Gakuen Alice Fan Fiction ❯ old friends!! ......... NxM 4ever ❯ first day !! ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Narumi went in front of the class and announced “class as you can see we have a new student, this is Takashi Miroku his Alice is wind and he is a good singer! He is a top star like Natsume Well class please be nice to him and Miroku (he looked at Miroku) you're free to choose your partner”
“Umm... can I choose Sakura Mikan?” Miroku asked and everyone gasped except for Natsume and Hotaru who has blank expression on their face as usual.
“Sorry but I already have a partner!” Mikan said before Narumi could speak but everyone was wondering even Natsume because Mikan seems weird coz she has a blank expression on her face.
“Im sorry Miroku but as you can see you should choose another partner” Narumi said
“Oh okay then Hotaru will you be my partner please?” Miroku asked Hotaru as he walked to her
Ruka frowned a little but he was angered more when he saw Hotaru smile at him but he doesn't know why his feeling like this
“that's called jealousy” Koko said (I hope you don't mind if I call him Koko.c”,)) as he faced Ruka
`Stop reading my mind or else!' then Koko sweat dropped and just faced back in front
“Well class its free time I need to go bye!” Narumi said as he left
Mikan was awfully quiet and Natsume started to get worried but it still doest show in his face he was just taking a look at her once in a while but then when he saw Miroku approaching he started to get curious so he looked at them and started listening
Miroku: hey Mikan you still mad at me?
Mikan:………you broke your promise………………….
Miroku: oh come on I didn't mean to do that to sorry just please let me explain at least
Mikan: you didn't even look at me when I was leaving you're the only one I told about Hotaru! (Tears falling from her eyes) you were with that girl Rona (Rona is a popular) and you couldn't even be with you're childhood best friend!
Mikan: hey Miro Kun (its like Miroku w/ an letter n)
Miroku: hi Mikan, Im sorry about Hotaru don't worry ill always be here for you
Mikan: thanks Miroku, I was planning to visit Hotaru at her school (Alice academy)
Miroku: really! But pls come back soon. When are you leaving I want to see you off
Mikan: sure okay tomorrow, promise?
Miroku: promise! You're my best friend!
Mikan: okay (she smiles) see you tomorrow
Miroku: see ya cupcake!
Mikan: stop calling me that, (he winked) ill get you for that!
The Next Day
Mikan: hey Miroku who is that (pointing at the girl Miroku was with)
Miroku: oh that Rona, you won't believe this but she told me that she liked me and were going out later
Mikan: wow really that's nice, but don't forget that Im leaving later and I won't come back for a while
Miroku: of course ill see you later cupcake (he kissed her cheek and left)
Mikan: I said stop doing that (she shouted at his running form)
When Miroku left Rona approached Mikan and said “hey you girl, you stay away from Miroku I don't care who you are, you might get in the way of Miroku worshiping me”
She kicked Mikan in the guts and left...Mikan just lay on the ground in pain.
At night Mikan was waiting for Miroku because she's about t leave, she waited for 1 hour and he still isn't coming so she just left disappointed
Meanwhile Miroku was with Rona he when he looked at the time he was shocked, he lost track of time so he said goodbye to Rona and went to their meeting place but when he arrived, she was gone “sorry Mikan” he went home!
End of Flashback
Miroku: come on cupcake Im sorry (what the hell is he calling her cupcake) `Natsume thought'
Mikan: don't call me that jerk! I would have understood if you just didn't promise! (Crying) but don't worry I forgive you!!(Smiled) but it doesn't mean that I trust you completely
Miroku: then ill make sure I gain it again...yours too hot chan (smiled) or should I say sweetypie
Hotaru: you didn't change (smiled a rare smile) `Ruka saw this and begun getting jealous'
“Weird!” (Everyone taught)
After class
Mikan is hyper again “hey guys wanna have a sleep over?”
“Sure it's Friday and there is no class tomorrow it perfect” Yuu answered
“Ruka pyon you're coming right? Please! And Natsume too right”
Ruka looked at Natsume who said “hn” then said “okay then were coming so whose room?”
“Oh yeah so who wants to volunteer how about you're room Miro Kun” Mikan asked
“Sure cupcake anything for you” Natsume started getting irritated “I told you not to call me that sheesh you're just like Natsume!”
“What!”Natsume shouted and “who?” Miroku asked
“He's Natsume (Mikan pointed at Natsume) and you're calling me names too pervert (she told Natsume)”
“There is a big difference little girl, Im not flirting with you!” Natsume retorted
“What!? He's not flirting with me pervert and Im not a little girl!
They argued the whole time going to Miroku's room. Everyone was sweat dropping at them
“Are they always like that?” Miroku asked Hotaru “yes” she replied with no expression Natsume sweat dropped again because Hotaru hasn't changed at all
“Well here is my room” Miroku got everyone's attention “you guys can just get your things and meet here”
“Hai” everyone said except for Natsume and Hotaru
And everyone left to get their things!!!