her face and shoulders damp from him, her hair a little out of place but sexy draping over one shoulder and around her face. They were in a fairly intimate position and neither seemed in a hurry to move away. His hair hung around his face still wet and tangled and his damp skin gave him a sheen that made her stare. The added moisture made his lips all the more enticing.
He noticed her momentary distraction, and the half lidded gaze she was giving him pretty much gave him the green light to dip his head towards hers and pull her in tighter against him. Keeping his eyes on her face, she made no objections, only to barely part her lips for a small gasp of air. His dead dipped lower and she closed her eyes…KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!
They both jumped and Edward stepped back from her, almost holding her away from him. She still kept her hands on his biceps, her blue eyes wide with surprise. Another couple knocks at the front door made him break the eye contact and release his hold on her, slipping away and turning to walk out of the office to the front door.
`Damn it Elric she's your client!' he screamed in his head, although he was severely disappointed at the same time.
His order just had to fucking arrive at that point in time. He threw the door open, startling the delivery boy who handed the order to him while leaning away, afraid the golden eyed man was going to hit him.
In the mean time, Winry finally took a breath and calmed her racing heart. `Why did he stop?' the throbbing in her foot caught her attention again, and she bent over to examine it, bracing herself on the desk. The corner of the nail had broken and she was starting to bleed, but she didn't think she broke any bones.
Ed returned to the office after giving the kid a large bill and setting his order on the table. As he walked in he heard Winry wince, as she took off the broken hanging piece of nail. He grew concerned and knelt in front of her.
“Are you alright?” he asked not looking at her face, but at her bleeding toe.
She looked down at him on his knees and replied, “Yes, it looks worse than it feels.”
He took her foot in his hand and examined it for broken bones or if she needed stitches. He let go of her foot and stood.
Keeping her eyes on him the whole time, she gasped when he picked her up by the waist as if she weighed nothing, her hands flying up to his arms to brace herself as he sat her on his desk.
“Let's get you cleaned up. Stay there. I'll be back.” He turned toward his bedroom.
Winry sat there, smoothing out her dress waiting for him to return. He walked in a few minutes later with a white medical case and his hair combed back and tied in a pony tail. He knelt in front of her and brushed his bangs out of his face while he opened the case. He got out peroxide and a cotton ball and grabbed her foot again to dab at the injury. She jerked her foot, and he stopped thinking he hurt her.
“No, it's- I mean I'm ok.” She reassured him. Truth was, the more he touched her the stronger the electric current she felt became.
He nodded and proceeded to put antibacterial gel on the wound.
Not liking the silence between them Winry spoke up. “Tell me doctor, will I ever play with the team again?” she joked.
Ed snorted and gave her a lopsided grin while putting some gauze over the injury. “I don't know, I'm thinking ill have to cut the leg off at the knee with how bad your injury is.” He said, moving to wrap the bandage tape over it.
“That's a bit extreme. Besides, what would I do without my leg? I'm told they're my best attribute.” She said proudly.
Ed contemplated that for a second, frowning at her. “hmmm, who lied to you?”
His reply came in a swift kick to the ribs with her other foot earning her a grunt out of him. Recovering, he all but growled at her, while she wore a knowing look on her face.
“See how much you appreciate all that I do for you?” he spat gathering up all the medical supplies.
She felt bad for a second but remembered his smart ass comment.
“That's what you get for being a smart ass.” She stood when he did, looking up at him and smiling. “Thank you Ed. For all you've done for me.”
He looked down at her bright face in the full smile he secretly loved. “Well, you're welcome.”
They stood there for a second, staring at each other, both of them remembering that almost-kiss before they were interrupted.
Winry remembered the food that was waiting for him and figured she outstayed her welcome and broke the eye contact first.
“Well, I don't want to keep you from your dinner much longer, and thanks for bandaging me up. I'll go now.” She started to walk around him, but stepped back to place a kiss on his cheek. What she wasn't prepared for was for him to turn his head and meet her lips with his. He had only meant to see what she was doing.
They broke away, scared the other would be upset. One look at her flushed face, Edward didn't see anger, but desire and he threw all reason out the window and swept her into his arms, dropping the medical case to the floor. Her hands flew up to his face when their lips met a small moan coming from the back of her throat.
He pulled her body against his, one arm around her waist the other sliding up her back to behind her neck to keep her pressed to him. She responded by tilting her head into his and tightening her hold around his neck. He felt her part her lips against his and took the action as she wanted to deepen the kiss. He swept his tongue past her lips and took full control of the kiss, tilting her head back and making her submit to him.
Winry's head was swimming with the feeling she was experiencing being crushed against Edward Elric's hard body, finally getting the kiss she had been fantasizing about since they met. His tongue fighting with hers was doing a number to her sanity. His passion and strength was emanating onto her, turning her on all the more.
When Winry started to run her hands down his chest and over his collarbone he shuttered at the gentle but insistent touch. She was kissing him back almost desperately, responding to his every movement. He felt himself getting aroused with every sweep of her tongue against his. Winry pressed her hips into his, realizing she stood practically straddling one of his legs. He moaned at the contact and broke the kiss to place open mouth kisses down her jaw to her neck. Her arm curved around his neck holding him there where he was sending shivers down her spine straight to her core. The pulse of her internal muscles made her realize how wet she was becoming, and had the compulsion to wrap her leg around his, pulling his hips to her core.
Ed still kissed and sucked at her throat and collar bone, and the moan that wretched out of her throat went all the way to his package. He dropped his hands from her body and down to her thighs when she shrieked when he hoisted her up and brought her legs around his waist. He looked up at her and saw no objection and caught her mouth with his for another searing kiss.
Taking a few steps, Ed once again sat her on his desk and with one swipe of his arm threw everything off onto the floor. Winry hardly noticed since she had a death grip around his neck and her tongue in his mouth.
Ed bent over her, laying her down on the desk, one hand behind her head making sure she didn't hit it on the hard surface, the other hand rubbing up and down the underside of her thigh and over the curve of her ass. Winry arched into him, loving the way he moved his hands over her body, thinking that they had way to much clothes on for her liking.
This time, Winry broke the kiss, dipping her head under his to drag her teeth along his throat earning a hiss from him and thrust of his hips against hers, making her moan at the obvious bulge through his jeans.
Winry's hands found the hem of his shirt and she ran her hands under it and over the taught muscle of his abdomen to the play of sinewy muscle on his back as he bent over her.
The feel of her soft hands running over him, he pushed her dress out of the way and up to her waist to feel the smooth skin around her hips and stomach to her lower back. With one arm he held himself off her as not to crush her, he used the other to push up and under waist of the dress and slid his hand along her body until he came to the underside of her breasts. Pushing the bra up, he cupped the globe and slid the hardening peak between his fingers. She let out a whimper and threw her head back against the desk to use as leverage to arch against him as he knead and massaged the breast in his palm.
Looking at her now, he had never seen anything so erotic. Her lips were red and swollen, panting with desire, with her blond hair fanned out on his desk, and her blue eyes glazed over and dark urging him to continue. His conscious kicked in though.
“Damn it Winry if you don't want this, tell me to stop now before I can't.” he said roughly. He doubted he could stop, and damn it if she said no he would do whatever it took to get her to agree. His answer came in a sexy smile and her tightening her legs around his waist and rocking her core against his arousal.
Winry was not about to let this man turn her on so badly and leave her hanging. She trusted him, felt safe with him and knew she wouldn't regret it.
With a groan he caught her mouth with his in an open mouth kiss. She pushed against him in an effort to sit up and he allowed her to without breaking the kiss. She pulled his arms around her and mumbled “zipper” Into his lips. He happily obliged and found the zipper and pulled it down her spine. He slipped the straps off her shoulders and again went to her back to unclasp her bra, pulling it off and freeing her breasts. Groaning into her mouth, he cupped both of them and squeezed, earning a moan from the back of her throat.
He was too preoccupied when he felt her hands pop the button of his pants and slide this zipper down. `When the hell had she taken the belt off?'
All coherent thoughts flew out his brain when her hand dipped in his boxers and wrapped around the shaft giving it a gentle squeeze.
Winry watched the emotions on his face as she grabbed him and it sent a pulse between her legs to see his pleasure. She let go of him and took her hand out of his pants so she could push them down his slim hips.
Freeing his cock, her mouth watered, excited because she knew for sure it was going to feel amazing inside her.
Edward put his hand under her chin and brought her attention away from his arousal and back to his face kissing her passionately.
Her legs hung off the desk on either side of his hips, so he took the opportunity to test her readiness and slipped his hand down to cup her between her legs. Winry whimpered into his mouth arching back for more contact. She broke away from the kiss and placed open mouthed kisses down his throat, panting.
Ed almost groaned at how wet her underwear were. He slid his fingers along her folds and teased her through the fabric.
“off! Take them off!” she whined against his throat
Hoping she didn't have a fondness to the bikini underwear he gripped the string at her hip with both hands and tore at them until the sound of ripping string gave way and they fell aside to only circle one thigh. She gave him a pissed off look but he smirked at her and captured her frown in a kiss tilting her head back as he slowly slid his fingers through her wetness to her entrance where he slipped his middle finger inside.
Again Winry whimpered and grabbed his wrist to keep him there. Edward just chuckled.
“Is there something you want Winry?” he teased, licking the shell of her ear.
“Ed, I swear to god I'm going to clock you if you don't fuck me. Now!” she grabbed his shirt and pulled him against her.
She pulled up his shirt and he got the message. Pulling his hand away from her, causing her to moan, he tugged the collar over his head discarding the tee shirt to the floor.
Winry ran her hands along his torso licking her lips. He had the body of a fighter, lean, strong and ready to take on anything.
Edward wanted the dress currently wrapped around Winry's midsection gone, so he could enjoy all of her.
She had other plans, and they included her grabbing his cock and gently pulling him towards her.
“Edward Elric, so help me if you don't put your dick in me, I'll -hmmph” he cut off her rant in a kiss, bending over her again and laying her down on the desk. She let go of his cock and wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss.
Edward grabbed his cock and pressed his knuckles to her wet folds, guiding him to her entrance.
She gasped into his mouth when the head slid easily into her, but when he stopped half way she groaned and wrapped her legs around him tighter, hoping to pull him in deeper. He was stronger though and remained only half settled in her, content on watching her squirm with need. Breaking away from her he sat back and stood straight and pushed her down to lay on the desk. Before she knew what he was doing, he rolled his hips into her burying himself to the hilt, causing her to arch her back in ecstasy. God she felt good wrapped around him. He set a steady pace for them, each thrust into her making her cry out.
Every thrust Winry felt him hit her womb, filling her all the way, hitting such a good spot inside her making her want him to hit it faster and harder.
Edward was becoming entranced by the sounds coming from the girl laid out before him, her breasts bouncing as her body met his thrusts.
Forcing herself to sit up she grabbed him and threw her arms around his shoulders kissing him full on the mouth, feeling the beginning of her climax.
“Oh god Ed! Please, you're gonna make me cum! Don't stop!” and with two more thrust he had her seeing stars, as the warmth of her climax spread along her abdomen and down her legs. She realized she had arched backwards and had her mouth open the sensation wrenching a silent scream from her as she felt like sparks of pure pleasure radiated out of her core.
Ed continued to slowly pull out of her and thrust back in hard, making her body twitch, it being sensitive after her orgasm. “Did that feel good?” he smirked, still very hard inside her, not ready to reach his climax yet.
Winry had a death grip on his biceps and she let go to wrap her arms around his neck, burying her face in his neck.
“More. Give me more Ed.” She whimpered.
He was more than happy to oblige. He stepped away from the desk and stood her up. As she braced herself on the edge, he slid the dress and ruined underwear off her body. He appraised her naked body, the long slim legs that curved with a feminine softness, taught stomach and amazing breasts. He stepped out of the jeans still around his ankles and then once again picked her up, but kept her legs from wrapping around his waist. He walked around the desk to his office chair and sat down, draping her long legs on each armrest.
She eyed him, taking in the bright gold of his eyes and the lust he had for her. The gaze was so intense she wanted to look away but couldn't.
He moved his hands to tuck under thighs, cupping her ass and picked her up, and seated her over his cock, sliding in her entrance. The feeling was amazing needless to say. Her weight on his lap made his cock go deeper, almost causing pain. She moaned instead, rocking her hips.
It was his turn to moan. If she felt tight before, she had a vice grip on him now. She was warm, incredibly wet and milking him for all he was worth. If she kept this up he was going to blow.
She had both hands around his neck and shoulders and rocked against him aimlessly, her throbbing clit pushing against his pelvis. She felt the beginning of her release and rocked against him faster until she came screaming his name all the way.
She didn't get a break however because Ed still thrust his hips up riding out her orgasm, feeling the pulsing muscles surround his cock. He felt the tightening of his balls and held onto her hips with the last couple thrusts he came into her with a groan, throwing his head back against the headrest of his office chair.
She slumped against him and both worked on catching their breaths.
Winry shivered as he ran his fingers lightly along her spine.
“Damn Winry, I hope -that was okay.” Ed broke the silence almost exhausted.
He got a chuckle from her.
“Don't worry Mr. Elric, I'll be sure to give a lot of positive feedback on your review.” She said with a smile.
He grunted and held her to him as he stood up and sat her on the desk again, a soft moan coming from her as he slid out.
“Well then Miss Rockbell, ill be sure not to add this to your final bill then.” He said with a smirk, and receiving a warning glare from her.
He kissed her forehead as he picked her up bridal style and started to walk out of the office.
“Ed, what about your food?” she asked.
“Eh, I thought we'd have it in bed…..later.”
She laughed as he turned down the hall to his bedroom.