Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ To see you smile. ❯ So Positively Uncertain. ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Document Opened: 07/23/2007, 11:53pm.
Authors Note:
For the 30_Smiles community over at LiveJournal.

Theme/Prompt: No.33. Isn't it Ironic.
Warning: Aside from possible out of character-ness, minor spoilers for episode 21/22. This takes place in episode 22.

I'm taking these off of complete until it really is.
I think I would like to officially list these as complete when they really are.:).
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He was almost certain that they would be at him. He had taken off his limiter on purpose, but for a good reason. He hadn't wanted Sanzo to die. Not to mention he also in one way or another injured the people that he had come to know and care for as his family, friends.

He was sitting in a chair near the bed where Sanzo was sitting and reading his paper. The monk had done less than he had expected, it had still hurt though. He was still looking at the floor. Thinking about it he couldn't help but laugh, he had been almost so sure that they were going to be mad at him.

"What's so funny?" Sanzo glanced over to the boy who was still looking at the floor, smiling like he had figured out some great secret or something.

"Nothing at all."

Authors Note:
Not to sure about Sanzo's end line but, all in all I kind of like how this came out.:).

Later!==^-^==. 07/24/2007, 01:41am.