Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Light ❯ Chapter 3
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Three:
Weeks later, Suboshi was recuperating at Yui's house. Of all the seishi, only he remained. Tamahome had disappeared when Miaka gave her last wish. Keisuke, Miaka's brother, was hiding something, though. He could tell. Whenever he looked at Miaka, he would smirk. If he knew where Tamahome was, it wasn't funny. Suboshi never said anything, though. It wasn't his place. It was still hard for Miaka and the others to accept him. He would do anything for Yui-sama, though. He remembered his encounter with Seiryuu. Was he meant to disappear like Tamahome? He hoped not. The strangest thing happened, however. Before the summoning of Suzaku, he had no shadow. No reflection. Just as Tamahome never did. Now, he did. Both. It was as if he was born here.
Yui was ecstatic about it. Yui's mother wasn't that ecstatic about having him live at her home. Yui had explained that Suboshi didn't have any relatives. They had all died. He was essentially homeless. Mrs. Hongo wasn't thrilled with Yui offering their home to homeless people. When she told her mother that he was a friend of hers, Mrs. Hongo became much more cooperative towards Suboshi. He was determined to be on his best behavior. He didn't want to hurt Yui.
The weeks turned into months. Keisuke's "surprise" was Tamahome. Miaka was shocked to say the least. They were happy though. That's what counted. Keisuke was too, after he came back from the hospital.
It took time, but Suboshi gradually became use to breathing with one lung. He wasn't thrilled with the idea of having another surgery, so he refused the implant. Besides, after Yui explained the concept to him, he was revolted. To take another human beings organ, even if they were dead, didn't seem right to him. Yui just smiled and patted his hand whenever he mentioned it. There was still so much he didn't understand. The doctors attributed it to his injuries. Everyone assumed he had just lost a good portion of his memory. They never knew that he was born in another world.
As his body adjusted, so did his heart. The days he spent with Yui were a kind of healing. Yui brought him peace. Unbeknownst to her parents, they started to sleep together. Nothing ever happened between them, they both just relished the feel of being with someone.
* * *
Suboshi woke abruptly. He had another dream about Seiryuu. He was telling him goodbye. Apparently, he had done well. How, he didn't know.
He yawned. He looked next to him. Yui was asleep. She was snuggled up against his side, sleeping peacefully. He brushed his fingers against her cheek. He loved her so much. They had gone out for dinner last night. When they got home, they were alone. A rare occurrence. Mr. and Mrs. Hongo always made sure one or both of them were at home when they were both at home. They both took advantage of the opportunity. They both lay down on the bed. Suboshi started to kiss her on her neck. The next thing he knows, she's asleep.
He looks at her sleeping face. He laughs to himself. Maybe it wasn't meant to be yet.
Sighing, he slipped his arm from around her, getting out of bed. This world's technology was something that took a lot of getting used to. In the time and place where he grew up, such things were of the imagination. Who would have thought that it was possible to speak with others across the country instantaneously? Certainly not Suboshi, who had scoffed at such things. He had always been more concerned with the here and now, not the future.
He closed his eyes, looking up at the ceiling. He felt a bang of remorse, wondering about his brother. He still missed Amiboshi terribly.
'Aniki…I hope you're safe now. With Nakago gone, you'll be safe, no one is left to find you.' His thoughts strayed to his brother, his heart aching. He loved Yui so much. She had given him so much in this new life. A home, love, friendship. But still…he missed his brother.
Padding over to the small desk in his room, he turned on the laptop. Computers fascinated him. They were the most amazing things in this world he had found. Logging on, he quickly entered his screen name.
/join #mirc
/join #tchat18
***Ryuusei (ryuusei@yahoo.com) has joined #tchat18
<BlkCat> Hey, Shun!
<Ryuusei> Hi guys. How goes it?
<Tkel> Not to bad, man. Not too bad. How's the girlfriend?!
***BlkCat sets mode: +o Ryuusei
<Ryuusei> Thanks Catri. And she's not my girlfriend! *blush*
*BlkCat snorts
<BlkCat> Riiiigggghhhhttttt….that's why she's the only thing you talk about!
*Ryuusei blushes
*BlkCat cackles insanely
*Ryuusei thwaps BlkCat with a mallet
<BlkCat> HEY!!!
*Tkel chuckles
<BlkCat> Stop it, you guys! Geez…I hate men.
<Ryuusei> Uh huh.
<Tkel> Sure…
*BlkCat rolls eyes.
<BlkCat> Whatever.
<Ryuusei> Well, its been great guys. Really. (heavy sarcasm) But I have to split.
<BlkCat> Ah…rats. Oh well. Me too actually. I'll see ya guys at school!
<Tkel> Later
*BlkCat has left #tchat18
<Tkel> Okay. Spill man. What happened?!
<Ryuusei> Nothing…
<Tkel> What do you mean nothing?! Her parents were gone ain't they?!
<Ryuusei> Yeah…we fell asleep…
<Tkel> Oh geez. Man, you need help. Badly.
*Ryuusei glares at Tkel
*Tkel smiles innocently
<Ryuusei> Baka.
<Tkel> Yea yea…anyway. You and Yui need to get away. Someplace where ya both can be yourselves
<Ryuusei> Uh huh. And where would that be?!
<Tkel> Well…I've heard ya mention your bro. Why don't you guys go visit him?
Suboshi blinked back tears, trying to keep himself from slamming his fist through the screen. If only he could!
<Ryuusei> Gomen. Won't work. My brother is…not around.
<Tkel> Gomen nasai, Shun. Didn't know. You talk about him a lot so…
<Ryuusei> Not your fault. It's okay.
<Tkel> Well, its late. Gotta get up early for school. Later!
<Ryuusei> Later
***Tkel has quit IRC
***Ryuusei has quit IRC
Sitting back in his chair, Suboshi glared at the screen as if it was the fault of all his troubles. His friend Kouri had hit on the main problem. He missed his brother.
He remembered the last time he saw Amiboshi. His brother had been injured by Tomo, who Suboshi had killed moments before. The love and devotion he saw in his brother's eyes had nearly broken his heart. He didn't deserve his twin's love. Not after what he had done. He didn't deserve Yui's love.
Sighing, Suboshi reached out and turned the machine off. He needed to stop thinking like that. Yui would undoubtedly pickup on his melancholia and interpret it wrong.
Warm breath brushed past his ear and he froze. Gentle fingers began to rub his aching shoulders as a feather light kiss was placed on his neck. He closed his eyes, sighing blissfully.
Yui smiled, placing another kiss to his neck. "Gomen nasai, Su-chan."
"No, no! It's okay Yui-sama. Please don't be sorry." Suboshi turned in his chair and held out his hands to her.
She accepted, but instead of helping him to his feet, she sat down in his lap, snuggling close. He sighed, wrapping his arms around her tightly.
"How many times have I told you? You don't need to call me that anymore." Yui whispered against his chest. "It makes me feel…"
"Makes you feel how?"
She shrugged. "Like…you're inferior to me."
He smiled, bending down to place a kiss on her lips. "I am inferior to you, my love. You are a goddess. Someone to be worshipped and I fall humbly to my knees in subservience."
Yui blushed a deep crimson. She smacked his shoulder, glaring at him. "I am not! Stop that! You know I don't like it!"
"Gomen! Can't help it if that's how I feel." Suboshi grinned impishly. A devilish glint entered his eyes and Yui grew wary. "What are you…"
Her words were abruptly cut off as his mouth claimed hers in a deep, passionate kiss. She moaned, her fingers tangling in his sandy blonde hair.
All thoughts of his brother left him. Suboshi knew nothing more but the exquisite creature in his arms. She was tantalizing and delicious. Her skin was as soft as silk, her lips as sweet as nectar. He found himself drowning in her essence. And he had no wish to be saved from this beautiful fairy.
Holding her in his arms, he stood, his mouth still firmly over hers as they made their way to the bed. Reverently, he placed her on the silken sheets, his lips questing out for more skin. She clung to him tightly, her fingers threading themselves into his soft hair. Moaning, she threw her head back in bliss.
Trailing kisses along her neck, he stopped to whisper in her ear. "Are you sure about this, Yui?" He chuckled, letting her know he was teasing. "You won't fall asleep again, now will you?"
Grinning from ear to ear, Yui brought his mouth to hers in answer.
Weeks later, Suboshi was recuperating at Yui's house. Of all the seishi, only he remained. Tamahome had disappeared when Miaka gave her last wish. Keisuke, Miaka's brother, was hiding something, though. He could tell. Whenever he looked at Miaka, he would smirk. If he knew where Tamahome was, it wasn't funny. Suboshi never said anything, though. It wasn't his place. It was still hard for Miaka and the others to accept him. He would do anything for Yui-sama, though. He remembered his encounter with Seiryuu. Was he meant to disappear like Tamahome? He hoped not. The strangest thing happened, however. Before the summoning of Suzaku, he had no shadow. No reflection. Just as Tamahome never did. Now, he did. Both. It was as if he was born here.
Yui was ecstatic about it. Yui's mother wasn't that ecstatic about having him live at her home. Yui had explained that Suboshi didn't have any relatives. They had all died. He was essentially homeless. Mrs. Hongo wasn't thrilled with Yui offering their home to homeless people. When she told her mother that he was a friend of hers, Mrs. Hongo became much more cooperative towards Suboshi. He was determined to be on his best behavior. He didn't want to hurt Yui.
The weeks turned into months. Keisuke's "surprise" was Tamahome. Miaka was shocked to say the least. They were happy though. That's what counted. Keisuke was too, after he came back from the hospital.
It took time, but Suboshi gradually became use to breathing with one lung. He wasn't thrilled with the idea of having another surgery, so he refused the implant. Besides, after Yui explained the concept to him, he was revolted. To take another human beings organ, even if they were dead, didn't seem right to him. Yui just smiled and patted his hand whenever he mentioned it. There was still so much he didn't understand. The doctors attributed it to his injuries. Everyone assumed he had just lost a good portion of his memory. They never knew that he was born in another world.
As his body adjusted, so did his heart. The days he spent with Yui were a kind of healing. Yui brought him peace. Unbeknownst to her parents, they started to sleep together. Nothing ever happened between them, they both just relished the feel of being with someone.
* * *
Suboshi woke abruptly. He had another dream about Seiryuu. He was telling him goodbye. Apparently, he had done well. How, he didn't know.
He yawned. He looked next to him. Yui was asleep. She was snuggled up against his side, sleeping peacefully. He brushed his fingers against her cheek. He loved her so much. They had gone out for dinner last night. When they got home, they were alone. A rare occurrence. Mr. and Mrs. Hongo always made sure one or both of them were at home when they were both at home. They both took advantage of the opportunity. They both lay down on the bed. Suboshi started to kiss her on her neck. The next thing he knows, she's asleep.
He looks at her sleeping face. He laughs to himself. Maybe it wasn't meant to be yet.
Sighing, he slipped his arm from around her, getting out of bed. This world's technology was something that took a lot of getting used to. In the time and place where he grew up, such things were of the imagination. Who would have thought that it was possible to speak with others across the country instantaneously? Certainly not Suboshi, who had scoffed at such things. He had always been more concerned with the here and now, not the future.
He closed his eyes, looking up at the ceiling. He felt a bang of remorse, wondering about his brother. He still missed Amiboshi terribly.
'Aniki…I hope you're safe now. With Nakago gone, you'll be safe, no one is left to find you.' His thoughts strayed to his brother, his heart aching. He loved Yui so much. She had given him so much in this new life. A home, love, friendship. But still…he missed his brother.
Padding over to the small desk in his room, he turned on the laptop. Computers fascinated him. They were the most amazing things in this world he had found. Logging on, he quickly entered his screen name.
/join #mirc
/join #tchat18
***Ryuusei (ryuusei@yahoo.com) has joined #tchat18
<BlkCat> Hey, Shun!
<Ryuusei> Hi guys. How goes it?
<Tkel> Not to bad, man. Not too bad. How's the girlfriend?!
***BlkCat sets mode: +o Ryuusei
<Ryuusei> Thanks Catri. And she's not my girlfriend! *blush*
*BlkCat snorts
<BlkCat> Riiiigggghhhhttttt….that's why she's the only thing you talk about!
*Ryuusei blushes
*BlkCat cackles insanely
*Ryuusei thwaps BlkCat with a mallet
<BlkCat> HEY!!!
*Tkel chuckles
<BlkCat> Stop it, you guys! Geez…I hate men.
<Ryuusei> Uh huh.
<Tkel> Sure…
*BlkCat rolls eyes.
<BlkCat> Whatever.
<Ryuusei> Well, its been great guys. Really. (heavy sarcasm) But I have to split.
<BlkCat> Ah…rats. Oh well. Me too actually. I'll see ya guys at school!
<Tkel> Later
*BlkCat has left #tchat18
<Tkel> Okay. Spill man. What happened?!
<Ryuusei> Nothing…
<Tkel> What do you mean nothing?! Her parents were gone ain't they?!
<Ryuusei> Yeah…we fell asleep…
<Tkel> Oh geez. Man, you need help. Badly.
*Ryuusei glares at Tkel
*Tkel smiles innocently
<Ryuusei> Baka.
<Tkel> Yea yea…anyway. You and Yui need to get away. Someplace where ya both can be yourselves
<Ryuusei> Uh huh. And where would that be?!
<Tkel> Well…I've heard ya mention your bro. Why don't you guys go visit him?
Suboshi blinked back tears, trying to keep himself from slamming his fist through the screen. If only he could!
<Ryuusei> Gomen. Won't work. My brother is…not around.
<Tkel> Gomen nasai, Shun. Didn't know. You talk about him a lot so…
<Ryuusei> Not your fault. It's okay.
<Tkel> Well, its late. Gotta get up early for school. Later!
<Ryuusei> Later
***Tkel has quit IRC
***Ryuusei has quit IRC
Sitting back in his chair, Suboshi glared at the screen as if it was the fault of all his troubles. His friend Kouri had hit on the main problem. He missed his brother.
He remembered the last time he saw Amiboshi. His brother had been injured by Tomo, who Suboshi had killed moments before. The love and devotion he saw in his brother's eyes had nearly broken his heart. He didn't deserve his twin's love. Not after what he had done. He didn't deserve Yui's love.
Sighing, Suboshi reached out and turned the machine off. He needed to stop thinking like that. Yui would undoubtedly pickup on his melancholia and interpret it wrong.
Warm breath brushed past his ear and he froze. Gentle fingers began to rub his aching shoulders as a feather light kiss was placed on his neck. He closed his eyes, sighing blissfully.
Yui smiled, placing another kiss to his neck. "Gomen nasai, Su-chan."
"No, no! It's okay Yui-sama. Please don't be sorry." Suboshi turned in his chair and held out his hands to her.
She accepted, but instead of helping him to his feet, she sat down in his lap, snuggling close. He sighed, wrapping his arms around her tightly.
"How many times have I told you? You don't need to call me that anymore." Yui whispered against his chest. "It makes me feel…"
"Makes you feel how?"
She shrugged. "Like…you're inferior to me."
He smiled, bending down to place a kiss on her lips. "I am inferior to you, my love. You are a goddess. Someone to be worshipped and I fall humbly to my knees in subservience."
Yui blushed a deep crimson. She smacked his shoulder, glaring at him. "I am not! Stop that! You know I don't like it!"
"Gomen! Can't help it if that's how I feel." Suboshi grinned impishly. A devilish glint entered his eyes and Yui grew wary. "What are you…"
Her words were abruptly cut off as his mouth claimed hers in a deep, passionate kiss. She moaned, her fingers tangling in his sandy blonde hair.
All thoughts of his brother left him. Suboshi knew nothing more but the exquisite creature in his arms. She was tantalizing and delicious. Her skin was as soft as silk, her lips as sweet as nectar. He found himself drowning in her essence. And he had no wish to be saved from this beautiful fairy.
Holding her in his arms, he stood, his mouth still firmly over hers as they made their way to the bed. Reverently, he placed her on the silken sheets, his lips questing out for more skin. She clung to him tightly, her fingers threading themselves into his soft hair. Moaning, she threw her head back in bliss.
Trailing kisses along her neck, he stopped to whisper in her ear. "Are you sure about this, Yui?" He chuckled, letting her know he was teasing. "You won't fall asleep again, now will you?"
Grinning from ear to ear, Yui brought his mouth to hers in answer.