Galaxy Angel Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home, Invincible ❯ Story ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Galaxy Angel lemon
by Michael Hopcroft
DISCLAIMER: Galaxy Angel is owned by Broccoli and its representatives, and if they found out I was doing this I would probably find myself without a head. I'm just hoping to avoid some high-caliber Forte vengeance.
NOTES: This is a lemon, so there will be explicit sex. It is based on the TV anime continuity, as oppose to the manga or video game continuities.
The gunshot was quite satisfactory. So was the hole in the dead center of the practice target that resulted. Forte Stollen smiled as the next target emerged. “Your turn, Milfeulle . Let's see if your legendary luck applies to target practice.”
“Will you scold me if I miss?”
“Only if you hit me. Now shoot.”
Milfeulle aimed as best she could and squeezed off a shot with her target pistol. Then another. Then another. She lowered the gun, and looked to see what she had done to the target. To her annoyance, she found that the target was perfectly intact. Then she noticed a slight hissing noise. “Huh?” she though. “That sound....”
“Shit!” Forte cried. She pulled out her communication device. “Vanilla! Milfeulle just shot three holes in the outer hull and now we're leaking air! Send the maintenances robots to patch it now before we get in serious trouble!”
“I'm already on it,” Vanilla sad. “Have you considered that this is the result of God's vengeance on your sins?”
Forte hung up. “If this is divine revenge, then Vanilla has one stupid God.” She then turned to Milfeulle, who was cringing in fear of what she was sure was to come. “And how the hell did you do that! There are three layers of shielding and a whole other room between the target range and the outer hull precisely to prevent a breach like this from happening! Are you on one of your bad luck days or something?”
“I'm sorry! I'm sorry!” Milfeulle recoiled, especially since she saw that Forte had balled up her fist, but was pleasantly surprised when Forte gave her a friendly tap on the chin instead.
“I'll say this for you, Milfeulle. Life around you will never be dull.”
As they walked back to the cafeteria from the practice range, Milfeulle remarked “You seem in an especially good mood today, Forte. Is something good happening?”
“Well, it is your birthday coming up in a couple of days, right? I'm sure there's some really spectacular cake on the horizon. How old will you be, anyway?”
“Hmm, Ranpha turned eighteen a couple of months ago. She acts old for her age, but I just know she isn't nearly as worldly as she thinks she is.”
“There's something I've been meaning to ask you ---” Milfeulle said, with some hesitation in her voice which Forte picked up on.
“No, Ranpha and I are not a couple. She's my best friend, but we're not lovers. I only tried it with a girl once, and that was enough to convince me I was straight after all. And Ranpha wouldn't be happy to hear anyone say so, but she's never really made out with anyone of either gender. But I think she's straight too, as far as I can tell - there's no way to be sure unless you ask directly and hope the person tells the truth, though....”
“I wasn't asking about that. It's just that I've always wondered about your monocle.”
Forte seemed taken aback. “Monocle?
“Yes, why do you wear one? Your eyesight's fine, I've seen the records. And you're a firearms specialist, and a monocle wouldn't help with depth perception - you need both eyes for that.”
Forte laughed. “That was it? I'm sorry, my thought have been wandering to another topic lately, so I really thought you were going to ask about Ranpha and I. In fact, I was afraid you were about to hit on me or something.”
“I wouldn't do that,” Milfeulle said. “I long for the man to come along and whisk me into a romantic paradise like in the videos.”
At that Forte laughed heartily. “You sounded just like Ranpha with her fervent belief in the wealthy, handsome man who would take her away from the world and put her in the lap of luxury forever! Honestly, I wonder if you two even live in the real world.”
“The monocle?” Milfeulle asked again, a little peeved.
“Oh. It's a weapon-independent nanochip-based targeting computer. Gives me a heads-up display on anything that will significantly affect a shot. There are only a few occasions when it's really useful, but there have been times when it's meant the difference between winning the firefight and lying face-down in a pool of my own blood.. The nice thing about it is that it doesn't try to aim for you, unlike a smartgun.”
“You don't like smartguns?”
Loathe them. Not only do they remove the elements of skill and surprise, but they actually take away options in combat. A smartgun will place a shot to kill a bad guy, not to knock out the support and drop a wall on him, or ruin his weapon with a well-place bullet, or any number of other tricks that can let your bring him in alive. I adore guns, Milfeulle, and the power and control I feel when i use them, but I don't particularity enjoy taking away people's lives.”
Milfeulle breathed a heavy sigh. “That's a relief. I'm have a hard time working with you if you were a cold-blooded killer or something.”
“We're soldiers, and sometimes we have to kill, but we can't fall in love with the power to bring death. When we do that, we lose our ability to live. And a particularly good reminder of ability to live will be coming in - on your birthday, coincidentally. The Invincible is coming.”
“The Invincible? Isn't that a battleship?”
“Yes, it's coming to port from its three-month patrol. And Craig will be there.”
“Craig?” Now Milfeulle was really confused.
“Lt. Commander Craig Haraska. The chief weapons officer. He can do things with the Invincible's batteries that you wouldn't believe. More importantly for my purposes, though, he's strong, handsome, reasonably well-endowed and has some excellent skills that he is going to get to practice.”
“Skills?” The Milfeulle was struck with a sudden realization. “Oh, you have a boyfriend, and he's it! I wish you'd told us!”
“No, he's not my boyfriend, although he is a friend and a boy. He's more a “sex-friend” than anything else. Or, to use the more vulgar term, a “fuck-buddy”.”
“I don't know what that means. I thought everyone had one person and only one person who was meant to be with them until the end of time, that they would know it immediately, and....”
Forte laughed even harder now. “What shoujo manga did you get that from? I take it back - you are much more naive than Ranpha! Listen, the reality of human relations is a lot more complicated than that. People have sex with people they don't totally love all the time. Sometimes with people they don't really like who happen to be physically appealing or talented. Or even anyone who will do it with them. Hell, in the days of Old Earth and the early colonies a lot of people did it because someone would pay them to!”
“So what about this Craig Haraska?”
“Craig is one of my Academy senpais. You didn't go to the Academy, so you wouldn't know about the culture there. There are a lot of young men and women who go there, and they tend to get really, how shall we put it, hormonal. Craig and I did it a few times at the Academy, and although he wasn't my first guy he did teach me a lot of what I know. When he graduated, we agreed to keep in touch and, if none of us had found a permanent partner yet, to remain available to each other when we were in the same port. I actually have similar agreements with a couple of other guys in the Navy.”
“And he doesn't mind that you have other guys?”
“No. Besides, Navy ships are co-ed. Craig tells me there are a couple of girls on the ship that he has some fun with every so often, again non-exclusively.”
“Fun? Sex is fun?”
“You bet it is! I bet you think it's just something you do to cement a relationship, or to bring children into the Universe or something like that. And poor Vanilla has been talking about taking a vow of celibacy on her sixteenth birthday to devote her soul exclusively to her God. But in my opinion, sex is fun. The act of giving and receiving physical pleasure is its own reward. Not to mention it's relaxing.”
“Yeah, it really soothes my nerves. When I'm with a guy and we're doing it, the outside world takes back seat. I can forget about all my cares and worries and just enjoy what I'm doing with that guy. Or guys, for that matter.”
“Once I did it with two guys, you know. For the really serious bits there was one guy at each end, and every so often I would switch. And you wouldn't believe what I did at the end!”
“The end?”
“Yeah, I actually had them shoot onto my face at about the same time, like they did in the old-style movies. I even have pictures as a souvenir from a remote autocam. I never show them to anybody, but I have them all the same.”
“And that's fun?”
“You should try it, you know! Come to mention it, it might do Ranpha a world of good to come down from her ivory tower and actually experience a real-world guy.” Forte smiled, and Milfeulle wasn't sure she liked that smile. “You know, I think I know what we can do for your birthday!”
“Does it involve a cake?”
“Yeah, I wouldn't want to miss one of your cakes. But I think I can get you another really interesting treat....”
Two days later Commander Volcott called the Angel Brigade to the briefing room. “First of all,” he said after clearing his throat, “Happy Birthday, Milfeulle. Many happy returns on the day.”
“Since there is no real emergency on the horizon and no new Lost Technology sightings, we can afford to go short-staffed for the day. Vanilla and Mint, you will stay aboard the station on monitor. The rest of you are free to do as you wish, and it is my understanding that Forte has made plans.”
“That's right. Ranpha, you and I are taking Milfeulle to the Restoration Center for her birthday!”
Ranpha stood aghast. “What? Restoration Center? Are you nuts?”
“What's the Restoration Center?” Milfeulle asked.
Forte smiled. “It's a sort of resort, owned by the military for use by its members and their families. It has a four-star restaurant, a casino and a luxury hotel, and all personnel of Officer rank and above - which includes all of us - are allowed to use its facilities free of charge. They have one at every major naval port and forward planet. The one on this planet happens to be exceptionally good.”
Ranpha screamed “I know what a Restoration Center is - I've stayed at them before. What I want to know is why you want us to go to one now in particular? Something tells me you're up to something, Forte!”
“You're right, but I think it'd better if I explained on the way. Sensitive young ears and all....”
“The Invincible?” Ranpha asked as they sat on the shuttle to the planet. “What does that have to do with going to the Restoration Center or Milfeulle's birthday?”
Forte answered by showing a couple of pictures. “Lt. Edgar Boronis and Lt. Steve Langtry, that's what. A pair of junior officers about the Invincible who my good friend Craig tells me are more than willing to do a little recreational instruction, not to mention give both you starry-eyes maidens a much-needed reality check.”
Milfeulle giggled. “Steve looks cute. The glasses are a nice touch, makes him look really smart.”
“He's very smart,” Forte responds, “and also very considerate. He doesn't brag or even talk about it, but I have it on good authority that one of the junior female officers of the Invincible has called him one of the best guys on the ship to have one's first time with. Yes, first time. I was thinking that you could meet these guys and, if you get along OK you could each have your first times with them, while I renew my acquaintance with Craig Haraska.”
Ranpha was genuinely torn. Forte suggesting something like this seemed outrageous, then again the picture of Edgar was very cute. “But I'm a delicate untouched flower....”
“Who like most other Imperial citizens of our gender had her hymen micro-surgically removed before turning twelve as per the Decree on Social Conveniences of 2788. You really have nothing to fear - everyone involved is up to date on their panimmunity vaccines and all three of our male friends receive male contraceptive treatments from the Navy.”
Milfeulle shook her head. “There's a lot I have never been told about the way our system works...”
“It's really quite simple. Navy ships have co-ed crews but are not equipped to handle pregnancies. So anyone serving aboard one of those ships is given a chemical contraception shot every month, different drugs for each gender. Which enables both people in stable relationships and people who just want to let off steam to couple without causing problems down the road. I take those treatments myself, but they're voluntary for people like us who have free movement - I could have a baby if I wanted to without causing undue logistical problems, I just don't want to right now. Ah, we're about to arrive. Please make nice, and remember the final decision is between you and your partners. You don't have to do anything you don't want to.”
Forte and the group were met at the door of the Restoration Center complex by three handsome young men in Navy uniforms. Milfeulle immediately recognized the the studious-looking man with spectacles and short hair as Steve. She knew the man with longer hair and and a more powerful-looking build was Edgar. That left the third man, the one with a nearly-trimmed mustache and a shaved head, as Craig.
It was Craig who spoke first. “Thanks for meeting us here, Forte. And for bringing along your friends.”
“And you for bringing along yours.”, Forte replied. “I hope everyone realizes that there are no obligations or givens tonight.”
Steve nodded his head. “Of course. Not only does the Code of Military Justice require unforced consent for all participants in an act of intimacy, and prohibit all forms of coercion, but personally I would rather swallow hot lead from a spoon than harm a lady.”
Milfeulle blushed slightly, but smiled. “Steve, I'm Milfeulle. I'm very pleased to meet you. I hope we can talk tonight; I'm not so sure yet about what Forte had in mind, but you seem like a nice guy. I think I'd like to get to know you a bit better.”
“My pleasure. You are indeed a lovely young flower.”
Edgar took Ranpha's hand and lightly kissed it. “You must be Ranpha. I hear you are a formidable fighter indeed, and that you don't take abuse from anybody. Those are two qualities I really appreciate.”
“Thank you. Forte tells me you're a good fighter yourself.”
“Not nearly on your level. I'm second-in-command of one of the Space Marine battalions aboard the Invincible. We train a lot, but spend most of our work time maintaining our weapons and breaking up brawls in the crew mess. Our lives consist of two-month stretches of boredom interspersed with thirty-minute bursts of sheer terror. I don't think I would have nearly your confidence in a fight.”
“A realist, I see.” Ranpha said. “A good quality. You don't sound like the sort of man who would make a foolish mistake in the heat of battle.”
“If my battalion gets back to the ship with everybody alive, that's a good outcome for the mission. I have 300 marines who count on me not to make mistakes that will get them killed. Keeping a cool head is something you learn in a hurry.”
“What do you do on the ship, Steve?” Milfeulle asked.
“I'm essentially a technician. The computer systems are my specialty, particularly the medical and scientific databases. I think a few of the tips that led the Angel Brigade to Lost Technology artifacts were my doing - and I hope they weren't too much trouble.”
Craig took Forte's arm. “Shall we go to the restaurant? I hear the chef is having an especially good day today, and that's bound to reflect itself in the food.”
Forte smiled. “Yes, let's. And after dinner there's a delicacy I want to sample.”
“It won't nearly be as tasty as what you're offering, Forte.”
“Flattery will get you all sorts of places tonight.”
Milfeulle patted her stomach happily after the meal. “Dinner was exquisite! Thank you very much!”
“You're welcome,” Steve replied. The group of six had been at a table together with the men on one side and the girls on the other. Forte was facing Craig, Milfeulle was facing Steve, and Ranpha was facing Edgar. “You were good dinner company. Which brings me to the question. I know it may not be....”
“I've been thinking about that,” Milfeulle said. “I admit when Forte decided to take us here I wasn't too keen on the idea of being intimate with a guy I'd just met. But you're really sweet, Steve, and handsome. You aren't the One Man In My Life, but I can't think of a good reason not to give you what you want. So sure, you can have sex with me tonight. But I've never done it before, so....”
“I get the picture. Don't worry, I'll make it as good an experience for you as I possibly can, and teach you as much as you are ready to learn.”
“No regrets then.”
Edgar placed his hand gently over Ranpha's. “From what you told me, it sounds like you want to hold out for your Right Man. If that's the case, I'll be very disappointed because you are very attractive and I think we could really enjoy having sex together. But I'll accept any decision you make.”
“You're sure it won't ruin me for him?”
“If it would, he's not the right one, is he? Love to be real must be unconditional.”
“But we're not talking about love tonight, are we.”
“No, we're talking about two people sharing an evening together.”
Ranpha smiled. “That's fine, then. Forte doesn't usually steer me extremely wrong, so it should be OK.”
Forte finished her drink. “Shall we retire to your suite, Craig, and take some of that stress of your shoulders?”
“The three of us got a large suite with adjoining sleeping quarters all connected to a central living room. Will that be OK?”
“Fine. What say we spice things up a bit, everybody? I have an idea. If we're all agreed we're going to do this, then we should start in the living room.”
Milfeulle's jaw dropped. “You mean in the same room? All six of us?”
“Yes, but there are rules. Rule 1: Nobody can touch anyone but their selected partner. Rule 2: No mockery of anyone's physical attributes, like breast or penis size. And Rule 3: No couple can leave the room and go to the private quarter unless both partners have had at least one orgasm each. Agreed?”
All five of the others thought for a moment, then nodded.
Forte raised her hand in triumph.“Right! Let's go screw!”
Everyone cheered.
When they got to the room, Forte looked around and saw all kinds of possibilities. There was a large sofa, a love seat, two reclining chairs, and a table set. All the furniture looked like it would be comfortable for their purposes. “They really do get a lot of Navy people here,” she said.
“What do you mean?” Milfeulle asked.
“Forte's rules are a common Navy custom.”, Craig answered her. “Particularly when there are new partners involved or people with limited experience. The idea is that people can learn by watching each other, or so they say. Personally I think it's just a turn-on.”
“We should take the love seat, Craig,” Forte said.
“How about I sit with you in one of the reclining chairs?” Milfeulle asked Steve, who nodded his assent.
“That leaves the sofa for us, Ranpha.” Edgar said. Ranpha nodded, and each couple headed to their respective seat.
Steve sat down in the recliner and guided Milfeulle onto his lap. As soon as she was comfortably situated, he kissed her on the lips. Milfeulle wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss without quite knowing, and soon they started kissing more deeply.
“I guess that's the starting gun,” Forte said, and kissed Craig. He returned her kiss and pulled her close to him.
Ranpha stretched herself on the sofa. “Here I am, Edgar.” she said. “You can take me now....”
“It's not that simple. I have to get you ready, warm you up, and you have to be a full participant. It looks like I'll have to teach you what to do, just like Steve there is teaching Milfeulle. Ready for the lesson?”
“Yes, teacher.”
“Right. First lesson is to be comfortable. So have a seat.” Ranpha sat up, and Edgar sat beside her. He leaned in and gave her a kiss, and then began stroking her arms and shoulders through her dress. “Relaxed?”
“Yes,” Ranpha said, a little nervousness in her voice.
“Where are your fastenings? On the dress, that is. If you can point them --”
“It's all right, I can do it.” Ranpha reached for her collar and loosened it. “How far should I....”
“Just to the waist for now.” At that he started unbuttoning his own shirt. Ranpha matched him snap for snap, until he motioned for her to stop. Then he reached for the dress and pulled the two asides apart. He saw that Ranpha was wearing a nice, lacy bra without a front fastener. “Nice.” he said.
“Their shape. They're nicely shaped.” Edgar placed his hand on her right breast and began to gently caress and squeeze it. “Soft, too. Do you like this?”
Ranpha nodded. Her eyes fell to the love seat. “What is Forte up to?”, she asked, as she wasn't quite believing what she was seeing there.
Forte had only the strap of her gown down, revealing a tiny bit of breast. She had already fallen too her knees in front of Craig, who had opened her legs to let her fit between them, and she was pulling down the zipper on his trousers. “Have you gotten bigger since last time?” she asked playfully, placing her hand on the bulge in his briefs and stroking it up and down. “Oh, yes you have! I can tell you have! You've been a busy man, haven't you? Let me take a look!” With that she hooked her finger on the front of his briefs and pulled them down just enough to expose his penis. “Now, what should I do with this bad boy?”
“Anything you want, Forte. You know what to do.”
“You bet I do!” Forte took the cock in her hand and began to stroke it, noticing and enjoying the moans this produced. “You like that, don't you?” She then leaned down and lightly touched the very tip with her tongue, producing a sharper moan. “All right, no more teasing. Time for me to suck your cock, Craig.” And with that Forte took the cock in her mouth and began to work her way down the shaft and up again.
Milfeulle noticed it too as Craig's moans had distracted her from the petting she and Steve were sharing. “What is she doing?” she asked. “Putting it in her mouth like that?”
Steve, whose hand was inside Milfeulle's blouse caressing her small but firm and soft breast while hers was massaging his chest smiled. “Exactly what it looks like. It's something men really enjoy. Just like women really enjoy having their pussies eaten out.”
“What does that mean?”
“Let me demonstrate.” Steve pulled her up, got up himself, and them motioned for her to sit down again. He then unfastened her skirt and pulled it down. “After I take off your panties,” he said, “I want you to spread your legs for me so I can get in between them with my head.”
“Your head? All right, but I'm not sure what you're up to.” Steve pulled her panties down, and Milfeulle straightened her legs so he could remove them completely, spreading them as he asked after he finally set them aside. Steve put his hands on her thighs and knelt to look more closely between her legs.
“Do I look all right?” she asked.
“You look lovely, Milfeulle. The hair neatly trimmed too, and a sweet-looking little pussy. Just like a flower. It smells good too.”
“It does?”
“Yes. And it's wet.” Steven then put his tongue on the lips and began to lick up and down. “Wet with tasty juices.”
Milfeulle was surprised, but the sensation was good. “Whoa, men can do that?”
“That and more. Ah, here it is.” A sharp pleasurable sensation coursed up Milfeulle's spine.
“What was that?” she said through the gasp.
“Your clit. Was that good?”
“Yes. Oh, yes.” Milfeulle found herself saying “yes” over and over again, and Steve seriously went to work. “yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That feels so good. So good.”
Meanwhile, Edgar had managed to pull down the cups of Ranpha's bra, aided by her dress coming off her shoulders. With one hand and his mouth he was working on her breasts, first one then the other, and with his other hand he had sneaked under her skirt and was caressing her pussy through her panties. Ranpha was moaning happily. “I'm ready now,” she finally said.
“I want to know what it's really like. I want you to take me now.”
“All right, if that's what you want.” Edgar said. “Get up onto your hand and knees for me, please.” Ranpha did as she was asked, and Edgar in very short order got up behind her, opened and pulled down his trousers, and dropped his boxers. He thanks his good fortune that he was already hard, and got into what he thought would be a good position. “Ready?”
With that, Edgar placed his cock into position and slid the head in. They both moaned, Ranpha with the new sensation of being penetrated and Edgar with the familiar but very good feeling of penetrating. “What a tight pussy you have, Ranpha!”
“Is that good?”
“It's great!” Edgar began to thrust, and Ranpha almost involuntarily began bucking to meet him. “Yeah, that's good.” he said. “Oh, yeah. Keep doing that. Does that feel good, Ranpha? You like the way I fuck you?”
“Yes!” Ranpha said, although he was starting to use words she had only heard in videos. Ranpha was now acting on instinct, reaching her hand back to touch her clit even though she wasn't sure why or even how she was doing it. “Faster!” she was saying, and he was complying. This, she decided, was much better than touching herself.
Milfeulle, meanwhile, was in utter bliss. “I wish I could feel like this forever!” she said as Steve continued to lick, nibble and touch her clit and pussy. A new sensation was building up in her, something new and delicious, then suddenly it exploded and she screamed in astonished bliss.
Steve pulled up his head and looked up at her face. “That was good, Milfeulle. You come really sweetly, if a bit loud.”
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you.”
“How do I make you feel this good?” she asked. In answer, Steve pulled himself up so they were face to face. Almost on impulse, Milfeulle kissed him and was startled by the odd taste on his lips.
“That's your taste,” Steve said. “Now, if you want, you can reciprocate.”
“First, let's get the rest of the way undressed. Naked is the uniform for lovers, and for people just screwing around.” It didn't take long for them to strip off the rest of their clothing. Milfeulle's eyes immediately focused on Steve's cock (by now she had a good idea what the words were), which was a good size - not freakishly huge but not small either. She realized that eventually she would have to take it into her body, and she wondered if she could. “You can touch it.” Steve said.
Milfeulle reached out her hand and began stroking it up and down, trying to fathom its dimensions. “What do I do with your cock,” she asked, “to make you feel good?”
“Can you kiss it?” Milfeulle did kiss it on the tip. “Now lick it, around the head and up and down the shaft.” Again, she complied, and it felt really good, especially when her tongue lingered on the head. “All right, now this is how you such a cock -- take the head in your mouth, making sure not to bite it. Then push your head down to take in more, as far as your comfortable, and then when you're as deep as you want come back up until just the head is inside. Do you want to do that?” Milfeulle nodded and began, not going very deep at first. “Yes.” he said. “Very good.” She began to go up and down more quickly, taking more and more in as she got more comfortable. “Oh, yes, Milfeulle, that's good. What a sweet little mouth you have. Oh, yes thats good. You're in control, Milfeulle. Play with my cock any way you want, baby.”
Forte, who was now on top of Craig on the floor where she was engaged in a rousing bout of sixty-nine, looked up and noticed the progress her friends were making. “Damn, they're good. I'm getting so turned on by this!”
“Ready for a good screwing?” Craig asked.
“You bet I am! Let's show these newbies how an experience couple does it!” She got up off Craig and directed him back to the love seat, motioning for him to sit down. She squatted over his lap, took his cock in her hand, and sat down on it taking it into her pussy. “OH!” she said, and they began to fuck with her controlling the rhythm to her needs. Craig's hands were seemingly everywhere, moving from her thighs to her waist to her breasts to her clit as the mood struck him, and her hands were wandering the same way.
Ranpha now couldn't see anything, she was so wrapped up in the feeling of being screwed. Suddenly Edgar pulled his cock out, and she felt his tongue on her pussy and then his fingers inside it. “What are you - ah, ah!” And then Ranpha found herself feeling the intensity of an orgasm unlike anything she had experienced alone. After a moment, when she had come down, she asked “Why?”
“I was afraid I'd come before you did. Do you want more?”
“Oh yes, fuck me some more please.”
“All right, face to face this time. Can you spread yourself on the couch for me?”
“Like this?” Ranpha lay down on the couch and spread her legs. Edgar gave her breasts another short massage while she stroked his cock, and then he got into position. “Let me put it in.”
“Go ahead.” Edgar said and allowed her to guide him inside. He pushed in as far as he could and then began thrusting again.
“Oh yeah,” Ranpha said, “Fuck me, Edgar!” She pulled herself up to kiss him, and then they pressed against each other, her breasts brushed against his chest, kissing and embracing as he pushed himself into her faster and faster.
“The brakes are gone!” Edgar cried. “I'm gonna come soon!”
“Do it!” Ranpha said. “Come!”
“Yes, yes - Augh, yes!” Edgar's back arched up as he shot into her with what felt like a quart of semen. He didn't pull himself out until it was all gone. When he did, he leaned into Ranpha and kissed her gently.
“Was it good?” Ranpha asked.
“Yes, thank you. You are a glorious piece of ass. You are going to make your Right Man very happy. Not to mention any fuck-buddies you pick up along the way.”
“Is it over, then? Are we done?”
“Only if you want to be.”
Ranpha thought for a moment, then shook her head. “No, I'm not done. What Milfeulle's been doing looks like fun. Care to teach me how?”
“My pleasure.”
“You bet it'll be!”
Meanwhile, Milfeulle had been so single-minded in her work on Steve's cock that he was beside himself “Millie, I'm almost there. If you don't want me to shoot in your mouth, you'll have to stop sucking now.”
Part of her wanted him to come in her mouth, but Milfeulle took the cue and pulled him out of her mouth. Instantly, his hand was on his cock pumping it while Milfeulle satisfied herself with stroking his balls. Steve cried out and shot his load, which landed on her cheeks, her chin and the tip of her nose. When it had finished, Milfeulle kissed the tip and sucked on it, causing him to cry out again.
“Wow.” Steve said. “Look at you, the sweet, innocent little master cocksucker. Complete with badge of honor right on the tip of your nose.” He wiped off some of the semen on her cheek with his fingers, which Milfeulle grabbed and licked clean.
“Not bad,” she said with a smile, “though I wouldn't use it for icing.”
“You'd get really odd looks from everybody if you did. Now, if you'll give me a moment to recover, I can teach you how to screw “
“Sure, I'd like that.” Steve handed her a tissue and she wiped her face clean. “Looks like Ranpha and her friend are enjoying themselves too. And Forte - look at her go!”
Forte and Craig had changed positions again, with Craig on the floor and Forte riding him like a bucking bronco. Her breasts were bouncing in time with their rhythm with Craig holding, squeezing and sucking on them. “Ready, Craig? Ready to come?”
“Oh yeah, anytime baby.”
“Me too. Let's come together!” And, after a few more minutes of accelerated bouncing, they did. Forte lay down beside him and they kissed again, gently but firmly. “You were the favorite of my studs in the Academy,” Forte said. “It's too bad we only have tonight.”
“The night is young, so are we, and especially so are your friends.”
“Everybody! Have you all come yet?”
“Yes!” all four said.
“All right, then under Naval rules it is now free-for-all. From here on in, anything and anyone goes. Got it?”
“I'm OK,” Steve said. “Making love with Millie for the rest of the evening suits me just fine.”
“That's fine with me,” Milfeulle added. “Steve has a lot more to teach me, and I have a lot more to learn. I'm not so sure about this chair, though.”
“Why don't I take you to bed? I'll even carry you if you like.”
“That'd be sweet. Bye, guys! This has been a great birthday, Forte! Thank you!”
“Anytime!” Forte said, smiling as she watched Steve pick her friend up and carry her into one of the bedrooms.
“Let's go to a bedroom too,” Edgar asked Ranpha. “Those tits of yours look like they could use some lotion, so not only can I teach you how to such a cock but I can teach you how to tit-fuck too.”
“What's that?”
“It's when you use your cleavage on a man's cock. It's very simple, really.”
“When we get into bed, we'll see how simple it is.” Ranpha and Edgar walked into the second bedroom.
“Nobody's sharing.” Forte said.
“I'm glad, Forte. Because you're the one I came all this way to see.”
“And to screw?”
“Of course, baby. Even more than Lucy and Uhata.”
“Those are your girlfriends aboard the Invincible?”
:”Yes, but both of them have more serious partners planetside. Lucy is even going to get married once she leaves the service. You're really special to me, Forte Stollen, and not just because you're the best lay in the Galaxy.”
Forte pushed him away, laughing. “I am not!”
“You are to me. I always want to be able to come home to you.”
Forte blushed, even after all they had done. “I want that too. If I weren't so tied to the Angel Brigade, I'd put in for naval duty and transfer to the Invincible just to be with you. And if something were to happen to the Invincible, and you went down with the ship, I'd be heartbroken.”
“Nothing's going to happen like that, Forte. I'll make damn bloody sure the Invincible and I come home safe and sound. Just so you'll smile, and kiss me, and we can fuck each other's brains out like lust-crazed gerbils.”
“Then let's go to bed,” Forte said, “and really make love like lovers.”
“Anything you say,” Craig responded, kissing Forte sweetly and gently and leading her into the third bedroom.
At six-thirty in the morning, everyone was awake, showered, and dressed.
“I didn't go to sleep until one-thirty.” Ranpha said. “I'm almost disappointed that I needed to sleep at all. Imagine what I might have done!”
Steve nodded reassuringly. “Millie fell asleep at one-fifteen and I dozed off a little bit later. Pop songs aside, human beings don't have the energy to make love for eight or nine hours straight most of the time. Bodies need sleep, and so do minds and hearts. So it's nothing to be concerned about.”
“You mean I did good?” Milfeulle asked.
“Millie, dear, you are fantastic. The man you love is going to be a very fortunate man.”
“Well, shall we go down and have breakfast?”
The three girls looked at each other, and then at the men to whose arms they were instinctively clinging, and said, seemingly in one voice, “GET ROOM SERVICE!”
“And have them leave it outside for us.”, Forte added. “There may be more to life than sexual combustibility, but for today it'll do.”