Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ Strange Inclinations and Awakening Powers ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This chapter is dedicated to Fushigiyugi fan, Ledefey, and KittyLynne. I hope you all enjoy. Please review.
The scene with Houki, Tasuki and Chichiri was written solely for Miss Lynne! I hope to begin our story soon!
Disclaimer: Penpaninu does not claim to own Fushigi Yuugi in any way shape or form but does claim to see the Mysterious Play in life.
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter fourteen
Strange inclinations and Awakening Powers
Saito sat up in a cold sweat, his eyes wide and frightened. He had been dreaming contently at Yui's side when the dreams had gone horribly wrong. They had hurt him so much and he had been so alone, yearning for love. Saito scrubbed his palm across his eyes and ran them through his sweat-soaked bangs. Yui moved slightly and murmured in her sleep. Saito's eyes softened and he laid a protective hand over her hip. He blushed when his girlfriend arched into his touch and he laid his arm over her middle.
Why would he have such alarming and disturbing dreams when he finally got everything he had wanted? Why did his heart bleed when he remembered…. no he wasn't remembering. He was dreaming. If dreams were a glimpse into the subconscious, why were his troubling him so?
Saito nestled his chin against Yui's shoulder and inhaled the sweet familiar scent of his beloved. Yui smiled in her dreams and he was momentarily content. She was happy by him. He would try his hardest to keep her that way.
* * * *
Asakura woke suddenly, his body drenched in a heavy sweat. He was assuaged that the wall separating his bedroom from his twin brother's was silent, that he could not hear any amorous advances or love play. Asakura scraped his palms over his eyes and leaned against his upturned knees, his elbows holding him up. Of all the things to dream about, a raging torrent of a river, and a woman's anguished eyes meeting his and her lips parting to scream his name.
“Chiriko!” she had screeched. His heart had clenched even as he smiled, to take himself away from the guilt of hurting her. `My name isn't Chiriko. It's Amiboshi….Amiboshi….' And the world had gone dark.
Asakura wiped his tearing eyes, his face set in a grimace of grief. What was wrong with him? Why was he dreaming about that guilty deed so much? He had done something so horrible, yet she had forgiven him. Would his Aniki have forgiven him? Of course he would have!…. Asakura banged his fist into his head and thought he was going crazy. Why would he be thinking about his own twin in the past sense, the way way WAY past sense?
He wasn't sure if he believed in past lives, but these thoughts and these dreams were too frequent to ignore. He'd have to ask Yui-san what she thought about all of this. His thoughts must have been close to the mark for when the young college student stumbled to the kitchen a few minutes later, his eyes glimpsed a bare leg and kept traveling up to a half-revealed thigh. Asakura's eyes must have been bugged out and he must have made some small sound for Yui turned sharply, Saito's large shirt flying around her legs.
“Asakura! I'm sorry, did I wake you?” she asked. Asakura ran a hand through his mussed hair and gave a weak grin.
“No you didn't wake me…” Well you did, but I can't say that now can I? Asakura clasped his hands before his waist and ambled forward to open the refrigerator. Selecting his jug of apple juice, he leaned back to sip directly from the carton. Yui watched him apprehensively and Asakura found himself blushing. She could tell him and his brother apart, so why did he feel like wanting to test her?
“What is it, Yui-san?” he asked. Yui smiled and set her cup in the sink.
“Oh, nothing…. Are you sleeping well?” she asked. Asakura spit out his juice and stared at her.
“Actually…I was hoping I could talk to you about something….” Hours later when Saito began to wake, Yui parted from the troubled brother and darted back to greet him properly.
* * * *
Naisen walked to school, swinging a new backpack happily. Hiroshi leaned over with Sadako and whispered a joke that made the girl laugh. Toya pushed past Hiroshi and seemed intent on annoying Sadasko when Naisen smiled and raised his hand in greeting.
“Hey,” he called, walking up. Three heads turned. Sadako squealed and ran up to the tall blond, throwing her arms around him. Naisen looked down at the top of her head with a smile and patted her back.
“Naisen-kun! You're back!” Sadako blushed. Hiroshi grinned and ambled up. His dark blue hair hung long to his collar, reminding Naisen of somebody. Hiroshi should tie his hair back or get it cut, he thought idly. Toya darted up behind Sadako and tried to get as close as the girl fortunately was.
“Does that mean you have new parents?” Toya asked sweetly, his face spread in a wide smile. Sadako pushed at the pretty student and looked up into Naisen's face, intent on looking only at him.
Naisen smiled down at his friend and put his hands on her shoulders. “Well, I came back to school, didn't I?” he asked. His friends voiced agreement. “Maybe you guys should come over after class.”
“Why not? I can spare the time,” Toya smiled, his eyes slanting mischievously. Hiroshi clapped Naisen on his slim shoulder.
“We'll come over, Naisen-kun,” Hiroshi promised. Sadako nodded, her eyes shining. Naisen walked into the school with his friends and waved hello to Sukunami-sensei in the hall. His brow hurt when the tall dark-haired man waved back, but he felt at ease nonetheless.
Taka Sukunami waved at his son and his new friends, watching them scamper off to their respective classes. His brow hurt. That had to be something with his past live as Tamahome. Miaka would know something about that, but for now his day held teaching children and mugs of coffee with sweetener, and a lunch with his wife and Yui. He would leave matters of the past life where it was.
* * * *
A tall round businessman made his way down the residential streets, checking on a slip of paper held in his chubby fingers. So the boy had been adopted recently. It really was a shame that he wouldn't be at his beck and call for pleasure, but that was the way of business. Deals come and deals go and that blond boy really had been quite a prize. It was fortunate the only price he had paid for his mouth and body was his father's own allegiance.
Yasunori chuckled and pocketed the stationary paper, straightening his expensive suit. Such a shame the boy had told on the father, and Shindou Tadaka sent to prison. Shindou Naisen was an exquisite entertainer and he would give anything to have a piece again. Then again, Yasunori now knew where he lived and where he walked to school…..it couldn't be so hard to arrange a blip in the boy's daily schedule to steal him away for a tryst.
It was so hard to just walk away after seeing that tall beauty of a boy run into classmates and laugh and shine in the morning sun. But he would have a chance later. And Yasunori never hedged on bets.
* * * *
Asakura walked into the kitchen. He set his university books onto the table and paced to the refrigerator. Beer or juice? Beer or juice? But hearing the front door open and Yui's greeting, he decided on the more innocent beverage and poured the liquid into an anime mug and stood, sipping as the blond breezed in right behind him and peered into the refrigerator.
“Not much in here…Asakura, do you think you could give me some list ideas for the market? If I'm going to make dinner tonight, this won't help much at all!” Yui laughed, shaking her hair loose from its simple bun. Asakura's cheeks flushed as he took in her simple beauty. It must be maddeningly to even think idly of Yui-san this way. He resolved to control himself and cleared his throat.
“Well I think that would be a good idea…to go shopping that is,” Asakura finished lamely. He blushed as Yui put a hand to her mouth and laughed prettily. “Going to surprise Aniki, huh?”
Yui nodded, making her way around the kitchen. “I haven't cooked him a formal meal yet and I think he would like that… “ The counselor blushed, staring off into space. “He does so much for me and I could give him all of me…”
Asakura had a mental nosebleed, imagining the connotations of that and snorted, reaching for some Kleenex. The blood swelling stayed in his brain, only giving him some rather erotic thoughts and he gratefully dabbed at his clean nose. “Well then! I'm sure Aniki would appreciate it…I can go out if you two need.”
Yui chuckled warmly and tugged affectionately at Asakura's long sleeve. “Sharing this home does not mean I drive you out of it whenever your brother and I are intimate! You're welcome of course to a home cooked meal in your own apartment.” Asakura's heart swelled in gratitude and he clasped Yui's shoulder in a friendly manner.
“Well then, you have me sold! What are you cooking exactly?….”
* * * *
Saito came home from a grueling meeting with the manager at Dragon Scales to hear his brother laughing in the kitchen. The longest his brother stayed in the kitchen was either to study at the table, or to drink a few beers. He sighed and put his book bag down, sliding his shoes off in the entryway.
“Asakura, I've told you, to mix gently!” Yui chided as Saito peered around the corner. His brother was stirring something on the oven with great care, but generous splatters across the counter and his shirt indicated her gentle chastisement was in good intentions.
“I'm trying, Yui-san..” Asakura said, staring down at the bubbling pot. Yui wiped her hands on a washcloth and turned, catching her boyfriend watching.
“Welcome home, Saito,” she smiled, laying down the cloth and coming to kiss him. Saito hugged her and shared a long kiss.
“What's going on?” he asked with amusement as his twin groaned and took the pot off of the stove.
“We were trying to finish this up for dinner!” Asakura wiped the sweat from his brow. “How was the meeting with Boss Man, Aniki? Did it go well?”
“It went okay, but he had a lot to vent about,” Saito informed his brother, squeezing Yui's waist and letting her go. Asakura watched them both with a small brief moment of sadness and washed his hands in the sink.
“He's not upset I didn't show up, is he?” Asakura asked idly. Saito was leaned down so Yui could whisper in his ear and the two giggled happily together. Asakura's heart clenched in longing.
“Huh? Oh no, Ototo, don't worry about it! He knew you had class. Then…shopping with Yui,” Saito grinned, his hazel hair hanging into his eyes. Asakura politely set the table and held out Yui's chair for her.
Dinner went well and happily. Asakura was genuinely confused to his heart's desire the past few days. Walking in on a half-dressed Yui going for a midnight drink seemed to have inflated these longings. Sure he was a man too and she was a desirable woman, but he would not get in his twin brother's way. Saito had found happiness first and he would just have to deal with.
It didn't mean he couldn't stop talking to Yui however. Especially with these memories he did not have from childhood.
“Yui? Could I talk to you for a minute?” Asakura had asked after the dishes were done. Yui tied her hair back and gave the other twin her undivided attention.
“Sure, Asakura. What's on your mind?” She made sure to hold her focus as her counselor's job, but kept a friend's face for Asakura.
“Well, there are these thoughts that keep coming to me….and I'm sure they're things I'm remembering. Would you have anything to know about it?”
Oh, shit. Yui's heart raced. “How much do you know?” she asked. Asakura looked at her curiously and filled her in.
* * * *
Tasuki gripped the edges of his chair nervously, having the sudden urge to swing his knees together and then apart as he watched his empress. Houki-sama delicately took up her teacup and he did the same hurriedly, remembering some bit form of protocol that one drank after the most high. Houki-sama was quite a lady in that she didn't fault his somewhat still course manners. Tasuki could only grin at her and thank her silently.
“Chichiri-sama has informed me that you were able to meet the Suzaku no Miko once more,” Houki-sama breathed genially. Tasuki turned stark red and he coughed, almost spitting out his tea.
“Fwah! Your Eminence! That is…well yes, Suzaku granted me a wish…” Tasuki began, laughing nervously. Houki-sama set her cup down and her senior maid leaned forward to refill.
“Suzaku-sekun himself granted you a wish?” Houki looked genuinely surprised. She folded her slender hands and leaned forward slightly. “Did Suzaku have any plans for the country? Or was this merely a reward for your services?”
Protection for a woman he had loved. Seeing her smile and laugh was reward enough, but being granted something even further….. her open arms, her body in want and promise, her molten warmth clutching him tightly….Tasuki was certain he was getting light-headed remembering what he could of that deeply emotional spiritual boon. His pants tightened and the ex-bandit coughed, pounding one large fist against his chest.
“Eh heh! I'm sure it was a granted wish, your Eminence. Suzaku said I did enough….” Oh I did enough this time… Tasuki smiled to himself and blushed.
“You seem to be quite taken with the Suzaku no Miko,” Houki gently commented. Her gaze and tone brooked a level of commiseration Tasuki could not quite understand. Why would she be so kind that he loved Miaka, a woman of spiritual standing he had no business longing for?
“I am, your Highness! I don't think it was…. appropriate for the time to reveal my heart to her,” he made out. Houki smiled, her eyes crinkling kindly.
“I think you and I have an understanding, Tasuki-sama….” Houki began.
“What do you mean, your Highness?” Tasuki asked in confusion. Behind the maids flanking Houki's chair, a tall male attendant lingered, obviously listening.
“He's been doing nothing but turning bright red at mention of Miaka-san,” Chichiri poofed into view and sat down next to the startled bandit. He held his hand out politely for a teacup and smiled his thanks when one was pushed into his open palm.
Houki-sama smiled gently as Tasuki jumped then cussed out the monk for appearing so quickly into their conversation.
“Shit! You gotta stop doing that, Chiri!” Tasuki said foully. Chichiri waved a `naughty' finger at his brother in arms, and sipped his tea courteously.
“I was under the impression tea with the Empress was for us both, Tasuki!” Chichiri said brightly, almost whining in his playful high-pitched voice. Tasuki nudged the monk's arm roughly and cursed.
Houki clasped her hands together and the male attendant behind the maids inclined his head and slowly darted out of the chamber hall.
“I enjoy talking to each of my husband's comrades, Chichiri-sama. Tauski-sama, perhaps you and I could continue our conversation later,” Houki gently suggested. Tasuki nodded his head like a marionette.
“Wait, how come? I'm not the best person to carry a civil conversation,” Tasuki stated the obvious. Houki waved her hand for more tea to be served to Chichiri.
“Because you and I have something in common,” Houki said. Tasuki watched her in genuine awe. What did she mean by that? Chichiri only smiled knowingly and a few halls away, Shuntaka escorted Boushin-sama to his next lesson.
* * * *
Yasunori walked down the crowded sidewalk with careful conviction. The blond boy was a mere twenty feet before him and he had to bite his tongue to keep from running up and grabbing him too quickly. Remeeting a pleasurable acquaintance was a rather delicate bit of business.
Naisen's eyes grew wide as his thin arm was suddenly grasped by a meaty hand, and he was flung away from the main street. “What are you??” he started to gasp when the other hand clasped over his mouth. Naisen howled noiselessly and tried to bite down.
A throaty chuckle was uttered by his ear and the blood leaked from Naisen's face, paling him. “So you thought you could be away from me forever. Your father may not hold your lease, but I do now….”
Naisen hung limply in the president's hands, his mind numbed to what was happening. No, this couldn't be taking place! Did the gods truly hate him so? He thought had had gotten away! It was going to happen all over again! Just like before…he would never stop being somebody's whore!
Naisen sobbed wordlessly when Yasunori's hand dropped from his mouth and turned him to him. He was pressed against a large powerful form and Naisen bit his lip as the tycoon pressed his arousal against his slim form. No…. this won't happen to me again!
Naisen's brow ached so badly he thought his head would burst, but he had the power. He knew he could make Yasunori leave him alone! The president looked down in amusement as the boy clenched his fists then his façade of mirth vanished when blue light surrounded the child's fists. His forehead was lit with an intricate ancient symbol suffused with the same blue light as his skinny body.
“What are you!….” the man got out before pure unadulterated power lashed into him. Naisen screamed and extended his life force, beating Yasunori down. The business man shrieked in fear as cuts opened and bruises were pounded into him without the boy laying one hand on him.
Naisen laughed hysterically as pure power made him feel strong and he watched the taker of his innocence battered down to the asphalt. The older man begging only made him want to hurt him further. The old familiar rage swelled up in the tall boy and he rode the crest of it with unsurpassed glee.
He was the strongest! No one would ever hurt him again! No one would ever make him feel low! No one…. Yasunori groaned and fell to unconsciousness and the moment passed. Naisen lowered his fists and his power died away. He staggered and put a hand to the side of the nearby building to steady himself.
Why did that hurt him much more than Yasunori? He was sure the man would never want to seek him out again….all of that pure strength…but Naisen was sick with it.
He fell to his knees and cried.
End for now
Like it? Hate it? Please leave a review! Sorry this was so short!
Penpaninu 12/06/05