Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Only for Tonight ❯ Only for Tonight ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Another fanfic being moved from my old account (openfire69) to my new one. I love Tomo!! This is a sequel of sorts to "Another Day. I don't own Fushigi Yuugi, but if I did...If only I did. -devious thoughts fill M.'s head-
Tomo stared into the eyes of his reflection. Seeing the anger burning in their golden depths as he heard Soi, once again making her way toward Nakago's tent. He hated how she spent nights with Nakago, even if it was only to increase his power. He envied her of that, even if she never had his arms when they were through.
'At least he lets you touch him.' Tomo thought bitterly, as he removed his headdress. He gazed into the mirror, seeing what a lonely little boy had become. He had been an orphan too young to take care of himself, yet old enough that nobody wanted him. When an opera troupe passing through found him at their door, starving and sick, they took him in if only to have an extra hand to clean costumes and sets. To make meals; to do what they wanted him to do. Through everything that they made him do, Tomo's greatest desire was to become like them. He wanted to be the star of the opera someday, and when he was old enough, he convinced them to let him perform. Even after he had begun to perform with them, they still treated him as if he were nothing. All that changed the moment that Nakago walked into their camp. Nakago walked in, looking like the magnificent general that he is and asked if anyone was a Seiryu Seishi. When Tomo stepped forward, the crowd of actors and servants parted, giving Tomo his first look at Nakago. He had been mesmerized by Nakago, but the beautiful general had never shown any interest in him. Tomo doubted that he ever would.
"All I want is one night with him." Tomo whispered to his reflection as he began removing his face make up. The golds and blues melting away to reveal an angular face nearly as pale as his white make up that he wore, his large almond shaped eyes filled with disgust as he looked at his reflection. His golden eyes staring at the face beautiful face before his scrutinizingly. He hated it.
"It's no wonder why Nakago has never shown any interest in me." Tomo said quietly to himself, his eyes filling with tears. "I'm hideous."
He quickly composed himself, unwilling to allow himself to cry. Tomo never wanted to be weak.
"Lord Nakago," Tomo heard Soi's voice call into Nakago's tent.
'I get to hear them again. Wonderful.' Tomo thought bitterly as he combed his hair.
"Are you alright?
Tomo frowned as he listened. 'She sounds concerned, usually she sounds like a whore trying to get his attention.' His frowd darkened. 'I hate her.'
"Yes," Came Nakago's sharp reply. "Leave me alone!"
Tomo smiled when he heard Soi crying as she ran back to her tent. He stood gracefully, his long ebony hair falling in in a cloud of darkness over his back as he walked across the tent to his lonely bed.
'I may not have Nakago,' Tomo thought, 'but, even if it's only for tonight, neither does she.'
For the first time in as long as Tomo could remember, he fell asleep happy.