Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ A Little Drop of Blood ❯ Chapter 2
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Gojyo slipped into the room quietly. Hakkai was propped up on pillows, his arm connected to a morphine drip, his steady heartbeat monitored by a small beeping noise and his verdant eyes starring past the door and into nothingness. The Kappa was struck to the heart at how pale the former teacher was, his skin made the white sheets, the pillowcases and the dressing on his cheek, look almost dirty in comparison. His eyes didn't move, even as Gojyo moved around and sat at a chair by his bedside. Hakkai didn't even blink, so he just sat and studied the other's perfect profile.
It might have been hours they sat like that, but finally Gojyo began to get restless.
“Hakkai,” he whispered gently.
He reached out and brushed some hair back from Hakkai's face, “Come on dude.”
Blink, the green eyes turned toward him, then his head.
“Gojyo, how long have you…,” he paused to draw air slowly into his lungs, “been sitting there?” he began to cough and blood ran out of him mouth and down his chin. He reached up a half hearted hand to wipe it away, but Gojyo batted it down and used a handkerchief from his pocket to gently clean the blood from the pale face.
“A…arigatou Gojyo,” his eyebrows drew up in pain, “I'm sorry I'm such a burden.”
“No, you're not a burden, you're hurt,” Gojyo shrugged, “It happens to all of us. Oh, yeah, I was sitting here long enough to be creeped out by you not blinking, what's up with that anyway?”
“I was sleeping.”
“With your eyes open? That's creepy,” Gojyo said, trying to keep up the friendly banter, which Hakkai saw through at once, of course.
The green eyes graced him with a smile, “Gojyo, Ken-sama told me I was going to die.”
Gojyo's smile fell at once, “Oh.”
Hakkai's smile only grew, lighting up his sickly face, “We knew it was going to happen,” he looked down at his own open palm, with the IV sticking out of the wrist.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“My lifeline.”
“That thing?” understanding suddenly registered on his face, “It's fucking stupid Hakkai, and you know that too.”
The soft-spoken youkai coughed up blood again, and again Gojyo wiped off the blood with a handkerchief.
“Arigatou…but you said so yourself. My life line is short.”
“It was an observation, not a condemnation, what the fuck do you think some lines on your hand actually have to do with real life? I'm not losing you to a shadow of fear dude, it's not that easy.”
“I'm afraid it is that easy.”
“No, but Hakkai…”
“HAKKAI ARE YOU OKAY?” a loud and familiar ape voice interrupted Gojyo's thought.
“I'm fine Goku, thank you.”
“Kyuuuuuu!” Hakkaryu intoned, flying about his owner's head and landing in the crook of his arm, he rested his white head on Hakkai's chest, just under his chin.
“Yes Hakkaryu, I'm fine, I'm sure.”
Sanzo came in after them, “You don't look so hot to me.”
“I'm well, I assure you, thank you for the concern.”
Gojyo felt his heart twist painfully in its place; he knew it wasn't true, why even lie? Hakkai wasn't getting better, even Gojyo could see that, the odd shade to his skin made him certain of it. And the lethargy in his voice and every painful motion made it seem like he was loosing a little bit of his life every time he exhausted himself to speak or move.
The tiny doctor came in just behind Sanzo, “The hospital is closing for the night, one of you may stay with him if you wish,” he spotted Hakkaryu, “And the Dragon may stay of course, as long as he's quiet.”
“Kyu,” the small one offered in a hushed tone.
Dr. Ken smiled, “Very well. Who's going to stay?”
“Me, I will,” Gojyo immediately volunteered, he glanced over at the monk, knowing the reaction his next words would provoke, “Sanzo and Goku need their beauty sleep.”
“Shut up, bastard!” Sanzo hit him with the paper fan.
“You know it's true, droopy eyes.”
thwack! Sanzo landed another blow, “Fine, stay here. Goku, let's go.”
“Right Sanzo! Get better Hakkai!”
“I'll try Goku, thank you. Sleep well, both of you.”
Goku waved enthusiastically, “We'll come see you in the morning.”
“I look forward to it my friend,” Hakkai replied, his gentle smile he reserved for children and animals firmly in place.
Sanzo didn't even turn back to look at the dying young man.
Gojyo shook his head slightly as the others left; when they were gone he turned to Hakkai.
“Why'd you say that to them if you know…” he couldn't bring himself to finish the sentence.
Hakkai smiled serenely, “Better to give them false hope, than no hope at all, for now I think,” the smile widened, “Besides I might get better, we don't know.”
“Hakkai, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I don't think you're getting better dude. Doctor Ken says…” he stopped before he finished the sentence.
“I don't mind it really Gojyo, you can say it…I'm dying…I know. I've lived a long time, and you and Sanzo and Goku have treated me like family, you've loved me. It was more than I deserved, I suppose I have to pay for that love now.” He coughed into his hand so suddenly it scared Hakkaryu into the air. Only this time it didn't stop, he ended up bent over at his stomach, spilling blood from his parted lips andonto to the white sheets.
Gojyo stood up and knocked the chair down in the process, “Hakkai!”
The gentle man's body began to go into spasms. Soon Hakkai was screaming in pain, “Go get help Gojyo!”
“Right! Hold on dude,” Gojyo almost tripped over his own feet in the rush to get out of the room.
“Krrrriiiiyu!” Hakuryu circled around Hakkai's bed worriedly. The gentle man screamed in pain and terror as his control of his body left him and the spasms became worse, while the heart monitor beeped wildly.