Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ When Love Leaves You. ❯ I Can't Tell You ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Love Leaves You

By: Chibi_Kawaii_Mazoku_Mirai

Chapter 1: I Can't Tell You.

Part 1: Anger. Murder. And Suicide.

This is the story, of how a young girl finds love, loses it, and turns away from everything she ever dreamed of being and doing. This is the story of the Princess of Kotou and the feared mazoku, Mirai.

Mirai, was born in the land of Kotou, where the god Seiryu was worshiped. When she was three years old, she was abandoned by her father, Emperor Furin because, Furin had a dream that Mirai would one day kill him and then destroy the land of Kotou. She was found by the five-year old boy known as Chichiri. He brought her to the village of Geryujinwhere he lived with his mother, Sherina and his father BuraBuran. Sherina and BuraBuran were to poor to take care of two children so they gave her to the family that lived next door to them, Ling and Hemotyte. They raised her to be an honest, sweet, loving, and friendly girl who happened to be a genius. Her best friend was Chichiri, the boy whom found her. She always had feelings for Chichiri, but even though she was a genius, she didn't know how to tell him. But through the years because of this, Mirai grew shy, and drifted away from Chichiri; he found a new best friend, and he found a girl whom he fell in love with, and asked to marry. Mirai knew the two people whom I'm referring to and she had a very bad feeling about them. She warned him a million times, but because they were no longer best friends, Chichiri would not listen to any of it. He grew angry with Mirai and stopped speaking to her entirely, which made Mirai grow depressed.

The day of Chichiri's wedding, Mirai sat in her room. She was the only one who didn't get invited. She knew something bad was going to happen. She had a dream that Chichiri's fiance` and Chichiri's best friend fell in love and betrayed Chichiri. She tried to tell him, but that made him angrier with her. The sixteen-year-old, green eyed, blue haired girl took a knife out of the kitchen drawer, and out of her depression, sliced her wrists. She began to bleed, and passed out at the sight of the blood. Before she sliced her wrist, she knew there would be consequences but both consequences were her goal. The first consequence, if no one found her in time, she would die; the second was if she survived, she would be beheaded. It was against the law to attempt suicide, but she didn't care. She wanted to die; she didn't want to see Chichiri hurt or angry with her anymore. She loved him and she was sad and heartbroken that he had turned away from her. She was barely conscious when the door flew open. She heard the rain outside, and she saw the dim image of a tall figure, his face, hands, and clothes covered in blood, she couldn't make out his face but she passed out entirely.

Mirai awoke to the sound of the crackling and the feeling of the warmth from a fire. She opened her eyes. "Nani...where am I?" she asked outloud as she sat up. She felt a rush of pain go through her as she used her hands to help her sit up. "OWW!" she screamed out as she looked at her wrists. They were bandaged, but they were swollen. "Oh, yeah...that's right...I tried to kill myself." She brought her knees up to her chest and whimpered softly, remembering Chichiri. "Oh, Chichiri...I wonder what he would say if he found out." she said aloud. "I would say it was a stupid thing to do no matter what the reason. But, I would ask why, anyway. No da." She heard the voice of Chichiri, say. "Chichiri-Kun?" She said looking around. She saw standing on the other side of the fire, Chichiri, holding a bundle of wood. "Yeah. It's me." He smiled, putting the wood next to the fire. "Oh, I thought you were getting married today." Mirai said sadly. Chichiri shook his head. "No..." he sighed. "She's dead...and so is the guy she was cheating on me with." Chichiri confessed. "Oh, my!" Mirai gasped. "What happened?" She asked concerned. "I...I killed them." Chichiri said below a whisper. "What?" Mirai scooted away from the fire a little. "I killed them...I don't know what I was thinking...I was just...angry..." he said as the light of the fire shone on his face. Mirai saw fresh scars on his face. They were healed but it looked as if he had gotten them recently. "Chichiri...I--" Chichiri interrupted the young girl. "I know you told me that they would hurt me. I knew that you didn't trust them. I should have listened to you. You were my best friend. I had no right to turn away from you like that. I'm sorry."Chichiri said softly.

"You don't have to apologize, Chichiri-Kun. You made a mistake. We all make mistakes." She said as she got up, wincing as she felt the pain from her wrists as she pushed herself off the ground. She walked over to him and blushed as she looked into his eyes. "We all make mistakes. We all keep things from people that we shouldn't. We all do things to people that we shouldn't. We all tell people things that we shouldn't. And they are all mistakes. Just mistakes. Some can be fixed. And some can't. And the ones that can't. Well, you have to learn from them. We are all guilty of some mistakes. I know I am." Mirai confessed, smiling. "What? 'Miss Perfect'? You make mistakes?" Chichiri joked. Mirai looked at him questioningly. " 'Perfect'? What makes you think I am perfect?" She laughed a little. "Well, to start off. You're a genius. You know everything." Chichiri smiled. "Well...I don't know everything. But I do know a lot." Mirai confessed. "Yeah. And your eyes, are the perfect most beautiful emerald color. And your hair, is the most beautiful sapphire color. And your body is...just the perfect shape, everything." Chichiri blushed. Mirai stopped smiling as she turned crimson.

"W-w-w-w-well thank you, Chichiri. I-I never knew you thought such things about me." Mirai stuttered. "Yeah. I've thought those things for a long time. But I didn't think that I should think those things about my best friend, ya know?" Chichiri said, as he ran his fingers through her hair. Mirai blushed, and looked away as she quickly backed away out of his reach. "How long have I been asleep?" Mirai asked, changing the subject. Chichiri sighed. "About a month. After...what happened...with my best friend and fiance`...I went to talk to you. I was going to leave, and I wanted you to come with me. I walked into your house and found you lying there...your wrists cut...and blood everywhere. I knew you tried to kill yourself, and that you would die, if I didn't save you. Or if your parents came home and helped you that you would be beheaded. So, I took you with me. I nursed you. I fed you slowly and little by little, so that you wouldn't choke. I took care of you. Because, if you died…I don't know what I would do." He reached towards her but she backed away even more. "Mirai…let me touch you…please…just let me touch your face." Chichiri begged.

Mirai shook her head. "Best friends shouldn't touch each other in a loving way, Chichiri. Best friends should…just be…best friends…" Mirai said emotionless. "Mirai…do you…love me?" he asked, ignoring her. Mirai looked into his eyes. "What would make you ask such a question, Chichiri?" Mirai wondered. Chichiri shrugged. "I guess, it's just a wishful question. I mean…I…I love you…and I was hoping that you loved me to." Chichiri confessed. "You…love me?" Mirai asked in a whispery tone. Chichiri nodded. "I have for a long time…I just didn't want to believe I was in love with my best friend…so…I tried to fall in love with someone else. And hey…it worked. Except, she didn't love me in return." Chichiri said sadly. Mirai looked at him as tears started to fill her eyes. *~He loves me…and..I love him too…but…we're best friends…we can't have that kind of relationship…we can't…WE CAN'T!~* Mirai screamed at herself in her thoughts. "I'm sorry…Chichiri…I do…not feel the same way…" She said, as she forced the tears to disappear. "I love you…but only as a friend…" Mirai said slowly. Chichiri looked down sadly. "Wishful thinking isn't the same thing as a real wish…I'm going to go get supper." He walked off as a single tear slid down his cheek. As soon as he had disappeared from earshot, the tears returned to Mirai's eyes and streamed down her face. * ~ Why…why did I just say that?!?!? Shimatta No Mirai! Shimatta No!~* She thought to herself.

Years passed since the incident that made Mirai and Chichiri outcasts. In that time, Chichiri had trained under Taitskuun for three years, and Mirai became Taitskuun's personal maid. Then Chichiri left to be a warrior of the Suzaku Seven, and the protector of the Suzaku No Miko. It had been exactly nine years. Chichiri was twenty-seven now and Mirai was twenty- five. For so long, Mirai wanted to tell Chichiri, that she loved him, but she was always so scared to.

One day, Mirai was cleaning Taitskuun's palace, when she heard Chichiri talking in another room. She was curious so she began to listen. "I don't know what to do." She heard him sigh. "She'll never love me. To her, I'm just a friend and nothing more. I will never be anything more than a mere friend to her." She heard him bang his fist on the table. The next voice she heard, was a friend of hers, named, Merlina. "Why must you bother with her. Can't you see. What you are saying is the truth. She will never think of you as anything else but a friend. Look at me, Chichiri. I on the other hand…think of you as more than a friend. I'm in love with you Chichiri! I love you, so much. Believe me I do. And that little wench in there…never will!" Merlina exclaimed. Mirai heard these words, and thinking that Chichiri would respond to her feelings, she left. She ran away, never to return to Taitskuun's palace, never to return to her `friend' Merlina, and never to return to her love, Chichiri. Mirai ran, until she came upon the land of Kotou, where she had been born. She never knew that this was the land that she had been born in, but she felt drawn to it. * ~ Why do I feel so drawn to this place…it's like something is calling me here…~ * she thought to herself.

Meanwhile, in the land of Konan the Seven Warriors of Suzaku, had been summoned. "Tamahome…Nuriko…Chichiri…Mitsukake…Tasuki…Ch iriko and myself…Hotohori…are still the Suzaku Seven…even though the Suzaku No Miko has returned to her world and can never return." The now twenty-four year old Hotohori announced. "We must find a new Miko…soon…very soon…" he ordered. "But why?" Nuriko asked. "The Seiryu Seven…are going to be assembled…we must not let them summon Seiryu…" Hotohori answered. "But the Seiryu Seven are dead." Tamahome commented. "And the Seiryu No Miko, has returned to her world and cannot return as well." The now, nineteen- year old Chiriko added. "Ah…but the marks have appeared on new warriors…and just like us, they can get a new Miko." Hotohori responded. "The young girl whom they have picked out is, young…and she is vulnerable now and can subject her to any nonsense and she will believe it." Hotohori professed. "What is her name?" Chichiri said getting a bad feeling. "Her name is Mirai. She is about twenty-five…she has long dark blue hair, and green eyes." Hotohori notified to Chichiri. Chichiri's mouth opened wide, he wanted to say something, scream out even, but no sound came out, and he fainted.