Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Akeru Sasoi ~ Empty Temptation ❯ Prelude of Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 1: Prelude of Time
She perched in an oak tree like she knew he had done before, her hawk-like eyes picking up every slight and subtle move. There was no escaping her notice as she concentrated on the path below. Wait for it, wait for it...

The twin sound of footsteps and singing drifted to her ears, just as two figures rounded the bend. Ah, there they were. Right on schedule, as always. Even the antics of the other didn't slow them down significantly. Her professor was right, they did seem to be the only ones. How... amusing...

Smirking at the total oblivion the two were in as they plodded along, she backflipped off the tree, landing neatly on her feet without a sound, not even a whisper of wind. There was nothing like a new batch of mischief to complete, even if she *was* ordered to do it. So what? That just meant she wouldn't get in trouble for it, and there was plenty of time to play during this time. And what fun playthings these two would be!

Giggling slightly, she puffed into smoke, and disappeared.


"...Ochanoko sai-sai hengen jizai
Ikai e tsuujiru kasa o kabutte
Teki mo mikata mo asobi nakama na no DA--" a very happy blue-haired monk bounced along the path.

"Chichiri! Would ya shut yer trap on that stupid song?! It's drivin' me CRAZY!!!" while a not-quite-so-happy flame-haired bandit-boy trudged a bit behind his traveling companion. Chichiri turned to glance at Tasuki.

"Demo, Tasuki-kun, no da, it's my favorite song, na no da. Or would *you* rather sing, no da?"

"IYAAAA~!!! NO MORE SINGIN'!! Pretty soon I'll be singin' in my SLEEP, dammit!"

Chichiri wasn't even the least bit disconcerted by this show of emotions. Tasuki was just... well, Tasuki was just Tasuki. Nothing else to explain. "OK, then, what would you like to do, no da? We are almost to Mt. Reikkaku, na no da."

"Oi, why don'cha just transport us there with your kesa, then? I'm sure Kouji would be happy ta see us a couple a hours earlier than expected."

"Iya, no da. I won't waste magic just to do something we can do with a little bit of walking, no da."

"Awww, c'mon, Chichiri, just this once? I wanna kick back, relax, an' have a drink with Kouji an' my buddies. You included, if ya want." Tasuki grinned, flashing his fangs.

"I'm a monk, no da. I don't drink."

"Sure ya do. That's just an excuse not ta. Plenty a monks drink."

"And how would you know, Tasuki-kun?" his 'no da's were curiously absent.

"Well," at this, Tasuki grinned guiltily. "I met up with quite a few female monks before I became a Suzaku warrior, and they sure were willin' ta have a couple a drinks with me. And that's not all-"


Chichiri's staff flew through the air, hitting the fanged bandit square in the head. "*BAKA*, no da!"

"ITAI~!!! Hey, whadya do THAT for?!" but the monk was already walking ahead. "Chichiri, matte! Awww, man, I was just jokin' 'bout that last part! C'mon, Chichiri, wait up!"


It was dark before the two finally reached Tasuki's former home, not a word having passed between them since that pause on the road. Chichiri, for some reason, was still steaming mad at his fellow Sichiseishi for the earlier 'joke.' Tasuki had no clue as to why. His friend had never been one to hold a grudge against any of his fellow warriors.

Striding up to Kouji's door after proving his identity to the sentry at the main gate, Tasuki began his little dialog.

"Knock knock.

Who's there?

It's Kouji's good friend Genrou, back from the battle he fought against Tenkou with his fellow Sichiseishi.

Oh? How nice of you to come! Please, come ri-" he didn't get to finish, as the door was flung open, and the navy-haired bandit swung the Seishi into their 'Bandit Dance of Joy (tm)'.

"Gen-chan, buddy! Long time no see!"

"Yeah, I know! Bein' a Suzaku Seishi's harder than it looks!"

Chichiri sweatdropped. "A-ano, no da..."

Kouji turned to face the monk, surprised. "Oi, Chichiri-san, you came with Genrou? Wow, I don't even know how you can stand to travel on foot with him without beatin' him over the head!" he grinned.

There was an awkward silence, in which the bandit leader glanced between the two. Then Tasuki coughed, holding out Chichiri's staff.

"Ah, um... ya forgot ta take this back..."

"...Hai. Arigatou, no da."

Whipping his head around a few more times, Kouji finally got it. He chuckled. "Oh, so ya DID hit 'im? I bet he deserved it, too. Ok, then, c'mon, I'll get you two rooms."


Upon entering the room designated him by Kouji, Chichiri hung his kasa on a hook stuck to the wall, then sat down on the bed to stretch his legs. Despite him being used to a lot of walking, it didn't stop the aching that reached him every night after a day of traveling like he and Tasuki had traveled that day.

So wrapped up in his own thoughts was he, that the mage of the Suzaku seven didn't notice when a young girl walked through the closed door, to stand immediately behind him.

A tap on his shoulder brought him out of his reverie, however, and he whirled. "Dare no da?"

Standing before him was a scantily-clad girl of about Tasuki's age, with long dark red hair pulled into a high ponytail atop her head, and shimmering ebony eyes. And she had a smirk on her countenance that told Chichiri that she was not the least bit friendly.



Just beginning to start down the stairs and get roaring drunk with Kouji, Tasuki started as Chichiri's ki fluxed, an indication that the monk was surprised. Grabbing Kouji's hand, he ran towards his friend's room. "C'mon, somthin's wrong with Chichiri!"

Reaching the door, the fiery Seishi was very put out to find it locked. Hardly pausing for thought, he stepped back, then placed a couple of well-aimed kicks on the door, bringing it down...

...Just in time to see Chichiri disappear into a locket a young girl brandished.


She turned to find two sets of comically wide eyes fixed upon her.

"What the hell...?" one of the bandits muttered. She recognized him as the traveling companion of the monk. As she cast a questioning look at them, he suddenly gained his senses.

"Who the hell are you? And what've you done to Chichiri? Answer me, dammit!"

She smirked, holding the locket forward. "My name is Relicta. And if you are referring to your friend, I merely summoned him into my locket for... safekeeping."

He snarled. "Why, you-" reaching behind him, he brought forth that pathetic little rock fan of his. "Rekka Shi-"

"Now, now, don't be hasty. If you destroy me, you destroy the locket, and, consequently, your monk friend. And you wouldn't want that, would you?" her eyes glittered, blacker than the deepest night, as she indicated the locket.

While his eyes widened considerably. "Shit..."

The other bandit turned to him. "Genrou, what do we do now?"

And she smiled. "Simple. You can join him. In." and before they could react, the two were gone. Chuckling gleefully, the girl vanished, leaving the mess for someone else to clean up.