Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ My Dreams aren't as Empty ❯ Before the Years pass By ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This one is for FushigiYugifan, black panther, Nuni-chan, Kitty Lynne, Illusions-chan, iluvmitsukake and Ledefey. Thank you for reading. The story needs to come to a close, but will one day soon have a sequel. I hope you like it.
Disclaimer: Penpaninu does not own FY nor is making any money off this five page wonder.
“My Dreams aren't as Empty” chapter sixteen
Before the Years Pass by
Naisen eased into his new home life with the help of willing parents. His foster mother adored his presence and his foster father was stern but fair, even giving him a weekly allowance, and he called him `son.' In these content days, Naisen could only be grateful that whatever atrocities he had committed before he had been born in Tokyo were appeased and paid in kind. Or so he thought. He could never assume that everything was balanced for his deeds past and present.
He could only hope his invocation of power had scared off his continual rapist, and that he and his friends would know what to do with all of these memories and flashes of power. Toya had taken to collecting clamshells when Naisen's parents took them to the beach. Ash's eyes seemed to shine with grave intelligence. Sadako would not come out of a thunderstorm, no matter how sick she may get from being drenched in the torrid rains as she sang out to the lightning. And Naisen had to focus on calmness to keep his brow from splitting his head open from the surges of extreme strength that threatened to lash out whenever he grew angered or frightened.
Hongo-sensei had been extremely helpful in that. With the continued dreams of towering over a younger version of his counselor, Naisen knew he could trust her, as she had known him before. So it was Hongo-sensei that he had come to with his fears of losing control of himself. And it was Hongo-sensei that had taken him to a small roadside shrine to talk to a priest's assistant, a slight boy with a shaved head and slender hands, who waxed as familiar as Sadako and Toya and Ash had. Mitsuko had proven a very close friend, who taught the tall blond meditation practices to hone his focus and hold his chi from lashing out.
For, it was his immensely strong signature chi that had hurt Yasunori-san. That was what Mitsuko had said was powerful about him. In his visits to the shrine, Naisen became friends with the shaved boy and he learned to control his lashes of strength.
Hongo-sensei had even introduced him to her boyfriend and his twin, and these two identical men were as familiar to Naisen as well. Naisen could only think that he would know all of these friends as he once had, as life went on it's bends and curves.
* * * *
Miaka made her son's lunch and kissed him goodbye. Hiroshi liked walking to school solely with his friends now so she would walk either with Taka when he would wait, or by herself if tidying up the household took too long.
The once Suzaku no Miko knew she was content as she had a peaceful time to love in her life that once knew naught but peril. The world inside the book had fallen on a time of war that the conflict between mikos, warriors and gods had revolved around, but Miaka need fear not that her peace and Yui's peace would be altered.
Suboshi had found a way to her and Miaka was grateful that her friend had found the love she had been apparently looking for. Tetsuya would always be as dear a friend to Miaka as well for years of involvement with her brother and their `research' of the Universe of the Four Gods. But even Yui knew the comfort of holding a love from her past that she had never been able to explore. Tetsuya was a good man for her and any woman, but Yui had not fooled herself to marry him. And Tetsuya was all right. He was a better man for having loved and been loved by Yui-chan. Miaka was happy to know everyone who had been involved were having happy endings in one way or another.
Miaka wondered, in quiet moments like these before she headed to the school, whether Chichiri and Tasuki, her last two living Suzaku seishi, would find new life in her world. The thought of the latter brought a faint flush to her cheeks but Miaka was resolute. She would not forsake marriage and fidelity for another tryst, if their heated…. mingling in Suzaku's realm could be considered a physical... tryst… but Miaka was certain eventually Tasuki and Chichiri would pass on whether by illness or battle or old age and she would see them once more.
Miaka wondered what a young Tasuki would think seeing her in her mature age, for she would be so much older. Would he bow, bend the knee and kiss her hand like the chivalrous man he truly was? Or would he not even deign to recognize her? Either way, Miaka was eager to find her seishi. Perhaps Hotohori and the others had been reborn already! Shouldn't she be looking?
Peace. Love and peace. These things gave Miaka all the time she needed to come to grips with a half-worked search. Her seishi would find her if they were near. She knew this would be so.
In Hokkaido, a young boy with red hair played heartily with his brothers and sisters. His hair, a gaijin color, was repeatedly dyed by his parents. His father had been sired by an Irish-American, and that was where the rare color came from in the line. But in order to belong, one had to look like everyone else.
“Like my hair this way! I'm the son of Amaterasu!” the boy, a hale and energetic age of ten howled. The dying attempts only tinged the edges of his unruly hair, giving him a hip look that provoked his parent's anger that his head simply wanted to stay red like a tomato.
* * * *
Chichiri walked down the corridors of Taitsukun's heavenly palace. His staff jangled with each pace along the tiled floor as he came to the throne room of the Celestial Creator. Taitsukun floated along and favored her student with a nod. Chichiri went to one knee and lowered his gaze respectfully.
Whenever he came to be taught, Chichiri would leave his scarred visage open as it was Taitsukun who taught him how to mask it. His eye glanced up. Taitsukun was in an especially mellow mood, but then again, he could only tell her moods apart as he had trained under her stern tutelage for years.
“Do Suzaku's borders fare well, Chichiri?” Taitsukun gruffly asked. Her floating scarf floated along an invisible breeze. Chichiri chirped a bright response, the corners of his more somber lips stretching slowly. He was in mourning but he would not let it interfere with his priestly duties.
“The children grow without fear of illness, the crops are bountiful and the young Emperor Reizeitei rules justly and intelligently. Konan is safe forever more,” Chichiri intoned reverently. His heart clenched when he thought of his priestess, Miaka-chan, who lived an equal life of peace.
“Your last comrade departed these lands last month, did he not?” Taitsukun asked. Chichiri's lips stretched in grief and he nodded, his good eye tearful.
“Tasuki-kun was caught in a battle with conflicting thieves…. He received a wound and…died within a week. It must be Suzaku's plan. I remain confidant in Suzaku Sekun's celestial will as I ever do, Taitsukun.”
Taitsukun favored her student with a small sad smile. “Yet you are alone, the last of your celestial brothers to go onto the next life. And you continue to serve the Phoenix well. No one can ask more from such a devoted pupil.”
Chichiri bowed his head low, his long bangs flopping over his good eye.
“You flatter this servant, Taitsukun. My life has been to serve the will of Suzaku Sekun and the land.” The years of cheerless duty and training pressed hard around Chichiri's head and he blinked, to clear his mind from petty wants.
“As you have exceeded your role more than I could have hoped,” Taitsukun clasped her gnarled hands. “In the wake of such words, I hope you will undertake a delegation to the country of Byakko once more.”
Chichiri raised his head and listened to the Creator's explanation. He would serve as he always had. The gods needed his aide as one of the sole surviving celestial stars and he would not shirk his duty. Chichiri was no stranger to duty and he smiled at his teacher.
“It shall be done, Taitsukun.”
As it ever would be.
* * * *
Yui lay on her back, arms over her head. She keened lightly with pleasure, contentment displayed in her features. Saito lay across her middle, face pressed to her stomach. He pressed small kisses across her damp flesh and looked up. Yui ran a hand through his hair, mussing the sandy tresses up further. She looked down and smiled, tracing the face she loved so well.
“You always show me how much you love me,” she said in wonder. Saito smiled in the dark and kissed her fingers.
“I've wanted to show you... always,” he whispered. Saito crawled up to fall into his girlfriend's open arms and they shared a sweet kiss. Their joining had been brief but heated. Life's blood had pumped hard as stiffened flesh and Yui took his seed eagerly in her climax. This night they had forgone the use of contraceptive as a deeper calling urged their bodies together.
“You don't have to prove anything, not with me,” Yui promised, welcoming the slight weight of her lover as he held himself on his elbows so as not to crush her. Saito kissed her tenderly, and rolled to the side quickly. Yui sat up, watching him rifle open his nightstand drawer again. She giggled and kissed his shoulder, sweaty and chilled without the warmth of blankets.
“What are you doing? We don't need that tonight,” the counselor giggled. Saito laughed and fished out something small and square. It sat dark and squat in his large palm in the near dark of their bedroom.
“I wanted to wait to do this but I can't think of the more right moment as right now…when I'm loving you,” Saito confessed. He sat naked on the bed, the lights of Tokyo washing his bronzed flesh with brightness. When he snapped the box open, Yui gasped and knew what he was doing.
“Hongo Yui, you would do me the deepest honor any man could have in any lifetime if you would be my wife…. Will you marry me?” his voice huskily asked, light in tone and asking her approval. Saito was not on one knee, nor were they in an appropriate position for proposal, but Yui accepted the naked closeness of her lover far more dearly than if they were dressed up and out at dinner for this to happen.
“Yes, I'll be your wife, Saito!” Yui accepted the ring. Saito held her face in his hands and kissed her deeply.
* * * *
Naisen and Sadako walked side by side. They were far too young to want to hold hands for very long, but each glimpse into each other's eyes told each other that they would be together far longer than most children at that age would consider. They were adults of the heart, but children of form.
“Naisen-kun?” Sadako asked, as they walked in one of those perfect moments they had not quite had before now. Naisen looked down at his friend and smiled slightly.
“What is it?”
“Will things stay as they are? Will we…still be friends always?” Sadako clasped her hands together with a slight tinge of worry. Naisen's large hands covered hers.
“We can't make promises we maybe won't be able to keep…” he began, but lifted the girl's chin gently. “But I think things can only get better.”
Peace finally settled into the boy's heart and these reincarnated souls could live without fear of war or tyrants or conflict of the celestial nature. Their gods were content and their lands were safe. Life could go on and continue well.
Except for the story, which did end.
The End
I am sorry for the infrequent updates, but this story kept nagging at me to finish up. I didn't feel anything else could be done without letting the story drag on and get stale. So the few who read this, I hope this is pleasing to you, and I do plan on doing something of a sequel.
All who have reviewed, I thank you kindly and with fondness.
The name Reizeitei was on the Fushigi Yuugi Eikoden credits, and is presumed to be the adult name of Boushin when he reaches the Emperor title. That is my analysis, and if it is wrong, I apologize.
Most sincerely yours, penpaninu 1/05/06