Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Goku and the Rubber Ball ❯ Goku and the Rubber Ball Extended Version ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]
Title: Goku and the Rubber Ball Extended (but still short) Version
Complete with Author/Characters Commentations
Author: Empress Sarah
Helper: Katie
Rating: G
disclaimer: if your name is kazuya minekura then you own saiyuki! yay for you. koumagorou is from gravitation - me no own.
Please be aware that this fic is humor and non-plausible. And some characters may be OOC. This fic is for FUN. So please enjoy the extended version you all so asked for! Also, this is NOT shounen ai or yaoi. I've always thought of Saiyuki characters having brotherly/fatherly love for each other.

Goku and the Rubber Ball

Konzen rued the day he had bought Goku a large, bouncy rubber ball. [Konzen: Why did I buy him a rubber ball again?] Goku loved his rubber ball. More than anything, in fact. [a/n: Actually, I had typed it "Goku loved his large, bouncy rubber ball more than anything."] So much that rather than sit on it, he would kiss it and stroke it lovingly while whispering things like "my precious". He would spend so much time with it (baths were especially a fun part of the daily ritual/routine) that Konzen soon began to feel jealous. He would never admit it, especially while cleaning up after Goku and the rubber ball after bathtime, but he was. Goku used to devote his attention to the god, but it seemed as though there were no longer room for him in Goku's monkey heart. Goku couldn't understand why his Konzen-father didn't like his rubber ball as much as he did. [K: Me? Jealous of a rubber ball? Are you out of your mind?!]

Finally, Konzen had had enough. The stupid rubber ball kept stealing away his hero-worship! It had to go. In his defense, he was quite fed up and not thinking clearly at all. [K: I always think clearly! I'm a god for crying out loud!] Unfortunately for Goku... Tenpou, and Kenren and Nataku were all away the day Konzen decided the ball must die and Goku was with them. So no one noticed when a being with long golden hair that was the shade of the sun went into Goku's room in Konzen's apartment and POPPED! the rubber ball. When he saw what he had done, he fled the room and hid.

When Goku returned and found his ball POPPED! and lying there in a very flat state, he began crying. Tenpou immediately began mother henning, Kenren was promising pain of death to whomever the culprit was, Konzen was cursing from his hiding place, and Nataku was sad for his very best and only friend. [Goku: My…rubber…ball…] [Kenren: Um, Goku? You never had a rubber ball.] [Goku: Oh yeah…]
But who had popped the rubber ball? It must have been someone truly insidious and mean. So a search for the Meanie-Head began. They soon found the Meanie-Head in his usual spot.

"Hmmm... I truly wish it had been me. That was incredibly mean," said the (insert evil smile here) Meanie-Head. "However, seeing as I am a huge floating Meanie-Head, there was no way for me to have done it."

So they then interrogated EVERYONE. Which took a VERY long time. Luckily, Nataku, Kenren, and Tenpou all escaped accusations since they had been with Goku at the time of the crime.

"I didn't pop the stupid ball! I'm the goddess of mercy!" Konzeon Bosatsu argued in her defense. They soon found her to be telling the truth. [Konzen: Drat!] Next on the interrogation list was Homura. [Homura: Me? Pop Goku's ball? HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST SUCH A THING! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!] Needless to be said, Homura was innocent.

[a/n: And now… Thanks to the implausibility of this story….]

Next to be interrogated were Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai, and Goku (future). It was very awkward and strange for the Konzen-ikkou and Sanzo-ikkou. Fortunately, their future selves were discovered innocent, had their memories erased of the experience, and were transported back to their own time. Finally, after hours upon hours, they came to the last person.

"Alright, I admit it! I popped Goku's rubber ball! I was jealous because he paid more attention to it than to me!" the angry god confessed angrily. "Besides, if Goku had just paid more attention to me in the first place, it never would have been popped!" [Kenren: I knew it!] [Tenpou: Kenren! Really now!]Goku wasn't sure if he could forgive Konzen. Just look at what he had done to his precious rubber ball! His PINK rubber ball with a koumagorou face and ears! The one he'd named Koumagorou! [a/n: Or, if you like, Kumagoro, Kumagorou, etc.] And that was when Goku went crazy and started on a killing spree from which none was killed or injured since Goku only scratched a couple of trees. Don't ask. [Goku: I'll ask anyway. Why would I go ballistic over a rubber ball? That's not very plausible.] [a/n: I know. >D] And Konzen dedicated his life to the care and treatment of rubber balls everywhere. He even had signs and a foundation for the abused rubber balls. [Konzen: *twitch* No way I would do that! Especially not for some baka saru!]

If you know of a rubber ball that is being misused, abused, etc, please call this toll free number: 1-800-sav-aball.

The end/Owari
Thank you to everyone who reviewed! I am thinking about writing another chapter...Um, it would be of why and when Konzen bought his "son" (Goku) the rubber ball. So, if you ever see a third chapter connected to this, you'll know why.