Gakuen Alice Fan Fiction ❯ upgraded ❯ chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
OMG I was just looking at my reviews Thnx u wonderful reviewers! I was so happy I’m up 2 14! and I was looking at the reviewers names and I saw caritate. This rung a bell in my head because caritate has the most amazing story “beauty pageant woes” which I’m addicted 2! I’m very happy she’s reading my story! So yay! Any one else who has Gakuen alice fics. Just tell me and I’ll be sure 2 read them. But I wasn’t going 2 update 2 day but that made me feel good so I as like what the heck. Oh and I found out where 2 get the Gakuen alice mangas online w/o donloading them in English. If u want the site review.
Caritate: Thnx 4 the reviews and reading my stories Like I said I’m addicted 2 your fic.!
Melissa1995: He he he … Yeppers! I think I’m going to try and have more cliff hangers..
Ruin princess: Yay you’re a new reviewer! Thanks for taking the time to review. And that the whole question…what does it mean to be upgraded?
SailorDaydreamer: Mine 2 *dances* I love that anime sooo much. Have you watch the sailor moon super s series about rini? Its my favorite season if u haven’t and your interested I know a site where you can watch it in English.
Rachelandthecupcakecrusades: Another new review! Thank you and I’ll do my best to update very quickly!
claireponcherrii: Another new reviewer! And Thnx u very much. ^^
Ok on with the show!
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Mikan shifted in her seat, she wanted to go back. The new campus was big and empty, there were only twenty elementary students! Luckily almost everyone in class B got “upgraded”. But now sitting at the orientation Mikan was seeing there were different levels of being upgraded.
“There first level of UG students,” Persona said, on the stage. ---UG= Upgraded----- “There’s there Basic UG, which means you barley got upgraded. Then there UG, which means you are sort of special but not special enough. The third level is UG advance, you have the right to brag and beat up your other classmates.” Mikan gulp, he was joking….right? “Finally there’s UG supreme you are the best of the best. When I call you name please come up for you grouping.” Mikan gulp, she had a bad feeling. Even in regular school she was a no star and barley made it to a one star. Knowing her she’d be basic, or worse.
“Hotaru.” Hotaru walk up on the stage, Persona took a weird badge out. It was three tear-drop looking things stuck together. “UG advance.” everyone clap, Mikan sunk in her seat. Were they going to give you your same star ratings as before? Hotaru simply took the badge and returned to her seat next to Mikan.
“Nonoko and Anna,” he called. They walk up on stage. “UG.” They got one water symbol thing each.
“Ruka!” Ruka walk up. “Advance UG.” he got the same badge on Hotaru. Mikan was now on the floor, she was doomed!
After calling 15 elementary students, 7 high school, and middle schoolers, no one had been awarded the UG supreme.
“Mikan & Natsume!” Mikan stood up, oh no….. Natsume got up to. He was eying her weirdly. She walk on the stage and gulp, please let her be at least UG. “Natsume UG supreme.” Mikan gasp, Natsume was awarded a real flame pin. The pin had one tear drop simple which had a flame on it. Natsume ran his finger through the flame, it was holographic. Mikan was going to die, why’d she have to be called up with him? Now she would look super bad!
“Mikan, UG supreme.” Everyone got quiet. Mikan…..a UG supreme. After a moment of silence, everyone started to laugh. No way could she be a supreme! She couldn’t even walk a straight line without tripping! Persona glare at them. “Silence! You do realize she can do anything to you and I won’t bat and eye lash. These to are the only Supremes, I suggest you don’t mess with them.” Mikan blinked, what? What kind of school was this? Shouldn’t you get punished for doing something bad, even if your advance? Natsume didn’t seem to mind, actually he look as if this was what he expected. That made Mikan mad, this was unfair. She opened her mouth, but the way Persona glared at he made her keep her mouth shut.
“Everyone please follow you assign robot to your rooms!” Mikan look at Persona, she would not stand for….Natsume grabbed her arm and pulled her off stage.
“Hey! Let go of me! Natsume!” she shouted. No one seemed to care, Hotaru seemed to simply look at them then go back to what she was doing. Ruka watch them blushing.
“Shut up, ugly,” he said. Mikan growled, she was not ugly.
“You jerk! I am not ugly, your ugly, ha! How do you like being called ugly?” By now Natsume had made it to the UG supreme robot and was following it.
“It doesn’t bother me, I have a fan club to prove you wrong. Where’s you fan club, ugly?” she growled and kicked at him, but he was to fast so she missed. She calm down and look around, when did they get in the elevator? The little button lit up one by one until they were at the top.
“Pin please,” the robot said. The robot look suspiciously like the robot back at the elementary school…but it couldn’t be. Natsume handed the robot his pin and so did Mikan, the robot flashed the fake fire over the buttons. The door dinged and open. Mikan gasp. The room was humongous. Actually it wasn’t even a room! There was one big carpeted section where a couch, recliner, and big screen TV stood. Then there was wooden floor area with a piano, stage, and guitar and drum set. There was also four other doors where the rooms were hidden. But the best part was, the kitchen! Mikan had her own kitchen that was big and shiny! And red!
“So who gets this room?” Mikan ask. The robot did a series of noise that sounded like a laugh. It zoomed towards the elevator.
“This is the UG supreme, double apartment. You two are sharing no star.” The door closed.. Mikan was frozen….she…she…was living with NATSUME!
“Wait! It was the same robot! It said no-star!” Mika said, this just dawning her. Natsume was already walking around he apartment, completely unbothered. “Aren’t you upset about this?” she ask. He open one of the doors.
“No. and I call this room.” he said walking in. Mikan growled, she was going to call the first room. She chased him into “his” room. It was dark red and had blues and reds on it to, it was so pretty….in a boy room way. She scuff.
“Fine, you can have this room.” she walk to the next room and opened it. She had found her room. The room was yellow and cherry with light baby blue boarding her walls. And a pink bed spread! She giggled! What were the other two rooms? She open the first one, it was a white and gold royal bathroom, it was so big! It was the size of her last no-star room. She ran to the next door and open it, it was another bedroom. This bedroom was plain and only had a few light shades of purple. She wondered why they had three bedrooms? Natsume finally came out of his room and look around.
“What do you think?” she ask. He smirk.
“It only has one bathroom, cherries.” she gasp.
“No!!!!!! wait…..PERVERT!”
A/n: review! And I hope you like, and guess who else is sharing a room? This is about to get a lot more interesting. Also how will Mikan pass her new UG classes? Or her new UG…….. what could it be? Review for more updates ;)
Caritate: Thnx 4 the reviews and reading my stories Like I said I’m addicted 2 your fic.!
Melissa1995: He he he … Yeppers! I think I’m going to try and have more cliff hangers..
Ruin princess: Yay you’re a new reviewer! Thanks for taking the time to review. And that the whole question…what does it mean to be upgraded?
SailorDaydreamer: Mine 2 *dances* I love that anime sooo much. Have you watch the sailor moon super s series about rini? Its my favorite season if u haven’t and your interested I know a site where you can watch it in English.
Rachelandthecupcakecrusades: Another new review! Thank you and I’ll do my best to update very quickly!
claireponcherrii: Another new reviewer! And Thnx u very much. ^^
Ok on with the show!
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Mikan shifted in her seat, she wanted to go back. The new campus was big and empty, there were only twenty elementary students! Luckily almost everyone in class B got “upgraded”. But now sitting at the orientation Mikan was seeing there were different levels of being upgraded.
“There first level of UG students,” Persona said, on the stage. ---UG= Upgraded----- “There’s there Basic UG, which means you barley got upgraded. Then there UG, which means you are sort of special but not special enough. The third level is UG advance, you have the right to brag and beat up your other classmates.” Mikan gulp, he was joking….right? “Finally there’s UG supreme you are the best of the best. When I call you name please come up for you grouping.” Mikan gulp, she had a bad feeling. Even in regular school she was a no star and barley made it to a one star. Knowing her she’d be basic, or worse.
“Hotaru.” Hotaru walk up on the stage, Persona took a weird badge out. It was three tear-drop looking things stuck together. “UG advance.” everyone clap, Mikan sunk in her seat. Were they going to give you your same star ratings as before? Hotaru simply took the badge and returned to her seat next to Mikan.
“Nonoko and Anna,” he called. They walk up on stage. “UG.” They got one water symbol thing each.
“Ruka!” Ruka walk up. “Advance UG.” he got the same badge on Hotaru. Mikan was now on the floor, she was doomed!
After calling 15 elementary students, 7 high school, and middle schoolers, no one had been awarded the UG supreme.
“Mikan & Natsume!” Mikan stood up, oh no….. Natsume got up to. He was eying her weirdly. She walk on the stage and gulp, please let her be at least UG. “Natsume UG supreme.” Mikan gasp, Natsume was awarded a real flame pin. The pin had one tear drop simple which had a flame on it. Natsume ran his finger through the flame, it was holographic. Mikan was going to die, why’d she have to be called up with him? Now she would look super bad!
“Mikan, UG supreme.” Everyone got quiet. Mikan…..a UG supreme. After a moment of silence, everyone started to laugh. No way could she be a supreme! She couldn’t even walk a straight line without tripping! Persona glare at them. “Silence! You do realize she can do anything to you and I won’t bat and eye lash. These to are the only Supremes, I suggest you don’t mess with them.” Mikan blinked, what? What kind of school was this? Shouldn’t you get punished for doing something bad, even if your advance? Natsume didn’t seem to mind, actually he look as if this was what he expected. That made Mikan mad, this was unfair. She opened her mouth, but the way Persona glared at he made her keep her mouth shut.
“Everyone please follow you assign robot to your rooms!” Mikan look at Persona, she would not stand for….Natsume grabbed her arm and pulled her off stage.
“Hey! Let go of me! Natsume!” she shouted. No one seemed to care, Hotaru seemed to simply look at them then go back to what she was doing. Ruka watch them blushing.
“Shut up, ugly,” he said. Mikan growled, she was not ugly.
“You jerk! I am not ugly, your ugly, ha! How do you like being called ugly?” By now Natsume had made it to the UG supreme robot and was following it.
“It doesn’t bother me, I have a fan club to prove you wrong. Where’s you fan club, ugly?” she growled and kicked at him, but he was to fast so she missed. She calm down and look around, when did they get in the elevator? The little button lit up one by one until they were at the top.
“Pin please,” the robot said. The robot look suspiciously like the robot back at the elementary school…but it couldn’t be. Natsume handed the robot his pin and so did Mikan, the robot flashed the fake fire over the buttons. The door dinged and open. Mikan gasp. The room was humongous. Actually it wasn’t even a room! There was one big carpeted section where a couch, recliner, and big screen TV stood. Then there was wooden floor area with a piano, stage, and guitar and drum set. There was also four other doors where the rooms were hidden. But the best part was, the kitchen! Mikan had her own kitchen that was big and shiny! And red!
“So who gets this room?” Mikan ask. The robot did a series of noise that sounded like a laugh. It zoomed towards the elevator.
“This is the UG supreme, double apartment. You two are sharing no star.” The door closed.. Mikan was frozen….she…she…was living with NATSUME!
“Wait! It was the same robot! It said no-star!” Mika said, this just dawning her. Natsume was already walking around he apartment, completely unbothered. “Aren’t you upset about this?” she ask. He open one of the doors.
“No. and I call this room.” he said walking in. Mikan growled, she was going to call the first room. She chased him into “his” room. It was dark red and had blues and reds on it to, it was so pretty….in a boy room way. She scuff.
“Fine, you can have this room.” she walk to the next room and opened it. She had found her room. The room was yellow and cherry with light baby blue boarding her walls. And a pink bed spread! She giggled! What were the other two rooms? She open the first one, it was a white and gold royal bathroom, it was so big! It was the size of her last no-star room. She ran to the next door and open it, it was another bedroom. This bedroom was plain and only had a few light shades of purple. She wondered why they had three bedrooms? Natsume finally came out of his room and look around.
“What do you think?” she ask. He smirk.
“It only has one bathroom, cherries.” she gasp.
“No!!!!!! wait…..PERVERT!”
A/n: review! And I hope you like, and guess who else is sharing a room? This is about to get a lot more interesting. Also how will Mikan pass her new UG classes? Or her new UG…….. what could it be? Review for more updates ;)