Gakuen Alice Fan Fiction ❯ old friends!! ......... NxM 4ever ❯ old/new student/friend ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

natsume woke up and the usual happens, she check her alarm clock and it was 8:00 am (since its 15 min from the dorm to the class and classes starts at 8:30)she shouted "aaaahhhhh im late, what if jinno sensei will be out teacher, waaah"and did all her morning routins like brushing her teeth and changing from her pajama to her uniform (the gamg is already 15 yrs old and tsubasa and misaki are maybe 17?..hehehe)well, she started running to class but when she turned the corner she bumped into someone (i think you already know who!c",))"watch it strawberries,kami do you alwayse need to bump me every morning?"natsume said getting up"gomen natsume kun and my name again is M-i-K-a-N" she replied "anyway..waaah artent we late natsume?"she shouted in a very worried voice 'oh no jinno sensei'"what are you talking about little girl its"he said annoyed and before mikan can say anything he was gone 'oh yeah i forgot'"guess i should thank him " and she started to look for him but sho could not find him even in the sakura tree so she decided to tell him on class.
The next morning mikan shokingly woke up early because she felt as something is going to happen today so she changed and went to the classroom remembering to thank natsume. When she arrived natsume was already sitting at the his sit so she went to him “hey natsume good morning and thanks for reminding me yesterday about the classes” “hn” came his reply but covered his face with his comics to cover his blush because of her smile `kawaii, shes so cute, wait why am I thinking about her' he scolded himself mentally
When everybody was in the class already same things happen mikan trying to hug hotaru but instead being shot with the baka gun..baka baka baka!and her complaining but suddenly narumi sensei went to his class everyone wondered since he rarely went to class but everyone saw new students so they knew why already but for some reason mikan became be continued!c",)