Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Returning Evil ❯ Evil Occurance ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey! This is my first fic ever, so don't be too harsh! Well, actually, tell me the truth-I want to know if I have what it takes to be author!

Love, Leela ^.^



Miaka felt warm tears slide down her cheeks while Taka's strong hands caressed her back as they stood for a moment, embracing each other. Taka slid one hand underneath her chin and tilted her face up to his.

"What's the matter?" He asked, with concern on his face.

Miaka backed up for a moment to smile at him. Like a child, she wiped away the tears from her face with her hands balled into tight fists.

"Nothing…nothing's the matter. I'm just so happy that we get to be together at last." She looked as if she were about to cry again. Then, without warning, she dashed at him with her arms outstretched, nearly knocking him down.

"I'm glad too." Said Taka, not wanting her to think he didn't care. He slid his hand under her chin yet again, this time using the other arm to pull her closer to him for a kiss. But before their lips met-

"HEY! YOU DIDN"T FORGET ABOUT US DID YOU?!" Miaka screamed and fell backwards, banging her head on something that turned out to be her own coffee table. She looked around. Then, realizing that she was sitting on the floor of her own living room, she quickly jumped up, and found herself staring at Yui, Keisuke, and Tetsuya.

Almost overwhelmed with happiness, she burst into a fit of tears and squeezed all of them, pulling them into a tight bear hug.

"I'm so happy you're alive, Miaka!" Keisuke shouted, tears streaming freely out of his eyes.

Yui grabbed Miaka by the arm. "I told you if you died I would never forgive you, didn't I?" She narrowed her bright blue eyes at a rather innocent looking Miaka. She loosened her grip on Miaka's arm and pulled her into a hug. She sighed. "I'm just glad that you're not dead."

Miaka looked at her right square in the eyes. "Yeah, but I did die for a while…when Tamahome killed me."

All three of them immediately shot looks at Taka, but she quickly explained to them that she meant the Tamahome before he had been reborn. Then she explained that it had been an accident. After she had told them the whole story, including the part that Tamahome and Taka came together, they all settled down on the couch with a mug of coffee in their hands.

Miaka sat next to Taka with his arms wrapped around her. She leaned the back of her head against his chest and listened contently as Yui, Keisuke, and Tetsuya told them what it had been like to see all of the light come down as they fought Tenko.

Taka whispered something to Miaka and she stood up. "Um…" She began, trying to think of something nice to say, "Me and Taka are going to step out onto the balcony for a second, okay?" She felt very tense, but the other three agreed and went back to their chatting.

Taka walked over to the screen door, apparently very eager to get outside to be with Miaka.

He pushed the door open and hurried her outside. Then he shut the door as quickly as possible, trying not to look too obvious, but failing.

Miaka leaned over the railing and watched the cars below them zoom back and forth. Taka leaned up next to her and took her coffee to set down on the concrete.

Miaka scooted over next to him and smiled, looking up to his handsome face. She let out a small, sort of nervous laugh. "What is it you wanted to tell me?"

Taka looked back at her. He smiled the smile that Miaka loved so much. "Oh, nothing really. I just wanted to be alone with you. I haven't had the opportunity in a while, you've got to admit."

Miaka took a few more tiny steps toward Taka. He wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders.

She fiddled around with the wedding ring that sat on his finger. "I love you Taka." She suddenly said. He seemed surprised at first, but then he wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her close. "I love you too, Miaka." She put her arms around his neck and brought her face up close to his. He lowered his head a little bit and pressed his lips to her.

Miaka felt a sudden warmth spread through her body-all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes. This was the feeling she got every time she and Taka shared a kiss.

She didn't want their time out on the balcony together to end. Finally, she broke the kiss and lowered her head to close her eyes.

The cold night air rushed around the two. Miaka long brown hair fluttered in the icy breeze as her hazel eyes gleamed. Miaka shivered as a few snowflakes fell onto the top of her head and shoulders.

Taka wrapped his coat around her shoulders.

Miaka looked up at Taka with her hands clasped together to her chest, trying to keep her hands warm. They shared another kiss before heading back inside to find warmth.

Miaka and Taka found that the three had moved from the spots that they had been sitting in when they had gone out onto the balcony. They all looked very bored. Yui was sitting with her knees up in a lounging chair. She was working out a crossword puzzle. Keisuke and Tetsuya were both sprawled out on the floor watching the television.

"You guys didn't take very long." Yui said, looking up from the little puzzle that was lying in her lap.

Miaka gave a little smile. "Well, it's really cold outside." She explained while Taka nodded at her side.

Yui laughed. "Ok, well if you guys need some more time alone together, there's always the closet." She said pointing with a devilish grin on her face.

"I don't think so." Miaka said, laughing.

"Are you sure?" Said Yui, with that same grin.



Taka, very embarrassed, suddenly became interested in Tetsuya's dirty shoe, which was sitting on the floor next to him. There were holes in the toe area, and it was frayed in many places.

"Um, Taka?" Said Yui, about to start laughing.

Taka looked at her for a moment then he understood. "Oh!" He said, before quickly setting down the nasty shoe. He stood up with his hands at his sides, causing Yui and Miaka to start laughing.

"Well," Miaka began, "I'm going to bed now. Goodnight, Yui." She looked over at the two guys that were all twisted out on the floor like some weird art. "Goodnight Keisuke. Goodnight Tetsuya."

"Night." Tetsuya called lazily. Keisuke didn't even answer.

Miaka rolled her eyes and started to head back to her bedroom. "Are you coming, Taka?" She asked eagerly.

Taka nodded and followed her, saying goodnight to the others first. He got a better response from Keisuke-a grunt.

As Miaka pushed open the door to her bedroom, Taka put a hand up to his forehead and groaned.

"Taka, what's the matter?" Miaka asked, holding him up with a look of concern upon her face. "Are you okay? Taka, answer me!" She held him up a bit more.

"My symbol." He said with great difficulty. "It hurts." He removed his hand to reveal the red mark in the center of his forehead that read "Ogre." It was glowing more brightly than it ever had -but no matter how bright it had been before, it had never hurt Taka.

Miaka shrieked and tried to help him over to the bed. Then he sighed and stood up, perfectly fine.

"Taka?" Said Miaka nervously. "Are you okay?"

Taka nodded his head slowly. "Miaka…don't tell them about this." He said, motioning with his head in the direction of Yui and the other guys.

"Taka…I'm worried about you…what just happened to you?" She asked desperately.

"It was an evil aura. I'm not sure which direction it was coming from, but it was definitely evil." Taka had a very wise look about him at the moment, but Miaka was feeling terrified.

Miaka felt a shudder pass through her body. "No…you're wrong, Taka. All of that is over now. You know that-we beat Tenko…right? Right Taka? Right?" She sounded almost desperate now.

"It's not Tenko." Taka replied, staring out the window at the snow falling and whooshing around.

Miaka stood next to him and looked out the window, too. "Well then who is it?"

Taka didn't say anything for a moment. "I'm not sure." He touched the mark on his forehead for a moment before speaking again. "I'm not even positive that it's a who, it feels more like a what."

This sent chills up Miaka's back. She didn't like the sound of it at all. "Taka, you don't think-"

But before she could finish, Taka brought both of his hands up to head once more, screaming in agony.

"Taka!" Miaka screamed.

Once again, Taka was perfectly fine in a few seconds. This was good, because Yui, Tetsuya, and Keisuke came crashing into the room a few seconds later. Keisuke had a golf club clutched in his hands so tightly that his knuckles were white. Tetsuya, on the other hand, had a spatula.

Miaka would have laughed if the situation weren't so serious. She was quick to explain to them that Taka had banged his head on the little desk that was resting in her corner. With that, they all went back to bed. Tetsuya tossed the spatula into the hallway before mumbling something about looking like a complete idiot.

Miaka and Taka both laid down, each having their own worried feelings. With no more to be said, each of them drifted off into sleep.