Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ GSS (gensomaiden saiyuki school) ❯ GSS Xmas Special Part 1... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Here is a continuation... even though the holiday is a month over... but a lot of my friends wanted me to continue this... so yea... Oh and please... no one be offended... especially the gays out there, cause trust me... I love gay guys, they are the greatest to hang around with! Funny etc... I have many gay friends who think this is funny... so yea... they encouraged me... Please don't be mad for how my stories go... sort of the insanity kicking in...
GSS Christmas Special:
~ December 21... Seminar… YES! ~
*Silence as everyone is reading their books*
When the first 30 minutes were up, Botatsu-sensei stood up, "Class, before you do anything else, I'd like to remind you…" Suddenly someone barged in through the door getting everyone's attention…
"Like hey everyone! How are you all like doing!? Bot-chan! I was wondering if you like discussed the trip to the class already?" Shien came in with a bright smile across his face. Everyone sweat dropped as they saw their hyper counselor dance across the room.
"Well, I was about to… however 'someone' had to barge in…" Botatsu gave Shien an accusing glare.
"Oh really!? Well, let me! Pweeze!!! Anyways class… about the holiday plans. As you like know… we don't allow any breaks for there is nothing to celebrate, except for the American's holiday… However, by vote of last year we shall take a class trip for the week to the mountains! Permission slips due tomorrow when you get onto the bus… This is trip is going to be so like fabulous! So pack for a week in warm clothing darlings…"
"Yea…or else you'll be in a shitty mess… either you have friend that'll help or you get lucky with a stranger up there… those are your only hopes for help… more information will be stated during the trip… that is all… so anyone need to go to another class?" commented Botatsu as she pushed away the bouncy teacher out the door.
*Silence fills the air once again*
"Okay… resume to what you were doing…" Botatsu looks back into her 'godly' scriptures after closing the door. As every student you can see a small smile creep onto each and everyone of their faces.
'I can't believe I survived a almost four months of this hell hole… shit… I thank God…. Or the gods… whoever that I'm actually alive!! Finally! Some type break is coming up!' Our old friend Natsu still alive… that's nice… Wouldn't you say? Okay maybe not…
~After school~
"Yea!! Finally we go on a trip!" Saya screamed on the top of her lungs… After all the screaming had been taking place she started coughing for about 10 minutes as if she was choking… of which she was… You could see her breath contrast with the cold breeze. 'DAMN IT'S FUCKING FREEZING!'
"Sheesh… chill… You don't need to waste your breath, for we all know that dumb ass…" Sarah somehow always can ruin someone's day….
"Shit, now that I remember… you're going… shit… stuck with the smart ass…"
"Hey, at least I have some brain…"
"Shut up…"
"Both of you fucking shut up!!" After so much bickering, Natsu still doesn't know why she hangs around these freaks… nor why she's still at this school (M-Jae: because she is a loner… no where else to go… an idiot… Natsu: FUCK U!! M-Jae: Sorry, I'm not like that… I'm straight Natsu: SHUT UP!!!)
"Whatever freak… Just shut your crap… I'd be laughing like fuck if any of you forget your shit!" Sarah laughs menacingly…
"I ain't the one laughing like a hyena… she's calling me a freak…" Saya also laughs menacingly… exactly like Sarah… Okay… lets go to the next day shall we?
~ Hehe… Next day… The day of the trip…~
"Bye mom! See you next week!" Natsu waves as her mother drove away… tears came down her cheeks as she saw the car disappear into the horizon… For this is going to be the longest time away from her own mother…
"Wimp… What kind of shit is that? We'll only be gone for a fucking week… sheesh… Momma's girl aye?" Sarah commented with a smirk playing upon her face…
"Whatever…" Natsu lifts her bag and throws it over her shoulder, "Seems you didn't bring much…"
"Well I'm not the type to bring much, just what's needed… unlike you whom seems like she is moving out again… Sheesh… Sure you didn't forget anything? How can carry all that shit?" Sarah stares at the bags on the floor next to Natsu…
"Well it's called muscles dear… Of which you don't have…"
"I have way more than you and you know it so shut it…" Sarah picks up her two pieces of luggage and took a few of Natsu's as well… Wow… she's being generous…
"Wow… the Ice Queen can actually be nice for once…"
"Hey, didn't I tell you to shut it? Better be happy… I just feel so sorry for your pathetic life…" Sarah sees Saya coming over… with Erica not so far behind…
"Yo! How's it going!?" Saya yelled with a jolly attitude… which is rare for she usually is grumpy in the morning since as she likes to normally wake up and say 'Good Afternoon'… rather then wake up at a time that has less then two digits in the hour section.
"Everything was fine until you came… Man, can you make my morning even more tiring?" Sarah replied as the girls headed towards the group of students lining up for the buses.
"Children! Children! Please pay attention up here my darling students! Hello~" Shien shouted on top of the podium nearby, "Your Principle would like a few words with you all… So please lend him your ears like good little children…" Shien makes room for Homura in the podium.
"….." Homura just stared at the now silent audience… Everyone else stared back… The silence went on for about five minutes until Homura took away his from the kids and then lean towards Shien whispering something to the counselor.
"Well, Homura-kun like said that he wants yal…" Before the children's favorite GSS counselor could continue, the silent principle smacked the poor guy upside the head. Shien turns back to Homura, "Ouch, what was that for?" Homura whispers once again to Shien, whose eyes widen, "What!? But I always talk like this, is there something wrong sweetheart?" However, Shien received another smack on the head, "Fine, (he turns serious towards the group of students in a un-Shien like manner) Children of Gensomaden Saiyuki School, please settle down as I, well more like Principle Homura, have something to say to you all." All the children stared at their changed counselor, for the first time he spoke so… manly… Murmurs were being spread throughout the crowd.
"I can't believe it, is it really Shien-sensei?"
"He's hot when he talks all manly…"
"That's what you think about all guys with an anger management…"
"When are we leaving?'
"Shut up!" Shien yelled in anger, which indeed shut the whole school up. Homura was seen giving another little whisper, "The principle stats that you all have to group by seminars and be ready to hand in your permissions slips as you enter the buses…" Turns back to Homura whom gave another task through his quiet lips, "Also, we would like for you all to be good or else we would *indeed* kick you off the bus in the middle of no where on your own… You'll receive the rest of the information when we arrive at the hotel." Everyone silently nodded and stood there for awhile. "To the goddamn buses NOW you little freaks!" Everyone stared and was about to leave with their thoughts of the big 'change' until, "And have, like, the most fabulous trip ever! Be safe and take care! This trip is going to be so far out!" Everyone sweat dropped at the multiple personalities their special counselor had. As everyone lined up in the groups they were assigned…
"SHIT! I forgot my permission slip!" Natsu screamed in panic as she desperately digs through her huge luggage… But out of no where…
"HONEY!!! You forgot your permission slip!" Natsu's mother came running towards her with a man not so far behind.
"Thank you so much mom!" Natsu gave her mother a hug, then notices the man, "Mom, who is this?"
"Oh, this is just the man I'll be spending my week with while you are gone! So don't you dare come back…" Natsu's mom explained as she linked her arm with the tall and handsome man…
"But mom… what about dad?" Natsu was confused…
"Oh don't worry, he's not here, so I'll be fine!" Natsu's mom replied with much enthusiasm, Natsu fell anime style in her mother's response.
"All students hurry, for we will be leaving soon!" One of the teachers yelled.
"Ah… Alright… Have a nice week I guess… Bye!" Natsu caught up with her so-called 'friends'.
"Bye darling!" Natsu's mother yelled to her only daughter, then turns to the man, "Finally… now we can have our 'alone' time… OFF TO THE BAR!" Natsu's mom skipped away, dragging the man with her. All the kids were already in the busses, and the teachers each signaled each other with their cells that they were all ready to go, of which they did and took off.
~ In bus number 4 (did you know that 4 is the death number in Japan?), Botatsu's class seated ~