Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Savior


PG. Romance. Action/Adventure.

Author's Notes:

Hi everyone who's reading this fic! This is the first fanfic I've started that isn't a SM/GW crossover. Instead, this is a SM/FY crossover. This will be a Mako/Nuriko fic ok? On to the prologue!

Four girls got off the train and onto the Juuban Station. The Saturday sun of that April day gave off extreme heat, making it seem like summer.

"I'm about to melt in this temperature!" one of the four whined, perspiration damping her tank top. Her blonde hair, oddly put in two odangos, reflected the sun's light as they started their way up the stairs.

"I wish you would evaporate Usagi, so that I could get rid of you and hear the end of your whining," the raven-haired girl beside her grumpily voiced out.

"That's not nice, Rei-chan!" The blue-haired girl, Ami, chastised.

The fourth girl laughed, green eyes glittering with mirth. "Yeah, Rei-chan. Besides, what will happen when it rains? Then there would be millions of Usagis invading this place. Consider what would happen to Tokyo," she laughed again at the image in her head with Rei laughing along with her.

Usagi stuck her tongue out at the redhead. "Very funny, Mako-chan. I thought you were my friend," she said, pouting.

"You know I'm just teasing, Usa-chan," the girl replied.

This group of young teens is the most popular in their school because of their great features. Usagi Tsukino, blonde and blue-eyed, was the clique's 'typical blonde', as she wasn't very smart and was a klutz. But even with her faults, she had a heart as golden as her hair. Most people thought of her as cute and refreshing.

Raven hair and violet eyes gave Rei Hino a look of mysteriousness. Her fiery temper was as hot as her looks. Her 'look-but-don't-touch' attitude scared most guys away, but many had certainly tried. Witty and enchanting, she captured guys' hearts.

The oddly but amazingly blue-haired, blue-eyed genius of the group was no other than Ami Mizuno. She was quiet, polite, and studious, which made people think of her as timid. She was innocence and maturity mixed together. And males were attracted to that.

Makoto Kino, the last- but certainly not the least- to enter the gang, was a stunning, sparkling green-eyed girl with naturally curly red hair. Towering half-a-foot taller than the others, she moved with the grace of models and offered a disarming smile to everyone that gave her an 'I'm-pretty-but-not-conceited' aura around her. This was irresistible to guys like honey is to Winnie.

Miraculously, all four girls are still single. Usagi admits that she's still young and have lots of other things to do other than have a boyfriend. Rei smugly said, "boys are a waste of time". Ami informed people that she puts studying, friends, and family first. Makoto, with a slight dreamy look, said she doesn't need to rush into things and that the right one will come along in time.

Makoto, realizing that one of her shoelaces had come undone, stooped down and retied it. Her friends, two of them arguing yet again while the other was breaking the two, didn't notice their friend stop and kept walking. As she stood back up to reach their friends, a group of guys crowded the hall. One of the guys unknowingly pushed Makoto to the railway. A train, moving relatively fast, was closing in on her. She panicked.

'I'm going to die and my friends don't even know it! Kami-sama, please! Not yet! I'm too young to die!' She closed her eyes as she felt herself falling forward.

Seconds passed. With eyes closed, she wondered why the incoming train hasn't hit her yet.

"Hey, open your eyes," a manly voice spoke behind her ear. She opened them and realized she didn't fall. The guy held her shoulders to keep her from falling. He let go of his hold on her and she whirled around, wanting to thank the person who has just saved her. When she turned, however, her bag got tied to his bag. They pulled their bags away from each other when the bags opened and their contents spilled on the floor.

She recognized him. Nuriko Sashita was one of her classmates. He was considered weird in school with his lavender hair, pale skin, and those eyes concealed by thick glasses. The only thing that told people he was not a girl was his height and his lanky form.

'Shoot,' she talked to herself again, "I'm gonna look like a total idiot to him. First, I almost fall off the platform, then I spill the contents of my bag. Ah! Life is so cruel to me!'

As she talked to herself, the guy crouched down and helped her gather her things and his as well. Wanting to break the ice between them, she talked. "Thanks for saving me, Nuriko. That was really nice of you."

He froze and looked at her crouched form in front of him. "Y-y-you know me, Makoto-san?" he asked, stuttering. Why would she know him? She's one of the most popular girls in school and he's just another normal person!

"Of course, Nuri-chan. I make it my business to know everyone in my class. And please, call me Mako-chan. All my friends and my saviors do," she said with a smile on her pretty face.

He smiled back, perfect teeth showing, and continued picking up his belongings. 'Oh, how cute! He's the shy type!' she crooned to herself, and continued her work. She looked down and saw a picture in front of her. She held it up. It was of Nuriko and Yoshi, his best friend. But oddly, the two weren't in the middle. In fact, they were on the left side, just before the edge of the picture. She wondered why, and found out the answer. On the right side was a group of girls passing by. One of them was looking at the camera. It was Minako Aino, Usagi's doppelganger. With the same golden hair and the same sky-blue eyes, the look like identical twins. But they weren't related, and while Usagi's hair was in odangos that touched her calves, Mina's hair was tied in a red bow and reached past her waist.

Nuriko noticed what Makoto was holding up and suddenly grabbed it from her. She realized that Nuriko was blushing and a thought came to her. With a cute lopsided grin, she stood back up with him following her example.

"So, have you asked her out yet?" She inquired. "Have you even talked to her before?"

Nuriko, not wanting to let Makoto know his secret, answered, "What are you talking about?"

Makoto laughed, amused. "Oh, Nuri-chan, you know what I'm talking about! You like Mina!!!"

The lavender-haired boy gave up. "Okay, I like her. I've liked her for a couple of months now. Unfortunately, I'm a coward who's afraid of rejection. Knowing that she would never go out with a guy like me, why try and be humiliated?"

The redhead wrinkled her nose. "You need more self confidence. Having a low self-esteem is a big no-no. And of course girls would go out with guys like you. Who would resist? You're looks aren't bad, and you've got a good personality! Girls love that!"

He saw her concentrate on her thoughts. All of a sudden, she smiled at him with a twinkle in her emerald eyes. He admitted to himself that she was beautiful, looking like that, but something else he saw in her eyes made him gulp. 'She's up to something!'

"Guess what? I've decided to help you win her heart! Such a guy like you deserves Minako Aino! Trust me, I'm a girl. I know what we want. I'll turn you into a perfect guy! Besides, it's a way of paying you back after saving my life. Okay?"

Nuriko hesitated, not really expecting the weird turn of events. But she was right. She would know what girls want. And she would help him be Minako's dream guy. He smiled back and nodded.

"So that's where you are! We've been looking for you! What happened? Don't waste your time talking to a guy! They're stupid, and they're scum!" Rei ranted.

"Shut up, Rei! Are you telling me that our fathers are stupid? Besides, it's Nuriko-chan!" Usagi argued. She turned to Nuriko. "Sorry, Nuriko-chan, my friend has her period this week."

"I do not!"

Ami rolled her eyes. "Oh, you two are embarrassing!"

Nuriko looked back at Makoto, eyes asking 'what's up with you friends?'

"They're just like that." Makoto explained. "Guys, listen up! Nuriko saved me from getting hit by a train. So, in payment, I'll be helping him get the girl of his dreams, Mina Aino!" She informed her friends.

"Aww! How cute! I didn't know you like Mina! You're in good hands, Nuriko-chan! Don't worry! You're in good hands!" Usagi-chan supported, seeing some hesitation still lingering in his eyes.

"Okay, well here's my phone number and my address. Call me or stop by my place so we could start with your transformation," Mako declared as she wrote her phone and address in his palm. Nuriko noticed how soft and silky Makoto's hands were while Makoto noticed how big and powerful his arms seem to be.

"Well, ja ne, Nuri-kun! Until next time!"

"Bye Nuriko-san. Again, I apologize for Rei and Usagi's behavior."

"Buh-bye Nuri-chan! Go get her, tiger! And Ami-chan, there's nothing's wrong with me! It's all Rei-chan!"

"Oh, whatever Usagi-baka! Goodbye, Nuriko. I wish you the best, although I don't know why. Men are stupid."

They all turned around and left. He saw all the guys looking at the group, either drooling or having their jaws hitting the ground.

All right! Prologue's done! Was that okay? Rei is a little out of character, ok? Reviews please! Domo arigato gozaimasu… yeah, I know Japanese. Well, that's 'coz you're bound to learn some of those words when you live in Japan!!! Peace! I'm out!!!