Gensomaden Saiyuki Fan Fiction ❯ Happy Birthday, Baby ❯ An Astounding First Recalled in Vivid Detail ( Chapter 2 )
Title: Happy Birthday, Baby [part 2/6]
Book 2 of the "Encounters Arc"
Author: Enigma
Series: Saiyuki
Written: September - October, 2002
Rating: NC-17
Main Pairing: (Gojyo x Hakkai)
Category: Yaoi, Romance, Angst, Lemons, Sap. AU-OOC.
Archive: [author: "E-sama the Llama"]
Warnings: yaoi, very sweet romance, midlevel angst, multiple graphic and highly detailed lemons as well as numerous mini-citrus explosions (including manual, oral, *and* anal sex scenes), a major role for a little white dragon, coarse language as per the anime, transient animal injuries, sap, and tiny hints of humor. AU-OOC.
Spoilers: This story is set between episodes 7 & 8 of the anime and contains minor spoilers for several incidents that occurred prior to the group's first encounter with Chin Iisou as well as the Gaiden era plus events I assume took place before the beginning of the journey west. There are also a few spoilers for "Fateful Encounters" after chapter 21, but they are negligible.
Disclaimer: "Saiyuki" is the property of Kazuya Minekura, et al. This unauthorized work of unpaid fanfiction is intended for entertainment only; please do not sue me.
Lemon Disclaimer: Kindly note that in the Real World, "safe" sex should be practiced at all times. However, this is an "Enigma Yaoi Romance Lemon" and all bishounen in question are hence magically protected against the dangers of sexually transmissible diseases, therefore they can skip the condoms -- and they know it!
Advisory: Whenever dialogue is written in all lowercase letters, it is to be read as if it is spoken very softly, possibly in a whisper, a gasp, or in a tone not meant to be heard by those nearby.
Notes: After living together for over three years, Gojyo wants to finally give Hakkai the ultimate pleasure on his birthday, but while searching for him to do so, he recalls vividly another tasty first from his own birthday that changed their lives forever.
{{flashback delineators}}
As midnight approached, Hakkai awoke to find a heartwarming lamp lit scene the likes of which he hadn't witnessed in over two years.
Having fallen fast asleep where he had been sitting on the floor next to his roommate's bed, Gojyo's handsome face rested pillowed on his arms atop the bedspread quite close to the brunette. Snuggled against his opposite side, Hakuryu slept as well, its tiny heartbeat pulsing through the fabric between them in reassuring measures.
Despite continuing to be exceptionally tired after his selfless act to save the injured panda, the healer smiled with a tenderness that only these two souls could evoke within him and he reached over to gently ruffle loose crimson tresses as he called softly, "gojyo? wake up, dear friend. you'll have a terrible backache if you sleep like that."
"hmm?" Stunning long-lashed eyes opened slowly and then, with a heartfelt smile of his own, Gojyo replied in a soft voice so as not to rouse the dragon, "no i won't. i used to do this all the time, baby, i'll be fine." He moved ever so slightly so that he could gaze eye to eye with his friend. They were so close that he could smell the slightly herbal scent of shampoo clinging to soft brown hair that he ached to caress as he did so often when they first lived together and the man he'd called Nanashi depended on him for everything.
The corners of verdant eyes crinkled slightly with pleasure as Hakkai delighted in the way his cherished roommate's face filled his view and with a gesture they'd shared often in the past, he closed the distance between them and dropped a brief, chaste kiss to Gojyo's lips. Not displeased when the half-breed pressed their lips back together almost the moment they'd separated, making the kiss linger, Hakkai let his eyes drift shut and he enjoyed the moment never wondering if it might be a prelude to something far more marvelous.
The truth of the matter was that the pair had often exchanged kisses which over the course of two wonderful years had patiently evolved from chaste to tentative to confidant to increasingly probing ones.
The later type of exchange often left Hakkai breathless since he'd never experienced such depth of feeling and passion with the gentle, child-like, and decidedly inhibited girl who had been his first and only lover. Kanan had never been sexually adventurous thereby leaving the man who was left behind by her suicide somewhat lost and adrift when he considered intimacy with anyone else, especially another male. Luckily, Gojyo's extensive and inventive sexual repertoire would more than compensate for his partner's inexperience, something whose limits were being expanded with careful slowness recently.
Since May of that year, fingers had begun to more frequently find their way past shirts where they would lovingly sketch the lines of one another's torsos as the couple took the progression of their relationship at what may have seemed to others to be like a snail's pace.
On September twenty-first in a very private birthday celebration, the daring digits of the taller of the two roommates had gone so far as to finally sneak beneath the waistband of the shorter one's pants after waiting what had seemed like forever to allow themselves that level of intimacy. The reaction Gojyo received for his courageous gesture had been overwhelmingly positive and as he gently fondled Hakkai's awakening arousal for the first time, he discovered the quiet brunette was marvelously sensitive.
The memory of being allowed to reveal the erection he himself had incited always brought a tender smile to the half-breed's face. His shy, modest partner had nothing to be ashamed of regarding his manhood and as he gazed at the warm, pulsing shaft in his hand, Gojyo had felt himself become rock-hard, a certain sign that they were indeed going in the right direction.
As Hakkai moaned sensually when he had stroked him from base to tip, it had been all the crimson-haired man could do not to ask if his friend hadn't ever touched himself this way in the past it all seemed so new and glorious to the brunette. The moment hadn't lasted long, yet the memory of the splash of heated, wonderful wetness over Gojyo's hand would linger for a lifetime as would the cry of joy that came with it.
Even though simple hand jobs had never seemed satisfying with other partners, there was something so irresistible in Hakkai's soft gasps of pleasure that quite often Gojyo found himself swept into climax without a touch or with only the lightest of strokes of his own.
Only within the last month as winter's approach caused the nights to lengthen had Hakkai found the nerve to initiate a similar intimate moment when Gojyo had exited the bathroom after showering wearing only a towel since he'd conveniently forgotten his robe. The former teacher's actions had been tentative at best, yet the level of affection and warmth in them overcame his lack of confidence and when Gojyo achieved climax spectacularly while exclaiming his partner's name in a soft cry of pleasure, the green-eyed man had followed suit immediately.
The pair had clung to one another as they shuddered through orgasm and then with a soft laugh, Hakkai had noted the fact that Gojyo needed to shower all over again. This lead to a predictable naughty suggestion on the part of the former lady's man that they do so together, but the offer was declined as was a previous one to show Hakkai a different way to clean up post-climax that didn't involve any added equipment. The human-turned-youkai wasn't a prude by any means, he was simply dreadfully nervous due to inexperience, but that was understood, accepted, and adored by the man who had the patience of a saint when it came to waiting for him to be ready to go farther.
As the lengthy yet tender and noninvasive kiss finally ended, Gojyo leaned back a little and gazed inquiringly at the man in the bed as he asked, "how're you doing, 'kai? feeling any better yet?"
With a sigh of disappointment, the brunette replied, "perhaps a little, but not much, i'm afraid. i'm still awfully tired." As the scent of ginger and richly spiced food reached his nostrils, he frowned unhappily while remarking in regretful tones, "oh no. you had to go out and buy dinner for yourself and hakuryu, didn't you, gojyo?"
"yeah, i did, but it's no biggie, babe," the half-breed assured. Then he gave in to the desire to reach out and cradle the other man's face in the palm of his hand, holding it there warmly as he stated firmly, "you needed rest, 'kai. the dragon and me were just fine with some take-out tonight. weren't we, bright eyes?" The last sentence was directed to a small snowy head who was peeking over the brunette's body and blinking at them curiously.
"Oh! I'm so sorry we woke you, Hakuryu," Hakkai said more loudly now that no one was sleeping then moved to pet the dragon who stood on its stout little legs as it peered at the two men wondering if they might be in need of more privacy.
"Kyu," the dragon assured that it didn't mind. Noticing the fact that Hakkai's lips seemed somewhat puffy as if he'd been kissed rather well recently, it tilted its head to the side and inquired hopefully, "Kyu?"
A slight blush blossomed on the brunette's face and with a nod, Hakkai responded, "Everything's fine, Hakuryu." Green eyes flickered from one set of well loved red eyes to another and then with a soft, disappointed sigh, he amended, "Well, it would be fine if only I had been able to make that special dinner that I wanted to give you as a gift, Gojyo."
After scratching Hakuryu's long neck fondly, Gojyo moved to stroke Hakkai's instead with even greater tenderness and with a small shake of his head, he insisted, "Don't worry over it, baby. We can do that some other night when you're feeling better, all right?"
With an uncertain and clearly unhappy expression on his face, Hakkai agreed, "If you say so. But it was the only thing you could think of for me to give you for your birthday." Sighing deeply, he turned his eyes towards the kitchen as if willing it to prepare the sumptuous repast he himself had been planning to create.
Hakuryu had observed the two men and with a small, annoyed sigh of its own, the dragon peered at Gojyo and when garnet met ruby it suggested simply, "Kyu?" The sound quite clearly carried an implication that the magical being felt something in particular needed to be done yet it went unheard by the tired man between the two who was yawning slightly at that moment.
Not as adept at reading the small creature's meaning as his companion was, Gojyo looked back with a slight frown drawing his brows together and then, as if a proverbial light bulb had come into being above his head, the light dawned and he grinned broadly. "Ah, right, Hakuryu! I catch your drift, pal!"
"Kyu!" The dragon responded flatly, congratulating the man for finally getting a clue and then nuzzled Hakkai for a moment to get his attention when the brief spell of yawning passed.
"Yes? What is it, Hakuryu?" Hakkai inquired, curious what the previously sleepy little thing wanted from him and wondering if it was in the mood for one of its rare night hunts.
"Ky~yu," the dragon practically purred, rubbing its snout across the brunette's lower jaw and then taking wing. It fluttered over to Gojyo, nuzzled him as well, and then took flight once more heading for the warm spot on top of the refrigerator that many a housecat has discovered to be particularly cozy.
Sparkling ruby-colored eyes watched emerald-toned ones blinking in surprise as Hakkai tried to understand what that had been all about.
Knowing full well that the wise animal was simply giving them the privacy that it knew they needed, Gojyo offered his friend the somewhat darker, more promising smile he'd worn so many meaningless nights in the past when he sought comfort from some easily forgotten woman at the bar. Lifting one eyebrow inquiringly, he asked in a sultry tone, "So, 'Kai, you still worried about giving me a present before my birthday ends? If so, I bet I can think of something I'd like." If the truth was known, Gojyo had contemplated what he intended on suggesting ever since the monumental step forward the couple had taken on Hakkai's birthday seven weeks earlier, but he didn't want to risk rejection by asking for it directly.
Swallowing nervously even though he knew that if whatever Gojyo asked for was unwanted all it took to prevent it was a simple word of negation and his roommate would apologize for assuming too much, Hakkai gave the matter less than a heartbeat's thought and replied, "Yes, Gojyo. I would indeed be quite interested in giving you something to remember the day by." Frowning a little, he amended, "Um, other than having to rescue me yet again, that is."
Pouting openly as he rose from the floor and moved to lay side by side next to the man he adored, Gojyo disagreed, "But I happen to *like* rescuing you, baby!" As he slipped his arms around his bedmate and turned Hakkai to face him more fully, he continued, "I *like* knowing I can be the one to be there for you when you need help, 'Kai. And I like to think that someday, if I needed the same, you'd be there for me, too."
Smiling and relaxing in the strength that surrounded him, Hakkai leaned forward and kissed his friend firmly before promising, "If at all possible, I will indeed be there for you, too, Gojyo. Always." There had been a warm hand stroking his back which now moved to reach between them and slip beneath the covers seeking entrance to his shirt, something he made more easily attainable by simply pushing the bedspread and sheet aside as much as possible.
"Mmm, now *this* has the makings of an excellent birthday gift," Gojyo growled sensually even as he finished unbuttoning the shirt he'd so carefully loosened earlier in the afternoon.
"Oh? Does it?" Hakkai responded hopefully even as the usual shudder of revulsion passed through him as the terrifying scar on his abdomen began to be revealed.
"Most definitely," the crimson-haired man assured while very patiently stroking his fingertips lightly across the puckered, disfigured flesh even as the once radically damaged muscles beneath it tightened in spasms. He'd learned early on that no matter how much time passed, Hakkai still experienced brief flashbacks to that horrible day when he'd been very nearly disemboweled by Chin Iisou and he knew it would leave his partner's mind more quickly if he didn't try to ignore it.
Pleased when the muscles beneath his hand stopped clenching nervously, Gojyo turned his gaze towards his bedmate and said in a low voice filled with an odd hunger, "Since you seem so interested in giving me something to eat, baby, mind if I have some dessert now?"
Nodding slowly as he felt those same talented fingers gliding up his abdomen to his chest and then over to one newly revealed dusky nipple, Hakkai gasped slightly yet said nothing for having the moist warmth of Gojyo's sensual lips on his chest was not an alien sensation. In fact, he rather liked the feeling of the half-breed urging the small bit of flesh to hardness and then suckling at it, a sensation he'd been comfortable enough to return long before they'd progressed to more intimate interactions.
Plucking lightly at the pebbled nipple then drawing circles around it with a fingertip before his mouth descended upon it, Gojyo murmured, "This looks delicious," and replaced the digit with his tongue, happily making the concentric rings grow smaller and smaller until he had the tasty treat in his mouth.
"Ah!" Hakkai moaned aloud as his back arched, pressing his chest into Gojyo's mouth then he nearly sobbed with pleasure as the suction on his sensitive nubbin sent shivery tingles of delight through him. In a previously unheard of expression of need, he entreated, "More!"
Astounded and deeply gratified since what he ultimately had in mind was indeed much, much more, Gojyo agreed gladly, "Anything for you, baby." After placing a long, slow, wet swipe of his tongue across the now rock-hard flesh, he blew cool air across it causing the other man to shiver with anticipation before moving to the other side of Hakkai's chest to offer the same treatment there.
Long fingers twined themselves automatically in crimson waves that ebbed and flowed across the alabaster expanse of now bare chest and with another gasped moan of delight, Hakkai reacted favorably to the additional attention his roommate offered his body.
When Gojyo lifted swollen lips from where they had enjoyed tasting the first of what he hoped would be a multi-course dessert service, his friend peered down at him with a questioning look on his face. But before Hakkai could offer similar treatments, the scarlet-eyed man forestalled the discussion by sliding back up the mattress and pressing their mouths together in a demanding kiss.
Gojyo's tongue lapped across his partner's closed lips and with a soft murmur of welcome the barrier disappeared and the moist visitor entered then explored the interior of Hakkai's mouth, tasting it and rediscovering its many secrets. Passivity melted over time and soon the other man's tongue slithered against the pleasant invader and soon they danced together erotically in the dark cavern of the half-breed's mouth as well.
Moaning sensually as the intimate assault continued to bring his blood to a boil, Hakkai finally remembered his own hands could move and he slipped them under the hem of his bedmate's long-sleeved tee-shirt so they could find hidden treasures, too. Rubbing both hands open-palmed across Gojyo's chest, he soon felt stiff pebbles he wanted to taste yet his tongue was far too happy with its current location to depart any sooner than necessary.
The need for oxygen finally overtook the passionate pair and as they separated gasping for breath, Gojyo laughed softly and in a dark, delighted tone, he exclaimed, "Well, *damn*! You are really into this tonight, aren't you, baby?" Noting the deepening of the blush on pale cheeks and fearing that he had said too much, he allowed the timbre of his voice to shift ever so slightly and he offered more tenderly, "I didn't mean to get so carried away, 'Kai. It's just that you're so unbelievably sexy like this and it only makes me want you all the more."
"Really?" Hakkai asked in an uncertain voice since he'd feared being too eager might make him less desirable to his partner, forest green eyes shifting down to where he had pushed the shirt with the oddly familiar skull-designs on its sleeves up as far as he could get it. Roaming his hands across finely chiseled abdominal muscles and finding them as glorious as always, he added tentatively, "Then perhaps we might both be more comfortable without so much cloth in the way, Gojyo? I would like to--"
The words were halted by a gentle pair of fingertips at his lips and with a smile that promised Hakkai that he could see as much of his partner later as he wanted to, Gojyo reminded gently, "Let the birthday boy play some more, okay, baby? There's more *I* want to do to *you*, 'Kai. If you'll let me, that is."
Chastened, Hakkai nodded as he acquiesced, "But of course. Please, show me what else you wish for, Gojyo." Then he offered a heart-melting, genuine smile as he felt Gojyo shift them both upright on the bed and begin to remove their shirts completely, tossing them aside carelessly soon thereafter and doing the same with the now hopelessly tangled bedcovers.
Gazing at the expanse of pale flesh he thought he'd enjoy painting fully with lips and tongue someday, Gojyo very deliberately allowed his blood red eyes to drop to where he himself had undone the snap of Hakkai's jeans in the afternoon in the name of comfort. After leaving the lingering gaze there long enough that there really wasn't any doubt regarding what he wanted to uncover next, he reached out and slowly traced a fingertip around the thick bulge he'd been delighted to find tenting out the front of the denims.
"Ah!" Hakkai suddenly drew in a quick breath as his hardness twitched in its fabric prison and without ever realizing it, he pressed back against the roaming digit wordlessly pleading for more.
Gojyo moved his free hand up to cradle the back of Hakkai's head, helping to support him even as his other hand began to stroke up and down the arousal he could envision as already weeping with desire for his attentions. When he felt as much as heard another shuddering gasp of need, he asked in a passion-roughened tone, "Do you *really* want me to show you what I wish for, 'Kai?"
Startled slightly by the deliberate echoing of his request and realizing his friend was asking for permission to go substantially farther than they had so far, Hakkai let his eyes slip halfway shut and in a breathless voice he answered simply, "Yes."
A gaze as red and hot as molten steel fresh from a forge met a partially lidded emerald one and as he ran his tongue across full, sensual lips, Gojyo very nearly purred, "Good, that's what I hoped you'd say."
There was no hesitation in the gambler's actions as he gently laid his bedmate back down, making sure there were several pillows beneath Hakkai's head so he'd have an excellent view of the proceedings should he wish it. Then Gojyo slid the zipper of the jeans down slowly, exposing his partner's unpretentious white cotton boxers which immediately protruded from the opening eagerly. Slipping long fingers into the waistband of the undergarment with practiced ease, Gojyo drew both it and the pants down, glad when Hakkai obligingly lifted his hips thereby allowing him to remove the impediments entirely before tossing them aside.
After allowing gravity and random chance to decide where the newly discarded clothing would end up on the floor, Gojyo turned burning eyes back to his now fully revealed partner who lay beautifully displayed before him. [1]
Hungry scarlet eyes drifted appreciatively up from unremarkable masculine feet, past finely sculptured calves to a pair of thighs whose juncture bore a most desirable piece of anatomy. Pausing in his visual explorations, he allowed his sight to linger on the firm, engorged length as well as the velvety sac which hung beneath, something he hadn't yet allowed himself to fondle as much as he wanted to for fear of intimidating his inexperienced partner. Soft dark-chocolate curls surrounded the base of the hardness which jutted up temptingly with a dewdrop of moisture eagerly oozing from the slit at its tip.
Groaning slightly since he wasn't sure he had the control necessary to play out the scene he wanted to as slowly as Hakkai deserved it to be done, Gojyo forced his eyes back into motion. He looked past the evidence of the other man's desire up to the horrible scar on his partner's abdomen and, in an inspired gesture, he leaned forward and placed a series of gentle, treasuring butterfly kisses onto the puckered flesh.
Gasping, Hakkai asked very softly, "why did you do that, gojyo?"
Offering his handsome friend a smile that was filled with more emotions than either had names for, Gojyo answered, "because i wanted you to know that i don't find it ugly, baby. in fact," he leaned down and kissed the scar again before explaining, "this is what brought us together in the first place and i'm damned grateful for that."
"oh, gojyo," Hakkai sighed, an amazed yet tender smile on his face as he reached out to caress the twin scars on the half-breed's face in a matching gesture. He wished he could say something similar to his friend's caring words, but the intensity of the moment had left his mind incapable of forming the words, so the former teacher just kept smiling and hoping everything would be alright.
Offering a small wink that indicated he understood what had gone unsaid, Gojyo resumed his visual inventory of his partner's body. It wasn't often that his modest roommate would allow him to spend quite so much time merely gazing at his nude form in this manner and he was truly glad to have the opportunity. Even though during the first month they'd been together he'd seen Gonou naked many times, that had been in the name of medical necessity and the moment they were sharing now was entirely different.
Despite the fact that the large scar disrupted the flow of what might have been finely muscled abs, Gojyo found no fault in the way Hakkai's skin gracefully flowed upwards leading his eyes to the damp pair of nipples he'd teased into full arousal. With a smirk, he leaned forward and lapped at them both again, receiving another gasped moan of pleasure for his trouble which sent frissions of desire to his own fabric-bound erection.
With a soft moan, Gojyo lifted his head and gazed from pecs that weren't quite as well defined as his own, to the hollow of a throat he enjoyed kissing, and then completed his pleasant observations with a face that was easily the most beautiful one he had ever seen. The concept of masculine beauty was no more alien to him than it was to the former teacher who was the object of his love and desire, yet he didn't couch it in terms of anything as lofty as artistry.
To Sha Gojyo, Cho Hakkai simply was the ultimate expression of what he had finally allowed himself to acknowledge as truly attractive in a male partner and that was that.
"damn, you're gorgeous," Gojyo whispered as he leaned forward ever so slowly and placed his lips against those of his bedmate, using the kiss to prevent any reply or remark even as he allowed himself to resume his earlier tactile explorations of the man he adored.
Hakkai startled slightly but didn't break the kiss as he felt long fingers begin to caress his heated arousal, stroking it from base to tip in slow, deliberate motions that he knew from experience would never offer completion yet he had no fears of being denied bliss later. For all of his teasing nature and inherent playfulness, Gojyo had a hard and fast rule that unless Hakkai specifically asked him to stop, he would continue whatever form of erotic play they engaged in together until at least the brunette achieved climax even if he himself did not.
When a second hand joined the first and tentatively began to stroke and fondle the twin spheres trapped in velvet that had fascinated Gojyo earlier, the brunette did indeed break the kiss but it was certainly not to ask him to cease. Instead, Hakkai's head fell back onto the pillows and a tremulous, needy moan escaped his lips before he gasped, "oh gods! gojyo!"
The half-breed couldn't have been more pleased by the reaction he was getting from his partner but when Hakkai unwittingly spread his thighs apart silently asking for more of the unsettling yet wonderful new caresses, Gojyo very nearly lost control entirely.
"oh, *fuck*, baby!" The crimson-haired man moaned and reached for the snap on his own pants, undoing it and allowing the zipper to slide partially open, thereby granting himself some relief from the pressure on his own arousal. Gazing at the now dripping shaft in a hand whose fingers had wrapped firmly around it and was pumping steadily in the maddeningly unsatisfying fashion, he added, "you're making me want to do something we're not ready for, 'kai."
Panting and lost in a haze of arousal and growing desperation despite his ignorance, Hakkai tried to find the words to ask what his friend meant yet could not. Instead all he could offer was a groan of need and a slight thrust of his hips into the teasing hands as he whispered, "please…!"
There was no need for the brunette to be more specific than this, though, and Gojyo recommitted himself to only going so far as to explore a previously untested interaction that did not include penetration of any kind for the inexperienced man beneath him.
The worldly sensualist was well aware of the fact that as lost in the moment as Hakkai was, Gojyo could have easily convinced him to allow him to claim his masculine virginity right then and there. However, the strength of their soul-deep commitment to one another would never permit such unfair advantage to be taken and he ruthlessly suppressed the urge to fill the writhing, enticing man beneath him with his very essence.
After dropping a final kiss to his partner's panting mouth, the experienced half-breed rose from where he'd lain and placed himself flat between the other man's elegantly parted, trembling thighs. Pressing his own arousal deep into the soft surface of the bed and hoping against hope it would take care of itself since he was about to be too busy to give it much attention, Gojyo gathered Hakkai's dripping length in one strong hand and drew it towards his lips.
Before taking the first taste of his friend's hot, hard flesh, he gazed at Hakkai waiting to see if there were any last minute second thoughts even as his free hand gently stroked silken inner thighs urging them even farther apart. When confused passion-darkened, forest green eyes locked onto his own equally desiring ones, he extended his tongue and ran it very, very slowly across the substantial glaze of precum on the rounded head of his partner's cock by way of explanation.
"Gods!!" Hakkai suddenly exclaimed quite loudly, his eyes flying wide and one hand flashing out to grasp the scarred side of Gojyo's face. Shocked yet clearly not unhappy with the strange new contact, he demanded, "What are you *doing*, Gojyo?!" Obviously, the former teacher didn't have access to all of his faculties at this point or he might have recalled the misadventure the gambler had had with a certain androgynous blond over two years earlier, but it wasn't really a problem at all.
Running his tongue across his lips, moistening them for the intimate act that was to follow, Gojyo answered in a gentle, reassuring tone, "Take it easy, 'Kai. I just wanted to show you another way to share something really wonderful, that's all." Happily noting a certain amount of eager curiosity since fellatio was quite enjoyable, he swirled his tongue over the head more fully before darting the tip of it into the weeping slit, and sucking out some of the bittersweet fluid there. Then he looked up and added playfully between licks, "Besides, baby, I *did* say I wanted some dessert before my birthday ended."
Trembling from the twin sensations of inner fire that Gojyo was causing to burn within his loins and the unexpected knowledge from somewhere deep inside his soul that this wasn't as alien as he'd first thought, Hakkai broke a barrier that they'd never dared to breach before. With a mixture of fear and hope, he asked, "Is this a way to truly make love, Gojyo?"
Seeing amazement so great that the other man abandoned his oral play entirely and simply stared at him, Hakkai's already flushed face became even redder as he explained self-consciously, "I mean, what we've done before wasn't really making love, was it? Touching each other and bringing one another to climax that way isn't the same as actually being inside someone to a certain extent when the moment comes between two men, is it?"
An expression of infinite adoration filled Gojyo's face and if he hadn't had his hands literally full with the means by which he intended to offer his dearest friend a true first, he most likely would've gathered Hakkai into his arms and showered him with kisses.
With a heart so overflowing with love that it actually throbbed painfully in his chest, he answered earnestly, "You're right, of course, 'Kai. Petting and teasing one another until we both come is damned nice but, yeah, it's not the same at all." An expression of hopeful patience entered scarlet eyes as Gojyo said in a voice filled with promise for the future, "Granted, there's something even better than this is, but it's too soon for that. For now, though, please? May I continue?" His tongue darted out and ran the full length of the throbbing cock that twitched eagerly in response to the slightly rough, moist touch.
"Y-y-yes!" Hakkai stammered, helpless to say that he agreed with Gojyo's assessment of the situation. The knowledge gained years earlier from the bragging of the other boys in the orphanage where he grew up gave the green-eyed man sufficient information to realize that rushing into actual anal intercourse could be an egregious mistake for them both. There was no doubt which of them would be the aggressor in such a situation but now that he knew how incredibly well endowed the half-breed was, Hakkai knew he needed time to mentally and physically prepare for such a union.
While Gojyo's talented tongue, teeth, and lips pleasured him in whole new ways, Hakkai recalled his own shock in October when he'd seen his roommate naked and aroused for the first time the day he'd finally found the courage to initiate an intimate moment himself. When the towel had slipped free from narrow hips and exposed far more than lean hipbones that seemed well worth caressing, the sheer girth of the eager arousal that had greeted him was more than a little overwhelming.
The brunette hadn't allowed his initial surprise to deter him from offering his friend the same release that Gojyo had given him previously, of course. Yet as he ran gentle fingers through thick crimson curls and explored the newest wonders of his partner's body, Hakkai wondered if the fact that his companion's manhood was indeed so massive had anything to do with the taboo against youkai-human procreation. [2]
On that enlightening day, Hakkai had watched with fascination as the heavy, throbbing flesh that he had needed two hands to completely encircle exploded in release, showering himself with far more fluid than his own climax ever had, something else he found fascinating. It had been like watching a pearlescent waterfall burst forth spontaneously from within his grasp which brought with it the sense of fulfillment and pleasure that he could have such a powerful effect on the one he cherished so greatly. The fact that he followed him over the edge mere seconds later without any attention being paid to his own body seemed superfluous at the time.
While Hakkai indulged in highly erotic reminiscences, Gojyo watched his face twist with pleasure and felt a deep sense of satisfaction as he began to rock back and forth against the mattress giving his own untouched and aching erection the friction it needed. Running his teeth up and down the side of his partner's shaft harmonica-style even as he felt tension building in his lower belly, Gojyo changed tactics and without warning deep-throated Hakkai's cock, blocking his gag reflex with greater ease than he'd anticipated.
"GODS!!!" Hakkai screamed aloud, jerking beneath the earth shatteringly wonderful assault that had wiped all rational thought from his mind. Reaching instinctually for the man who was providing him with the greatest pleasure he'd felt in his entire life, the brunette buried his fingers in cascading blood red tresses and held on for dear life as the flames of passion raced through his veins.
Chuckling around the thickness that slid deeply down his throat in a surprisingly pleasurable fashion, Gojyo sucked even harder and then hummed as Tonpu had once recommended to him intending to send his beloved roommate over the edge in a rush.
The feelings of incomparable pleasure were far more than the inexperienced man could possibly cope with and as he screamed his partner's name so loudly that the neighbors truly began to wonder what was going on, Hakkai climaxed more intensely than he ever had before.
Once more heeding the advice of the bisexual who had gone to great lengths to instruct his friend in such matters hoping to indirectly give a priceless gift to someone else, Gojyo had retreated slightly, creating room in his mouth for the salty fluid which hit him like a flood. Pulses of hot seed jetted forth so quickly it was impossible to capture them all, yet he found the difference between bringing a masculine partner to climax this way as opposed to doing the same for a female one most gratifying.
Gojyo certainly hadn't expected that he might actually like the taste and texture of Hakkai's cock half as much as he had. Yet it was the strange, bittersweet yet somehow intoxicating flavor of the human-turned-youkai's essence as it washed across his tongue that he feared he might become addicted to in short order. Tightening the suction on the pulsing shaft as the flood slowed, he milked it of every last delicious drop gratefully enjoying each sip of nectar, a process he was totally wrapped up in until his own thoughts and the unacknowledged friction between his trapped arousal and the mattress reached fruition.
With a suddenness he couldn't possibly have predicted, orgasm exploded deep within Gojyo's lower body and with an almost silent gasp, he, too, fell into the waiting arms of bliss. Trembling as his own copious amounts of seed spilled forth, soaking all of the layers of fabric between himself and the mattress beneath him, the half-breed seemed surrounded by sparkles of rainbow-colored light and it was pure heaven.
As the two intimate partners trembled, moaned, and made all manner of sexy noises, one other being silently celebrated this turn of events.
From its vantage point out of sight atop the refrigerator in the small kitchen, Hakuryu smiled a secretive, draconic smile to itself and nodded its snowy head slowly, thoughtfully. [3] The magical creature wasn't completely satisfied that the couple had found everything they needed to so that they could embrace one another as the soulmates it knew them to be, but it was a step in the right direction.
With a self-satisfied yawn, Hakuryu resettled itself in drowsy warmth and fell fast asleep undisturbed by the uncharacteristic distance between itself and its dearest friends. After all, privacy is something that is needed after the fact as much as it is during the moment and it was glad to provide its housemates with what they needed.
To be continued.
Author's Notes:
[1] As to where I get my inspiration for things like this, the description of Hakkai nude was written while a copy of the infamous "four half-naked bishounen with their pants unbuttoned and all but the blond smiling about it" illustration by Minekura-sensei was sitting next to the computer. Considering the expressions on their faces in that picture, how can *anyone* claim there's no shonen ai intended by the creator of this grand series?
[2] One of my crazy alternate theories as to why a taboo was invoked against youkai and human interbreeding revolves around the idea that a boy born from such a union might have an unfair advantage in the area of sexual endowments. After all, if the males created by such mergers were so much more gifted in this regard, why would the females of either race ever be happy with a mate of their own species again? On the other hand, it's also possible that the hybrids would be sterile the way a mule created by crossing a horse with a donkey is and would therefore not be considered a viable genetic vector in the first place. Or, just to take this absurdity to the ultimate endpoint, combine the two and it's even easier to see why Gojyo's so damned popular with the ladies! He's hung like a horse *and* he can't get them pregnant. Talk about a doubly delightful dream date!
[3] One of the more entertaining things about having a vocabulary larger than most spellcheckers do is the occasional, "Ha! I'm right, Word is wrong!" moments I encounter. Such was the case for the adjective used here to mean "dragon-like" which is indeed correct according to the American Heritage Collegiate Dictionary whereas the choice Word thought I ought to make was "draconian" which actually refers to the body of fair yet horrifically harsh laws codified by Draco. Gee, I bet you never thought you'd get a vocabulary lesson while reading a lemon, now did you?