Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Fan Fiction / Saiyuki Reload Gunlock Fan Fiction ❯ Detours ❯ Words on a Page ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Deep in his office, behind his desk and a small wall of texts and scrolls, Field Marshall Tenpou dimly registered the sound of the door opening and closing. It was not that he was hiding there per se, but such material required an extraordinary amount of focus, focus he could not achieve with the pointless interruptions he usually endured. So the floor it was, and it had gained him several quiet hours spent analyzing a rare first hand account of a classic battle.
After a few moments, when he didn't hear his name called quietly, respectfully or in anger, he relaxed slightly. He even ventured a glance over the pile next to his desk to see if something had been left for him and doing so, came face to face with a pair of wide golden eyes.
"Ten-chan, I found you!"
Startled both by the proximity and the sudden exclamation Tenpou fell backwards, knocking one of the piles over. Goku seemed to hardly notice as he clambered over the sudden mess grinning and chattering excitedly.
"I finished the book you gave me Ten-chan. Konzen said I could come back and get another one but I can't bother you. I was just going to leave it here, but I found you! Am I bothering you Ten-chan?"
He looked from the pure happiness Goku radiated down to the text in his hand and suddenly what had so absorbed him just moments before became no more than words on a page, holding neither meaning nor significance. With a smile of his own, he replied, "No Goku, let's find you another book."