Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel ❯ One Person Can Make A Difference ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: well I don't care if nobody seems to like this story cause I do, so here's the update for the one person that read this and reviewed. As usual Fushigi Yuugi isn't mine but the little girl is so don't sue me. And on to the chapter….

"Please…" sobbed the little girl I'd just saved "Don't hurt me."

"It's alright." I reassured her "I'm going to help you." I took another step towards her.

"Please..." she stammered her tears falling faster as I came closer.

"Don't be afraid. It's alright" I said desperately, kneeling in the grass a few steps away from her " I won't hurt you, I'm just trying to help."

She looked at me for a second, unsure if I was being honest or not. Finally she took a tentative step towards me.

I gave her a smile of encouragement. "It's alright." I repeated "You're safe now." I held out my hand to her. Her tiny shoulders dropped in relief and she ran into my arms, knocking me backwards onto the grass. I sat down hard and held her as she crushed her face into my tunic, sobbing.

"You're safe now. Those bad men are gone now." I reassured her "Come on now, no more tears…"

She clung to me and buried her face deeper in the folds of my tunic. I let her cry, cradling her gently against my chest. She let out a squeak as her broken arm accidentally brushed my hand.

"Daijobu?" I asked, gently taking the girl's injured limb in my hands and checking it over.

"No." she sniffled softly "It hurts." she touched her broken arm gingerly "Here and here." Then her head "Here and" she touched her knee "Here."

"Aww… Poor little one." I said sympathetically "Do you know where your village is? I'll bring you back to your mommy and daddy so they can fix you up."

"Village gone. Bad men came and made it on fire, then 'kaa-san and 'Nii-chan wouldn't wake up" the girl told me "M'all alone now."

My eye filled with tears as her sad story touched my heart and reminded me of my own painful past. It was odd, but this tiny child had made me forget my previously dark thoughts of death. I wanted to live now because if I died, she wouldn't have a chance all by herself out in the world. I hugged her tightly and told her it would be okay.

"I'm going to help you." I said as I lifted her up and headed back to the ruins of my own home. As we came up to my house I sighed and looked apologetically at the girl. "It isn't much, but it's home…I suppose."

She looked up at me, cheeks still wet with tears and smiled a little. I set her down in the grass in front of my destroyed home and told her to wait for me there. "I'll be back in just a minute." I assured her.

"No!" she cried jumping up and grabbing my hand. "Not all alone. Want to stay with eiyuu-san!"

I stared at her. "Eiyuu-san? I'm afraid you're mistaken." I said bitterly "I'm no hero. I'm nothing but a monster."

"No!" she insisted stubbornly "Not a monster. Hero. My hero." She looked up at me with green eyes full of conviction and insistence.

I looked into those eyes and couldn't help but smile. "If you say so." I laughed "But if you don't mind, I'd rather be called Houjun."

She nodded. "Houjun-san." she said happily "Watashi wa Mirai desu." She added pointing at herself.

"Mirai it is then." I agreed, scooping her up into my arms again. "We'll get you fixed up and then we'll see if we can't find you somewhere to stay."

"Stay with Houjun." the girl said firmly.

"For now." I nodded. We came to the small infirmary set up by a kindly old widow who had also survived the flood and asked her if we could have a few of her medical supplies. I explained to her about Mirai's arm and she started thrusting everything from bandages and herbs to small branches, and a wooden bowl to grind up leaves into both Mirai's arms and mine.

" Arigato, Tokeri-san." I thanked her, bowing slightly being careful not to accidentally drop Mirai.

"Hai, domo arigato obaa-san." the girl in my arms echoed solemnly as we turned to head back to what remained of my house.

"Take care of yourself, Houjun-kun." Tokeri called after us "And of that little one as well."

"I will." I assured her, turning to look over my shoulder at the kindly old lady.

When we'd gotten back, I set Mirai down again and set about the task of patching up her broken arm.

She winced every time I moved the injured limb, but didn't say a word watching me intently the whole time. As gently as I could, I wrapped the bandages around her arm and put it in a makeshift sling. I went to lift up the leg of her pants and found the knee ripped and bloody. I gently lifted the fabric up past her knee and cleaned off the blood. Luckily it was only a bad scrape so I put a small medicinal leaf over the cut to help it heal faster and wrapped a bit of cloth around her knee to keep the leaf in place. Lastly I asked her where she had had her head hit. The girl lifted her good hand and gingerly touched just behind her right ear. I put my hand where she had shown me and softly felt around the bump that had already started to form there. I brought my hand back in front of me and checked to see if there was blood on it. There wasn't. On a sudden impulse, I gave her a light kiss on the forehead to make her head feel better and smiled at her.

"All better?" I asked softly.

"Hai." she answered. She stood up and looked gravely at the dusty and ragged bandage over my left eye. It was red with blood, the horrible gash having been reopened by the bandit's punch. She frowned in concern.

"Houjun hurt." she said quietly "Fix it."

Ever so carefully, she reached up and untied the bandage, exposing my eye in all its half-infected bloody glory. Her frown deepened and she shook her head sadly. She picked up a few herbs that Tokeri had given us and crushed them into a paste with a stick and the wooden bowl. I watched in bewilderment, unable to move, as the tiny girl lightly cleaned the blood off the cut. She spread the paste onto a fresh bandage then delicately around my eye. She tied the cloth with the herbs over my eye. I let out a small squeak as the medicine touched the infected part of my eye.

"Daijobu." she soothed "Shh…" She finished tying the bandage over my eye and gave me a soft kiss on the cheek. "Better?" she asked in genuine concern.

I nodded dumbly, not trusting myself to speak. Why was this child being so nice to me? What had I ever done in my miserable life to deserve such compassion? How was it that my disfigured face didn't appall her? Didn't she recognize a monster when she saw one? Tears came to my good eye as these thoughts chased themselves around my head. I tried to keep them from falling but failed miserably as the pearly drops slid down my face and onto my hands. I bowed my head as sadness overtook me.

"Don't cry." Mirai whispered " I didn't mean to hurt Houjun-san." She looked down in shame as tears fell down her cheeks as well.

"P-please don't cry too.." I pleaded, feeling even worse for making her feel bad "It's not your fault. I swear it." I pulled her into my lap and hugged her close.

She looked up at me, green eyes full of remorse. "Then why y'cry?" she hiccupped, brushing tears off her face.

"I did something terrible…" I admitted, my tears coming faster now.

"Fix it?" she asked hopefully, voice small and quiet.

"No, Mirai. I can never fix this." I said my own voice a mixture of sadness and bitter regret.

"Why not?" she asked softly.

"Because you just can't fix some things." I told her gently.

"But-but then…no!" she cried, struggling to understand "I don't want Houjun t'be sad!" she wailed, burying her face in my tunic.

"It's alright." I soothed "It'll be okay." I wiped desperately at my eyes, trying to get them to stop spilling the tears that were causing my tiny companion so much pain. I finally got my emotions under control and I brushed a hand over my cheeks, careful to avoid my injured eye. I gently lifted Mirai's chin and looked into her eyes. "It's alright." I told her "I'm okay see?"

She whimpered a little as she looked into my eye, then nodded. Her eyes were sympathetic and she whispered "Houjun-san hurt?"

"A little." I told her, somehow trusting her even though I barely knew her "But I'm alright."

"Don't worry. Be okay." She reassured giving me a tiny smile "Promise."

I smiled back and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "Maybe…"

***************************************A/N: well here it is chapter two of the story no one likes. Oh well I like it and so does at least one other person so up this goes. Glossary of weird words:

Daijobu-it's okay or are you okay

Domo Arigato-thank you very much

'kaa-san-short for okaa-san means mother

'Nii-chan- big brother


If I missed and words I'm sorry but I'm tired. Will revise later.

~Tenshi Kitsune~ ****************