Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Girl Of The Moonlight. ❯ Return To Konan ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I do not own the rights to Fushigi Yugi or the characters used in this story.

Her soft footsteps could be heard as she jumped off the cart of the nice man who was willing to give her a ride from her home town to the capital city. She looked back up at the man and smiled brightly, her new present hidden under her clothes, she knew better than to show off such a piece of jewelry.
“Thank you, Sir, for the ride.” She spoke lightly, her voice purposely seductive. She watched as the older man’s cheeks seemed to grow a bit crimson. She winked at him slightly and moved around the cart toward the palace. She could feel the man’s eyes still on her, and she didn’t hear the cart beginning to move again for good ten seconds after she had walked away. The smile on her face was of amusement, though it faded quickly as she looked down the streets of Konan.
Moving quickly through the streets she was glad that Konan was so active, and that many of the people were harmless, but she didn’t like the amount of people she had to walk through to get to the palace.
“Damn.” She muttered lightly under her breath. Sighing lightly she began to make her way through the crowd of people, trying to swerve and dodge all the other people who unknowingly moved in just the way that they would bump into her. They always muttered a soft apology after realizing what had happened, and she didn’t blame them, but it grew annoying.
Finally reaching the palace gates she smiled at Mikado, the one guard that stood outside the palace walls most of the time.
“Good morning, Mikado!” She waved softly at the youngest guard on the emperor’s watch. He was but a young 19 years old, and slightly shunned by his family for not yet starting a family.
Glancing around Mikado assumed it was safe to wave back to her. She giggled lightly as she moved forward towards Mikado more. She bit her lower lip lightly as she watched his frame, strong and stable. She knew he worked out with the various Seishi that remained at the palace, mainly Nuriko because of his strength and the bit of marshal arts knowledge he had. Returning her gaze to his face she smiled brightly.
“Good morning, Ms. Kishuku.” Her smile faded slightly as he spoke so formally to her.
“Mikado, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you to call me Yurien.” Her voice was somewhat stern, though she held a slight smile on her face. She’d had a crush on Mikado since her first time visiting the palace, two years ago. He had the same job, the same stance, the same formal attitude since then as well. She had known and talked with Mikado numerous times on her visits, yet he still insisted on calling her Ms. Kishuku.
“Yurien...” His voice was soft and gruff as he said her first name. Her cheeks blushed lightly as she heard her name spoken in such an amazing way. She had been wanting to hear her name spoken by him for so many years. “...happy birthday.” She smiled brightly at his words.
“Thank you, Mikado.” She laid a hand on his shoulder lightly for a moment, flashing him a promiscuous smile. With out allowing him time to react she quickly moved through the gates of the wall into the palace of the Emperor Hotohori and Empress Houki.
The guard were all used to Yurien’s presence, since she had come every so often to visit her brother before he had gone off with Miaka to live their own life, and let Hotohori and Houki live theirs. Most of the guards standing on duty nodded their head cordially at her as she moved past them toward the conference room, where Hotohori was almost always found at this time of day.
Pressing her ear against the door of the conference room slightly for a moment to be sure Hotohori wasn’t busy, she listened and heard nothing but the ruffling of papers. Pulling away she knocked slowly on the door.
“Come in.” The gruff voice of Hotohori filled her ear. Slowly she pushed the door into the room, and she entered slowly. Hotohori’s head was down, he was reading what seemed to be important documents due to the royal seal on the top of the papers. Hotohori said nothing, furrowing her brows she rubbed her left forearm lightly with her right hand.
“Good morning, Hotohori.”
Hotohori seemed to have forgotten that anyone had even bothered him, because when Yurien spoke up slightly he jumped a few inches and his face flew up to meet her gaze.
“Yurien!” Standing quickly Hotohori moved away from his work and went over to hug Yurien softly. “Happy birthday, I assume you got your present?”
She smiled lightly and hugged him back, his eyes were soft as she pulled back and gazed up into his eyes.
“Yes I did, in fact, I am wearing it right now.” Reaching her hand into her shirt slightly she pulled the necklace out, jewel and all. Hotohori’s eyes lit up slightly, she knew it was because the jem reminded him of Miaka, and no matter how much he loved Houki, he would always love Miaka the most. “It surprised me, Hotohori...” He looked up and gazed into her eyes softly. “...that you were willing to give something of Miaka’s to me.” His face softened even more as he heard the young girl’s words.
“Don’t be so surprised, Yurien. You are a wonderful young woman, and you deserve everything given to you.” Hotohori spoke to her as though he was speaking to his own child, caring and nurturing tones in his voice. “Besides, I know how you are, and I know that with that...” He pointed to the jewel. “...you will be protected by Suzaku.” Yurien nodded softly. She spent about another twenty minutes with Hotohori, then left him to do his work. Before she left she thanked him graciously, gave him a hug, and went off.


As Yurien walked through the gates of the palace she smiled weakly at Mikado who was in a strict stance as another guard was no standing outside the palace wall with him. It was obvious Mikado took his job very seriously.
Slipping into the crowd she felt someone bump into her, though she didn’t hear an apology, instead she felt a tight grip on her arm, and a quick harsh whisper into her ear.
“You will be silent and you will come with me, now.” The voice was a males, and quite suddenly she felt like screaming, though the assailant must have planned for that as she felt the sharp edge of a knife being pressed into her back, and not lightly. The point dug into her back, she winced slightly as she felt the tip penetrate her skin slightly. The man began pushing her forward, walking right behind her, holding her enough that she couldn’t get away, though they didn’t look suspicious.
She whimpered to herself in her head as she moved with the man, his knife still in her back. He moved back the way she had came originally, out of the crowd. He forced her toward the alley way, the scum of Konan.
Mikado blinked numerous times as he watched a shady man move along with Yurien, her face was harsh as she moved. Turning to the other guard, he stood there completely straight, not seeing what was happening with Yurien. Mikado’s eyes darted from the other guard to Yurien and the man, he seemed to be forcing her into the alley. Mikado’s eyes moved back and forth from the two, he didn’t know what to do.Converting /tmp/phpWIhqJC to /dev/stdout