Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Mix7. ❯ Bad Dream? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Document Opened: 04/06/2007, 09:17pm.
Authors Note:
This one is for the Mix7Fics at LiveJournal.
My claim: Saiyuki.
Theme: Hurt/Comfort: Nightmares.

Set a day or so after episode 21. So there will be some spoilers for that. Normally I would use Sanzo for this but this may pretty much feature Gojyo and Goku.

That and in the dubbed and original version of what Gojyo told Goku, That was in some way sweet. Unsure how to describe it.;P.

Warnings: very mild graphic violence, What happens in the dream is an exaggeration of a what if. That's Goku's nightmare.
Possible out of character-ness. No pairings.

Oh well onto it.:).

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The group was still in the same inn they had to stay at for a couple of days or at least until they were healed enough to keep going on the journey.

This time around Sanzo and Hakkai were sharing a room and Gojyo and Goku were sharing another.
Gojyo looked up at the ceiling currently unable to sleep, Due to a certain monkey making noises in his sleep and he almost wished he could swap with Sanzo.

It was a clear starry night tonight, He considered stepping outside for smoke and maybe by then the kid would be quiet or have moved onto another dream or something.

Then the monkey started making noises and how he started moving around got his attention. Unfortunately he had had a feeling that the kid wasn't dreaming about meatbuns.

Seitan Taisei had smirked and licked a little blood off his claw.
He looked around the desert fighting ground and saw his prey, almost all of them dead or soon to be killed.
It didn't take him long to begin the process of finishing them by one.

"Wake up you stupid monkey!"

He stopped and blinked thinking he had heard something but dismissed it and raised his hand and sliced at the one in green. He had been knocked out during their fight earlier and so that one would get something of a painless death.

"Goku! Goku! Will you wake up already!"

He felt some of the ground shaking but when it stopped he decided to finish off the last one and move on.
He went over the blond one who was working on getting on his feet.
"Tch, Stupid monkey."

Seitan was just about to strike when it felt like someone punched him in the face and then the world started turning black.

Goku jumped awake with a start and was sweating and had brief difficulty breathing before he acknowledged a little bit of pain on his face.

He looked over to his left and Gojyo was leaning against the wall.
He wasn't sure to tell him or not so for one of the few and far between times he didn't say anything and looked back down.

"You know your noisy when you dream."

"You don't have to worry about me making any more noise tonight."
He proceeded to hang his head down.

"Don't be so full of yourself and think I'd lose to you. Like I said, When I die it will be in the arms of some beautiful woman. Not by your longer haired hippie demon self. Same thing probably goes for Hakkai and Sanzo,well except for their version of dying. Understood?"
Gojyo headed back for his own bed.

He felt a little bit better, Even if it was a slightly different version of the same thing he told him yesterday.
Still he wondered if he could sleep again tonight.

Authors Note:
The original dream was a little more mildly graphic in violence but I decided against it. I'll probably end up editing this one day. is holding there second annual maximum fanfiction contest. I recommend checking it out.

04/06/2007, 11:15pm.