Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Nyan Nyan no Seishi Kouji ❯ I want a Seishi!! ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Unfortunately poor lil' DG doesn't own Fushigi Yugi. It makes her very sad it does indeed.

Some Notes from DG: I don't really know where the idea for this strange lil' ficcie came from, so, I'll just blame the chocolate cookies and Doritos I had for lunch (healthy huh?). The lucky star of this ficcie happens to be my very own muse!

Kouji: Who? Xellos?

DG: No baka! He's my Slayers muse. I was referring to you!

Kouji: o.o Me?

DG: Yeah you!

Kouji: I'm so... so... Kouji aren't you happy? Why yes I am, Kouji. *continues this sort of dialogue for quite some time*

DG: *sigh* Do you people see what I have to work with?

Nyan Nyan no Seishi Kouji

All was peaceful and quiet up in Tai Itsukun's palace. A little bit too quiet. Usually there were armies of hyper Nyan Nyans bouncing all over the place trying to "fix fix" and "heal heal" everything in sight. But no, there was none of that that morning.

Tai Itsukun contemplated this as she walked down one of the numerous halls of her palace. Not that she was complaining mind you. Peace and quiet was a very rare thing indeed when one lived with the eternally sugar high mini goddess. But of course when Nyan Nyan wasn't bouncing off the walls it could only mean one of two things. One she was simply not in the palace anymore, or two she was depressed. Both of these could be seriously upsetting to the whole cosmic order of things.

Shortly after that thought Tai Itsukun discovered the latter of the two reasons to true. She found an unmultiplied Nyan Nyan sniffling in the corner of a closet complete with swirly bluish black depression lines.

Tai Itsukun poked her in the back. Her only response was Nyan Nyan turning around and looking up at her with teary eyes. She didn't even try and offer to fix Tai Itsukun's face.

No a depressed Nyan Nyan is not a good thing.

Tai Itsukun sighed and thought to herself that she had better get to the bottom of this soon.

"Nyan Nyan what's wrong?"

Nyan Nyan sniffled again, "Nyan Nyan's brothers get seishi and mikos but Nyan Nyan doesn't get anybody."

Tai Itsukun rolled her eyes, so that's what this was about.

"Look Nyan Nyan that's because your brothers are a lot more important then you are, and they need the seishi and miko to bring peace and happiness to their land, as corny as it sounds. You don't even have a country."

Nyan Nyan's eyes once again bubbled up with tears, "B- but Nyan Nyan wants a seishi!"

Tai Itsukun sighed and decided to give in. She knew she would regret her decision later but at the moment anything was better then listening to an unhappy Nyan Nyan.

"Fine I'll let you have ONE and only ONE seishi do you have anyone in mind?"

Nyan Nyan immediately brightened up, "Yay! Yay!" she then pulled out a large poster of... Tasuki, "Nyan Nyan wants cute and cuddly bandit fang chan to be her seishi!"

"Well as funny as I think making him your seishi would be, I'm sorry to say no but he's already the Chicken's seishi."

Nyan Nyan looked like she could break out into tears again at any moment.

"But," Tai Itsukun hastily added, not wanting to go through another round of crying, "If you really want a bandit I think I know someone who will do just perfectly."

"If there's more to life then this, I don't wanna know about it," Kouji thought.

He was currently on vacation at a beautiful beach. He tanning on the golden sands while sipping one of those brightly colored tropical drinks with the tiny umbrellas in them.

He loved being the boss of the bandits of course but he also loved getting away from it all every once in a while and do nothing but sleep and eat. After all being a bandit boss can be a very stressful job.

He was totally relaxed here. Nothing at all to worry about or surprise him. He took another sip of his drink when suddenly-

"WAAAAAAA!" he screeched nearly choking on his drink's umbrella.

There sitting on his lap appearing seemingly out of nowhere was a little green haired girl smiling up at him brightly.

"HI!" she said hyperly.

Kouji blinked and looked at the little girl, "Who the hell do ya think you are?!" he finally demanded of her.

"Nyan Nyan is a goddess, and Nyan Nyan needs a seishi. Meanie Tai Itsukun is only letting her have one though. So will you be Nyan Nyan's seishi?" She looked up at Kouji expectantly.

"Err..." the bandit mumbled, "Just who are you then?"

"Nyan Nyan!" she said with a flourish, "Please say you'll be Nyan Nyan's seishi," the little girl looked as if she'd cry if Kouji said no.

"Well I guess... yes," After all how hard could it be? Genrou handled it well enough, and Kouji knew he was the one with the most brains between the two of them. So if Genrou could handle it then so could he.

Nyan Nyan hopped off Kouji's lap. To say she was happy was an understatement. To say she was ecstatic was also an understatement. She was currently hyperly bouncing around Kouji cheering and doing some sort of bizarre happy dance. Even Kouji thought it was bizarre, and that was in comparison with the happy bandit dance! Kouji was wondering what the hell he had gotten himself into.

Nyan Nyan abruptly stopped in front of the blue haired bandit.

"Okkie Dokkies," she said, "Kouji chan must now close his eyes for Nyan Nyan."

Kouji winced at the affectionate chan, "Umm... what for?"

"So Nyan Nyan can give Kouji chan his seishi symbol and powers!"

"Oh! Okay."

Kouji closed his eyes and wondered what kind of cool power he would get. The power of flight would be cool. Or maybe the ability to turn into some kind of big scary fire breathing monster, that would definitely come in handy on bandit raids. Or maybe even some sort of laser beam type thingies. (DG: Don't ask me how someone from ancient China would know about laser beams. Just go with it.)

Kouji felt a small ticking sensation causing him to sneeze. He heard Nyan Nyan giggle.

"Kouji chan can open his eyes now!"

Kouji opened his eyes. He certainly didn't feel any different.

"Does Kouji chan want to see his symbol?" Nyan Nyan held up a small hand mirror.

Kouji took it and looked at himself. Sure enough right on the tip of his nose where he had felt the tickling only moments before, glowing bright pink, was the kanji for-


"Yep! Does Kouji chan like it? Nyan Nyan LOVES bunnies. They are Nyan Nyan's most favorite animal."

Back up in the palace Tai Itsukun had been watching the whole thing via mirror. She was currently rolling on the floor in laughter.

"Oh this is too great!" she said between laughs, "I don't know why I didn't give her a seishi earlier! It'll get even better when Nyan Nyan finally gets around to telling that gullible what his power is!"

Some More Notes from DG: Well what do you guys think? Liked it hated it?

Kouji: *sniffle* No one loves me.

DG: Aww... poor Ko-kun. He doesn't like his symbol does he?

Kouji: *sniffle* No he doesn't.

DG: Well too bad! I ain't changing it now!

Kouji: ... ;_;

DG: All you readers out there make sure you leave a review! Anyone have any guesses as to what exactly Kouji's new seishi power is?

Kouji: *sniffle* It better be the laser beams...