Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ A Love Betrayed ❯ A Journey For Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Hi! I have fully recovered from my flu and my cuts are now just scars *thanks to Kristall's tip and platelets! Go platelets!* I am trying as hard as I can to get this chappie as good as possible! I'm quite disappointed with myself actually… well, hope you like it! Please, please, please, please, please review!
P.S. This chappie is mostly conversations… My muse thinks it's good to try something new... Please review!
P.P.S. I want to start by saying something about this chappie... It took a long time to complete and post because, unlike the other chapters where ideas spontaneously pop into my head, I REALLY had to think about the contents. Why? Read and find out! Please review!
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“Tasuki, I need to tell you something,” said Miaka, whipping around in Tasuki's arms. She lay her hands on his taut chest and laid her head on his shoulders,
“What? That you love me? I know you do, it's hard not to love someone like me!” he exclaimed proudly, he let go of Miaka and did his best Hotohori impression. Miaka laughed and slapped his shoulder playfully,
“Tasuki! I'm serious!” he looked down at her and sighed,
“Okay, come here…” he said as he sat down and patted the hollow between his legs. Miaka gladly obliged and Tasuki wrapped his arms around her waist,
“What's wrong odango?” he whispered, his warm breath tickling the nape of her neck,
“I know I should hold it off and wait till we're back at the palace and everyone knows about it,” began the priestess, “but, I guess I should just say it, since, you know… what happened between us…and Kouji, and stuff…” her voice trailed off and she tensed up in Tasuki's embrace,
“Why? What happened?” he asked, knowing this could be something serious. Sighing, Miaka began to tell what happened in her dream when Suzaku came, when she finished, Miaka cocked her head up to see Tasuki's reaction. Nothing. His eyes were deep in thought and his face was a placid expressionless mask,
“Tasuki?” asked the priestess warily,
“I guess you should do what's best for you, I'm in no position to make your choices for you,” he stated calmly,
“But, you're the best for me Tasu-chan, I don't want to leave you… after all you've told me, you've been there when I needed someone to comfort me, you've loved me even though I saw you as a friend. I- I love you… I don't know what I'd do without you,” her voice faltered and she started crying softly, “I don't want to leave you… But at the same time, I don't want to leave everyone back home… ”
“It's okay Mi-chan; I'll always love you even if I'm not with you. I may not be there physically, but I'm always in your heart,” he kissed the top of her head,
“But I want you to be there with me every step of the way!” she objected, “I know I this is gonna sound selfish but I want you, I don't want you to leave me and I don't want to leave you! I won't stand it if I would have to give up someone I love, again....” she grabbed hold of his shirt and sobbed into his chest,
“Shh... Don't cry, it's alright,” he comforted,
“It's not alright!” she argued, “Everything's not alright! I thought I already made my decision, but then Kouji died and your bandits have no leader and... And... Oh I don't know!” she exclaimed, frustrated and continued sobbing,
Oh Suzaku! If she doesn't stop now, we better get ready for a flash flood! The bandit thought. He wasn't really good in drying people's tears; it was him who was usually being comforted, not vice versa! A million jokes passed through his brain, even trying one of Kouji's knock-knock jokes sounded like a good option. He closed his eyes and said a silent prayer, Suzaku, help me! His heart screamed the silent prayer and an idea struck him, his mouth turned into a wolfish grin with his fangs sticking out from the corner of his lips. But first things first, he would have to silence Miaka and there was only one sure fire way to do so. Tilting her head gently upwards, his lips came crashing down on hers, almost immediately the sobbing ceased and her lips parted to let out a soft moan and he wasted no time in slipping his tongue into her mouth. Quickly giving in to the seishi's sensual onslaught she caved in and melted herself into his arms. Sensing his triumph, Tasuki broke the kiss, grinning broadly at hearing his priestess' grumble of protest,
“Why'd you stop?” she asked softly. His gaze scanned her face, her cheeks were still damp and her eyes, although red-rimmed, were darkened with passion. Her nose was the cutest shade of red and he lowered his gaze to her lips, which were red from his recent onslaught, overall, he was quite pleased with himself,
“If you didn't stop crying Konan would've been flooded by now, ya know!” he said with a smile, “I have an idea, both beneficial to me and you,” he stated cheerily,
“What?” asked his priestess, curious,
“Well, I happen to know of a certain bandit whom Kouji happens to speak of highly,” he started, “I wasn't actually thinking of returning to my post as leader anyway and I'm sure Kouji would've wanted him to take his place if anything were to happen to him,” his priestess nodded and smiled, sensing where this was going,
“Do you know who it is?” she asked,
“Sadly, I haven't seen him yet, they were on a raid last time I visited,” he stated, “But from the sound of it, this person sounds like a first class bandit, a complete package, agile and stealthy yet quite strong and a great weapon bearer,” he took a deep breath and continued, “so, I have made my decision, whoever this person is, he's gonna be the next leader, which makes me a free man and able to follow you to your world!” he exclaimed proudly,
“Oh Tasuki-kun! You'd do that? For me? Thank you!” she exclaimed, throwing her full weight to him which caused the unprepared seishi to topple over on the soft grass, with a giggling priestess laying on top of him,
“Geez Mi-chan! Lay off on the food will ya? You're getting heavier!” he joked, while returning the embrace,
“Since when am I heavy? Hmm... If I remember correctly I thought you said that I was as light as a feather when you carried me to your room in the palace the other day, isn't that right Tasuki of the Suzaku seven?” asked the priestess mockingly,
“Yea, yea! No need to go all priestessy on me! Or I shall unleash my superior flame throwing ability and speed on you!” he threatened while narrowing his eyes,
“You don't dare!” she countered getting off of him,
“Ha! Try me! I'll be a nice warrior and give you a head start!” he said while getting on his feet,
“Why thank you! As a token of my gratitude I present you with this!” Miaka closed the distance between then and administered an intoxicating kiss on his lips; she could feel Tasuki shudder under her ministrations. When she was sure he was going to lose his control over the situation she abruptly broke the kiss and started into a steady jog, leaving a baffled seishi in the dust,
“Hey! Come back here you little leg puller you!” he shouted after his quickly disappearing priestess,
“Can't do that! You said you'd give me a head start remember?” she replied, her voice disappearing. Knowing he lost he turned his attention to his undisturbed paradise,
“You better be sure about this birdie, once I go there's no going back,” he said, as if addressing someone.
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Keisuke was eagerly reading the teasing between his sister and seishi, his lips broke into a small grin, that's my Miaka! He silently said. Contemplating on the times how she had always been able to recover after an event, she was just full of chipper life and sadness or depression wasn't going to be her downfall,
“What's going on?” chimed in Tetsuya who was recovering after the strain he put to his body due to chasing after Keisuke,
“She's in love,” replied the man softly, Yui and Tetsuya spun their heads in unison and shouted,
“WHAT?!” Keisuke laughed, and repeated his statement,
“She's in love and you would not believe who it is!” he exclaimed, closing the book and setting it on the table next to his cup of jasmine tea. Yui thought about it for a while,
“It's gotta be Hotohori, am I right?” she asked. Keisuke shook his head, and Yui stared at him, “what? I'm always right! See, Nuriko's queer, Chiriko's already in love with studying, Mitsukake loved Shouka and his cat, Chichiri's a monk and Tasuki hates women! It's got to be Hotohori!” she argued,
“Told you that you wouldn't believe who it is, and remember, Hotohori's married to Empress Houki,” he pointed out the fact and sipped his jasmine tea. Yui pouted in disappointment,
“Then who is it? Kouji's spirit?” she asked, upset over the fact that she was wrong for once, Keisuke looked at her square in the eye and after setting his cup down, he mouthed the word Tasuki. “My vision must be getting blurry, because I thought you mouthed the word Tasuki, funny huh?” she giggled and stopped at seeing Keisuke's serious expression, “What? You're serious?” she said. Tetsuya who was administering an ice pack on his sore legs stared at Keisuke for tell tale signs of lies, nothing,
“It seems that the so-called `woman hater' has been harbouring feelings for Miaka for a long time but was considerate enough not to try an steal her away from-“ his sentence was cut off as a blinding red light filled the room and then subsided to a smooth red pulse and disappeared completely leaving a sobbing Taka on the floor. “-him.” He continued while pointing at the mass of tear shedding, flesh and blood on the floor. Yui glared at him and Keisuke shrugged his shoulders and mouthed; what?
Female instincts quickly taking over, Yui kneeled by his side and wiped his tears away, Taka looked up at her, she gave him a warm smile and he stopped sobbing,
“Why are you being nice to me?” he asked, Yui shrugged her shoulders,
“Eh, female instincts,” she replied and helped him up, he seated himself on a nearby armchair while Yui went to the kitchen and fixed him a cup of jasmine tea, when she returned Taka accepted the cup gratefully and took a sip,
“Jasmine...” he said simply then tears started to flow down his cheeks, but he remained his composure, “it was Miaka's favourite. I always made a cup for her everyday, now, it's Tasuki's turn,” setting the cup aside he buried his face in his arms but kept silent, he got up and silently made his way to the toilet and locked the door behind him,
“Think he knows?” asked Tetsuya,
“Gee, ya think?” Yui answered sarcastically,
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Taka stared at his reflection in the medicine cabinet mirror of Yui's toilet; dark circles were present under his eyes, his eyes were dull coloured and his hair was all mussed up. Glaring at his reflection he resisted the urge to smash the mirror and resorted to splashing his face with handfuls of cold tap water. Plopping down on the floor, he began to contemplate in what an utter fool he has become,
“I'm useless,” he insulted himself, “I don't have a reason to live anymore,” getting up, he opened Yui's medicine cabinet and grabbed bottles of pills off the shelves. Unscrewing a cap off of a full bottle he emptied the contents into his palm, “goodbye world, I hope you take care of Miaka for me Tasuki, don't be an ass to her like I did...” at these last words, he swallowed the pills in his hands and closed his eyes as the medicine worked its dosage around his body. He was already too drowsy and weak by the time his cell phone rang, belting out a popular ballad at maximum volume.
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“Isn't he going to answer his phone?” asked an irritated Tetsuya, “my legs are giving me enough pain thank you very much!” he grabbed a nearby cushion and attempted to drown out the sound from the toilet by covering his ears,
“His phone's been ringing for a minute now, why hasn't he answered the call yet?” asked Yui, rubbing her goose fleshed arms,
“Something's not right,” agreed Keisuke. He got up and knocked on the toilet door, “Hey! Is everything alright in there?” he pressed his ear to the door, expecting at least a small sob. When nothing emanated from the door, he began to panic a little bit, “Taka?” he asked, banging his fist on the door, he turned the knob only to find it locked, “Oh God! Yui! Get the key!” he shouted while a speeding blonde blur ran past him, pushing him aside. Yui attempted to move as fast as she could,
“Oh God, oh God! All my medicine's in there!” Yui exclaimed, panicking as her fingers fumbled with the keys. Keisuke could feel his blood run cold,
“You don't think?” when the door was finally unlocked; he flung the door open and saw Taka, unconscious and on the floor. Yui's medicine bottles were scattered all over the floor and an empty one was cradled in Taka's palm, “Ambulance, quick!” he commanded at a shocked Yui. She complied and somehow gathered enough composure to bark a command at the person on the other side of the phone, Keisuke rushed to Taka's side and checked his pulse, “Extremely weak but at least he's alive,” he gathered Taka into his arms Yui immediately opened the door to allow Keisuke outside. The ambulance pulled into the apartment's driveway and two men in uniforms immediately got out from the ambulance and wheeled Taka into the ambulance after taking him from Keisuke's arms,
“I'll follow him, you and Tetsuya can drive there,” Yui offered. Keisuke nodded and went to get Tetsuya.
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At the hospital a few hours later. Keisuke was reading the book, Yui was pacing impatiently as a doctor treats Taka inside a room, Tetsuya went to get coffee.
The sound of doors being opened caught Yui's attention and a doctor stepped out, he looked exhausted and solemn,
“What's his condition?” asked Yui immediately. Thinking she was Taka's wife, the doctor put his hand on her shoulder,
“Your husband's in a coma and we've put him on life support,” he began, “he's instable and he has, sadly, only a twenty percent chance of full recovery; my staff and I have done everything we possibly can and there is nothing else we can do about it now except pray he hopefully wakes up soon,” the doctor gave Yui a sad smile and walked away. Yui entered the room followed by Tetsuya and Keisuke close by, they were invited by the sound of beeping machines and a pale Taka lying on the bed, an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth,
“Oh God,” Yui whispered and looked away,
“How do we tell Miaka?” piped in Tetsuya, Keisuke glared at him, “What? She has to know!”
“That's right, she may love Tasuki now but she has to know about Taka's suicide attempt,” agreed Yui,
“Fine, but how do we tell her? She doesn't sound like she's gonna leave the stronghold soon but she is bringing Tasuki here,” both people looked at Keisuke,
“Tasuki? Miaka's bringing Tasuki back here?” Keisuke nodded, “Well she better hurry, or he's gonna die.”
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Miaka found herself being carried all the way to the stronghold by Tasuki in his usual bandit style, flung over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes,
“Tasuki! As your priestess I demand you to put me down immediately!” she shrieked as she wriggled in Tasuki's grip,
“Nothin' doin'! I caught up to you and now you're mine!” Tasuki laughed evilly and suddenly Miaka stopped trying to break free, instead she just stayed still but tense, “Miaka?” Tasuki stopped and gently laid her down, “what's wrong?” he held her by the shoulders and gently shook her. Her eyes looked distant and she was so very pale,
“I... don't... know...” she said quietly, “it... hurts... so much...”
“What? What hurts? Is it your leg?” Miaka shook her head,
“It's inside, I feel like I'm... being torn... to pieces...” she looked up at Tasuki, fear clear written all over her features, “It hurts... so much, I need to get back...” she attempted to stand up but fell in a crumpled heap on the ground, “It's... Taka, Tasuki, something's not right with Taka!” Tasuki gathered her into his arms and she started crying,
“But, I need to find the person Kouji was talking about, to be leader,” he tried reasoning with her, the truth was, he didn't want to face Taka, after what he did to Miaka, he deserved to die, but Miaka was so upset. Suddenly Miaka stopped crying and her eyes widened,
“So, whaf weafons can you fandle?” asked Miaka, her mouth full of rice,
“Everything,” replied Izumi simply, Miaka stared at her after swallowing her mouthful,
“Everything?” Izumi nodded; a proud smile on her face, “swords?”
“Bow and arrows?” Izumi sighed,
“What part of I can handle every single weapon do you not understand?”
“I can't believe it! Kouji must be really proud to have you as a Reikaku bandit!” Miaka looked at her in awe,
“I suppose, he was always saying that I would make a great leader someday, but I think he's just joking,” Izumi waved her hand as if brushing the notion aside.
“Who's Izumi?” Tasuki asked, puzzled,
“It's the girl, Kouji hand picked her himself, she is stealthy, this morning she snuck up on me and I didn't hear anything! And she can handle every weapon, swords, arrows, everything! It's got to be her!” Miaka exclaimed,
“Miaka, are you okay? Do you have a fever?” Tasuki grinned at her,
“Are you implying that I'm delusional Tasuki of the Suzaku seven?” Miaka glared at him, “Now, let me introduce you to her, the sooner we get there the sooner...” she stopped in mid-sentence and looked up at her seishi, “Tasuki I know this is sudden but please, can you do it? For me?” she pleaded, Tasuki smiled warmly at her,
“Of course, didn't I say that I'd do anything for you? Now hold on tight, we're going seishi speed!” Miaka squealed as Tasuki ran at the speed of light.
Once at the stronghold they were greeted by a crowd of bandits, there seems to be a fight going on, “what in Suzaku's name is going on here!?” Tasuki demanded,
“Oh, hey boss! Sosuke pissed Izumi off again and they're settling it with a sword fight!” answered one of the bandits,
“Izumi? Isn't that the girl you were talking about Mi-chan?” Miaka nodded,
“I wonder who is winning,” Miaka asked quietly,
“Are you kidding? Izumi of course! We all know that! That girl's a fighting machine! She can bear every single weapon you throw at her with ease!” replied the bandit. Miaka tugged at Tasuki's shirt,
“See? She's got to be the one Kouji was talking about! Come on, let's go get her and then we can go back to my world!” Tasuki nodded,
“Are you feeling better? Can you stand?” Miaka nodded and Tasuki let her get to her own feet and proceeded to unsheathe his tessen from its holster, “okay people! Break it up! Her eminence, the Priestess of Suzaku coming through! Disobey and I'll fry your asses!” Tasuki commanded and a path was immediately cleared towards the centre she walked forward and saw Izumi blocking the sword thrusts from her opponent who was twice as big and tall as her without breaking a sweat,
“Izumi-san!” Miaka shouted and the fighting ceased, “Come here!” Izumi looked puzzled but obeyed,
“Yep?” she asked,
“I think Genrou has something to say to you,” she smiled at Tasuki and he stood in front of Izumi,
“This is her?” Miaka nodded vigorously, “Okay, if you're sure about it,” Tasuki took Izumi's arm and gently ushered her forward towards the centre of the ring, “Okay! Listen up and listen good, I know, we were all devastated on the recent demise of a wonderful leader and friend, Kouji,” everyone bowed their heads in respect, “And on my last visit here, he told me that if anything were to happen to him, a special person that goes by the name Izumi, is to take his place, as leader of the Reikaku bandits.” Everyone's heads shot up in surprise, “Now, I know this is shocking, trust me, I know how you feel, but it was Kouji's last request and the least I could do is to grant it,” his attention turned to Izumi, “look, I know this is a big surprise but if Kouji says you would make a great leader then I believe him, take care of the boys okay? Now listen up, I know, she's a girl, but I want every single one of you to treat her with the utmost respect, just like how you would treat me or Kouji, if anyone were to disrespect her due to the fact that she's a girl, well, be prepared to feel the wrath of my tessen! Capeesh?” everyone nodded in fear, they would not die by being burnt by an fire-spitting fan, “Good, now, on the request of Suzaku, I am to accompany the priestess back to her world and apparently live there, forever, so just because I am not here, doesn't mean y'all still can't be burnt!”
“But how are you going to burn us if you're going to be in another world?” piped a bandit, and a chorus of agreements followed the statement. Tasuki grinned slyly,
“'Cause, I am going to bestow upon Izumi my prized tessen,” he handed the tessen to her but Izumi refused,
“I can't take that, I can bear every weapon so I'm perfectly fine on my own, I can just stab them if they disobey my command,” she tried to reason with him but Tasuki just smiled,
“No, you see, in the priestess' world, there's no need for a fire-spitting fan, so, I'd like to keep it here as a reminder and there's no one that I think deserves it more than you,” Tasuki shrugged the holster off his shoulders and handed it to Izumi too, “it's yours now, take care of it,” he smiled at her, “boss.” He added it as an after thought,
“Thank you, I'll guard it with my life,” she flashed him a teary smile and put on the holster. After adjusting the straps, she placed the tessen in it,
Tasuki stood up and walked towards Miaka, “shall we go now?” Miaka nodded and walked with Tasuki towards the stables where their horse was kept, they could hear Izumi bark commands as they rode away,
“I can't believe you gave your tessen,” Miaka stated, “And you lied about coming back to my world! Suzaku didn't request you to do it!”
“Ah, but that is where you are wrong! You see, on the cliff, while you were crying your eyes out over moi, I panicked and prayed to Suzaku to send me an idea on how to solve our little dilemma,” he explained, “then I heard a voice, and a reassuring warmth envelop me, it said that upon its request, I was to follow you back to your world, then I heard a caw of a bird and it was Suzaku, he was the one who asked me to follow you, so I didn't lie!” Tasuki grinned triumphantly, “As for the tessen I guess it was time I pass it down, I'm sure I won't need it anymore since eternal peace was granted.”
“I still can't believe you're following me, you're gonna love my world! I know it!” Miaka exclaimed happily and hugged him close,
“I think so too, especially since I'm going to live with you,” he kissed the top of her head and clicked his tongue as the horse broke into a slow gallop.
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There's only going to be one or two more chapters and then it's going to come to a close! The end of my first fic! I know, shocking isn't it?
The idea about giving his tessen away was thanks to my flat-mate and I suppose it got stuck in my head too... Hope it wasn't too shocking or upsetting! Please review! And, for some strange reasons, some of the bits and pieces in this chappie seem very, very familiar, like I read it from somewhere, but I can't put my tongue on where I read it before... If it's from one of your fics, I apologize and I'll get right to editing it!