Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Firebird ❯ Two New Senshi ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Vera-chan: Aren't I clever?

Luna-sama: You are? I thought you were in a slump with this story………

Vera-chan: I was but then I got the idea for the new Suzaku Senshi-

Avia-san: You got the idea? I could've sworn I came up with it………

Vera-chan: ::Nervous look:: What I mean is………when I got suggested the idea………

Luna-sama: ::Shakes head:: Here's chapter 7………



Ch. 7 "Two New Senshi."

A tall blonde man paced back and forth, mumbling to himself.

"How?" he asked himself, stopping suddenly. "How could Suzaku find a new miko before we did?"

He continued pacing. He just had to find a solution to this.

"If they have a new Miko, they have the advantage………" he growled. Then a truly evil glint came to his eye as he smiled. "Remove the miko………remove the advantage………"

He couldn't help but smile as he hurried out of the room to get everything ready for his newly formed plan.

* * * * *

Hotori sighed.

`Maybe I should've worn the outfit Nuku-chan bought me.' She thought. People seemed more interested in her "odd clothing" then her questions concerning the new Suzaku Senshi. She heard a horse behind her whinny, and she looked back. The sight that met her eyes made her double over with laughter. The horse Washi and Tasuki were riding had reared back, and Tasuki, having been caught off guard, grabbed the closest thing to him; Washi. The horse came back down to all fours, and Washi glared at her saddle mate.

"What do you think you're doing?" She demanded.

"Don't blame me!" He said, dodging the darts Washi was glaring. "Blame the horse! I knew they couldn't be trusted!"

"I warned you it might be a rough ride." She replied. "It's not the horse's fault if you didn't listen."

Tasuki went to say something but Hotori cut him off.

"Tasuki, either find some way to get along with Washi or you'll have to ride with Nuriko." She said, starting off the main road.

She could see an inn not far from where they currently were, and it was nearly nightfall.

Tasuki grumbled to himself about "too many women…"

Upon arriving in front of the inn they noticed it also had a small tavern as well. Tasuki was overjoyed to finally get some sake; it'd been three weeks since they set out, and they were hardly ever near anywhere that sold it. Everyone else was pleased with the notion of a warm meal and warm beds. A girl about Hotori's age came out from the stables and introduced herself as they climbed off their steeds.

"Good evening." She smiled sweetly. "I'm Sakana. May I put your horses in the stables for you?"

She took the reins for two of the hoses in her hands and led them inside.

"I'm going to give her a hand." Hotori said, following her with the other two horses. "Why don't you guys go in and grab a bite to eat? I'll be in soon."

The others nodded and headed inside.

After helping Sakana settle the horses in, Hotori went to get something to eat. She was not surprised, upon entering to tavern, to find Tasuki half drunk, and everyone else eating. She placed her order and sat down to find her friends in mid conversation.

"You're being very rude." Nuriko said, punching Tasuki in the arm. "You didn't offer anyone else any sake."

He looked around confused at first, then offered the rest of his group some.

Hotori, and Chichiri both declined, but Washi looked at it rather interested. She accepted, and took a small sip. The face she made moved Tasuki to laughter. She growled, and took the jug out of his hand.

"If you like it so much………" she stood up and smashed it over his head. "Why don't you wear it!"

Nuriko doubled over with laughter. "I like the way you think!"

Hotori's meal arrived, and they went about eating, Tasuki didn't offer anyone any sake from the next jug he got. Hotori finished eating rather quickly, and looked at her group.

"I think I'll go see about getting a couple rooms." She stood up, and Washi followed. "You can finish eating, I'll be okay."

"No, I was done." Washi replied. "Besides, fang boy's starting to smell odd………"

They left the tavern and entered the inn. It was bustling with people arriving, trying to get rooms, and mindlessly chattering. Hotori spotted the desk and headed for it, but got caught in a large crowd of cloaked travelers. After a few moments of feeling like a salmon trying to swim upstream, she made it and requested two rooms.

"Got them!" She spun around, expecting to see Washi. Instead she came face to face with a tall blonde man she'd never met before.

"You are the new Suzaku no Miko, correct?" he said and she nodded. "I am a Senshi, and I'd like to talk to you somewhere a little more………quiet………"

"I need to find someone, but-" She started, but he cut her off.

"She's waiting outside for you." He said. "Turns out she doesn't like crowds much………"

Hotori shrugged, and followed the man outside.

Across the room, Washi spotted Hotori leaving with some man she didn't know, or trust for that matter. She started after them, but a very large man stepped in her way. She tried to push past him, and he glared down at her.

"Watch where you're going." He said.

"No, you need to watch where you're going!" she replied, trying to step around him, but he blocked her.

"You wanna take this outside?" he asked.

"I would like to go outside." She said, shoving him roughly to the ground. "But preferably without you."

She bolted for the door as quickly as possible.

* * * * *

"I thought you said Washi was out here." Hotori said, looking around. "Where is she?"

"I have to tell you something, Miko." He said. "You were not intended to be Suzaku's priestess. You were meant to be the Seiryuu no Miko."

"The…the what?" she asked backing away slightly.

"I am Nakago, strongest of the Seiryuu Senshi, (AN: ::Sarcastically:: Someone tell Soi! I bet she didn't know this!) and I've come to make you our miko." He said. "It is your true destiny-"

He was cut off as a spear flew by his head, narrowly missing it.

"That was just a warning…" Washi said, coming up behind Hotori. "Next time I'll give you a hair cut…at the neck."

A girl with silver hair ran out of the nearby forest, a silver and white wolf at her heels. At the same time, Sakana bolted from the stables. The two new people also positioned themselves around Hotori. The silver haired girl fired some chi energy at him. He blocked her attack, and fired a shot back at them. Sakana grabbed Hotori, and pulled her far enough away from the main battle.

"I sensed the new Miko had arrived, but I wasn't sure who it was until just now." Sakana explained, then they turned to watch the battle. Washi was using her speed to dodge his attacks while the other girl was firing attacks of her own. Washi, now using her speed on the offensive, got behind Nakago, and kicked him in the back, pinning him to the ground, sticking a spear to the back of his neck.

"You may have won this battle……..." He said, chuckling. "But you haven't seen the last of me."

Hotori gasped as he disappeared from under Washi's foot and spear. She and Sakana walked up to the others.

"Thank you for saving my life." Hotori said gratefully to the new girl. "But………who are you?"

"My name is Okami, no da!" She smiled cheerfully." This is my wolf, Yamakaze, no da! I am one of the new set of Suzaku Senshi, no da!"

Washi and Hotori exchanged shocked looks.

"Not another one!" Washi sighed.

"My little brother and sister will love you." Hotori added.

Okami looked at them oddly, but followed them inside. They weren't very surprised to find the three old Senshi doing exactly what they'd been doing when they left. The only exception was Tasuki was now passed out.

"Who is that with you, no da?" Chichiri asked, looking up at them.

"I am Okami, no da!" she replied. "I'm one of the new Suzaku Senshi, no da!"

"Um………guys………I'd really like to go to bed………" Hotori said quietly. "It's been a really long day………we can fill you in tomorrow."

Everyone nodded, and headed upstairs.

* * * * *

Hotori, Okami and Washi were getting ready for bed when there was a knock on the door. Hotori crossed the room, and opened the door to find Nuriko in a pretty, dark purple nightgown.

"Nee-chan………can I sleep in here?" He asked, looking rather desperate. "Tasuki's snoring so loud I can't hear my think………and Chichiri's hanging upside down from the ceiling………which is kind of disturbing."

"What is wrong with sleeping upside down, no da?" Okami asked as she positioned herself from the ceiling. "It's quite relaxing, no da!"

"Come on in, Nuku-chan." Hotori smiled. "It seems we've got an extra bed. You don't mind, do you Washi?"

"Nah." Washi said, opening the window. "He's feminine enough to suite me."

Hotori and Nuriko were just settling to bed when an eagle, Tsume, flew in.

"An eagle?" Nuriko asked, a little stunned.

"Don't worry." Washi said, climbing into her own bed. "She tame………mostly anyway."


Vera-chan: Three guesses who's counterpart Okami is! Anyhoo, I know I wasn't much nicer to Tasuki, but I will be soon………I promise! Incase you couldn't tell, I don't like Nakago, but we need some antagonist, no da! Also, I've decided to refer to Nuriko using masculine pronouns………for now anyways………I might decide I like calling him a "her" better then a "him". That's all for now! Ja ne!