G Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ Massage (Or the Education of Domon ❯ Massage (or the Education of Domon) ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title: Massage (or the Education of Domon)
Author: Topaz Kat
Genre: G Gundam
Rating: R
Feedback: Yes.

Chibodee groaned as he worked his shoulder 'round in a circle. That had been a very satisfying workout, one he was sure to feel for a few days. He gave a soft smile and a nod hello as he caught up with Domon, both of them having the same destination: the showers.

The American Gundam pilot noticed that his friend was in a similar state of sweatiness and tired muscles. His thick black locks were hanging shaggily about his face, giving him a ragged look to him. "Have a good fight?" he asked conversationally.

The younger fighter nodded, "yeah, but I think I pulled some sore spots from yesterday. I'm going to have to ice those down before I go to sleep."

"You could have Rain give you a rub down I bet," the purple and pink haired man offered as he stripped off his shirt. He was willing to be that by the time he was done with his shower, it would be able to walk by itself.

He caught the gentle pink that touched Domon's cheeks and laughed softly. "What? Surely as your doctor she's touched you before."

"Well yeah," was the quiet start. "But never like that."

The man raised an eyebrow, "you're kidding me? I was sure that you two had banged boots by now."

The Japanese fighter looked confused, "'banged boots?'"

Chibodee ran a hand down his face, "my god, even the kid knows more than you do. Yes, 'banged boots', have sex in other words."

Domon looked away blushing badly, "it's not like that," he swore softly.

The American couldn't help but look incredulous, "you have got to be kidding me." He sat down and raised the younger man's chin to get a better look at his eyes. "Listen to me kid, 'cause I know what I'm talking about. Rain really loves you, and it's pretty damn obvious that you care for her; I mean, you're not the best at hiding your feelings. Which leads me to ask, what the Hell are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?"

Domon sighed, pulling away from his friend and ducking into the shower. "You don't understand."

Chibodee sighed, getting up and grabbing his towel. He took the stall next to the Japanese fighter and turned on the water, getting hit full in the face with the strong spray of icy water. A few seconds and many swearwords later, he had the spray going in the direction he wanted and it was now considerably warmer. He returned his attention to his shy young friend.

"Look Domon," he began again. "Rain cares a great deal for you. It's just that she's waiting for you to make the first move. Trust me, for all the advancements in equality over the years, women are still taught that men have to make the first move, hence they won't do it themselves. So you, my friend, need to swallow your shyness and quit acting like a child and be a man."

"Chibodee," the other man sighed as he washed up, mostly listening to his friend, but just not believing him. "It's not that simple."

"Sure it is," he replied as he lathered up his hair with his shampoo. "I'm not saying you have to pull her into your arms and make love to her with words and your mouth." He laughed as Domon impersonated a tomato flawlessly. "Seriously boy, she's just waiting for you to hug her and give her a warm, loving, welcoming kiss. After you do that, she's likely to help you out with the rest, or at least meet you halfway."

Domon pointed ignored his friend as he rinsed his hair. He really wasn't comfortable talking about this with anyone, especially about Rain. The two of them had been friends for so long, he wasn't sure when the attraction he felt started and where his loving friendship ended. He had never received any sort of training on these matters. Hell, he was just lucky that he'd been given the very basics of sex before he went and did his training! It was certainly never something that came up with his master.

He jumped a bit as he felt the strong hand on his shoulder. Glaring a bit at the other man, he snarled softly. "You don't know what you're talking about."

It made the boxer laugh. "Look kid, what I know, is that you have a handsome face, a decent body, a good heart, and an ass that made my Shirley do a double-take. I mean, for god's sake, what are you waiting for? Not even Argo holds back this much."

Domon stared at him, glad he'd turned the water off. "Did I hear you right? Did you just say that... that Argo Gulski was..."

"Getting laid?" the American grinned, tumble drying his hair briskly. "You bet he is. I have witness. Sai-saichi told me that he saw the big guy the other day, plus some mouth shaped bruises on his neck. Also, George has even reported that he'll go into his hanger and not come out for hours."

"He could just be fixing the gundam, or working out a training strategy," the younger man argued.

"True," Chibodee agree, then held up a hand in argument. "At least that could have been a possibility if he was going into the part of the hanger that held the gundam rather than Natasha's office. And as for a training strategy, let's face it, their strategy is to survive."

The black haired man nodded his head as he started drying off. "Okay, but with whom?"

Purple eyelashes blinked several times rapidly. "What do you mean 'with whom'? With Natasha you fool. Who else do you think would be able to have sex with him?"

The look of blank confusion was met with a sigh as the older man clapped a sorrowful hand on the younger's shoulder. "Men that big," he explained with a look of crossed between a smile of concern and a teasing grin, "are always big. You'd need to have an equally capable woman to take him and Natasha is the only one I can possibly think of."

Pink stained Domon's cheeks again. "No way. I know those two are close, but come on, she's his jailer, why would they have sex? For that matter, how could they?"

A deep knowing chuckle erupted from the boxer's throat. He nudged his friend's cheek gently with a tender fist. "Come on kid, you know as well as I that men and women can go all sorts of ways." As the flush darkened the other's face, he chuckled again. "Honestly kid, your virginity is rotting you. One would think you didn't know anything about what I'm talking about."

"It's not that," the Japanese young man snapped, feeling very much picked on. "I just don't have any evidence to back up what you're saying."

Chibodee stared, blinking. He pulled on his coat, fully dressed like the other fighter now. "You don't believe me because you want proof?" he asked, needing to double check.

"Well?' was the almost tentative reply. "If you're wrong about Argo and Natasha, then you're probably wrong about a lot of things you've said today. Not lying, just wrong."

A woman's low moan broke between them and the American smiled broadly. "Wrong am I? Need evidence before you believe me, hmm? Come on kid, time for a lesson." He grasped Domon's collar quite firmly from behind, and tugged him to walk alongside him.

A nervous look met his eyes, "where are we going Crocket?"

"To get you your evidence. You said you didn't believe me because all previous accounts were only circumstantial, right? Well, I figure that you can't argue with me, if you've witnessed them together for yourself, now can you?"

Domon struggled, trying to pull loose from Chibodee's grip. "No, stop! We can't spy on them."

"Why not?" he challenge back. "If I'm wrong, then they're not doing anything 'indecent' now are they?"

"But-" began the younger man's rebuttal.

"But if they are engaged as I predicted, then you owe me an apology Japanese. Besides, it'll be good for you to get an education; you're going to need it. Especially to keep Rain happy." He tugged him again, "now let's go check."

It wasn't a long walk to where the sounds were coming from, and they only got stronger and more passionate as the two man walked towards them. Even the brasher of the two found himself blushing on more than one occasion. He normally wouldn't stoop this low to prove a point, but teasing his friend was just too much fun. That and he had to admit that he wouldn't mind watching the new couple: Argo had this fierce handsomeness about him, and Natasha was certainly a head-turner.

A throaty moan caught their ears as they approached the door, but this time, there was an added sound. "Mmm... harder Argo."

The boxer turned to his fellow fighter and sighed as the younger man blushed horribly. "Come on, you were the one who didn't believe me fraidy cat."

"Chibodee..." the other man hissed warningly.

"Oh yes!" broke between them. "Right there Argo."

Unable to keep from blushing himself now, although he was sure it was due to arousal rather than embarrassment, the American pinked too. "Come on kid," he kissed back. "We'll look together to make sure I'm right."

"I can't do this Chibodee, it's wrong."

Another moan, this one sounding more like a gasp of pleasure, "ah... oh Argo."

Biting his lower lip to keep himself from blushing, the older man half-dragged his friend. "Look, we'll open the door just a crack, okay? And we'll only peek for a second, that way, you'll have your proof and I'll have my apology."

Hesitating only a moment, the younger man nodded his head. He found his hand on the door handle a second later, the other man's on top of his.

Carefully so as not to make any nose, they turned the handle to the left, and urged the door open but a crack. There hadn't been too many moans recently, so they were careful of any noise as they peered in silently.

They did not find Natasha and Argo in the throws of passion however. They did see that Natasha was nude from the waist up, but she was lying on her stomach with a sheet laid loosely over her rear. While Argo was fully dressed, and he had his hands on the Russian woman, but in order to massage her.

Natasha moaned again a bit louder as the large hands of her pilot carefully worked out a knot from under her shoulder blade. She was very pleased that she could roll her shoulders now, the constant tightness having been removed for a little while at least.

Closing the door just as slowly so as not to disturb them, the two men pulled away from each other. The American looked very confused why Domon just smiled broadly. They looked at each other, their faces remaining the same before the black haired man chuckled.

"Well," the younger man began. "Looks like I have nothing to apologize for. It appears that you were in fact mistaken about Natasha and Argo, and all things considered, wrong about me too." He smiled annoyingly once again. "Well, I'm waiting. Come on Crocket, as soon as you apologize, we can get out of here and stop acting like kids spying."

Chibodee nodded, extending his hand in an offering of friendship once more. "Yes, I'm sorry Domon; I was mistaken about the Russians."

"And?" the younger man prompted.

"And what?" the boxer teased as he walked past him towards the door. "I'm still right about everything else I said."

The Japanese young man's cheeks puffed up a bit, turning red. "Oh! Chibodee!" he yelled, running after his friend. "You take that back damn it."

Inside the closed off room, Argo chuckled a bit sinisterly as he rubbed his hands one last time down Natasha's back. "Feel better? You've been practically purring."

Dark eyes closed as the woman pushed herself up, her bare breasts hanging heavily from her chest. "Yes, much better. Mmm... Momma was right; always go for the guys with the big hands."

"And why is that?" Argo asked as he wiped the excess lotion from his hands.

"Because they'll be good at smoothing out the knots in all those hard-to-reach places." She sat down then, letting her legs dangle off the table, caring not for her nudity. "I think we gave those two a bit of a show. Never picked those two as voyeurs though."

The deep-chest chuckle was heard once more. "Yes, very true. Domon is a good man, but still a little young in some respects. It's best for him to stay that way and gradually grow up rather than all at once, no?"

"True enough. It's also probably best not to leave his learning and teaching to a man whore." She stretched once more, rolling her shoulders, and consequently making her breasts bounce." She felt her lover's hands around her once more, but this time they caressed her stomach, making her lean into his touch. "You're right though, Domon is a good man, and he can also be very cute... in a puppy sort of way." She grinned then as he cupped her breasts easily. "Plus, I don't think he'll remain puppyish for much longer."

"Oh really?" the Russian giant enquired softly, squeezing one breast while tweaking one nipple. "Why is that? Wait, let me guess: you had a talk with Rain."

"Actually," she moaned softly at the pleasure going through her. "Chibodee's girls and I all had a talk with her this morning while we were playing cards." Her eyes were still a bit glazed in pleasure from the massage, so she was feeling really good.

Argo bit her ear lightly, nibbling it tenderly as his fingers started to play with her nipples again. "Why does the idea of you playing poker with them scare me?"

Natasha moaned softly, unable to do more than give in to his touch. She pulled of the sheet that was covering her nether regions though, sighing in a bit of pleasure as she touched herself a little. "Mmm... probably because it should."

She gasped in pleasured pain at a harsh pinch to her nipple. "Indeed," the man holding her teased her as he ran a hand down her flat stomach to the warm lips at her sparsely haired snatch. Wetting a finger, he slipped it inside, rubbing a little. "So I take it that Domon will not be a virgin for much longer."

Her legs spread as she mewled softly, nodding her head. "Yeah... oh... mmm... I think Rain said something about applying new knowledge when she got it."

Argo chuckled as he toyed with his keeper a bit. "Poor Domon, he doesn't suspect a thing does he?" When no answer was forthcoming immediately, he slowed his touches and nips to a halt. Hearing her semi-outraged moan, she chuckled once more.

"Probably not, Argo Gulski," Natasha bit out, letting her displeasure be heard. "And if you don't stop toying with me, I'm going to-ah!"

Argo smiled to himself, watching his fingers thrust in and out of her moist cavern. "You're going to what? Shoot me? Whip me? Blow me up? Or just blow me?"

She laughed with him then, but it was cut short as he touched that spot in her that made her writhe and moan. "Momma was right," she repeated. "Always go for men with big hands."

"Well," he licked the shell of her ear teasingly. "You know what they say about men with big hands."

She moaned again, "indeed I do."