Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ chapter three ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter three here… tell me, is calling a pizza parlor Dragon Scales because two Seiryuu seishi reincarnations work there too much? It's pretty much off the top of my head :P When I write these stories, I continually have in my mind the end of the FY tv series and ova series… and I may have swung out of post-Eikoden canon with making Taka and Miaka's child a boy (it was a girl named Hikari or “Light”) but I thought “go with it!”
And I love other FY reincarnation fics, why I'm writing this one. Nakago isn't one of my favorite characters, but I thought I'd give him his due. He might be Watase Yu's favorite character for a reason. And I see most reincarnation fics where people name the seishi their birth names in their past lives (ie: Hotohori would be Saiheitei, his emperor name, and Nuriko would be Ryuuen, his village name). I don't mind, but I thought I'd try and give new names to everyone's reincarnations. Though I'm going for same letter beginnings so as not to confuse :P
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter three
by penpaninu
Naisen walked stiffly to school the next day. What his father's president had done to him had painfully opened his eyes and sealed shut his heart. He didn't know men did that…much less to young boys like himself. It humiliated him that he had begged him once to stop and was shut up into submission. Stoic and silent, that was the way to get through something now.
Naisen stumbled across the street to the front of his school, passing by a young boy with dark blue hair. Hiroshi looked at him curiously and shouted hello. Naisen grimaced and hid his face from him, walking faster to class. Hiroshi shrugged. Maybe at recess he'd want to play. No one else asked him anymore. And his mother always said to treat people with kindness.
Taka waved to Hiroshi as he made his way to his class and the boy brightened. Yup, everyone should have parents like he did he thought happily as he made his way to his desk.
* * *
Yui chose to walk to work the next day so she could pass by Dragon Scales on her way in. The restaurant wouldn't be open until lunchtime, but she wanted to feel her seishi's energy and assure herself they were still there.
Even better as she turned the corner, Asakura was sweeping the front walk. He was dressed in the uniform, sneakers and an apron, pizza cap turned backwards on his head. He whistled along as he battled the sidewalk with his broom and Yui smiled.
“Ohayou, Asakura-san,” she greeted, waving to him. Asakura's smile bloomed instantly and he leaned on his broom.
“Well if it isn't our special admirer. It's good to see you, Yui-san,” he grinned.
Yui giggled behind her hand. “Your brother told me a lot about you two,” she confessed.
Asakura held up one hand good-naturedly. “Whatever he said, I didn't do it,” he teased, making Yui laugh.
“My best friend and her family love your store. To be honest, they pointed you out to me,” Yui said.
Asakura frowned in thought. “Sukunami, right? Usually ordering three large pizzas for the missus and one for the men of the house.”
Yui laughed. “That sounds about right! Miaka has a large appetite.”
Asakura laughed. “This may sound strange, but I swear I've seen her before! And you, Yui-san.”
Yui regarded Asakura somberly. “I don't doubt it, Asakura-san… I feel the same about your brother.”
Asakura coughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “So do you have a boyfriend, Yui-san? Cause Aniki was asking me if you did…”
Yui blushed and coughed behind her hand. “Asakura-san!”
Asakura laughed. “He's swept over by you. I think I saw him spelling your name with the pizza sauce.”
Yui laughed again, put at ease by his joke. “Well, I do have a boyfriend…”
Asakura snapped his fingers. “Damn. Aniki'll burn orders all day.”
“…..But, I do like your brother, and you.”
Asakura blushed and grinned. “Well that makes my day! I'll be seeing you, Yui-san. And we like you too.”
Yui flushed and bowed, continuing on her way to school. What had possessed her to confess that! For one crazy moment she had an image of all three of them locked in a passionate embrace. Come on, Yui, you've been reading too many naughty mangas!
* * * *
Asakura whistled brightly as he walked back into Dragon Scales, depositing the broom in the back. Saito raised an eyebrow at him.
“What's into you, Asakura? You watching those schoolgirls again? “
Asakura grinned. “Nope. Just one special lady. Yui-san.”
Saito straightened immediately, looking around. “Really? What'd she say?”
Asakura clapped his brother on the shoulder. “She does have a boyfriend…”
“BUT…. she does like us!” Asakura crowed.
Saito grinned, in a good mood again. Yui-san….
* * * *
Naisen sat at the edge of the playground, watching the foolish children play on the swings and slide and chase each other silly. He sneered to himself about their innocence. They all didn't know what he did or had to do last night. They all were second to him and he would show them all….
Hiroshi bounced a ball and walked up to the brooding blond. He cleared his throat and smiled. “Hey. Wanna play?” His eyes sparkled innocently like his mothers and his smile was like his fathers.
Naisen stared at him blankly. “No.”
“Come on, you're not playing with anyone…it'll be fun,” Hiroshi coaxed. He bounced his bright red ball experimentally to prove his point.
Naisen didn't budge. “No.”
“You can't just not play,” Hiroshi said stubbornly. He touched Naisen's shoulder and didn't' notice when the boy flinched, then went still. “Come on! We'll throw it back and forth for awhile.”
Naisen stared at him angrily and pushed at his hand. “Why should I?”
“Because you'll never have any fun,” was the simple answer.
Naisen stood up, several inches taller than the blue-haired boy. “Let's get this over with,” he swore.
“Yeah!” Hiroshi cheered.
* * * *
Miaka giggled and peeked out of the office window to the playground. That was her son's way, to involve other children and make them feel welcome. He was turning into quite the diplomat.
“What are you looking at?” Yui commented, refilling her coffee mug. She joined Miaka at the window and gazed out at her friend's son playing catch with Naisen.
“Well at least he's playing….” Yui murmured. Naisen had the obvious greater strength but he was trying to be nice and not pitch the ball over Hiroshi's head, even though his scowl said otherwise.
Miaka sighed. “I was worrying about him sometime ago. He never used to play at all. He would just sit there until recess was over. I'm glad Hiroshi's playing with him. I'll have to tell Taka,” she said happily.
Yui brightened and went back to her office and sorted through her notes with Naisen. If he continued on acts like this, he'd turn out fine. Miaka should talk to him probably as well, she mused and wrote a note to ask Sumiyoshi if that was acceptable.
Most people found their worries washed away talking to the past Suzaku no Miko. She was a shining star many gravitated to without realizing it. Even after what Nakago had done to her, Yui was sure Miaka would want to help.
* * *
Tetsuya took Yui to a fancy date that night. After getting permission from Sumiyoshi and talking to Miaka, Yui was in a fairly good mood, and she felt comfortable and safe being pampered by her lover. If only he would take his shades off in public and things would be perfect, she laughed.
Tetsuya always made her feel safe, and loved. Yui felt guilty for seeing the twins so often behind his back, even taking one of the brothers on a date.
Tetsuya took a sip of his wine and raised an eyebrow over his shades. “What's wrong, Yui? You look preoccupied tonight.”
Yui smiled sweetly and covered his hand with her own. “I was just thinking how much I love you.”
Tetsuya blushed and squeezed her hand. “I do too, Yui…”
Yui winked saucily. “Then maybe we should go home early and I can show you…” She giggled at Tetsuya's jerky movement to signal the waiter over for the check. He was so sweet and he took good care of her. She'd just have to be the twin's friend. Nothing further could progress with them.
She loved Tetsuya. Yui sighed and pressed into his side on the drive home. She'd have to forget these feelings for Suboshi...Saito.
End for now
Did you like it? Please review and tell me! I love reviews, they keep me going. Well I wrote too much today, I'm off to take a nap. See you later!
Hiroshi and Miaka to the rescue! Wuh oh, Yui's guilty!
Penpaninu 8/28/05