Fushigi Yuugi Fan Fiction ❯ Why Taka ❯ Bitter Realization ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Hey readers and reviewers, since you guys are the ones that makes this FF exist. I need you. I would like to know if I should get Miaka pregnant. I know I may screw this up if I do it so that;s why I wanted to ask you guys first. I want you to decide whether I should or not. In your reviews, tell me if you would like me to or not. I will decide on the majority of the reviews. If you want me to, tell me what it should be ( boy or girl) and the name.

~ means unspoken thoughts

This chapter may seem a lil different, it was the hardest one so far, hehe.

Chapter 9- Bitter Realization

Miaka woke up slowly from her sleep and had a headache. She found it hurt to open her eyes and just lieed there. She realized she was laying on a bed, thinking what had happened was only a dream; she turned over and said Yui's name. When she got no response, she slowly opened her eyes and groaned with the pain. Expecting to see Yui or Chichiri, she open her eyes to see Taka standing there over her with a blank expression on his face. Her eyes flew open as she whispered his name. He looked in her eyes and saw her confusion.

"You're finally awake. You have a headache." He got up and poured some liquid into a bowl and gave it to Miaka, "Drink this, it will take it away right away."

Miaka took the bowl and eyed the liquid in it carefully.

"Go ahead, I didn't poison if that's what your thinking." he said standing over Miaka.

Miaka felt a strange wave of trust as she slowly drank the medicine and as he had promised, the headache went away. Miaka finished it and placed the bowl on her lap and stared at the herbal remains of the liquid. Taka reached over and grabbed the bowl from her hands, Miaka's eyes flew up and shot daggers at Taka.

"What are you looking at, Priestess of Suzaku?" He said roughly to Miaka, putting a hint of sarcasm in the last three words. He realized what he had said and he locked eyes with Miaka. Miaka looked at his eyes. They were blue. Taka never had blue eyes before. Miaka muttered his name and, still focusing on his eyes, whispered his name again and she thought she saw his eyes flash gold. As quick as they came they left and Taka turned his body away quickly with a snarl aimed at Miaka.

"What happened to you Taka?" Miaka asked after what seemed lifetimes of silence, "What happened?" she repeated.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Glared Taka

Miaka stood up and walked slowly to Taka. Taka watched her steps and looked into her eyes, filled with tears. Miaka kept walking towards him and Taka flinched. She got so close that she was barely an arms length away, and she looked at him as the tears streamed down her face. She raised her arm and cupped his face in her hands. Miaka looked in his eyes and thought she saw his eyes flash again and a slight smile across his face. As if fighting himself, Taka squeezed his eyes shut and he felt Miaka's hand leave his face, her fingers dragged across his skin. His eyes flew open and he grabbed Miaka's arm, squeezing her arm tightly. Miaka bent down whimpering and pleading with him to let her go.

"DID I ALLOW YOU TO TOUCH ME!" He hollered as he twisted Miaka's arm around her back. Miaka turned her arm and tried to relieve some of the pain, but failed. She was screaming at this time as she felt her arm was on fire. Taka pushed her and caused her to fall on the bed. Miaka stood on the bed and backed up as far as she could against the wall. She looked at her arm and she could see the hand left on her arm. Taka smiled and approached her. Miaka jumped to the corner and avoided Taka's hand.

He laughed and reached over and grabbed her leg, yanking her leg out from under her as she fell on the bed hitting her head on the wall. Taka pulled her all the way towards him and put his hands on her shoulders to keep her from moving.

Miaka twisted and was released. She slid down under him and tried running to the open door. He grabbed her arm and shut the with his foot. He twisted Miaka around and made her face him. He looked at her and saw blood running down the side of her face. He tightened his grip on Miaka and slammed his lips on hers. Miaka was screaming and bit down on his lip. Taka pulled away and slapped her wiping the blood off. He let go of one of her arm and threw his hand around her neck. He used one of his hands and held her off of the ground. Miaka struggled and yanked at his hands trying to get them off, her legs were flailing and kicking the air. The door to the room opened and one of the twins walked in.

"Tamahome!" He yelled

"What do you want Suboshi?" Taka yelled, still keeping his eyes on Miaka.

"We need her alive, put her down!" Suboshi yelled

Taka looked at the panicked boy and back at Miaka who was very red and crying. He laughed.

"You were always weak. I don't know how I could have ever loved you."

He squeezed Miaka's neck and with one hand threw her on the bed. Miaka lay on the bed in a ball crying and gasping for air she was just a few moments ago denied.

Taka watched Miaka and walked out the room. Passing Suboshi on the way and bumping into him. Suboshi glared at his back until he was out of site. He sighed and glared at Miaka, shaking his head he closed the door. Miaka cried and cried until she fell asleep. She dreamed of Tasuki saving her and holding her. She wished it were true.


"Yui, I know you're worried but Chichiri said he would contact us the moment he found Miaka. Miaka is gonna be okay, I promise." Tetsuya hugged Yui and looked at Chichiri like he was saying 'You better not make me break my promise' .

"It will be alright, ya know. I'm pretty sure Miaka is okay. Even in his state, Tamahome wouldn't kill her, ya know. He loved her to much to do that." said Chichiri reassuring them both. He knew deep down that Miaka was in a life or death situation and where ever she was, he needed to find her, and fast!

Chichiri was being transported back to the other world to help a frantic Tasuki and a worried Hotohori search for the one they loved. Chichiri promised that he would find Miaka and ensure that she was safe. Since Miaka and Yui still hadn't said goodbye and after recent events Suzaku said that it was not safe to send her back, so they decided to leave Chichiri's bewitched mirror behind and summon it back once Miaka has said goodbye. Chichiri put his hands together and started chanting. He said Suzaku's name and was suddenly surrounded in a deep red light. Chichiri concentrated on going home but he couldn't help but notice the rushing feeling in the light.

~ Suzaku is worried.~ he thought.


Miaka woke up with a start. Her eyes flew over to the door as it flew open. Suboshi and Taka walked in carrying a yellow jug with a black liquid in it. Suboshi glanced at her quickly and looked away. He sat the stuff down and left the room staring at Miaka with eyes that screamed danger. Taka stared down at the liquid and put two little white pills in the drink. Taka stirred the drink and walked over to Miaka.

"Here drink this, its not poison." he handed the drink to Miaka, who eyed it carefully.

"What is it?"

Taka replied in a monotone, "You heard Suboshi, we need you alive. Do you think I would kill you now and ruin all our plans?" His voice was so cold and full of hate, and his eyes, his eyes weren't his, they were full of hate and anger.

Miaka smelled the drink and took a little sip. She looked at Taka.

"All of it."

Miaka drank all of it; it sent a warm sensation through her bodyand she got really tired and lied down. As she drifted off to sleep she heard Taka.

"Now you will know what to do... When you wake up, you will be with them..."

Miaka was awake one moment, and then was asleep the next second. She was no longer Miaka, but merely a puppet for Taka.


The Suzaku Seven were all in one room awaiting Chichiri's arrival. The room filled with a red light and Chichiri's form appeared. He landed in and then this feeling came over him. He got this deep feeling like he knew there was no chance Miaka was going to be alright. The others must have gotten it to because Tasuki whispered, " Woah, what was that?"

They all felt their priestesses life force vanish all of a sudden. The warriors all understood and realized Miaka was dead. Tasuki threw himself to the floor and silently cried. The warriors all stood there, not wanting to believe what they had felt. Tasuki was on his knees crying silently, Nuriko was crying, Chichiri had his mask off and his eyes closed, his head was down, Mitsukake was stroking a sleeping Tama in his hands, Chiriko and Hotohori had faces that were unreadable. Tasuki's body started shaking with anger.

"That bastard!" he fiercely whispered, "THAT BASTARD. NO! I WONT BELIEVE IT! Miaka isn't...NO! I WILL NEVER BELIEVE IT! SHE CANT BE, NO!" Tasuki screamed at the ground. His heart was breaking, as was everyone else.

A/N: Again, In your reviews, let me know if you would like me to get Miaka pregnant, that is, IF she's alive, Hehe.